Date: September 29, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Jimmy Z - Ted Cruz Is Right: Obamacare Has Failed! - YouTube |
Source: YouTube
Senior Obama Adviser: House Republicans Terrorists, Kidnappers, And Arsonists - Business Insider
Senator Tom Harkin: "A small group of willful men and women who have a certain ideology" Will Bring Us Civil War - National Journal
Dear Senator Harkin: Your Democrat Party is the one with slaves on its plantation. - Webmaster
Source: FOX News
Representative Jim Jordan, (R-OH), takes committee member Admiral Michael Mullen (retired) to task on the supposed independence of the review in Benghazi terrorist attack. - GodFatherPolitics |
Source: YouTube
1. History About To Repeat Itself? Arrogant New Yorkers Yawn over 9/11 As New York 2013 Muslim Day Parade Sticks It In Their Faces
"Marchers Carry Al Qaeda Jihad Flags." - FrontPage
"Some are held by spectators and others by marchers in the parade meaning that the organizers of the parade had to approve marchers carrying Jihadist symbols. I can’t think of any other group that would be allowed parade around with blatant terrorist insignia in the city that those same terrorists attacked.
Muslims will claim that these were historically Mohammed’s flags, but today they are used by Jihadists and by Salafists as Caliphate flags. The black flag is the war flag and the white flag is the state flag of the Caliphate. (from Urban Infidel) The Muslim Day marchers carrying the white flags are saying that they view themselves as part of the Islamic Caliphate and that they view New York as belonging to the Caliphate.
The Muslim Day marchers with black flags are waving an open declaration of war against New York." . . . Read More
These flags were planted on American embassies on September 11 during the attacks. Now they're being openly carried in New York City - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Muslims In Maryland Demand Public Schools Closed On Their Holiday - EducationViews
Benghazi 'Innocence Of Muslims' Filmmaker To Be Released Monday - Breitbart
State Department Has Ignored Security Recommendations After Benghazi - DailyCaller
Scores Are Killed By Suicide Bomb Attack At Historic Church In Pakistan - NewYorkTimes
Women Allegedly Traveling To Syria To Have Sex With Up To ’100' Militants - TheBlaze
Coptic Christians In Egypt "Still" Under Persecution - [As Obama Supports Muslim Brotherhood.] - CWFA
Iranian President Gives Obama Middle Finger . . . Three Times! - NewYorkPost
Obama Goes To UN, Lies: Claims “Mission Accomplished” In Afghanistan - FrontPage
McCain Hires Syria Rebel Advocate Elizabeth O’Bagy - DailyCaller
MSNBC’s Morning Joe: ‘Barack Obama Has Proven He Wasn’t Ready To Be President’ - MinutemanNews
2. “Peace Prize Obama” Went To Kenya In 2006
"Campaigned for His Muslim Terrorist Cousin" - ClashDaily
"Don’t you remember? Most of America, of course, doesn’t. The mainstream media never told the masses. They were too busy fawning over the fraud who wound up being awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. As the smoke clears and the body count mounts from the appalling Islamic terrorist attack on the shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, the fact that Obama had a personal hand in paving the way for groups like Al-Shabab to flourish in that part of Africa gets no coverage.
Those of us who pay attention to the real news know that in 2006, as a newly elected United States senator and rising star in the democrat party here, Barack Hussein Obama traveled to Kenya and illegally used his office (in violation of the Logan Act) to campaign for his cousin of the Luo tribe, Raila Odinga, who was running for president there." . . . Read More
So if the terrorists weren't Catholics, Christians, Jews, Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, or Indians, WHO WERE THEY . . . directed at America's useless media? Maybe cuddly animals?
SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on an American President, his despicable enablers, and pariah AP 'news executives' supporting the Democrat Party's liberal leadership, as they refuse to call Kenyan terrorists, (read copy), Muslim or followers of Islam, an ideology that openly hates Christians and Jews. It is this ideology that gives permission to the stunning hate acted on against men, women, and children shopping at a mall - Webmaster
'Eyes Gouged Out - Bodies Hanging From Hooks - Children Found Dead In Food Fridges With Knives Still In Bodies - Men Were Said to Have Been Castrated - Fingers Removed : Horrific Claims Of Torture Emerge As Soldiers Reveal Gory Kenyan Mall Massacre Details They Have Come Across - DailyMail |
America Facing Evil - FreedomIsKnowledge (2010)
Nairobi Mall Shooting: Gunmen Throw Grenades, Open Fire At Upscale Shopping Center - HuffingtonPost
Minnesota Somali Muslims Fear Backlash After Kenya Mall Attack - AtlasShugs
Interview With An Al Shabaab Member - AmericanThinker
Mall Massacre Hero Proves Gun Rights Need - EagleRising
Democrat McAuliffe: 'I'm Going To Push' For More Gun Control If Elected Virginia Governor - Breitbart
ASNE Puts The Word Out: 90% Of Top Newspapers Censor Islam Name In Nairobi, Pakistan Attacks - MRC
3. Girl Scouts Allow 7-Year-Old Boy To Join
"Because He Is ‘Living Life As A Girl’" - CNSNews
“'We make the distinction that if a child is living life as a girl and the family brings the child to us and says my daughter wants to be a Girl Scout, we welcome her,' Rachelle Trujillo, vice president of communications with Girl Scouts of Colorado told CN SNews
On Tuesday, 9, a Denver-based television station, initially reported the story of the 7-year-old boy, Bobby Montoya. His mother, Felisha Archuleta, said a local troop leader told her Bobby could not join the troop because he was a boy." . . . Read More
Encore News:
Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons In Lesbians Take Over Of Female Children (2009) - WND
More Than 90 Girl Scouts March In San Francisco Pride Parade (2013) - WND
Ten Commandments Monument Toppled In Washington -Breitbart
Atheists Order Florida City to Remove 131-Year Old City Seal Due to Cross Symbol - Zionica
New Jersey Judge Rules State Must Allow Leftist Marriage - NewYorkTimes
Liberal Chick: “The State is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want” - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Grieving As An Atheist: A Surprising Dilemma - Zionica
4. 2013 - Student Indoctrination Continues In American Universities
"The new college academic year has begun, and unfortunately, so has student indoctrination." - LewRockwell
"William Penn, Michigan State University professor of creative writing, greeted his first day of class with an anti-Republican rant. Campus Reform, a project of the Arlington, Virginian--based Leadership Institute, has a video featuring the professor telling his students that Republicans want to prevent 'black people' from voting. He added that 'this country still is full of closet racists' and described Republicans as “a bunch of dead white people — or dying white people'
To a student who had apparently displayed displeasure with those comments, Professor Penn barked, 'You can frown if you want.' He gesticulated toward the student and added, 'You look like you’re frowning. Are you frowning?' When the professor’s conduct was brought to the attention of campus authorities, MSU spokesman Kent Cassella said, 'At MSU it is important the classroom environment is conducive to a free exchange of ideas and is respectful of the opinions of others.'
That mealy-mouthed response is typical of university administrators. Professor Penn was using his classroom to proselytize students. That is academic dishonesty and warrants serious disciplinary or dismissal proceedings. But that’s not likely. Professor Penn’s vision is probably shared by his colleagues, seeing as he was the recipient of MSU’s Distinguished Faculty Award in 2003. University of Southern California professor Darry Sragow shares Penn’s opinion. Last fall, he went on a rant telling his students that Republicans are 'stupid and racist' and 'the last vestige of angry old white people.'" . . . Read More
Common Core: A Lesson Plan for Raising Up Compliant, Non-Thinking Citizens - RutherfordInstitute
Duh! U.S. House Far-Left Democrat Grayson Hails ‘Stealth Socialism’ In America - NewMediaJournal
Students know more about Kim's new baby than NSA or Holder - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
5. The Associated Press Revises Another Politically Charged Term
"Stylebook entry for 'Islamist' revised two days after 'illegal immigrant' dropped" - U.S.News
"Following on the heels of the Tuesday decision by The Associated Press to discontinue use of the term 'illegal immigrant,' the news agency on Thursday revised its stylebook entry for another politically charged term.
The term 'Islamist,' the AP clarified in a Thursday afternoon alert to online stylebook subscribers, should not be used as 'a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, extremists or radicals.'
'Islamist' is frequently used as a label for conservative Islamic political movements, particularly Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, the group's Palestinian offshoot. It generally carries a negative connotation." . . . Read More
The Racially-Motivated Mass-Shooting The Media Doesn't Want To Talk About - Breitbart
News Media’s Ongoing Revolving Door To Obama White House - WashingtonTimes
NBC's Today Show Once Again Goes After George Zimmerman - Breitbart
Broadcaster Fired For Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Blasts FOX Sports For Religious Discrimination - Breitbart
6. Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending . . .
". . . By $7,450 For A Typical Family Of Four." - Forbes
"It was one of candidate Obama’s most vivid and concrete campaign promises. Forget about high minded (some might say high sounding) but gauzy promises of hope and change. This candidate solemnly pledged on June 5, 2008: 'In an Obama administration, we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.' Unfortunately, the experts working for Medicare’s actuary have (yet again[1]) reported that in its first 10 years, Obamacare will boost health spending by “roughly $621 billion” above the amounts Americans would have spent without this misguided law.
What this means for a typical family of four. $621 billion is a pretty eye-glazing number. Most readers will find it easier to think about how this number translates to a typical American family—the very family candidate Obama promised would see $2,500 in annual savings as far as the eye could see. So I have taken the latest year-by-year projections, divided by the projected U.S. population to determine the added amount per person and multiplied the result by 4." . . . Read More
Obama's Fawning NBC Launches Week Of Programming to 'Help' Obama Succeed - WeeklyStandard
Is Doctor Obama In The House?! (Note: Obama ALWAYS has his enablers behind him, helping to "prop" up his lies.)
More U.S. Doctors Steer Clear Of Medicare - YahooFinance (July 2013)
Laborers’ Union: Fix Obamacare Or Repeal It; ‘We’re Getting Our A-- Kicked Here’ - CNSNews
How Obamacare Will Subsidize Abortion - NationalReview
For Agreeing With Palin, Will Howard Dean Win Politifact's 'Lie Of The Year?' - Breitbart (July 2013)
Guess What Happened To This U.S. Rep’s Private Health Plan After He Opted Out Of Obamacare (And He’s Not Alone!) - TheBlaze
Another ObamaCare Success Story! Tennessee Men Face 290% Premium Hike, Women 197% - JWF
McCain: Partisanship In DC Is Worst He Has Seen - CBSNewsWashingtonDC [Note: Duh! McCain Should Know, His Feeding Off The Tax Payer Trough For So Long He's On Record For Voting Far-Left Ruth Bader Ginsburg Onto The Supreme Court In 1993, Guaranteeing Obamacare To Become Law Nineteen Years Later.]
Life And Death In Assisted Living - PBS
Life and Death in Assisted Living: "Shut the Back Door." - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Click the PBS logo to watch the full program - PBS |
7. West Coast Democratic Party Chairman Fired, Wished Death To Cruz's Children
Washington D.C. Democrat Party hate machine for Tea Party candidates results in communication committee chairman for the Sacramento Democrat Party tweeting psychotic message against Ted Cruz aide and his family
"Allan Brauer, Communications Committee chairman for the Democratic Party of Sacramento County (DPSC) had his resignation accepted Friday following a series of unhinged tweets directed at an aide to Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.
'@amandacarpenter May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases,' Brauer tweeted to Cruz speechwriter and senior communications advisor Amanda Carpenter early Friday afternoon, after Carpenter tweeted a gung ho message in support of using the Congress’ power of the budget to shield the American people from the ill effects of the unpopular 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Ten minutes later Brauer hinted that the first attack had proven to be taxing work, tweeting, 'Busy blocking the tapeworms that have slithered out of hellspawn @amandacarpenter’s asshole. How’s your day so far?'" . . . Read More
CNN Wages War Against GOP After ObamaCare Vote - Breitbart
Senate Website Gets Second Amendment Wrong - Breitbart
Vatican Chief Justice: Nancy Pelosi Must Be Denied Communion - CNSNews
Modoc County Joins Siskiyou In State Of Jefferson Bid For Secession From Liberal Democrat-Run State Of California - Redding
Americans Should Have This Same Information For Our Congress, eh? - TheStar
Democrats Treat Families Of Benghazi Victims Like Garbage - GodfatherPolitics
Obama Uses 300 Million Of Your Tax Dollars To Fund The Democrat's Decades-of-Chosen-Failure In Detroit - CNN
Note: With this donation to self-destruction, Obama openly rewards corruption and policies that could continue to lead America on a well-deserved path to a third-world country, keeping his campaign promise to fundamentally change America. Why well-deserved? Because it was the country's voters who accepted the responsibility of putting Obama into the office for two terms after 2008, their knowing he was a socialist and Alinsky follower, some counties even voting 100% of their black electorate. Elections have consequences, as America continues in its post-constitutional era following in the historic political footsteps of Rome. Rome, too, abandoned its original Republic guaranteeing individual freedom, resorting to a simple democracy. Rome became so weak in protecting its superstructure that the city eventually collapsed in a day. - Webmaster |
8. ACORN’s Former Chief Calls For More Immigration To Boost Black Power
"ACORN’s former CEO Bertha Lewis urged Africans-Americans to support increased immigration as a strategy to gain political power." - DailyCaller
“'We got some Latino cousins, we got some Asian cousins, we got some Native-American cousins, we got all kind of cousins,' said Lewis, who spoke Thursday at the annual political conference of the Congressional Black Caucus.
'Cousins need to get together because if we’re going to be [part of the non-white] majority, it makes sense for black people in this country to get down with immigration reform,' said Lewis, whose ACORN group was formally disbanded in 2010 after a series of scandals.
Lewis did not mention solidarity with whites, or with people who define themselves as Americans, in her appeal for power.
“'Everyone, even all white folks in this country, acknowledge that in a minute, [the] United States of America will be a new majority, will be majority minority, a brand-new thing,' she said." . . . Read More
9. High German Electricity Rates Coming To The USA?
"For Germany, it all adds up to a disaster in the making and an explosion of electricity prices per kWh, at least 40% or more." - CanadaFreePress
"Environmentalists have told us that we must reduce the escalating levels of CO2 or we risk a complete meltdown of our entire global ice cap and massive planetary destruction. Not only is the ice cap 60 percent larger this year but we have been in a cooling period for the past 16 years. Even the United Nation’s expert on global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), had to admit that their computer modeling predicting global warming Armageddon was wrong.
Based on this alarmist erroneous information, most countries have made and are making fundamental changes to the way they live and do business. Germany was one of the first European countries to jump on the wind and solar renewable energy bandwagon, abandoning nuclear power generation after the Fukushima disaster in Japan.
Consequently, according to Spiegel Online International, Germans were forced to pay the highest electricity rates in Europe. 'Germany’s energy poverty' hit the underprivileged the hardest when 'electricity became a luxury good.' Welfare and pension checks were not adjusted to accommodate for higher prices. Over 300,000 Germans a year have their electricity cut off because they cannot afford to pay their electric bills. 'Two-thirds of the price increase is due to new government fees, surcharges and taxes." . . . Read More
'Artificial Egg' Made From Plants Backed By Bill Gates Set To Revolutionize Cooking Goes On Sale At Whole Foods - DailyMail
Homeland Security To Test BOSS Facial Recognition At Junior Hockey Game - BioMetricUpdate
Doctors Grow Nose On Man’s Forehead - ABCNews
10. Why The Army Wants To Ban Tattoos
"In a culture where even soccer moms now sport tattoos and soccer-themed 'tramp stamps' the Army’s recent decision to ban all visible tattoos has prompted a “WTF” heard round the world?" - BreakingDefense
"But there’s method to the Army’s madness. This is just one small step in the service’s campaign to raise standards and discipline after it opened the floodgates to felons, high school dropouts, and other dubious recruits when it boosted its ranks at the height of the Iraq war. Current regulations ban tattoos only on the face unless they’re 'extremist, indecent, sexist or racist': no swastikas or naked ladies, sorry, but almost anything else goes.
On Saturday, however, Sergeant Major of the Army Raymond Chandler told troops in Afghanistan that the service was about to ban them on the neck, below the elbows, or below the knees. The ban means, in essence, no tattoos anywhere they’d be visible on a soldier wearing short sleeves and shorts. The service may well let some soldiers already in uniform keep their ink, but new recruits may have to pay out of their own pockets to get offending tattoos removed.
Why should ink disqualify you from being a soldier? 'Is being willing to die for your country not good enough?” the commentator on the video asks (fast-forward to 0:45). “Does the military just have a surplus of people sitting around that they can be this choosey?'" . . . Read More
Arrogant Elitist Neighbors Petition To Stop Bronze Star Winner From Building A Home In Their Area - TheBlaze
President Obama Doesn't Understand Debt, But Maybe This 6th Grader Could Teach Him, Eh?
Explaining debt in six minutes. Even a 6th grader could do it . . . and does! - YouTube |
Source: YouTube

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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