Date: October 6, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Seedco: Obamacare’s Fraud-Stained Worm-Infected Navigators - MichelleMalkin
How Will Obamacare Affect Christians? - Zionica
Source: CBSNews
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addresses Shutdown - CBN |
Source: CBN
Source: FOXNews
1. Barrycades: Feds Shut Down Privately-Owned Mount Vernon
Mount Vernon is run by visitor attendance, this time of year very important to revenues. But Obama's thugs only allow one outsider to come in to free the animals. The historic area uses zero funds or government employees, but sits on Obama's government property - Webmaster
"The National Park Service erected barricades to shut down parking lots surrounding Mount Vernon despite the fact that the tourist destination is privately owned, another example of how the feds are deliberately worsening the government shut down.
Mount Vernon is the former plantation of George Washington and is owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, which doesn’t receive any government funding. The attraction’s official website reads, 'NO SHUTDOWN HERE – The Federal government may be shut down, but Washington’s home remains open. Mount Vernon has remained a private non-profit for more than 150 years.'
However, a dispute began when the National Park Service began putting up barricades to block off the facility’s car park, blockading the entrance as well as a spot where tour buses turn around." . . . Read More
Americans angry at Obama daring to shut down their historic sites - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Welcome To Tantrum-ocracy: Obama, The One, Shuts Down The Ocean - PoliticalOutcast
WWII Memorial Barricade Wired Shut! - WeeklyStandard (Oct. 4th, 10a.m.)
Wesley Pruden: The Cheap Tricks Of The Game - WashingtonTimes
Priests Threatened With Arrest If They Minister To Military During Shutdown - DailyCaller
Obama Inc. Shutting Down Private Restaurants On Federal Land - FrontPage
Blue Ridge Hotel Defies Park Service Shutdown - WashingtonTimes
(Note: This Inn located near me is privately run with a contract to assist drivers on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Although the Parkway was open, rangers stopped drivers from coming in, even telling them that if they had to use the restroom they should go in the woods, which ironically is against the law. - Webmaster)
Who Shut Down The Government? - Townhall
2. Obama's Enablers Rear Up Their Ugly Heads To Block Angel Flight Veterans From WWII Memorial So Those Heroes Will Feel The King's Temper Tantrum
"Like its decision to end White House tours when the sequester cuts took effect, there is no rational reason for this. The Park Police, nominally in charge of monitoring these spaces, isn't even affected by the shutdown. Shutting off access to these sites is gratuitous and petulant." - Breitbart
"On Monday, the first day of the government shutdown, a number of WWII veterans showed up at a memorial to their service to find that access had been blocked. The memorial is in a public space and is open 24/7, with almost no oversight from Park Police personnel. (Who, by the way, are exempt from the government shutdown.) The White House was, according to reports, informed of the veterans' visit and chose to block access.
Having lived in DC for 18 years, I can tell you, the WWII Memorial is simply an architectural structure in an open public space. There is no official "access" to it. There are no guards. It's a building in a park. Yet, the Obama Administration tried to block veterans from viewing the public memorial, even after hearing about the planned visit.
Fortunately, the 'greatest generation' was having nothing of this and easily overcame the government barricades. (Do we yet again have to rely on this generation to show the promise of America?)" . . . Read More
WWII Memorial barricades moved by Conservatives for vets - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Obama Enablers Knew About WWII Veterans’ Request AND Rejected It! - DailyCaller
Air Force: Sequester Prevents Flyover For Long-Lost Vietnam Vets - Breitbart
This Was No Accident! Remember How Obama Supporters Had Literally Trashed The Same WII Memorial In 2010? Watch And Never Forget.
Nasty Obama-supported One Nation Rally: Delighted to show its dirty underwear to WWII Vets and their Memorial - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Our Complaint To The Smithsonian Over It's Support Of The Left's Political Correctness - FreedomisKnowledge
Shutdown Overreach! - More personnel Sent To WWII Memorial Than Benghazi while Obama's Park Service Closes Parks It Doesn't Even Run - WashingtonExaminer
Police Remove Vietnam War Veterans At Memorial Wall - WeeklyStandard
3. Media's Shutdown Propaganda: AP's Furloughed 'EPA Worker' Really Gov't Union Boss
"It appears the Associated Press has either been duped by a partisan government union big-wig pretending to be a beleaguered government employee facing furlough due to a government shutdown, or they knew he was an activist and withheld the information from their readers." - Breitbart
"The AP released a video titled: 'EPA Worker: Furloughs Hit Employees Hard.' The video is described as 'Paul Sacker is an engineer for the Environmental Protection Agency who was furloughed because of the government shutdown. Sacker says politicians don't understand the impact the shutdown has on workers.'
In the video, Mr. Sacker laments the fact that he's being furloughed. He talks about how it will personally affect him and how he will have to dig into his savings 'as the paychecks stop coming.' He decries 'the tea party that are using ideological principals to hold the government hostage.' He also says 'our president needs to do more leadership,' whatever that means.
Now here's the context [you shouldn't be surprised with our corrupt media] the Associated Press didn't give you.". . . Read More
Hello Media, Who Would Have Guessed? The Movie 'Butler' from Another Planet - Townhall
Progressives At It Again! The Darwin-Drenched Phrase “Missing Link” Popped Up again, This Time In A Story That Claims Humans Got Their Faces From . . . Wait For It . . . A Fish. - Creation Evolution
Greenville Wal-Mart Shooter Picked Victims By Race - CBSCharlotte
Illinois Town Reverses Discriminatory Facility Policy Against Religious Groups - Liberty Counsel
4. Obama Administration: Lawmakers, Staff Can Get Abortion Coverage
"The Office of Personnel Management ruled Monday that members of Congress and their staffs will be able to buy health care plans that pay for abortions, even though the premiums are funded largely by taxpayer money." - WashingtonTimes
"Under the terms of Obamacare, lawmakers and their aides are required to ditch their government-sponsored plans and buy insurance on state-based health care exchanges, though unlike most people on the exchanges, the staffers and members will have most of the costs of their premiums paid by their employer — in this case, taxpayers.
Federal law generally prevents taxpayer money from being used to pay for abortions, but OPM said the health care plans offered through the exchange were private. The agency also said it will make sure the money is segregated so that the portion that pays for abortions comes out of the employees’ own contributions, which amounts to about a quarter of the premiums." . . . Read More
5. Political Trust in "American People" at New Low [You mean all those useful idiots that always love to volunteer to stand behind Obama when he speaks may not be that smart? Like when Obama said doctors like to make more money by sawing off the feet of patients rather than give them medicine? Remember all those idiots nodding heads behind Obama, agreeing?]
"Americans' trust in 'the American people'" to make judgments about political issues facing the country has declined each year since 2009 and, at 61%, is down nearly 20 percentage points from its recent peak in 2005." - Gallop
Americans' trust in political officeholders and candidates has also generally trended downward in recent years, apart from a spike in September 2008, during the fall presidential campaign. That year, Americans viewed the major-party candidates -- Barack Obama and John McCain -- more positively than any other recent pair of presidential candidates.
The public's declining trust in the American people to make judgments about political issues could be part of a more general process of declining trust in most governing institutions. It may also be an outgrowth of increasing polarization in the United States on key issues. Americans may trust "the people" less when they are more conscious that segments of the population hold views radically different from their own." . . . Read More
Fundamentally Changing America: Border Patrol Rep Claims Agents Being Ordered To Stand Down - Breitbart
Social Security Administration Instructs Employees To Warn Recipients About Debt Ceiling - DailyCaller
6. America Continues Its Move Towards Sodom, As Folsom Street Fair Marks 30 Years
"The Folsom Street Fair turned 30 on Sunday, a celebration of boundary-pushing sexual behavior that now is a thoroughly established San Francisco attraction." - SfGate
"Under periodically cloudy skies that were ideal for fairgoers forgoing their clothes, more than 200 booths stretched from Seventh past 12th streets with stages on cross streets and alleys. Many of the men and women who paid $10 to enter the area wore corsets or kilts or considerably less. Others were fully clad, either taking in the exhibitionistic scene or taking part with their own brand of role-playing.
'This is what I do,' said Liliane Hunt, a performance artist/model in Victorian garb who sat in a carriage being pulled by 'my three ponies,' people clad in leather from boots to head masks. 'I'm classically trained in the theater, but each year we try to come up with something beyond the year before.'
When the fair began in the 1980s it was a much smaller event, in a part of town that for most San Franciscans was far off the map. Sunday, people watched from the balconies of loft buildings that have risen in the past 20 years; event sponsors include Kimpton Hotels and the San Francisco Marriott Marquis as well as purveyors of bondage gear and pornography." . . . Read More
Brown University To Host 'Nudity In The Upspace' Week - HuffingtonPost
Miley Cyrus: Raunchy And Topless For Controversial Photog - ShowBiz411
Who Would Have Guessed Coming From Hollywood: Mia Farrow: Son Ronan 'Possibly' Fathered by Frank Sinatra, Not Woody Allen - People
Duh! SAT Scores Continue Decline; 57 Percent Of Incoming Freshmen Not Ready For College - YahooNews
7. HHS Promoting 'Long-Acting' Contraception, 'Sterilization' in Dwindling Navajo Nation
"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will spend $450,000 in Fiscal Year 2014 on grants to groups that will provide birth control--including "long acting" contraceptives and 'sterilization.'" - CNSNews
"Priority will be given to Native American 'individuals from low-income families.' 'Successful applicants will include information in the application that clearly identifies the clinical services provided, including the specific methods of contraception to be offered at the grantee and/or sub-recipient sites,' said the department’s solicitation for proposals to receive this grant money. 'In addition to program priorities,' said the HHS, 'the following key issues have implications for Title X services projects, and should be considered in developing the project plan:
Under Title X, sterilizations can be offered in federally funded "family planning" programs on mentally competent individuals over 21 years of age who sign a document giving their "informed consent" at least 30 days but not more than 180 days before the procedure is performed." . . . Read More
8. 104,000 Strong: Tea Party Patriots Have Record Turnout For Cruz On Tele-Townhall
"The Tea Party Patriots blew away expectations at last night's tele-townhall on the Continuing Resolution." - Breitbart
"The previous record for an event was three weeks ago when 67,000 participants attended. TPP Co-founder Jenny Beth Martin stated, 'no special measures were taken to draw the crowd—only the standard Facebook post for two hours and a robocall earlier in the day.'
The purpose of the tele-townhall was to get TPP members up to date on the latest developments in the ongoing battle to defund Obamacare. It was the TPP's rallies during the congressional recess in August that drove interest in the current hard-line strategy.
Senator Cruz laid out a series of action items that grassroots activists could take on a daily basis to stop Obamacare. These measures included everything from signing petitions to doing blog and Facebook posts." . . . Read More
Ben Carson: I Had My First Encounter With The 'IRS' After Challenging Obama - DailyCaller
9. OMG, And So It Starts On Day One!
"Obama Inc. to deny cancer treatments by . . . wait for it . . . redefining what “cancer” is." - FrontPage
"The death panels aren’t going to come through the front door. They’re going to sneak up on you from behind with piano wire.
'On July 29, 2013, a working group for the National Cancer Institute (the main government agency for cancer research) published a paper proposing that the term “cancer” be reserved for lesions with a reasonable likelihood of killing the patient if left untreated. Slower growing tumors would be called a different name such as “indolent lesions of epithelial origin” (IDLE).' . . . Read More - (If you dare in a health program brought to you by a Saul Alinsky supporter.)
Obamacare Facebook Erupts With Citizen Sticker Shock - PatriotUpdate
Bachmann On 10,535 Obamacare Reg Pages: 'It's Horrifying!' Like A 'Stephen King Novel' - CNSNews
The Top 100 Items To Disappear First - SurvivalCache
More Insanity! Seventh-Grader Suspended Three Days For Gun Key chain The Size Of A Quarter - Patriot Update
Radio Ad: No Water Equals No NSA Data Center - Tenth Amendment Center
Hudson School District Apologizes For Video With 'Political Slant' At Peace One Day Event - MyFOXTwinCities
10. Nigeria College Shooting: Dozens Of Students Shot Dead In Their Sleep
"Suspected Islamic extremists attacked an agricultural college in the dead of night, gunning down dozens of students as they slept in dormitories and torching classrooms, the school's provost said – the latest violence in northeastern Nigeria's ongoing Islamic uprising." - HuffingtonPost
"The attack, blamed on the Boko Haram extremist group, came despite a 4 1/2-month-old state of emergency covering three states and one-sixth of the country. It and other recent violence have led many to doubt assurances from the government and the military that they are winning Nigeria's war on the extremists.
Provost Molima Idi Mato of Yobe State College of Agriculture told The Associated Press that there were no security forces protecting the college. Two weeks ago, the state commissioner for education had begged schools and colleges to reopen and promised they would be guarded by soldiers and police.
Idi Mato said as many as 50 students may have been killed in the assault that began at about 1 a.m. Sunday in rural Gujba. 'They attacked our students while they were sleeping in their hostels. They opened fire at them,' he said, adding that most victims were aged between 18 and 22." . . . Read More
CAIR’s Islamophobia Meltdown - FrontPage |
Source: YouTube |
Stunning report you need to watch how Obama's media and the government agencies he represents seem almost encouraged to worship CAIR, while progressives would be offended if anyone dared cry out impeachment. |
CNN’s Iran Coverage: Biased, Inept, Or Corrupt? - FrontPage
As Obama's promise is fulfilled to move America out as a leader in the world by fundamentally transforming the country, other countries will gladly help fill the vacuum.
Black Eagles - Republic of Korea Air Force Aerobatic Team - YouTube |
Source: YouTube
Stunning! First Aerial Photos Reveal How Doomed Costa Concordia Has Been Rolled Upright As Divers Begin Grim Task Of Hunting For The Missing Two Bodies - Daily Mail

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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Background photo source: President George Washington |