Democrats and RINOs balked in September 2013 when Russian President Putin challenged Barack Obama's claim that American exceptionalism under his leadership for the last five years was above all others.
As Obama spoke those words, too many politicians in Washington DC riding on the coat tails of Obama's election had already wallowed in the pigpen of multiculturalism, a similar multiculturalism that will guarantee the downfall of Europe within the next three decades.
Obama's personally appointed Czars had already gorged themselves in the delight of being given permission to dismantle the country's foundation, built one stone upon the other and cemented with the blood of millions of patriots seeking freedom. While most of these patriots, born from immigrants, have been forgotten over the years, we need to remind ourselves they came from America's towns and small villages built on the sweat of freedom's hope denied on another soil.
Meanwhile Obama's Czars toss the loosened stones as if garbage, dedicated to diversity's faux promise that the collective is the new road to the future.
Too many of America's universities built from the same sweat find themselves now filled with pariahs who argue sex with animals is a good thing while other students are entertained during sex weeks to live on-stage S&M acts. America's youth was always supposed to be her next generation of leaders. Instead these students could be the most diseased in the history of the Republic from willing STD's, an effect from decades of attacks on family values as local schools and their communities become infested with progressive teachings of government approved Planned Parenthood, an organization President Obama treats as his own holy grail.
However, in the end liberals love to ignore that it was a real Nobel Peace Prize winner, Lech Walesa, the famous Polish Freedom Fighter, not Putin, who proclaimed in early 2010 that America was no longer the moral leader of the world. Walesa, a hero in his younger days who had risked his life and his family's life for freedom against the former USSR, would ironically be pushed aside decades later by the Marxist community organizer, Barack Obama, who arrogantly would need to only lift a finger to receive his Nobel Peace Prize from Norway's Communist elite.
So like Putin, Walesa is just another warning to American voters who want to put leaders into office on the verbal promise to fundamentally change a country that already has successfully fed and clothed many of their families for decades.
Voters need to remember that denial is not a river in Egypt and that Rome fell in a day from the lack of streaming water for buying and selling. Ironically any modern country could fall as fast from the lack of streaming, this time from digital codes disappearing on broken viaducts connected to outer space.
America is a great country. But no country can take sledge hammers on its foundation for very long from its own citizens who believe the lie from a new variety of slick hustlers that the grass will be greener on the other side if they will only believe. Of course voters never ask while cheering at elections, "What other side and where did you say it was?"
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens. - Anonymous