Academics Archive
| Christmas 2007 |
The New Age of Hate Crimes in America |
"You can probably get into more trouble today using your freedom of speech than shooting a bullet at someone's head." - Webmaster |
You really think the media's spin is an accident? Think again.
See the drive-by media's propaganda . . . and just for today!
A Great and Godly Adventure: The Pilgrims and the Myth of the First Thanksgiving' - November 2006
They're back! |
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Shedding the intellectual straitjacket!"Academic freedom has often become an opportunity for radical professors to proselytize students. Now the discussion is turning to academic freedom for students: the opportunity to hear a variety of viewpoints and present their own, without faculty intimidation." . . . read more By Lynn Vincent - World Magaine, page 14, April 29, 2006, . . . . but still an "evergreen." |
Dreaming of Mexico in Tehran, with an Eye to the West! - You didn't know this connection!? - May 2006 |
Australian Government Official Says Muslims Who Want To Live By Sharia Law Are Not Welcomed. |
Shame on You! |
Socialists preventing free speech at Columbia University
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How soon we forget the agenda of the left Evidently Vanderbilt University's idea of a fair and balanced remembrance of September 11 is to invite nine liberal socialists to bash America for two hours and send everybody home holding their head in shame at being in fact - Americans. That's how VU marked the fifth commemoration of September 11, 2006. Seducing students to a meeting titled, "After 9/11: A Time for Reflection." Evidently the idea of even allowing one mildly right-of-center thinker was too intimidating for the slanted, biased, anti-American carnival barkers that lined up for two hours and told the gathered students why 9/11 was America's fault. Everything from global warming to the treatment of Native Americans was thrown into the mix. Slavery and racism were especially big reasons as stated by one of the weak leftist thinkers . . . read more October 2006 |
(Click here to view full secular progressive video presentation) |
Clarity Defficient Liberals and 9/11 - read more - October 2006 |
From the file cabinet, "You just can't make this stuff up."
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A History Lesson The Washington Democrat's Record on Dealing with Acts of Terror During Their Rule in Government! |
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Photo source AP - Yahoo .com |
"Israeli Children allowed to write on bombs." - Source: |
"The continued insanity of the Middle East War." - Webmaster |
The bodies of three sons of a Palestinian intelligence chief loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas lie during their funeral in Gaza December 11, 2006. Unidentified gunmen killed the boys on Monday after shooting at a car dropping the children at school, police and hospital officials said. Source: Reuters / Mohammed Salem (GAZA) The Reuters Shocking Photo Scandal _____________________________________ Take a look again at the picture to the left and the devastation you would feel if it was your family! So what if this happened again and again in the United States against the families of those law enforcement officials who stand firm against terrorists and drug-running illegal's via our Federal Government's refusal to not back the laws on its books? Have you thought about this? You'd better, because once there is one terrorist hit like this in the U.S., it will become open season against the real defenders of America and not those girlie-men and women who run our Congress. The terrorists already know many of them are cowards, terrorist organizations overseas openly celebrating the November elections in America, or did you miss that while checking out the sales at Wal-Mart?Now notice the above politically-correct copy by Reuters, the international news corporation not wanting to offend terrorists by simply calling them gunman in the article, as if these men were of the same type that would rob a gas station. Looking at the horrendous murder of these three brothers, do you now see how subtle the media has become in watering down your country's defense and it's resolve? It's because of politically-correct journalists, who have taken over America's media, that America cannot win any war until they are removed from their desks and our first defense against terrorism is renewed with writers who love their country with a passion and are not embarrassed being a patriot or flying the flag. This refusal to protect this country via our media was most evident in 2002, the year after 9/11, when a senior executive for AP decided that the word terrorist had no meaning, renaming those that attacked the World Trade Center and murdering 2,700 people, simply as "Bombers." Michael Savage was right, that if these journalists today were in WWII, we would either be speaking German or made into Lampshades. This is a result of the evolution of teaching that has gone on at our universities over the last several decades, not unlike that of the Teachers College of Columbia University that sees self advancement by high school students as discrimination against other classmates of less ability. Its tentacles entered North Carolina during last summer's high school graduation ceremonies in two counties, high-achieving students forced to remove their colored tassels from their mortar boards, because the girlie administrators feared it would offend other students. Don't get mad. Get even. Webmaster
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Is this not the same society American media outlets like AP and the three networks backed against Israel in the 2006 Lebanon War. - Vomit! - Webmaster - May 2007 |
It’s a Small World After All - May 2007 |
Hamas TV Airs `Lion King' Cartoon Hero - August 2007
It's all lies, lies, and more lies! |
Highland Heights, KY - April 18, 2006 (Source: Sally Jacobsen, a professor of language and literature at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) has been dismissed from her post after she incited a group of students to destroy an approved pro-life display erected by a campus pro-life student group. Jacobsen, who also headed the NKU women’s studies program for three years, told the Kentucky Enquirer she had become so emotional at the sight of a field of white crosses planted as a symbolic cemetery for aborted children, that her strong feelings justified her action. “Any violence perpetrated against that silly display was minor compared to how I felt when I saw it. Some of my students felt the same way, just outraged,” Jacobsen said. Pulling up the crosses was similar to citizens taking down Nazi displays on Fountain Square, she said. The display was put up in response to a series of lectures on abortion “rights” by a faculty group called, Educators for Reproductive Freedom. The group had held two lunchtime discussions on campus with speakers from the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood. A representative of Educators for Reproductive Freedom disavowed any involvement in Jacobsen’s action. |
"Take it up with God!" |
Displaced couple flips free home and heads back to Nagin's Chocolate City. |