My Comment to Bernard Goldberg's Article
I believe Hillary could be more of an Alinsky fan than Obama, I believe actually interviewing Saul for research when in college. She later seemed to use his techniques to project her ticket into the White House as First Lady.
She was among the Democrat Party presidential candidates that went over the cliff as they chased far-left progressive voters at the DailyKOS convention in 2008, making a decision they had enough support and could dump conservative Democrats from the party. And for 2008 it worked.
But now with the Democrat’s well-worn racist card growing moss, it is looking as if the Party will do anything in 2012 to prop up their failure for president in front of the voting public. One option would be to ask Hillary to sit beside Obama on the throne of America’s new revolution into socialism. The second benefit to the party would be to allow Democrats to fly the liberal progressive flag again over the White House in 2016 with a woman in office. If Michelle Obama thought it was bad before, she ain’t seen nothing if Hillary joins the 2012 team.
And sadly, like Slick Willy, Democrats know that all they need to do to fool enough Christians to win the vote for their candidate in 2012 is to simply have Obama carry a Bible in his hand, those Christians then possibly saying, “Amen, the lord has reached down into his heart. Praise Jesus!”
However those same Christians quickly forgot or never noticed that when Slick Willy wasn't running for office, the Bible prop disappeared into a closet or the Democrat’s circular file, along with those “Three Wise Men” that were supposed to reform the Clinton master of smoke and mirrors but instead disappeared into the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.
For those conservatives who forgot Hillary’s background, I put a Web page together when she was running for office four years ago. Her being VP would be like having two Obama's in office, Hillary cut from the same cloth of socialism, conservative's early warning system that Marxist cancer cells are ready to enter the body of our Republic.
Check out how she treated Peter Paul after he paid for a Hollywood Fund Raiser for her before she later tried to run for president. It’s pure evil doing its work in broad daylight.
Conservatives may have one Tim Tebow hail mary left if the Supreme Court reins in the power that Obama’s Czars have displayed in Washington D.C. A lone couple, trying to protect their property rights, could become the trigger Democrats never saw coming.
With Fast & Furious and the Democrats protecting their undocumented voters for the 2012 election, the American public might want to bring a new sheriff to town. But when recently watching McCain’s, sick cocky smile after endorsing his RINO for president, America may be cursed with the sage who wrote “the more things change the more they remain the same.”
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