The Great Conspiracy Against the American People
Closed Archive
"When you hear the sucking sound in America, it's the vacuum formed by an elite Congress that no longer trusts its constituants with the truth." - Webmaster |
As an American, stop being spoonfed by your media and research the information for yourself
Note: The links and resources on this Web page are intended only for those who wish to data mine news and resources on this specific subject matter via our entire site Atomz Search Engine from the period of time starting with 2008, when Obama was running for office, until the near end of his term in late August 2012. - Click here to review all archived news stories from time period mentioned above - |
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For current conservative news, click below either the Conservative News or the Constitutional Advocates Scroll
| TCC | NASCO | CAFTA | Harmonizing | Hazleton | Attack on our Republic | NC Listen |
( SPP archive - former org, now know as The Conservative Caucus (TCC) - see above)
| SCHIP: Another Step Towards Socialism | Another Immigration Tragedy | Upcoming Meeting Fuels 'North American Union' Fears |
| Tough On Foreign Soil, Weak And Wimpy At Home | Texas Court of Appeals Rules in Favor of Judicial Watch |
IRS pays taxpayer dollars to . . . wait for it . . . illegal aliens |
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NRA - The Obama administration's Cover Up |
Top Immigration Officials Describe Border Chaos From Admin's Amnesty Policy |
TSA Grows Operations at California Bus Terminals and Train Stations |
Source: ACLJ |
Nanny State Madness! California‘s Proposed Law to Force Overnight Businesses to use only Fitted Sheets
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"My best friend was murdered by illegal immigrants 3 years ago simply because he was white and his girlfriend was hispanic. We later found out that this illegal immigrant gang requires their members to rape, murder or assualt a white person in order to get promoted. Please end this immigration madness by securing the borders, deporting all of the illegals (including their anchor babies with them) and severely limiting legal immigration. Never forget that the 9/11 hijackers were illegals as well." - |
Birthright Citizenship in the United States - A Global Comparison - Aug, 2010 (.pdf)
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An Obama / Carter Moment still kills our American Jewels |
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Get it?! They're not illegal aliens. They're the weasel's undocumented voters. |
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Animated map of the unemployment rate January 2007 - May 2010 - Stunning! |
Only from an Obama Injustice Department . . . |
Sanctuary cities breaking Feds law okay. Arizona supporting them is not! |
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Cartoons by Michael Ramirez |
Professor Terry J. Lovell on Obama and Holder suing the state of Arizona and its immigration law SB1070. |
Buy the all new Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit- Order yours today! |
Are you still not MAD yet? A man in the country illegally who committed a $27,000 identity-theft crime in Scott County was still able to obtain tens of thousands of federal dollars in medical assistance, including surgery for an inflatable penis pump . . . read more if you can |
America gone MAD! - A man in the country illegally who committed a $27,000 identity-theft crime in Scott County was still able to obtain tens of thousands of federal dollars in medical assistance, including surgery for an inflatable penis pump . . . read more if you can |
"Illegal Aliens" is not a Race; it's a Crime
Under Obama, it just gets worse by the minute, as he keeps his promise to fundamentally change America GOING . . .
GOING . . . Stunning! Atlanta's Channel 2, WSBTV does its own investigation of the southwest border of Arizona, discovering muslim terrorists are finding their way into America with the illegals. Not so funny, eh Harvard law professor Barry, or Barack, whom ever you are? Channel 2 Videos: Part I / Part II
. . . GONE!
Dr. Carl Mumpower: Illegal Immigration is a Criminal Enterprise
Dual Citizenship - A Challenge to Immigration Reform and Patriotic Assimilation (.pdf)
Stunning! Atlanta's Channel 2, WSBTV does its own investigation of the southwest border of Arizona, discovering muslim terrorists are finding their way into America with the illegals. Not so funny, eh Harvard law professor Barry, or Barack, whom ever you are? |
FULL LINKS FOR THIS STORY! April 2010 DHS form showing country of origin for those caught crossing the border (.pdf file) Second April 2010 DHS form showing country of origin for those caught crossing the border (.pdf file) Third DHS form showing grand totals by country of origin - date missing (.pdf file) The first African-America presidents laughs about this! |
Far-left media host, Sam Donaldson, defends Calderon, then compares Arizona To Tienanmen Square |
"Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico!" - La Raza rally at UCLA
Rasmussen Poll
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Frightening 13-minute Video on Immigration "Numbers." |
(If playing, turn off music on homepage.) |
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Source: ThePeoplesCube |
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Corporation gives Southwest away to Mexico |
More murderous mayhem in Mexico - Mar. | |
Executions reach 3,008 in last 15 months!
Place an American Flag on our Southern Border!
Transportation Department to WND: No admittance - Mar.
(.pdf.) (Obtained by Judicial Watch from Homeland Security)
You'd better believe this! The World Trade Organization just ruled that the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda can freely violate American copyrights and trademarks in order to punish the United States for laws prohibiting Internet gambling . . . read more - January 2008 |
Immigrants by the Numbers! |
Video - if running, turn audio off at homepage. |
100 Million More by 2060 - just when your kids are ready to retire
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Go to site to view trailer |
Dr. Putnam's Bunker-Buster | "People living in ethnically diverse settings appear to 'hunker down,' that is, to pull in like a turtle," writes Putnam. They tend to "withdraw even from close friends, to expect the worst from their community and its leaders, to volunteer less, give less to charity and work on community projects less often, to register to vote less, to agitate for social reform more but have less faith they can actually make a difference, and to huddle unhappily in front of the television." . . . read more |
What about "totalization" . . . of illegal aliens into our Social Security system, WTO rules that allow foreign countries to subsidize exports and penalize imports by tariffs called "Value Added Tax," and the sale of our infrastructure to foreign sources such as tollroads and ports. |
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North Carolina License readied for the North American Union _____________________ They e-mailed us after asking about logo on new licenses, writing it was not for North American Union. Sure! Talk about running the government without us in North Carolina. |
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They're running the country without us! |
Immigration - What another president thought about it!
- Washington refuses to protect our borders! -
Open letter to the President - "What's going on?"
New illigal alien's crime against Americans - Express Kidnapping! |
Poll - NBC San Diego |
Officers outgunned on U.S. border! | ||
Hundreds of rounds of automatic-weapons fire rained down on South Texas sheriff's deputies and Border Patrol agents from the Mexican side of the border as they investigated a horror story told by two American brothers who fled across the Rio Grande fearing for their lives. Several Hidalgo County deputies and at least four Border patrol agents were met with a sustained hail of gunfire alternating from the south to the east and lasting nearly 10 minutes, the officers said. Yet, not a single shot was returned by the deputies or the Border Patrol officers last Wednesday night because they were outmanned and outgunned – a condition increasingly common along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border, say law enforcement officials . . . read more
Battling Corruption - Illegal Immigration
1 Down, 11,999,999 to Go So it was curious when we were treated this week to a weeping Mexican woman on TV, claiming the U.S. government was tearing her from her infant son and saying she knew the American people would be outraged if she were deported. (I note that her message might have been more effective in English.) Admittedly, I'd just as soon have Homeland Security focusing on illegal immigrants like the one who shot four promising college kids execution style in Newark, killing three of them, possibly after sexually molesting two of them. Heck, I wouldn't have minded if they had deported Jose Carranza even before his girlfriend accused him of raping her 5-year-old daughter. Or Ruben Hernandez-Juarez, an illegal alien charged with sexually molesting a 6-year-old boy in Martin County, Fla. Or Alejandro Bautista, an illegal alien in Cook County, Ill., who was convicted for sexually molesting two teenaged boys. Or Alejandro Xuya-Sian, the illegal alien who hit a pedestrian with his car in New York and dragged him for nearly a mile before dislodging the victim from his car, throwing him aside and driving off again. (Even more disturbing: Xuya-Sian may not have been wearing his seat belt at the time.) Or illegal alien Alberto Barajas-Enriquez, who is charged with beating his Michigan neighbor to death with a golf club because the neighbor complained about the constant barking of Enriquez's dog. Asked by police how many times he struck his victim with the golf club, Enriquez said, "Let's see ... five, six ... uh, put me down for a seven." Or Lucio Sanchez-Martinez, the illegal alien in Ohio charged with sexually molesting a sleeping 8-year-old girl . . . read more |
Follow today's news on what is happening on the border . . . only on Glenn Beck . com |
Immigration Archived News Stories
Illegal Immigrant Drivers Licenses in California Back Under Obama Amnesty Program?
More support for undocumented workers Chicago Dream Relief in Demand
National Park Service Ranger Kris Eggle: In memoriam, 10 years later
Will This New Fast and Furious Revelation Force Holder to Resign?
Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare – Obama Wants to Up That Number
DHS looking for vendors to perform ‘remote sensing’ airborne photography
Homeland Security to experiment with rescue drones inside the United States
DHS Prepares for Civil Unrest as 2012 election nears
Closure Of Border Patrol Stations Across Four States Triggers Alarm
NRA: Fast and Furious a gun-control plot
Asian immigration numbers surpass Hispanics
Border Patrol Group Calls for Holder’s Resignation
First Obama Bypasses Congress Grants Immunity To Illegal Immigrants By Executive Order
Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs
Socialist Schakowsky: GOP Doesn't Think Illegal Immigrants 'People At All'
Obama's Biden new mandate: Sheriffs no longer have arrest powers
New Study Says 24% of American Children have at least One Immigrant Parent
Ken Blackwell: Holder’s ‘All-Out War’ on Voter IDs Is Obama Re-election Tool
DHS Border Patrol Arrest Statistics Underestimate Illegal Immigration
No more pandering to illegal Irish taking Americans' jobs
Antonovich Chides Supporters of Licensing Illegal Aliens
Obama Pledges to Pass Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
Immigration enforcement program to be shut down
E-Verify's Self Check Program Goes Nationwide
Will Republicans let Eric Holder get away with murder?
Protocols could allow 14% of immigrants to bypass courts
Arrested Illegal Immigrants Getting Back On Streets
U.S. [Obama Administration] Proposes Unmanned Border Entry With Mexico
Holder refuses to fire aides from 'Fast and Furious' operation
Obama's ATF used 'Fast and Furious' to create a faux case for gun control
Arpaio gets death threats over Obama investigation
The Federal ID that Pays Illegal Aliens Billions a Year!
DOJ, Eric Holder manipulated press for favorable ‘Fast and Furious’ coverage
Mexican Trucks Are On Our Roads!
Fed Judge: Calif. School Was Right to Forbid Students’ American Flag T-Shirts on Cinco de Mayo
Union President Gives Congress E-mails Backing Testimony: ICE Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals
Senators Tell DHS To Stop Ignoring Illegal Alien Sanctuaries
Sheriff Joe threatened by Drug Lords in probing Obama eligibility
ICE Officers Forbidden running Alien Records Check or Speaking to them
Illegal Alien At Center Of JW Probe Guilty Of Murder
Stunning for moonbeam state out of money! - California law BARS E-Verify requirement for employers
Nation's Capital Becomes Sanctuary for Illegal Aliens
TX High School Students Made to Recite Mexican National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance
Embarrassing Attack on Two Generals Reporting on Security Threat at the U.S.-Mexico Border
California Governor Jerry Moonbeam Brown Signs Three Bills Supporting Illegal Aliens
Fast and Furious weapons found in Mexico cartel enforcer's home
Rasmussen Reports: 59% Say U.S. Government Encourages Illegal Immigration
Illegal Immigrants Fight To Keep Driver’s Licenses
HUD Launches Initiative To Help Illegal Immigrants
Judicial Watch! One Million Safety Violations Won’t Keep Mexican Trucks Out Of U.S.
Obama's Labor Secretary: U.S. will ‘protect’ illegal workers
News like this must bore Obama - Five headless bodies found in Acapulco
E-Verify Expands Self-Check to 21 States
California‘s Proposed Law to Force Overnight Businesses to use only Fitted Sheets
When do you call treason, treason? 16 Countries Side with Obama's Justice Department Against Alabama
Under Arms Export Control Act of 1976, Obama/Holder Could Face Felony Charges for Fast and Furious
Obama's Domestic Army? - Study: U.S. Marshals suited to be ‘Stability Police’ in U.S.
Judicial Watch - Exposes Illegal Alien Cop Killer’s Extensive Criminal History
75% Support Tough Penalties Against Employers Who Hire Illegal Immigrants
Told you so! Democrats have changed the name illegal to undocumented, then treats it as legal!
Illegal immigrant working inside nuke plant arrested
‘Fast And Furious’ Smoking Gun
La Raza Group teams up with Obama Fed to push Govt. in not learning English; Aid In Spanish
Gun-Running Timeline: How DOJ’s ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ Unfolded
Obama ‘defiance’ of Constitution Earns Impeachment Call
The California Dream is Fizzling Out
‘Project Gunrunner’ whistleblower says Obama's ATF sent him termination notice
Judicial Watch - DOJ Lies About Immigration Courts To Hide Corruption
Judicial Watch - Mexican Gang Charged With Terrorizing Blacks
We wish NPR's story on E-Verify was simply an April Fool's joke, but sadly it's not!
Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Immigration Law
University Insiders: Illegal Immigrants Get Affirmative Action
ICE Halts Deportation At ACLU’s Request
Hate Speech against new Georgia law tarnishes Civil Rights ceremony at Braves game
Judicial Watch - Conn. To Give Illegal Aliens Discounted Tuition
Ariz. Sheriff: Feds Order Release of Illegals to Phony Up Number
Stunning! New Project Gunrunner documents peg top DOJ officials
Judicial Watch - 34,448 Illegal Immigrants Spared Deportation
Judicial Watch - “Cowardly” To Reverse Illegal Immigrant Tuition Break
Arpaio Rejects Napolitano’s Safer Border Claim—Sends in New Armed Forces
13 Illegal Aliens Posing as U.S. Marines Captured at Calif. Border
U.S. Sued By Illegal Immigrant’s Family
Federal probe identifies “cracks” in ICE
More Civilians Killed Last Year in One Mexican Border Town Than All Afghanistan
U.S. immigration agent dead, one injured in Mexico
Los Angeles County Spent $600 Million on Social Services to Illegal Aliens in 2010
Over a Million Immigrants Landed Jobs in 2008-10
Border Patrol Agent Hides Illegal Immigrants, Drugs
Maine Governor Signs Executive Order Allowing State Agencies to Check Immigration Status
New Website to Draw Attention to Trash at Arizona-Mexico Border
The Fall of California - Illigals move in as domestic residence move out
National State Legislators Group Unveils Plan to End Birthright Citizenship
New Congress Expected to Take Harder Line on Illegal Immigration
Judicial Watch! Judge Rules Illegal Immigrants Can Sue ICE For Rights Violations
Slain Border Agent’s Family Gives Napolitano a Tongue Lashing: ‘Empty Words’
Soros Exposed: Research on the Progressive Puppet Master
Obama and Democrat Congressional Hispanic Caucus Discuss Ways to Shut Down Enforcement Legislation
Judicial Watch! U.S. Ignores Serious Threats Along Northern Border
DREAM Act fails to get 60 votes in U.S. Senate
NAFBPO Speaks Out on Murder of Border Patrol Agent
Obama quietly erasing borders - Dem administration advancing 'North American Union' agenda
Border Patrol Agent Shot and killed in Arizona
U.S. is Still the World's Leading Destination for Immigrants
Trusted Traveler Program Allows Mexicans to Skip Airport Security
U.S. is next target - 77-Year Old Mexican Rancher Killed Standing up to Cartel
White House Says Amnesty Will Make U.S. Smarter
DREAM Act would add at least 2.1 Million illegal Aliens workers to American Job Market
Border Drug Tunnels Put Warehouses Under Scrutiny
You can thank the voters of Las Vegas for this one! - Reid says He'll advance Immigration Bill
Judicial Watch - Lawmakers Block Deportations of illigal Aliens in Ohio, California
Union Protests Use of Foreign Labor at MLK Memorial
Judicial Watch - Law Offers Illegal Immigrants With Criminal Records Amnesty
GOP readies for DREAM Act fight
DREAM Act: Democrats try again to stick to America to pay for another voting block
Chafee Caught Misleading in Quest to End E-Verify in R.I.
Fieldwork, Housework, Kitchen Work, Construction: Whose Jobs Are They?
Judicial Watch - Illegal Immigrants With Fake Social Securities Get Tax Refunds
DREAM Amnesty Supporters Show Zero Interest In Unemployed Americans
Making illegal aliens legal invades North Carolina grass roots
Judges deny 63 percent of deportation requests
North Carolina, the Race Way for Illegal Aliens, plans to accept Mexican ID draws fire
Obama Administration Cover-Up - Proof Terrorists Crossed Mexican Border
Middle Eastern Terrorists Entering U.S. Through Mexico
ICE Helps Illegal Immigrant Escape Justice In Colorado
Arizona cartel signature beheading proves Mexican violence has reached the U.S.
Push To Legalize Pot Over Minority Arrests!
Pueblo Politics: Court overturns Arizona's proof of citizenship requirement for voter registration
City Ordered To Pay Day Laborers’ Legal Fees
Judicial Watch - Mexican Drug Cartel Opens U.S. Branch Office in California
700% Increase in DROPPED Deportation Cases in One Month
Obama’s Latina Labor Secretary Tells La Raza: Prioritizing Workforce Will Help ‘Our People’
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer slams 'foreign interference' in immigration lawsuit
Ariz. Border Sheriff: Obama’s ‘Got His Hands Wrapped Around Our Throat'
Schwarzenegger Vetoes Bill That Would Provide In-State Tuition Rates to Illegal Aliens
Now it's no longer safe to go into the water . . . between the U.S. and Mexico
Obama Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Us’ As He Renews Call for Amnesty
Judicial Watch - Court Okays Longer Sentence For Illegal Immigrants
Obama requests U.N. human rights police to go after Arizona to protect his undocumented Democrats
Mexican Cartels Now Control Parts of Arizona
Marxist president rules - ICE now ignores businesses that hire illegal workers
New Democrats - Felons by the thousands among infiltrating hordes!
Protecting new Democrats - ICE Refuses to Deport "Non-Violent" Illegal Aliens
Alinsky-lover Hillary wants Cuba to monitor Arizona as human rights violator
Judicial Watch - Department of Homeland Security continues to dismiss deportation cases
Stunning - Unguarded Bridges Allow for Easy Illegal Immigration
U.S. Offers Illegal Immigrants “Financial Education”
Parts of Mexican Border “Too Dangerous” To Patrol
Judicial Watch - 4-Million Illegal Immigrant Anchor Babies in U.S.
8% of All Children Born in U.S. are Born to Illegal Alien Parents!
ICE Agents Cast 'Vote of No Confidence' in Agency Leadership
The Five Most Crime-Ridden U.S. Judicial Districts Are All On The Mexican Border
Gangster Government at work - Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’
What's in a name? - U.S. Calls Illegal Mexican Pot Farmer “Displaced Traveler”
Drones Over America: Tyranny at Home!
Judicial Watch - U.S. Calls Illegal Mexican Pot Farmer Displaced Traveler!
Sheriff works to protect Illegal Immigrants
America needs to check out New Zealand, where Visa overstayers turn themselves in!
What, first Arizona, now California gets tough on illegal border crossings?
Florida AG McCollum, Lawmakers Unveil Immigration Bill Modeled After Arizona's
Think Progress reports - Lady Gaga uses Phoenix concert to protest SB-1070
Jan Brewer’s got a good thing cooking
Most Illegal Aliens Exempt From “Mandatory Detention”
Arizona, now the public demands immigration crackdown - in Massachusetts!
Sanctuary Policy in Wisconsin leads to another American's murder
Foreign 'terrorists' breach U.S. border
Obama refuses to "Stand Up For His Own Country." - But maybe that because it's not!
White Paper regarding the recent shooting of a Deputy Sheriff in Arizona
Arizona bill may spread to 12 more states
May Day Riot Damages Businesses in Santa Cruz
Gallup Poll: 9 Out of 10 Americans Say Secure the Border This Year
Judicial Watch - Stunning! N.Y. creates Pardon Panel for Criminally Convicted Deportable Immigrants
Arizona Lawmakers Clarify Immigration Enforcement Law
The next voting block - Senate Democrats Circulate Outline for Amnesty Bill
May Day is Che Day from the far left. And the drive-by media worries about Tea Party violence?
Fundamentally changing America - Obama slams American cops, but not criminal aliens
Jan Brewer Signs Arizona Immigration Enforcement Bill Into Law
Arizona Senate Approves Tough Illegal Immigration Bill; It Now Moves to Governor for Approval
Wall Street Journal Story Captures Border Fear
Gov. Richardson Sends National Guard Troops to the Border
Judicial Watch - Mexican Gang Targets U.S. Officers!
Top DHS Official Says It Can't Handle a Mass Amnesty
Why is race questions needed in census?
DHS puts brakes on virtual fence - $50 million later it still doesn't work!
Keep asking, "Where did my America go?" - Rise In Tuition Breaks For Illegal Immigrants
States’ Rights Is Rallying Cry for Lawmakers
FOIA Review: More Government Secrecy Under Obama Than Bush
Keeping An Eye On The Domestic Threat
Judical Watch - Mexican Military Incursion In Texas
Newsmax/Zogby Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Believe Nation 'Less Safe' Under Obama
ID Card for Workers is at Center of Immigration Plan
Expansion of Visa Waiver to Greece Could Lead to More Illegal Immigration
ACORN Registration Workers Charged With Felony Voter Fraud
New Poll Says Most Voters Consider Illegal Aliens A Major Budget Burden
Judicial Watch - Illegal Immigrants Beat E-Verify With Stolen IDs
Five House Members Cosponsor Chaffetz/Kratovil No-Amnesty Resolution
Another Illegal Alien Sues Over Arrest
Obama $15-billion Jobs Bill to help employers hire illegal aliens! So why are RINOs helping?
Minnesota Spending Bill Includes E-Verify Provisions
Virginia State House Passes E-Verify Bill
Kentucky State House Passes E-Verify Bill
Iowa Law To Reward Illegal Immigrants
Investigation Chief: Swine Flu Pandemic was a Hoax
Finally! Court Says OK To Deny Illegal Alien Public Service!
Postville Plant to Hire 150 More Worker
Document mill for Bogus IDs Found in Norfolk
Feds failed, so local cops take on illegal immigrants
Top ICE Official Defends Ariz. Immigration Sweeps
Vote on In-State Tuition Bill Canceled in New Jersey
Realistically, can intelligence analysts stop a terror attack?
Arizona immigration advocate criticized for texting warnings of upcoming police sweeps
Amnesty to cost illegal immigrants $500!
Americans Angry at Government's Refusal to Fix Illegal Immigration
15 Things You Should Know About "The Race"
How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico
U.S.-Mexico Deal Behind Convictions?
Spanish on its way to become primary language in Miami
More Archived News 2007
Poll: 77% oppose illegals' licenses - Nov 07
Outrage: The Mistreatment of Two Border Patrol Agents - October 07
House Panel to Probe Mexico's Role in Ramos-Compean Affair! - July 007
Senators, Others Seek Answers in Border Agents Case - July 07
Cover-Up Alleged After Botched Cross-Border Operation - February 07
Let's prosecute drug smugglers, not border patrol agents - February 07
GOP Lawmaker Warns of Impeachment in Border Agent Case! - February 07
Mexican Government Involved In Initiation Of Prosecution Of Agents Ramos And Compean
The Town the Law Forgot! - February 07
Wrong law used to convict Border agents - January 07
2006 Survey for first three months at Dallas Hospital showed 70% of Births were from illegal aliens!