Date: November 3, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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When Liberals Morph To Progressives, It's Like Old Wine Turning To Vinegar.
Entitlements Outnumber Paychecks: America has reached the event horizon, where Americans will now vote only on the candidate that will keep their entitlement checks coming in the mail - Dick Morris |
1. Surprise, Surprise! Michelle Obama And Classmate Had Radical History At Princeton With Communists
"Toni McCall Townes-Whitley, the former Princeton classmate of Michelle Obama whose company won the no-bid contract to build the website, was a student radical whose efforts included bringing a famous black communist to campus." - DailyCaller
"According to the archives of the student newspaper, Toni McCall Townes-Whitley, Princeton ’85, was chairwoman of the Organization of Black Unity and was the black representative for the Third World Center (TWC) alongside the future first lady. (Related: Michelle Obama and CGI Federal executive belonged to student group at Princeton that hosted pro-terrorist speaker)
Townes-Whitley, née McCall, was a well known black activist at Princeton at the time. She authored a college thesis titled 'The Question of Diversity,' calling for more racial quotas. She wrote for a radical newspaper, 'La Lutta Continua' ('The Struggle Continues') and organized a forum 'On Being Black.'
'It’s important to have black role models in the colleges; because of CURL [a plan to integrate students racially in housing] there will be a decrease in the amount of upperclass members who are minorities,' McCall said to the Daily Princetonian in 1983, arguing that a plan that sought to house black and white freshmen without regard to race was unsatisfactory.
McCall also brought Manning Marable, who according to Cornel West was the most famous black Communist in America, to campus in November 1984, and favorably compared his activism with that of civil rights leaders." . . . Read More
Surprise, Surprise! Democrat's Media Outlet, Politico: Hey, It’s Really Republican Sabotage Causing Obamacare’s Problems - HotAir
Surprise, Surprise! Only 23% New York Doctors Say They'll Accept Obamacare Patients - Breitbart
Surprise, Surprise! Obama Administrator Knew Millions Could Not Keep Their Health Insurance . . . [Obama Lied, NBC, because he didn't want to lose voters, what it is always about.] - NBCNews
Jay Sekulow: Complete Failure of - FOXNews |
Source: YouTube |
Company Behind Obamacare Website In Charge Of Nearly $2 billion In Sandy Relief - DailyCaller
- Hurricane Sandy, One Year Later: More Than 200 City Storm Survivors Are Still Without A Home - NYDailyNews
Soros Adviser, Obama Donors, Amnesty Activists Form Group To Target House GOP Members - Breitbart
America’s Real President Is The One With The Chicago Skirt - CanadaFreePress
Give Us Your Young, Uninsured (And Dying To Be Rooked) - AmericanThinker
GET A GUN? Beloved 87-year old Veteran Killed By four Black Teens During Violent Mugging. [Family should have lawyer bring in MSNBC as an accessory to murder.] - ClashDaily
Thomas Sowell: The Race-Hustlers Among Us - WashingtonTimes
Man Who Issued Zimmerman Bounty Promoted With The Black Panther Party - WND
'EXTORTION': Holder Abuses Law To Enrich Former Employer, Target Republicans - Breitbart
Medicare Paid Millions To Dead People, Illegal Immigrants - DailyCaller
Records Reveal Former Top ACORN Operative Continues To Advise CFPB Head, Other Officials On Housing Issues - JudicialWatch
Senator Schumer of New York Continues To Attack The Protections Of The Constitution - CNSNews
McCain: We'll Try To Pass Immigration Changes AFTER GOP Primaries [Nutty far-left McCain, as usual, backing up Democrat Policy agendas while pissing on his party] - Breitbart
Sometimes There's Justice: Senator Graham's Favorability Plummets After Year-Long Push For Amnesty - NumbersUSA
2. The Killing Of Christians And The Silence Of The Muslim In The White House
"In the past two weeks, radical Islamists have murdered hundreds of Christians around the world." - AmericanFamilyAssociation
"Without question, Christians are being targeted for assassination solely because of their faith in Christ. Entire families, including children, are slaughtered in their homes, churches and public gatherings.
Ironically, while Christian lives are being silenced by radical jihadists, the United States White House is silent in its response. These killings have not been condemned by the president, his secretary of state, or his administration.
Below, we have summarized the senseless slaughter of Christians over the past two weeks. Join us in asking President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to speak out and use the influence of the United States to halt the slaughter of Christians by radical jihadists." . . . Read More
Secretary Of State "It's Not That Bad Egypt Churches Were Burned By Some People Who Are ‘Simply Anti-Christian.’" - PJMedia
Spies In The Classroom: CAIR Vs. Campus Watch - FrontPage
EU Proposal To Monitor "Intolerant" Citizens - GatestoneInstitute
3. Obama’s Military Purge
"Is the Obama administration in the midst of a military purge? This year alone, nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the administration, and retired generals and current commanders who have spoken to TheBlaze believe that political ideology is the primary impetus behind the effort." - FrontPage
“'I think they’re using the opportunity of the shrinkage of the military to get rid of people that don’t agree with them or not toe the party line,' a senior retired general told website. 'Remember, as Rahm Emanuel said, never waste a crisis.' The general spoke on the condition of anonymity because he still provides the government with services and believes this administration would retaliate against him.
The terminations have a distinctly political odor surrounding them in at least three cases. In all three of these cases, Benghazi is at root. U.S. Army Gen. Carter Ham was heading the United States African Command when our consulate came under attack on September 11, 2012. Ham told Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) he was never given a 'stand down' order preventing him from securing the consulate.
Yet the Washington Times, citing sources in the military, said he was given the order and immediately relieved of command when he decided to defy it. The Times further noted that Ham 'retired' less that two years after receiving the command when all other commanders of similar stature have stayed on far longer. Sources told TheBlaze Ham was highly critical of the Obama administration’s decision not to send reinforcements to Benghazi." . . . Read More
Top Generals Agree: Obama Is 'Purging the Military' - WND
Obama As Commander In Chief Can Use U.S. Armed Forces To Push His Party's Progressive Agendas. [Did you forget this November 2010 news story from three years ago? Obama obviously hasn't through his far-left progressive Center for American Progress, which since then can now include male sodomy and abortions on demand to other countries around the world.] - TheExaminer / DailyCaller
'So Help Me God' Now Optional In Air Force Oath - OneNewsNow
Military Backs Down For Now, But Illusion Of 'Natural Law” Remains Shattered - PoliticalOutcast
60 Minutes Confirms Benghazi Is A Real Scandal, And You’ve Been Lied To - LegalInsurrection
4. Muslims Call America The Great Satan, Reminding Us Denial Is Not A River In Egypt.
"Lady Gaga strips down completely nude as she takes inspiration from Botticelli's Birth Of Venus for her new single's artwork." - DailyMail
"She has always been a bit out of this world, but now Lady Gaga wants fans to come with her to Venus. Gaga has posed naked for the album cover of her latest single, and while it would be controversial for most artists, for the envelope pushing singer it is almost tame.
The 27-year-old revealed a first look at the cover art and two separate snippets of her new song Venus. The constantly changing artist gave fans a first listen to her new disco beat track late on Friday, before releasing a second section in the early hours of Saturday. Explaining the first snippet, Gaga said on Twitter: 'I wrote 4 hooks in Venus. The snippet is of the first two before the true chorus. The rise before the orgasm.'" . . . Read More
Progressives Continue To Celebrate Destroying What Used To Be The Light-On-The-Hill For The World: Rand Paul Says Eugenics Is A Developing Threat - WesternJournalism
5. Hmm. Lisa Myers Ignores Her Own ObamaCare Bombshell On NBC Nightly News
"As NewsBusters has been reporting, NBC News has largely ignored senior investigative correspondent Lisa Myers’ bombshell report about how the White House knew for at least three years that millions of people would lose their health insurance once ObamaCare was implemented." - NewsBusters
"Having given only 21 seconds to her report Monday, the NBC Nightly News actually began with Myers talking about the millions of people losing their insurance coverage, but not once did she mention her findings that the Obama administration knew for years that this was going to happen." (Watch video.) . . . Read More
Arrogant and Aloof Liberal Charlie Rose Disrespects The Office Of Vice-President In Front Of A Vice-President: Would You Have Seen Iraq Differently If You Had More Oxygen To Your Brain? - MRCTV
CNN Falls To Lowest Primetime In Over A Year - Deadline
NBC Squelched White House Prediction On Insurance Cancellations To Promote The Obama Government Over The People's Right To Know - OneNewsNow
OMG - The Incestuous Relationship Between The Media And The Current White House Continues Unabated. - NewsBusters
Federal Solar Auction Gets No Bidders; AP (Just a Local Story) and Politico (Deceptive Headline) React Predictably - NewsBusters
(Note: NewsBusters monitors all media outlets 24/7 to catch them in their lies, the media no longer living with us but only among us as if commies. - Webmaster.)
6. Feds Order School To Ban Packed Lunches Without Doctor’s Note
"A school in Richmond, Virginia is following federal government instructions by telling parents that they need to have a doctor’s note in order for their children to be allowed to bring packed lunches to school, another example of how the nanny state is encroaching via the public education system." - RedFlagNews
"Many will see this as another form of creeping authoritarianism being introduced through the public education system, advancing the idea that the state and not parents have supreme authority over children.
It’s a concept also being promoted by the mass media. Earlier this year, [commie] MSNBC ran a segment pushing the notion that kids belong to the [Obama] 'collective, and that the 'idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families' should be eliminated." . . . Read More
MSNBC Melissa Harris-Perry: Your children belong to us. - YouTube |
Source: YouTube |
Philadelphia Approves Socialist Teachings At Public Schools - GatewayPundit
7. Texas Football Program: "No Trophies For Just Showing Up!"
"The Keller Youth Association Football Program in northern Texas will not be handing participation trophies to their players this year. They say it's because awards should be earned." - NewMediaJournal
"'Going forward participation medals or trophies will be going away. KYA Football board feels that giving participation medals or trophies isn't sending our children the right message,' the association wrote in a Facebook post. 'Life does not give you a participation job or medal, life makes you earn everything you get,' the announcement continued.
President of the Keller Youth Association Whit Green thinks the football board's decision was the right one. 'We support the decision of our football program to stop giving participation trophies, in conjunction with better rewarding achievement,' Green said in an email to
Used in recent years as a way to motivate children and celebrate their effort, participation awards – given to all the children who are part of the team – have come under fire in recent years.
Aimee Engle has a son who plays football with the Keller Youth Association, and her husband is an assistant coach. She thinks the organization's decision was the right one." . . . Read More
Liberal National Public Radio Racial-Sensitivity Bloggers Love Obama's Marxist Social Engineering, Want To Ban The Term 'Chinese Fire Drill.' - NewsBusters
While Progressive Democrats Push To Feminize American Males, The Chinese Have Other Ideas. It's Just Another Reminder That Elections Can Have Serious Consequences.
Kindergarten children dressed in military uniforms carry toy guns at a park in Dongyang, Zhejiang province, October 25, 2013. Students of different ages came to the park to experience Red Army culture and to receive patriotic education. - Yahoo Finance |
Photo by China Stringer Network / Reuters, October 25, 2013 |
8. Under Progressives, The Government Has Now Become What Our Founders Feared And Why They Wrote The Second Amendment
"The devices would track every mile you drive —possibly including your location — and the government would use the data to draw up a tax bill." - LATimes
"As America's road planners struggle to find the cash to mend a crumbling highway system, many are beginning to see a solution in a little black box that fits neatly by the dashboard of your car.
The devices, which track every mile a motorist drives and transmit that information to bureaucrats, are at the center of a controversial attempt in Washington and state planning offices to overhaul the outdated system for funding America's major roads.
The usually dull arena of highway planning has suddenly spawned intense debate and colorful alliances. Libertarians have joined environmental groups in lobbying to allow government to use the little boxes to keep track of the miles you drive, and possibly where you drive them — then use the information to draw up a tax bill." . . . Read More
Feds Told GM To Drop Pontiac Or No Bailout, Ex-GM Exec Says - Jalopnik
U.S. Spending $400,000 to Help Preserve Mexican Male Prostitutes - GatewayPundit
9. Woman Who Helped UK Soldier Murdered By Islamists, Targeted By Muslims And Police
"No good deed goes unpunished in Eurabia and Londonistan. The media used Ingrid Loyau-Kennett’s courage to put a positive spin on the brutal Muslim murder of Lee Rigby. But the police who stayed away from the scene while the butchers ranted and raved from the Koran were quick to go after her." - FrontPage
"Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, 48, stepped in to confront the alleged killers moments after Drummer Rigby was attacked in May. But now she says she has been threatened with arrest herself after thugs pelted her house with eggs and stones.
She says she dialed 999 and went outside to 'calmly' remonstrate with the gang but when police arrived she claims they 'manhandled' her and threatened to arrest her for a breach of the peace — and that instead of dealing with the youths responsible, a policeman grabbed her arm and twisted it.
The teacher and former Girl Guides leader said: 'I’ve had trouble with these youths from the moment I moved in here five years ago. Being on the television just made things worse. I became more of a target. I’ve never confronted them before but I’d had enough and decided to be brave.' . . . Read More
Raped And Buried Alive, Pakistan Teenage Girl Crawls Out Of Grave - NewMediaJournal
Britain: "A World Capital for Islamic Finance." - Gatestone
How Historic Progressive Revisionism Justify Islamic Terrorism - WindsOfJihad
10. 'We've Reached The End Of Antibiotics': Top CDC Expert Declares That 'Miracle Drugs' That Have Saved Millions Are No Match Against 'Superbugs' Because People Have Overmedicated Themselves
"A high-ranking official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared in an interview with PBS that the age of antibiotics has come to an end." - DailyMail
"'For a long time, there have been newspaper stories and covers of magazines that talked about "The end of antibiotics, question mark?"' said Dr Arjun Srinivasan. 'Well, now I would say you can change the title to "The end of antibiotics, period.”'
The associate director of the CDC sat down with Frontline over the summer for a lengthy interview about the growing problem of antibacterial resistance. Srinivasan, who is also featured in a Frontline report called 'Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria,' which aired Tuesday, said that both humans and livestock have been overmedicated to such a degree that bacteria are now resistant to antibiotics.
‘We're in the post-antibiotic era,' he said.
'There are patients for whom we have no therapy, and we are literally in a position of having a patient in a bed who has an infection, something that five years ago even we could have treated, but now we can’t.’" . . . Read More
Do you turn off your cell phone in church? Maybe you should think about it again. - YouTube
Source: YouTube |

Obama's signal to progressives in 2007: Their messiah had arrived.
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Background photo source: President George Washington |