The Content Children of AOL
(And other annoying AOL stuff.)
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Beware of the Ides of March from the Content Children of AOL
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Perfect Example of an Oxymoron. But Few Citizens will Give a Damn. AOL pushes HuffPo's far-left liberal indoctrination on AOL members, which endorses Planned Parenthood's abortion-on-demand. This is while AOL shows a cute rag doll aborted kids will never see or hold. But that's okay. Is this what liberals at AOL want for the USA? |
October 11, 2012
AOL Headline
Interesting Stories from the Content Children of AOL
Sorry, the stories are listed only when we have time to find or care about them.
(Note: The questions from AOL's content children were so silly and numerous it became a waste of time to track after 2007.)
The Huffington Post Article Reads . . . "President Barack Obama says the Senate's opposition to a bill that would have expanded background checks for gun buyers marks a "shameful day for Washington." He says a minority of senators decided "it wasn't worth it" to protect the nation's children. Obama spoke in the Rose Garden shortly after the Senate vote. It marked a major blow to the gun control push Obama started in the wake of December's shooting at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school. The president pinned the blame for the measures' failure on Republicans, though five Democrats also opposed the plan. Obama was introduced by the father of a 7-year-old killed in the shooting. Other families joined him in the Rose Garden, along with former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head in 2011." . . . Read More (Note is was reported Tucson police could have picked up Gifford's shooter early on, knowing his mental condition. But they didn't. Instead the law enforcement officer blamed conservatives for the murder when that official could have prevented the tragedy, too worried about political correctness to do his job.)
Huffington Post Headline 4/17/2013
The Huffington Post article continues . . .
Note: If it was Christian lifestyles that were spreading AIDS to liberals, the progressive press would be all over it, probably writing Jesus freaks were contaminating the population. In fact the Huffington Post just posted its article as the CDC was releasing its report that the cost of the spread of STI (Sexual Transmitted Infections), was estimated to be around $16,000,000,000, (that's with a 'b' for billion.):
"Concerning any statements the church may have made about Muslims, it's the progressive media's own fault for not reporting the number of murders by Islamists against Christians overseas, therefore not forcing Muslims in the U.S. to speak out against it. Instead the media buries many of the stories in the name of . . . wait for it . . . political correctness, the crusher of all democracies throughout human history. Churches in the U.S., via their missionaries, then react to the need for help in those areas where Islamists have burned down houses of worship and at will hachette up human beings. Franklin Graham, who reaches out to the families of Christians that have been murdered, is then attacked by the progressive media for hate-speech, Graham 'simply mentioning' the killings and kept from the Pentagon Day of Prayer in 2010. Also, did the Huffington Post / AOL get involved in helping to free an American pastor in Iraq, recently sentenced in February 2013 to eight years in prison for simply having a Bible study. Or does that offend HuffPo, too, the 'news' agency adopting Sharia Law into its corporate culture? I wouldn't be surprised at anything HuffPo does. So you're damn right churches in America are angry. And they should be in a country where their grandparents and those before them fought hard against other fascists in the world who tried to prevent them from their freedom of speech. The Huffington Post is only doing what it sees as normal through Alinsky-adopted lenses. Anyone interested in how this is done can go to this Web page to read who tried to shut Franklin Graham up. They can then scroll down to see a long list of attacks by Muslims on Christian families along with other disturbing stories. . . . "2,000 Years Later" - Webmaster
Huffington Post Headline 2/15/2013
Related to more content in the left column, the church is correct to be concerned about the unnecessary spread of AIDS. The Department of Health for the State of New York writes the following warning on AIDS transmission and why sodomy so easily spreads AIDS:
Another Web site documents its findings concerning AIDS, writing the following with research completed up to the early 1990's, showing nothing much has changed in two decades:
AOL's CEO, Armstrong, allows this kind of bias writing as news from the (cough) news service he purchased on AOL's membership's dime. Newspapers are not allowed to do this, having to put opinion pieces like this one from HuffPo in the opinion section so the reader knows the article is full of spin and political agendas. But Armstrong goes wild, allowing this biased agenda as if news on the front pages of HuffPo's section. HuffPo had been as if the sister news organization of the DailyKOS, HuffPo a liberal progressive Web outlet when purchased by AOL. Its diatribe was allowed to continue such as shown in the article on the right that drips with bias, copy below written by HuffPo with the full context on the right:
HuffPo likes to forget that new information had already come forth that the Obama administration in Washington D.C. had killed an American citizen on foreign soil with a military drone because the citizen was reported to be a terrorist. We used to capture Americans accused of terrorism and put them in front of a court to prove their guilt or innocence. Now this administration simply whacks them like Al Capone in Chicago. Since this 16-year old American "terrorist" was from Denver, what exactly are the rules these days for who qualifies to be taken out with a drone, information held secret when it happen to be an American citizen.
This is an excellent question when remembering Obama's open support for the Southern Poverty Law Center, allowing its hate on an FBI site and then to Homeland Security, both well documented. While candidate Obama in 2008 had accused then President Bush of torturing known terrorists in the process of water boarding, three reported, their information was later used by Obama to capture, (oops), kill ben ladin. (See story in next segment below.) Obama himself, as president, now obviously avoids torture. He instead simply murders an assumed American terrorist from the air in another country by the simple push of a button. And what's best for Obama is that he never gets his hands dirty. Yea, HuffPo, and those AP "journalists," who are reported to have helped to write this story on the right, LaPierre was obviously correct in being concerned that the Obama administration could be a tyrannical government angling to grab people's firearms. My wife, born in Wyoming in the 1940's, well remembers firearms being brought to schools without question for gun clubs to teach safety, no one shot in the classroom. That society at that time was controlled by conservatives. Seventy years later this American society is controlled by progressive nannies represented by HuffPo's corporate culture and the Obama tyrannical administration HuffPo just loves, along with its Czars, some admitted Communists. Even a former Weather Underground bomber, Jeff Jones, was allowed by Obama to help write the regulations in Obama's Healthcare Bill. It proves again that guns don't kill, people do, especially those being brought up in a progressive culture where Hollywood and video game producers now fill TV and movie screens with gun-killing violence. They also add plenty of blood and gore 24/7 not unlike the blood and gore left on the floors in the Newtown killing by a mentally ill young adult, who had been bullied all his life. Something is extremely wrong with this picture of America today, one HuffPo with its progressive media are wanting to hide it from the American public by pointing to other subjects while mocking them, such as LaPierre of the NRA in this story. Be aware the progressive media's technique has a teacher. Its from the late Saul Alinsky and his Power Points for control. The technique also has an outcome. It's called fascism, it finally raising its ugly head in America. The Obama administration has created the faux need for a "Nanny State," a cultural foundation that allows fascism loose onto societies. America had come to the rescue of one of those in Germany in WWII. But now I have to ask, who will come to the American people's rescue when fascism goes viral on this soil? Surely not AOL, not HuffPo or its progressive mainstream media, or the Obama administration, and of course hands down not the Southern Poverty Law Center. |
As if news, AOL allowed on February 9, 2013 -
The following article was reported by HuffPo on March 6, 2012. I was stunned that HuffPo waits for WikiLeaks to ask the question that HuffPo doesn't seem to have had time to investigate, too busy with its daily partying with the Obama administration?
The following was sent to HuffPo on March 2, 2012, as a comment to the article on the right:
Image is from AOL's HuffingtonPost
The following is lead-in copy from a story for the far-left, liberal progressive Internet Service Provider, AOL, by the HuffingtonPost, its news agency of record. The acid hate lead-in for the stories headline proves again, as I have said, that the HuffingtonPost news agency purchased by AOL is not unlike the DailyKOS, a blogging service that had been excited to see the FOX News reporter, Tony Snow, come down with and die of cancer, all the presidential 2008 Democrat candidates running to seek approval from the DailyKOS readers.
The Story is written by Larry Doyle, who is attributed to being a comedy writer for shows such as the Simpsons and Beavis & Butthead. Doyle goes on to write for AOL's HuffingtonPost's Comedy Section:
Image is from AOL's HuffingtonPost.
I wrote the following to the Content Children of AOL on the story found on the right they reported on February 22, 2011. The content children of AOL had the headline today, "Four American Hostages Killed by Somali Pirates." But they were not hostages, as in a building, but Christians abducted in International waters, an important part of the headline since readers do not always go beyond the headline. Also they were not killed. They were murdered. And they were not murdered by just Somali Pirates but by Muslim Pirates in an area where I believe Muslim have been at war with America since the days of Thomas Jefferson. President Obama had four war ships following the yacht when one rubber raft with Navy Seals at night would have ended the abduction in a heart beat. So below is how your headline should have read, probably similar to what would have been written in the 1950s by real journalists, not today's liberals happily coloring the news to be PC: "Carrying Bibles for the world, four American Christians abducted at sea murdered by Muslim Pirates." AOL should correct it, but it won't. But it doesn't end there. Then AOL in its World News Section blamed the American Christians for their murders, writing in its headline, "Americans Killed by Pirates Knew the Risks, Friends Say." |
The [yacht] Quest was the home of Jean and Scott Adam, a couple from California who had been sailing around the world since December 2004 with a yacht full of Bibles. The two other Americans on board were Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle, of Seattle, Wash. - CBS News
Note: AOL could have picked up this CBS Story instead, CBS at least getting its teeth into what had happened to these innocent Christian Americans at the hands of Islamists. |
Below is the first few sentences in an article AOL's content children had linked to from Politics Daily. Note the lead-in to the story says nothing about a GOP plot, AOL inventing that image on purpose. "While acknowledging they don't have the votes for outright repeal of the health care reform law, congressional Republicans plan to chip away at it piece by piece such as through measures that would limit the government's ability to enforce key provisions of the measure, the New York Times reported Sunday. Politics Daily, November 7, 2010 AOL's lead in words on its membership's news page were no different than what the far-left AARP had done to its membership in its magazine mailed to them. In AARP's summer 2009 issue before the healthcare vote had been taken, AARP had shown a thumbs-up graphic symbol the height of a page. When AARP was later challenged on only representing its liberal membership in discussing the bill, its executives said in so many words, "Who, us? We would never do that!" Remember this video of a meeting held by an AARP representative, reminding one of how a dictatorship operates?
And don't forget the lies of Barack Obama, telling audiences before the bill was passed and to justify its existence that their doctors were purposely cutting off feet and taking out tonsils to make money rather than do good medical research to avoid the profitable surgeries. No one in the Democrat-planted audience reminded Obama that the doctors who discover the problems aren't the ones doing the surgeries. The Democrat-supported audience's lack of response is probably just another sign of what comes out of the poor education system in America run by the NEA, a teacher organization that recommends Alinsky Power Points as a teaching tool on its Web site. And Obama had also told a woman concerning her elderly mother, needing a pacemaker and getting the procedure, that the elderly, such as her mother, could have instead taken a pain pill. However pain is usually not the issue when considering a pacemaker, instead an irregular heart beat. Remember, this president is a graduate of Harvard University, ground zero for progressive propaganda. |
AOL content children holds subscribers in total suspense, biting their nails, See Who She Wants to Resign WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. first lady Laura Bush -- in a rare foray into foreign policy -- called on Myanmar's military junta to "step aside," give up the "terror campaigns" against its people and allow for a democratic Myanmar in a commentary published in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal. "Gen. Than Shwe and his deputies are a friendless regime," Bush said. "They should step aside to make way for a unified Burma [Myanmar] governed by legitimate leaders." |
AOL Source: CNN News 10/10/07
AOL asks the question only the investigating vet can know, Did Ground Zero Smoke Kill Jake? (July 26, AP) - A black Labrador who became a national canine hero after burrowing through white-hot, smoking debris in search of survivors at the World Trade Center site died Wednesday after a battle with cancer. Owner Mary Flood had Jake put to sleep Wednesday after a last stroll through the fields and a dip in the creek near their home in Oakley, Utah. He was in too much pain at the end, shaking with a 105-degree fever as he lay on the lawn. |
AOL asks mind-blowing question on Pizza Hut waitress getting $10,000 tip, How will she use the money? (July 13) — It was just a typical day on the job at the Pizza Hut in Angola, Ind., for 20-year-old Jessica Osborne when out of the blue, she received a gift that would change her life: a $10,000 tip from one of her customers. "When I opened it up, I just — I thought maybe I read too many zeros and I lost my breath," Osborne said on "Good Morning America." "It was amazing." |
Critical question for those who pay $24.95, Do you believe the Amazon monster exists? RIO BRANCO, Brazil (July 8) -- Perhaps it is nothing more than a legend, as skeptics say. Or maybe it is real, as those who claim to have seen it avow. But the mere mention of the mapinguary, the giant slothlike monster of the Amazon, is enough to send shivers down the spines of almost all who dwell in the world’s largest rain forest. The folklore here is full of tales of encounters with the creature, and nearly every Indian tribe in the Amazon, including those that have had no contact with one another, have a word for the mapinguary (pronounced ma-ping-wahr-EE). The name is usually translated as “the roaring animal” or “the fetid beast.” |
AOL asks, Do you think a second grader could have done better? MEYERS, Calif. (June 25) - A raging wildfire near Lake Tahoe on Monday forced hundreds of residents to flee towering flames that destroyed more than 200 buildings, turned the sky orange and fouled the lake's famously clear waters with falling ash. Many hotels offered free rooms as families clung to one bit of good news: Despite the destruction, there were no reports of injuries. |
Oh no, AOL reports Sea water rising You may have to kiss that summer trip to the beach goodbye later this century, thanks to rising sea levels and more intense tropical storms, scientists predict. A new study of the potential sand losses to North Carolina beaches reports that a 1-foot rise in sea level in the next 25 to 75 years (which is at the lower end of the range predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) would cause the coast to move inland by 2,000 to 10,000 feet and could cost an estimated $223 million in lost recreational value by 2080 to beach-goers in that state alone. Whitehead found that people prefer wider beaches, which provide more room for throwing Frisbees and eating sandy sandwiches. By determining how far people will drive to these roomier beaches and calculating the cost of those drives, Whitehead estimated the millions of dollars that would be lost to vacationers. And for those for whom the allure of a vacation at the beach is simply irresistible, few options will be left, as the only beaches to survive would likely be the ones that are undeveloped now.
AOL asks, Tribute fitting or exploitive, as if it was any of their business This is not just content children at work, these are employees paid by your monthly fee trying to manipulate the news on your dime. Read the poll again positioned by the content providers of AOL: "Should Irwin's final show have been aired?" Then they not only ask Yes or No, but they go a step further: "Yes, it's a fitting tribute." "No, it's exploitive." "Exploitive!" Really, exploitive?! AOL is basically asking you, in their words, is Steve Irwin's wife, who controls what is produced in the name of her husband, purposely exploiting his death to further her future or her earnings. Exploitive is a loaded word. There is no licensing, there is no quid pro quo here," Sweeney said. "There's no financial incentive to them or to us." Did you forget that Google is the company with the mission statement, "Do no harm?" Yet we ourselves have experienced our URL suddenly being sucked from Google's search engine immediately after we had written a letter of complain through "Grassfire." The next day ironically our URL titled "Freedom is Knowledge" disappeared off of Google's radar. Of course if you are not dumb, blind, and have not lost your hearing, you know Google has already helped the Chinese government to censor Web pages from its own people, Google knowing exactly what it was doing. Google obviously from the Chinese experience alone is not to be trusted at all, as it could justify in its mind doing the same for any other government. For instance, we know it has been reported that Google's employees only donate as a group to the Democrat Party. So what is to stop Google from saying one day, "We need to sensor information that would not be beneficial to the image of OUR Democrat Party?" Google has already proven that it would be capable of doing just that to its users. Yet only 2% of 29,228 taking the poll saw Google as a negative force. That's absolutely frightening, since people aren't protecting their democracy instead simply accepting that Google will never do them any harm . . . as if Google was this big soft, stuffed teddy bear. Wow! That is amazing. In other words, if the AOL users who took this poll was a young boys and Google was a NAMBLA member that lived next door or was e-mailing him on the Web, how long would it be before this young boy would have already been raped having a trust factor of the NAMBLA member 98%? You should think about that. If not, ask Barbara Curley what she thinks about that. |
This is the stuff AOL should be doing for its users, teaching them to never absolutely trust the information they are receiving from outside sources. But sadly this was never the intent of the posting. An interesting quote at the end of story that we bet was missed by nearly all who took the poll read: "There is no licensing, there is no quid pro quo here," Sweeney said. "There's no financial incentive to them or to us." Did you forget that Google is the company with the mission statement, "Do no harm?" Yet we ourselves have experienced our URL suddenly being sucked from Google's search engine immediately after we had written a letter of complain through "Grassfire." The next day ironically our URL titled "Freedom is Knowledge" disappeared off of Google's radar. Of course if you are not dumb, blind, and have not lost your hearing, you know Google has already helped the Chinese government to censor Web pages from its own people, Google knowing exactly what it was doing. Google obviously from the Chinese experience alone is not to be trusted at all, as it could justify in its mind doing the same for any other government. For instance, we know it has been reported that Google's employees only donate as a group to the Democrat Party. So what is to stop Google from saying one day, "We need to sensor information that would not be beneficial to the image of OUR Democrat Party?" Google has already proven that it would be capable of doing just that to its users. Yet only 2% of 29,228 taking the poll saw Google as a negative force. That's absolutely frightening, since people aren't protecting their democracy instead simply accepting that Google will never do them any harm . . . as if Google was this big soft, stuffed teddy bear. Wow! That is amazing. In other words, if the AOL users who took this poll was a young boys and Google was a NAMBLA member that lived next door or was e-mailing him on the Web, how long would it be before this young boy would have already been raped having a trust factor of the NAMBLA member 98%? You should think about that. If not, ask Barbara Curley what she thinks about that. |
As if subscribers all live in the same town, the AOL content children ask, How do you think the mayor died? I can't believe this. AOL's content children are at it again, asking if AOL subscribers,"How do you think the mayor died?" How the hell are they supposed to know, sitting in their shorts on a computer five miles away or on the other side of the world. But here are some suggestions if the content children at AOL really don't know, since they are looking for an answer. - He was cleaning his gun in the parking lot when a wasp landed on his chest, his using whatever was in his hand to swat the thing off. - There was a loud "bang" from a nearby flat tire, the mayor thinking his gun went off. So he pulled the trigger to see if that was the sound he heard. - He wanted to cause harm to his town, so he shot himself to give it a bad name. - He was robbed, saying to the individual, "Go ahead and shoot. I don't care." - Some white people hated him, so they shot him right in the open where they could be seen by a passing individual or nearby security cameras. - Hell, I don't know. Give it to CSI. They solve everything. We just hate it when anyone has to bite the dust this way. But remember just like in the music industry with Gangsta-Rap artists, the violence of the street rides with them up the ladder of success. |
AOL asks its more experienced African hunter subscribers, Did hunters shoot the right elephant? I still can't believe this. AOL's content children are at it again, asking if AOL subscribers know if hunters shot the right elephant. Since AOL seems to not know the answer, here are some potential clues we thought of: 1. The elephant didn't provide the proper ID upon being approached by the hunter. 2. The elephant got scared, ran when a hunter screamed, "This is the law. You're under arrest. Stop or I'll shoot." 3. The elephant's family is going to court, accusing the hunter of profiling. 4. The hunter got the wrong elephant, then was sued by Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg for gender-speech violation when it was reported by one of AP's political correct journalist he had said, "If you've seen one elephant, you seen them all." 5. The elephant isn't dead, having watched Ice Age II at a local outdoor theater a free weeks ago and is still playing possum. If they're not sure, we suggest they look for large, warm bowling-ball type structures near the rear of the elephant. |
AOL asks nail biting $24.95 question, Why was the solo flight cut short? AOL's content children are at it again, asking if AOL subscribers can tell them why the solo flight was cut short. Since AOL admits it doesn't know the answer, here are some potential clues we thought of: 1. The pilot has a prostate problem and forgot to take his medication, needing a quick rest stop. 2. The plane's fuel tank showed empty. 3. A wheel fell off. 4. The engine slipped out the back end. 5. A teeny-tiny light was not working. Hell, I don't know why and I also don't know why we have to go through this "See Dick Run" routine with the content children at AOL. However, AOL actually did know the answer, reporting a date sensor was not working. "Wow, now I needed to know that!" See what you get for $24.95 a month at AOL. Do you think PeoplePC asks dumb questions like this? For $9.95 a month, no one would care. Finally, while Iran is making ready to attack Israel, saying they faked the Holocaust in WWII, AOL wants us to know that Angelina is to remain a single mom, calling it, (tears), a "Love Story." Do you want the real story the content children missed here? 1/3 of all children born today in the U.S. are now born to single mothers. You can go back now to playing your XBox. |
AOL asks subscribers racist question, Are you ready to vote for a black for president? AOL content children ignored the more important question, Who would you want to see as the first black president? AOL's content children are at it again, asking if AOL subscribers are ready to vote for a female or black [African American, dudes] for president. Wasn't it AOL that just put up a recent poll where people wrote in the most likable candidates they would like see run for president. And, uh, wasn't John Kerry last on that list and Condi Rice up near the top, a woman and an African American? I think the question AOL's content providers asked, as usual, don't speak well for their view of the intelligence of AOL users. I would think better and more intelligent questions to ask, and that didn't look like race baiting, might be the following: "Would Obama's lack of experience concern you if he were to run for president?" And for Hillary, maybe the following question would be more appropriate: "Do you think the America people are tired of hearing about the Clinton's and instead want new blood in the White House in 2008?" Finally, how about asking, "Do you want to see Obama or Hillary as president in 2008 or someone else?" |
AOL asks, Does the Ebola Virus worry you? Yet AOL ignores the more important question right under their noses. On December 10, 2006, ran the lead-in story, "Ebola Has Killed 5,000 Gorillas, Study Suggests." This story on AOL from Reuters reported that thousands of gorillas have been killed by the Ebola Virus running rampant through its population. I was shocked (but shouldn't have been) at the way AOL's content providers handled the poll question to AOL users on this very serious story, users whose dimes are used to pay content providers to hopefully not offend their intelligence. The poll question was based on an estimated 5,000 gorillas that have died from a horrible virus, one which could wipe the entire species off the face of the planet. Remember that this is not happening to the Polar Bears, but with an assumed global warming everyone is suddenly worried about the bears. And we have the far-left telling us that taking oil from Alaska will hurt the Caribou, when in reality those animals just love the warmth of the pipe lines, which has actually increased their population. So what poll question did the AOL content provider's create concerning this story? You can see for yourself on the right. They asked, "Does the Ebola virus worry you?" |
This is one of AOL's lead-in stories from Reuters on December 10, 2006, and the potential extinction of the Gorilla off the face of the earth., titled "Ebola Has Killed 5,000 Gorillas, Study Suggests." Note: Link to this story on AOL may have timed out on their server. |
AOL content providers keep reminding me of my first second grade reading book on the adventures of Jack and Jill. "Look at Jack run." the little book had read. "He is fast. Do you think you could run as fast as Jack?" At noon on December 10, 2006, 86% of 35,000 AOL users answered "Yes" to the poll question. (Duh!) An example of a better question for AOL users could have been, "With STD's running rampant in the world, should humans become smarter about controlling how diseases are spread among them after seeing what is happening to the gorilla?" AOL should be helping its 13,000 users to better think about the quality of their own lives, and how stories like these can impact a change in the way they conduct themselves. The recent spread of a dangerous strain of E.coli on lettuce, and more recently on green onions via Taco Bell, should make people more aware of their basic everyday habits of what they do to or put into their bodies, ensuring a longer and more fruitful life . . . one that seems to be currently taken so lightly in a world of renewed terrorism around the world to bring permanent harm to the Western world. |
The above image is from AOL on November 14, 2006 |
AOL ignores the West's Achilles' Heel relying on only satellites for communications Finally, an excellent stat for AOL members that ran on November 14, 2006, from AOL. The story was lead by the following line: "Web search leader Google Inc.'s chief executive, Eric Schmidt, sees a future where mobile phones are free to consumers who accept watching targeted forms of advertising." . . . read more * AOL then surveyed their members with more than 56-thousand responding before noon on this day. Note the interesting figure, that 19% have already dropped their land line. While you say, "Oh, good, we don't need a phone at home anymore," you might be wrong. One of the West's Achilles' Heel is its sophisticated communications for everyday needs. China has already aimed a laser beam at one of our military satellites, one they actually know about. If America becomes dependent on cell phones for all communications including emergencies, and then finds itself in a cold or hot war, satellites could go down in an instant and an entire society would have no idea what was going on or what to do. Organized chaos would be the order of the day. Of course you know satellite feeds are already sent to cable providers and used 100% by satellite (duh) television providers. That makes America extremely vulnerable to not getting any news or directives without a physical gun or missile being fired. Of course radio would be very helpful, except it relies on feeds, too, for their updates. But you could at least enjoy the music while you watched your country fall into a black hole. But what do I know, coming from the 1950s when America was one country and everyone understood what it meant to be safe. Of course, with Google in China, you never will really know who the enemy is or who is running the enemy, as a few American executives are now being hired to run Chinese companies. No, not companies in China. I said Chinese companies. And you must already know that as of 2002 China was substantially ahead of the U.S. in technology graduates. Of course, America's college graduates lead in diversity, tolerance, and homophobia, effective brain tools you can use in a good fight to defend the country. But what do I know, just an old fart whose father fought on Okinawa in WWII. By the way, did you know that was the last war America won, with thanks to yuppies like John Kerry and his Hollywood friends? Seen any movies lately. Those ticket sales are translated into anti-war dollars for Hollywood keeping us safe. * - link may be down. AOL usually doesn't keep URL news links active very long. |
The above image is from AOL on October 31, 2006
Nearly Half of Americans Uncertain God Exists - 2,010 polled |
AOL content children ask another really stupid question, Should Wicca be a Major Religion, when a major religion is based on membership numbers, not a name. On October 31, 2006, 43,717 AOL respondents (43%) by 10 a.m. in the morning had already said in private that they believed in witchcraft. Gee, according to that, America is only 8% away from becoming like the Incas (See Mel Gibson's new movie to get a feel of that exciting world.) AOL did not spin for an answer on this story, even providing a logical question, so we have to applaud them. But this cannot be good news for those unique secular Jews that have crossed the line and joined the ACLU, or for atheists either, all by their actions have no tolerance or diversity for people of religion. However, for the ACLU there is always a twist for an organization that was started by a socialist, and here it is. Have you already forgotten the intolerance of witches, one several years ago suing a town in Missouri for it to take a tiny cross off its city flag, which had been there to show the diversity of its citizens. The ACLU used its neo-fascists tactics out of Washington, D.C., and forced the other 99.9% of the town's citizens to have to remove their tiny cross, the witch saying it offended her. And you think you live in a country where the majority rules? Fool! Today it's who has the power that rules the country, the ACLU planning back in the 1980s to use ACLU member-advocating judges to override the people's Constitutional rights. And if the people riot over the loss of their rights, the ACLU will be sure those insurrectionists are dumped in jail using the same judges. Now you understand how the Third Reich was able to take over an entire country, pitting citizen against citizen. It's called divisiveness. And which political party in this country uses that tactic as its mission statement? Remember the joke about the Get Smarter Pills? See, you're getting smarter already. |
Remember AOl is not an independent news service. It looks as if AOL's PC content providers are spinning an agenda while drawing a salary on the backs of AOL's member's nickels and dimes. AOL has become too much like the mainstream press, shoving an agenda down the throats of those it's suppose to represent. These "communication specialists" have left their duty of informing AOL users, instead realizing with a little glee they can control the images and sounds their members receive every day, seeming to treat them as if cattle on the ranch instead of intelligent Americans that have a Constitutional right to know. This is a dangerous game you are playing with our rights, AOL. |
AOL asks, Is it unpatriotic to watch this film, rather than asking should an American president be shown in a faux documentary of an attack on his life? Of course in the coming Obama world, AOL's content children would be shocked if a similar film had been made! AOL's content providers are asking a question in the graphic on the left, posted October 26, 2006, concerning a new movie made on the assassination of a sitting U.S. President. AOL writes in response, "Is it unpatriotic to watch this film." Duh, talk about teaching to the test. Let's look at another very timely event of our time. Would AOL ask if it would be also unpatriotic to watch a terrorist film on the shooting of a U.S. soldier, one that was actually posted on CNN News, the terrorist actually saying on the audio before shooting a young American, 'Wait until civilians are out of the way?" Mature adult Americans are able to smell a rat on their own, so should the question here then be, "Do you think CNN knew what it was doing with a voice-over saying the terrorists were worried about hitting civilians?" Now ask "Yes" or "No," AOL. So in that light, how about this one, AOL, for the one you posted today? "Should a film be distributed showing the murder of an actual sitting president while his country is at war?" I bet your "Yes" and "No" count changes, now asking an intelligent question that affects the country's citizens and their country's safety. |
Michael J. Fox now said, (as of October 26th), he was actually over-medicated. But if he was, why did he then proceed with the ad? He wouldn't have continued a scene in a sit-com where he was drawing a salary, so why this ad? |
AOL asks, as if subscribers were present at the event, if the actor was acting in the ad, rather than waiting for the correct answer that later came from Michael J. Fox himself (see bottom left.) Rush made the point on his radio show on October 25th, using actual sound bites from Michael J. Fox, that when Michael wants to show the effects of his disease he simply does not take his medication, which he knows will then make his body shake, as he had done when speaking to Congress. But in the case of these recent ads run against Republican candidates, Michael J. Fox was no longer before Congress. Instead, he had now entered the political arena, his body looking in the ad as if he had again not taken his medication. This time, however, his purpose was not for assistance with his affliction but to try to swing on election, while at the same time not telling the entire truth about who had and who hadn't voted on stem cell research and why, making Democrats look like the good guys (or gals) and the Republican not caring about those with Fox's disease. And this is why Rush got into the fray on his October 25th radio program and would not back off his statements of the previous day, that Fox had before purposely not taken his medication for the effect of getting the best reaction (Hollywood style), which Rush did not fault him for as long as it wasn't being used for political purposes. Now it becomes really interesting if Michael J. Fox is really using his affliction as a political stunt, which to us is sad. I mean, if you feel you're going to throw up, you don't just sit there and let the cameras roll while the stuff comes flying out of your mouth. You run to the bathroom, and then later get your crap together or film another day. |
Michael J. Fox obviously knew what his body was doing and allowed it to be captured on film to get people to feel sorry for him. Up to now, we had respected his dealing with his affliction as a private matter, as we currently do for Neil Cavuto on the Fox News Channel, who doesn't allow his MS to get in the way of his ongoing career. "So what's up Michael, and why do you say that conservatives like myself want you to be sick. That's a big assumption . . . the word meaning 'ass-you-me.' You crossed a line, dude, and you won't stand up to it." So what of AOL and now did they handle it? First, their lead-in (see above) says "Rush Mocks Ailing Fox," when in fact Rush was only bringing up the fact that he believed Michael J. Fox had created the shaking on his own by purposely not taking his medication, something he had already admitted doing for the effect of staging. But it doesn't end there with AOL's spin. Look at how the question is posed by AOL in the next image. Note the voting question then asks, "Do you think Fox was acting in the ad?" The appropriate question should have been, "Do you support Michael J. Fox in trying to sway voters by not taking his medication?" That was the real issue with Rush Limbaugh and continues to be the day of this writing. AOL did not investigate the actual voting history and opinions of all candidates that Fox makes comments about in ads across the country, for a journalistic effort to explain exactly how these officials had previously voted on stem cell research and why. So it was not even known by AOL if Michael J. Fox's comments were even correct. Rush also noted on his radio show that it was cruel for Michael J. Fox to mislead people in an ad to say if Republicans were elected, diseases would not be cured. Rush has labeled a media that does not investigate both sides of an issue, such as AOL is doing in this Fox/Rush story, as the "Drive-by" media . . . journalists machine-gunning a story and then driving on leaving dead bodies behind that had not supported their political agenda. This is very troubling and an abuse of power, since it is being done in a society that allows journalists the freedom to obtain the truth. A perfect example of this was the Valerie Plame story, where reporters hung out on Carl Rove's lawn and accused him and other's for month's that the Bush administration had been trying to get even with Plame's husband for a statement he had made about Hussein not looking for yellow gold in Africa. Yet recently, and three years later, it was discovered that the Bush administration never had been involved or had anything to do with the Plame issue, and that instead it had been an enemy of Bush that had made the statement off the record to the press in the first place, one that Plame's husband had known about from the beginning. This would have been call treason in a different America. Do you understand how dangerous this is to your Constitution's guarantee of your right to know? You have been, and you are going to continue to be, deceived by journalists who have chosen to no longer live with you but only among you as if spies. Today we have an American media run by managing editors educated at leftist universities, who are not afraid to use the free press as the Third Reich had done against the Jews, their twisting the truth to promote an agenda. We have reached a point of revolution as Americans need now to demand consequences for these acts. Our democracy and right to know is not a game, and that when people's ideas are run over for propaganda the time has come for it to come to an end. With our recent discovery that America's failure in Vietnam was assisted with lies from the America media, as it is now doing in Iraq and actual encouraging insurgents to kill for the American cameras, not to mention its start with Kerry lying in front of Congress in the early 1970s, politicians and many in the media need to be brought to justice and placed behind bars for a very, very long time. The number of human beings that were and have been murdered or lost their lives, because of personal agendas by a scheming American press while America was at war, needs to now be measured in count with journalists brought to task for the heinous crimes they have caused around the world to our men and women in uniform and to foreign individuals who only wanted freedom and had trusted America to help them achieve their right of human dignity. |
AOL Sticks It To Conservative Users 2005
(Note: This address is from 2007. Please check for any changes to CEO.)
And remembering AOL's promise of security, in 2004 its software engineer stole and sold over 93-million AOL subscriber names, later their being whacked with spam . . . who knows if it ever ended. Well it didn't. In 2012 LifeLock contact me and reported someone was trying to sell my AOL password. |