Date: July 29, 2012
What Could The Faces Of Fascism Look Like In America? You Decide.
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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"A tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control." - Merriam Webster
Which One Of These Could Be The Evil One?
Menino’s Feathers Are Showing
"Boston Mayor Thomas Menino spoke out against Chick-fil-A, promising not to let the chicken chain enter the city, after the company's president and COO Dan Cathy made pro-marriage comments. Now, he has sent a strongly worded letter to Chick-fil-A.
'I was angry to learn on the hells of your prejudiced statements about your search for a site to locate in Boston,' he writes. 'There is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it.' Here's the full letter, from GrubStreet:" . . . Read More / 2012 |
Chicago Alderman, Mayor Rahm Jumps On Chick-fil-A "Ban" Wagon
"Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has joined the chorus of voices trying to block Chick-Fil-A's expansion in the city due to the fast-food chain president's views on marriage, the Chicago Sun-Times reports Thursday. "Chick-fil-A's values are not Chicago values," he told the newspaper.
"They're not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members. And if you're gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values." The chain, which already has one outlet operating just off the city's Magnificent Mile, is seeking to open another in the Logan Square neighborhood, a move the alderman representing the area has also vowed to block." - Read More
MORE: (Fascists come out of the closet.)
D.C. Mayor Piles On, Slams Chick-fil-A ‘Hate Chicken’
SF Mayor Tells Chick-fil-A They're Not Welcome
Corporate Wendy's caves to tolerance tyrants, implies Chick-fil-A discriminates, destroying the positive image its late founder worked so hard for
Group Files Multiple Charges of Discrimination Against Chick-fil-A
The RINO's chickens have come home to roost. Romney refuses to defend Chick-Fil-A |
Roseanne Barr Wishes Cancer On Chick-fil-A Customers
Update: Claims Chick-fil-A patrons are guilty of ‘child abuse’; Update: Roseanne apologizes … sort of. - Source: Twitchy


The Country's Natural Drift to the Left |
Muppets Company Severs Ties With Chick-fil-A
Mayor Menino isn't the only one against Chick-fil-A these days.
The Jim Henson Company, the company behind the Muppets, "Sesame Street," and other popular puppet franchises, has decided to cut ties with the fast-food chain after Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy said he is against same-sex marriage.
[Note Dan Cathy did not say this. He said he was for marriage between a man and a woman, defending the Bible. Yet watch as Cathy's organization is mocked by an American progressive pagan media (see below) that openly displays its fascism as if really cool, examples of what our universities are graduating as tolerant and sensitive to others.
Now Americans can know what the Jews went through against another progressive fascist media in the 1930's Germany to demean their religion, views, and lives as unimportant or even laughable. It is why I have said for years if you want to know what life was like in early Nazi Germany, just step outside your front door in American today.]

This cow became acceptable collateral damage from today's progressive fascists |
Now According To Progressives, Meet Face to Face With the Evil Leader of Chick-Fil-A
Meet Dan Cathy, whom the Mayor of Boston, the Mayor of Chicago, the child-endoctrination Muppets, the Young Turks (see above video), and Roseanne Barr hate, most or all very strong supporters of President Obama. If you remember President Obama wasn't much different than Chick-Fil-A about his backing of Biblical marriage, calling himself a Christian, until suddenly doing a 180-degree switch when running for re-election in 2012. Hmm?
Once you finish watching the following video of Dan Cathy and his presentation about leadership, you will better understand the meaning of a fascist and why they hate men like Cathy. Can you image what the Jews went through 80 years ago when dealing with the living hell with the Third Reich's progressive media, not unlike the one that exists today in America.
(So who is the real Obama? President Obama gives thanks to 'Porn Kingpin' Democrat Fundraiser)
Five American Companies Defend America's Freedom of Speech
Chick-Fil-A Discusses Why They're Closed on Sundays
Report From the Front: A Visit to Chick-Fil-A
So is the real problem Americans no longer believe their Republic is Worth Saving? |
Progressives literally hate Chick-Fil-A and want it gone . . .
This question also goes to corporations that have left being neutral on social issues, pushing their customers to accept ALL that goes with the lifestyle they have now attached to their logos. Those corporations include the Home Depot, J.C. Penney, and now Office Depot.
This can be dangerous because these lifestyles cross many bridges. While Office Depot pushes Lady GaGa's organization, Lady GaGa actually loaded a nude photo to the Internet. Is Office Depot proud to have this agenda among their ink cartridges and office furniture for customers to enjoy? |
But why? You decide. Maybe Another "Obey?"
The Folsom Street Fair?
An estimated 300,000 attend this annual open-street event in San Francisco.
Source: Looping photos from Folsom Street Fair's International Web site, property of their respective owners.
Office Depot's campaign,"Be Brave."
Click here to visit the Folsom Street Fair Web site for dates to attend in San Francisco
Enjoy the (warning) graphic photos of ongoing personal street events. Or these "G" rated photos instead.
North American Man / Boy Love Association

Photo Source: Lead-in photo at top of NAMBLA Web page, property of its respective owner.
Enter Official Site
Click here to experience young boy's testimony on their maturing experiences. Publication available for purchase.
Walt Whitman and Bill Duckett: Man / Boy Lovers
Mission / Bio
"The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) was formed in 1978.
NAMBLA calls for the empowerment of youth in all areas, not just the sexual. We support greater economic, political and social opportunities for young people and denounce the rampant ageism that segregates and isolates them in fear and mistrust.
We believe sexual feelings are a positive life force. We support the rights of youth* as well as adults to choose the partners with whom they wish to share and enjoy their bodies.
* (NAMBLA wants age-of-consent laws for sex over parental disapproval to be reduced for young boys down to tens years or younger, believing a child knows when he wants "to be loved."
Professor Peter Singer of Princeton University had a similar opinion about animals. Singer was quoted as saying, "If a dog can tell you it needs to go out, it can tell you other things, too." Professor Singer was assigned to Princeton's Human Ethics Department in 1999.)
Other Opinions?
| Boy Crazy | Boston boy abducted | Arkansas boy abducted | Police Report | More |
American Corporations Reported To Openly Support Pride
American Apparel, Amtrak, Betty Crocker, Cheerios, Crest, Ford, GAP, Girl Scouts, Green Giant, Home Depot, JC Penney, Levi's, Macy’s, Microsoft, Office Depot, Old Navy, Oreos, Pampers, Pepsi, Pillsbury, Safeway, Starbucks, Target, Tide, Walgreens, Walt Disney World, and Wheaties. (July 31, 2012)
Source: CompeteNetwork - Huffington Post - MetroWeekly - Care2 |
In the end, some progressives are actually surprised at the attack on Chick-Fil-A's freedom of speech. But why are they surprised at the use of their own tactics of shock and awe?
| The ACLU | DailyKOS | Liberal Media | |
"From Political Correctness to Police State Speech and Thought Control." - Source: Bernie Goldberg |
(Note: Photo are property of their respective owners. No income or trade benefits are made from this site.)
Then More Love And Rainbows In 2016
High School Teacher Tried To Use Facebook To Gather Others To Go Burn Down A Small Indiana restaurant, Memories Pizza.
Damn It. We Told You To Make The Pizza Or . . .

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Obama's 1990 article would foreshadow his presidency - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.”
Click here for a printable page of Barack Obama's 1990 Newspaper Article
| Fascism in America | It Doesn't Matter?! | 50 Reasons Marxists for Obama | What Privacy? | America Facing Evil |
We live in historic Biblical Times
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
Listen to The Jimmy Z Show on the Internet - The right wing from the left coast! |
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Western North Carolina
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Background photo source: President George Washington