From the desk of author Michael Solomon

Michael Solomon was a 15-year veteran of the New York City Police Department and served  in its drug enforcement division, receiving well over a dozen awards for his excellent service
Date: June 28, 2009  
Op Ed.

"Ignorance And Apathy"

Dear Subscribers and Friends,

I know it has been some time since you have received one of my Op-Ed Articles so I want to apologize for the delay. The reason for my tardiness is I have been relentless in writing my next book. It will be titled, "Ignorance And Apathy - Take Your Head Out Of The Sand America" What follows below in this issue is a large portion of my introduction. As always I would appreciate your feedback. The book should be published and released by September.

When I know the release date I will inform all my readers.


Michael Solomon

I was attending a party a few weeks ago. Despite the fact that my wife asked me, no told me, not to discuss politics, I don't have to tell you, the subject was broached. Fortunately, I was not the culprit that started the conversation. I tried my best not to get involved by hanging around the crudités and not the bar. However, it didn't take long for me to get entangled. Eat enough vegetables and you do get thirsty.

One voice said, "Let's ask Solomon."

"Ask me what," I replied.

"Here is a question for you," one of the party goers said.

"If it has anything to do with politics, I need a note from my wife."

After the laughter subsided, someone asked, "What do you think is wrong with the American people when it comes to politics?"

"That's easy," I answered; "Ignorance and apathy."

From the other side of the room came a comment. "Personally I don't know and I don't care," the voice bellowed.

"That's the problem with you and millions more like you. In plain English you don't give a damn." [Isn't that right Scarlet?] "Probably because you don't know, or worse, don't take the time to find out. However, you blame everyone else because of your lack of knowledge which led to your apathy."

The only difference between plucking a chicken and what the current Obama administration is doing to the American people is the butcher kills the chicken first so it doesn't feel the pain of being plucked. In this case, they are killing us softly [to borrow a line from a Roberta Flack tune].

Only he is not "killing us softly with his song." He is doing with his song and dance. His music is being conducted by the Mainstream Media who has a love affair with him. They set him up on a pedestal so high, it surprising he doesn't have a nose bleed.

We are being hustled like the mark in a Three-card Monte game and we are letting him do it, right under our noses. Obama has to learn, no matter how much money he puts down on the table, the red Queen will never surface.

His credentials are so lacking, I would not let him run my household budget let alone the financial affairs of the United States.

America was always the leader in the world, both economically, spiritually and militarily. We were always the innovator of new technologies and for the most part we still are. However, what the Obama administration is doing is taking away the entrepreneurial spirit, which has always been present in this great nation.

His attempts to take control of corporate America is destroying the free-markets and private sector and placing roadblocks in our way making it almost impossible to conduct business or invent a better mousetrap, without the government looking over your shoulder every inch of the way.

The new progressive government will tell you how much you can earn, who you can sell your products to, how to manufacture them and how much to sell them for. Then they will tax you out of existence so that you have to close your doors and fire your employees; then tax you some more to pay for all the new entitlement programs they will give to your former employees. It is a vicious cycle that has no end.

In my daily discussions with people both on and off the air, when I still hosted my radio show, I found that a majority of Americans had no idea how the current administration's policies were going to affect them, their children, grandchildren and their children to come. People do not have a clue and if they do, they don't care. The operative words in America currently are "Ignorance and Apathy."

"Even if I do know, there is nothing I can do about it; nothing anyone can do about it."

There is plenty you can do about it. Take you head out of the sand and start to look around. The America we once knew and loved is falling apart all around us and all you keep saying is there is nothing I can do about it. Hey, right now I am not talking to my friend at the party. I am talking to you; the person who is reading this.

Wake up and start getting involved. This is your country, your government and your freedom I am talking about. If you want to sit by and let it slip away, don't blame me. However, if you care about this great nation as much as I do, then start to get involved. In my last book "Where Did My America Go?" I asked you to scream at your representatives every time you find yourself screaming at the radio or television; now I am asking you to scream louder.

I can't change your apathy; only you can do that. However, what I will attempt to do is make you less ignorant by trying to lay out the facts as best I can based on history and proven policies that will convince you the Obama administration's policies will most likely fail leaving us in worse shape than if we had done nothing.

The Mainstream Media is not going to give you the answers you need to know. They are going to fill your head with administration propaganda that will leave you believing that President Obama can do no wrong. The Mainstream Media keeps telling us he has all the experts in place that will bring us out of this great recession. Some of the experts he put in place are the ones responsible for these problems to begin with.

President Bush did leave us with a recession, which the current administration is turning into a greater recession with the added crisis of the largest deficit in the history of the United States. President Obama has spent more money in the first one hundred days of his presidency than any President in the history of this nation during their entire term.

The Bush recession is over; we are in a new recession led by the Obama spending spree. And, there is no end in sight. It is like the Powerball lottery winner who won over $300 million in 2002 and is now broke.

President Obama is subordinating the powers of Congress by putting roadblocks in place that will abandon congressional powers. He has placed twenty-one [as of this writing] Czars in place that have the power and authority, by order of the White House, to bypass congressional authority and act on their own. Russia throughout all of its history did not have as many Czars as the current administration has in place.

His foreign policies and decisions on how to fight the war on terror are making us less safe than prior to 9/11. Then Senator, now Vice President Joe Biden said during the campaign, "Mark my word, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy." Joe, it didn't take that long, and they have names, Iran and North Korea.

My book will explore the truth about the past and how the current administration's policies will do nothing but make matters worse. I will attempt to present it to you in simple everyday terms so you don't have to study too hard. However, you better wake up and take your head out of the sand before it is too late.

Thank you,

Michael Solomon

Author of "Where Did My America Go?"


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