Freedom is Knowledge content can be easily word-searched using the Atomz Search Engine at the top of its homepage along with Windows "Ctrl + F" FIND feature used for locating search words on any pages brought up in an Atomz search.
Once you review the HTML pages brought up by the Atomz Search Engine, click on a page to brought up. It will appear in your browser. Hold the "Ctrl +F" keys and a box will appear in the upper left top of the page. Type in the exact same word(s) you used in the original search.
The word you typed in will immediately be highlighted where it is located on the page. Click the Next Button to see if it appears anywhere else on the page, or back up using the Previous Button.
Try it now.
Go to Atomz Search Engine at the top of the Freedom is Knowledge homepage and type in Darth Tader. Click on the gray bar. A page will come up with two selections to the words you typed in.
Click on the URL of either one. When the page loads hit the "Ctrl +F" keys together. Type in (or paste in) Darth Tader into the empty box at the upper left top of the page. You will be immediately taken to where the words Darth Tader appears. Enjoy the Grocery Store Wars video.

Western North Carolina