Date: October 25, 2012
Remember The Media That Wouldn't Vet Obama In 2008? They're baaack!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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In 2008 American voter knowledge was a product of the liberal news they chose to watch . . . or more importantly they chose to believe. Therefore, as shown in the video below, in 2008 Obama voters who were questioned on their knowledge on the presidential candidates knew more about the cost of Sarah Palin's dresses than who Obama was. Those media outlets were CNN, MSNBC and others.
After viewing the video below from 2008, scroll down to watch a new video for 2012 that again questions the knowledge of Obama voters based on the information provided by the media outlets they had watched. |
Source Media Malpractice
Source: MRCTV
Source: The Blaze
CBS Busts Obama—and Itself: Unaired 60 Minutes Clip Proves White House Lied About Benghazi
And It Continues . . .
. . . as Obama accepts donations from a self-made millionaire and Hollywood producer, who could easily be classified within Obama's 1%. The producer then blatantly promotes the Obama brand before the election by releasing a film on bin laden's killing two days before November 6th that is to be shown on National Geographic. However, Obama and his White House are obviously not concerned about "this video" upsetting Islam against America again in the Middle East. Hmm.
The producer, who was born into the Jewish faith, does this while Obama's DNC in August 2012 had tried as the convention started to help the Palistinians against Israel by writing in its platform that Jerusalem was not to be recognized as the capital of Israel. It was discovered the DNC wanted to also kick God out. . . . Read More |
Now you know why Karl Marx referred to his followers as his Useful Idiots
Obama voters are filled with them, which includes the ranks of the OWS radicals
Karl Marx Ten-Point Program of Creating Communism in a Democracy
Progressive socialists overseas want Obama to win in 2012
The 2012 Presidential Election: What Else Is At Stake
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Background photo source: President George Washington