"Still Get Your News From The Liberals Of The Democrat Party?"

New York Times CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Mark Thompson.   Photo Source:  The Wrap   CNN CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Jeff Zucker.   Photo Source:  Breitbart   ABC CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Bob Inger.   Photo Source:  Seattle Times   CBS CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Leslie Moonves.   Photo Source: Townhall    Media Matters David Brock: Discover the Networks   MSNBC & NBC / Comcast CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Brian Roberts.   Photo Source: KOMO News   Huffington Post: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Arianna Huffington.   Photo Source: TheGuardian
New York Times CNN ABC CBS Media Matters Comcast / NBC HuffPo / AOL

The New York Times believes its ideology is more important than what America's Founders had envisioned, writing: "But that view is myopic. In some respects, Mr. Obama is far more experienced than other presidential candidates." - Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times, March 6, 2007



The Shepp Report

A Summary Of The Week's Conservative News

June 29, 2014




Conservative News Stories
Now many more conservative news stories were buried this week by the Progressive Media?


Source: Truth Revolt / Bill Whittle


Source: MEMRI TV

Proof Suicide Bombers Have Not Turned Away From Islam; They're Not Impoverished Muslims But Instead Workplace Professionals Who Put Bombs On To Follow Islam's Call To Murder The Innocent In Cold Blood

Stunning video on war with Islam! "[The above video] shows a different side of the story of suicide bombers. The liberal cowards who insist that Islam is a “religion of peace” also tell us these halfwits blow up themselves and others because they are locked in poverty. This of course suggests that we can just send money to our enemies so they can build schools and hospitals and youth centers for midnight basketball–and all will be right with the world.". . . WesternJournalism

- ISIL Hell-Bent On Creating Islamic State To Be Launchpad For Attacks On U.S. . . . JammieWearingFools

- Maybe Obama Didn't Know Cause It Wasn't In The Media? Blowback! U.S. trained ISIS at secret Jordan base in 2012. . . . WND

- Congress, Do You Give A Damn?! Our U.S. Military Personnel Forced To Submit To The Sharia During Ramadan . . . Atlas Shrugs

IRS Commissioner Gave Over $85,000 To Democrats; U.S. House Rep Democrat Elijah Cumming Fawns Over Dedication To U.S. Of IRS Commissioner

[Subject that impeached Nixon becomes a Democrat kiss-face festival.] “You know when you’ve got a person who’s given what you’ve given and been brought into difficult circumstances…” said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) to Koskinen during last night’s hearing. “You know, at my age, I began to stop and think about my own mortality, and think about my reputation. I want to thank you for being who you are. I want to thank you for giving a damn and caring about our country.” . . . WND

- IRS Admits Leaking Confidential Information Used Against Mitt Romney In 2012 Elections . . . GatewayPundit

- IRS Is Not the Only Government Agency Hiding Documents From Congress . . . TheBlaze

- The Mounting Proof Of An IRS Cover-Up . . . FrontPage

Source: WND

The [GOP] Flier That Got Obama Blacks To Vote For Republican Establishment Candidate, Thad Cochran

It’s generally agreed that Thad Cochran squeaked out a win in Mississippi last night in part by getting Democrats, especially African Americans, to turn out. Here’s a flier that was distributed in heavily black precincts suggesting how he accomplished this:

- . . . While MSNBC’s Reid Charges Voter ID A Racist Plot To ‘Restrict African-American Voters’; Omits Black Dems In Miss. Support It . . . MRCTV

- Consultant Reports McDaniel May Have A Legal Path To Victory . . . DailyCaller

- 25,000-35,000 Democratic Voters Carried Establishment Republican Thad Cochran To Victory Over A Less-Government Tea Party Candidate . . . GatewayPundit

The Flier That Got Thad Cochran Elected
Source: NationalReview

McDaniel Supporters Barred From Reviewing Voter Rolls In Nine Mississippi Counties . . . GatewayPundit

- South Dakota Republican Party Calls For Obama Impeachment . . . Argus:Leader

- Bobby Jindal: Angry Americans Ready For 'Hostile Takeover' Of Washington . . . Newsmax

- In Another Part Of The Country: - Nearly Half Of Detroit Water Customers Can’t Pay Their Bill . . . CBSLocal

Presbyterian [Cough] Church Joins Liberal Progressives, Votes 'No' On Protecting Babies Born Alive During Botched Abortions

"The nation’s largest Presbyterian denomination has been busy these days. It has voted to approve same-sex marriages, to endorse divestment as a protest against Israeli policies toward Palestinians, and now has approved allowing babies to die who are born alive during botched abortions." . . . Breitbart

The Associated Press (AP) Calls Out Media Exaggerated Horror Tale At Catholic-Run Irish Orphanage. But Look Who Helped The Media, Hiding It Near The End Of The Article

"By the time Irish and British tabloids went to print in early June, that speculation had become a certainty, the word "disused" had disappeared, and U.S. newspapers picked up the report, inserting more errors, including one that claimed the researcher had found all 796 remains in a septic tank.

The Associated Press was among the media organizations that covered Corless and her findings, repeating incorrect Irish news reports that suggested the babies who died had never been baptized and that Catholic Church teaching guided priests not to baptize the babies of unwed mothers or give to them Christian burials." . . . AP

Duh, Again Administration Knew: DHS Solicited Bids For Vendor To Handle 65,000 Unaccompanied Minors . . . In January!

"The Obama administration’s claim to have been surprised by the wave of children flooding over out borders may turn out to be another political lie of the year. Sundance of Conservative Treehouse noticed a very peculiar advertisement:

On January 29th of this year, the federal government posted an advertisement seeking bids for a vendor contract to handle “Unaccompanied Alien Children“. Not just any contract mind you, but a very specific contract – for a very specific number of unaccompanied minors: 65,000." . . . AmericanThinker

- Another Cloward And Piven Moment: Nancy Pelosi To Travel To Border, Meet Detained Minors . . . Politico

- Pelosi Better Wear A Hospital Mask: Four or Five Border Agents Already Tested Positive For Diseases Brought In By Obama's Illegal Immigrant Children . . . CBSLocal

- Boehner Decision In House Invites Obama's Wrath: [To Force Cloward And Piven Ideology On America Through An Executive Order Of Amnesty To Tens Of Millions Of Illegals] . . . Breitbart

- Mexican Military Chopper Crosses Into US, Shoots At Border Agents . . . CBSLasVegas

- It's Becoming A War: Immigration Activists To Occupy U.S. House . . . TheHill

- Ann Coulter Was Right. The Democrat Party Is The Party Of Death: Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants . . . while Nancy Pelosi looks for a photo-op with Illegals . . . KRGV5

- Of Course They Did! House Democrats Introduce Bill To Provide Taxpayer-Funded Lawyers To Illegal Immigration Kids . . . Breitbart

- Report: 90% Of Illegals Skip Immigration Court Appearances; 135,000 Will Go Missing . . . WashingtonExaminer

- University Of California Professor: Immigration Influx Is About Re-Education Of Society . . . InfoWars

- DOD Program Puts Military Equipment In Hands Of Local Law Enforcement . . . RutherfordInstitute

A ‘Cheat Sheet’ Is Found At The Border To Coach Illegals On How To Stay In The U.S.

"U.S. law enforcement officials have been finding “cheat sheets” along the border used by illegal immigrants to try to stay in the United States and not get deported after they’ve been caught.

The notes, believed to be supplied by human trafficking groups, give pointers in Spanish on what immigrants should say when confronted by border authorities. One federal law enforcement official dubbed them 'illegal alien cheat sheets.'” . . . TheBlaze

The sheet obtained by TheBlaze has handwritten notes about the appropriate “yes” or “no” answers to the questions, along with some jotted personal notes on what to say to U.S. authorities. They include, “Who did you live with?” and the answer, “My aunt, but she crossed the border.” - The Blaze

U.S. Mainstream Progressive Media Smears More Of Their Lipstick On Obamacare

"Most voters view Obamacare as a bloated, stinking beast. Yet, if you browse the web for recent news on the president’s “signature domestic achievement” your search engine will return countless articles describing it as a spectacular success story.

They all have titles like, “Millions Paying less than $100 per month for Obamacare,” “Obamacare ‘sticker shock’ not so shocking, conservative economist suggests,” and “Most Obamacare exchange enrollees were previously uninsured, study finds.”

These stories seem to be at odds with well-documented facts and strangely similar to Obama administration talking points. This is no coincidence. The figures used in the hundreds of articles about the low cost of Obamacare plans, for example, come directly from the administration." . . . AmericanSpectator

- Obama Administration Is Awesome: 38 Employees Behind Bungled Oregon ObamaCare Exchange To Get Fat Bonuses . . . JammieWearingFools

- CNN’s Perfectly Dressed, Far-Left Progressive Costello Begs On Air To Be Told Her Crotch-Salute President Won A Recent Supreme Court Case He Totally Lost . . . DailyCaller

THE WORLD IS WATCHING! Why It's Not Healthy To Be Friends With Obama's U.S.: Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein To Death – Captured & Executed By ISIS

"Several Arab News websites are reporting the news.
Al-Mesyroon reported (translated): There were reports of the execution of Iraqi judge, Raouf Abdel-Rahman, who sentenced Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to death, according to confirmed the pages on the social networking site, without official confirmation from the Iraqi government." . . . GatewayPundit

OMG! The DailyCaller Uncovers Hundreds Of More Unprocessed VA Medical Records

"A failure to scan outsourced medical records has caused an approximate three- to five-month backlog at the Memphis Veteran Administration Medical Center, The Daily Caller has learned.

TheDC was exclusively given a photo snapped of the medical records room on June 12, 2014. In the photo, hundreds of unprocessed medical records sit idly, causing delays of up to five months. According to a whistle-blower who wished to remain anonymous because they are still employed by the Memphis VA Medical Center, the medical records room is for entering test results and other medical data that occurs after a patient is outsourced for medical tests or procedures." . . . DailyCaller

- Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Revealing VA Ordered a Nationwide “Mass Purge” of Veterans MRI Imaging Orders . . . JudicialWatch

It Runs In The Family! Chelsea's Also Full Of It: Little Clinton, Who Lives In $11M Home, Says [Wait For It] She Doesn’t Care About Money

Really, Chelsea? Then give it all to the poor and refuse to take $600k for doing nothing at work, okay? If you Clinton supporters buy this crap, then you’re a bunch of daft and very committed Leftists because this is some rank BS. Check it out. . . . ClashDaily

Walmart's Response To The Progressive New York Times Hit Piece Goes Viral

"Recently, the New York Times published a hit piece full of misinformation and misrepresentation of fact to try to paint Walmart as some terrible criminal entity. So the folks at Walmart decided to set the record straight, and their response has gone viral." . . . EagleRising

- Court Won't Reinstate New York City's Big-Soda Ban . . . Breitbart

NOAA And NASA Data Alterations Are Global

"I’ve shown how NASA and NOAA have dramatically altered the US temperature record, and they are doing the same thing in other countries, like Iceland and Australia – almost always cooling the past, which creates the appearance of warming." . . . ViewCharts / StevenGoddard

- Don't Liberals Know The Grass Roots They Have Corrupted Doesn't Know Climate Change From An Aisle Change At WalMart? Leading Far Left Website Asks: “Is Climate Change Destabilizing Iraq?” . . . GatewayPundit

Why Obama Marxists Aren't Wanted In America: Are Schools Pushing An Anti-Gun Agenda?

"An education expert believes an anti-gun campaign is behind a recent incident in which a middle school student in New Jersey was forced to undergo a mental evaluation for simply twirling a pencil in class.

Seventh-grader Ethan Chaplin was accused by another student of making "gun motions" with his pencil. Chaplin was suspended for two days and given a five-hour physical and psychological examination – a response that his "absolutely livid" father describes as 'gross misconduct at its finest.'" . . . OneNewsNow

Source: OneNewsNow

- Click on bottom right icon for full screen. Use 'esc' to return -

Least We Forget!
"Congressman reads Richard Nixon’s Articles of Impeachment to Obama's IRS Commissioner." - TPNN


What A Republican Used To Look Like Before It Joined The Donkey Farm
Watch a wonderful Trey Gowdy moment with Obama's arrogant IRS commissioner, one Democrats decided to fawn over as if God, tripping over themselves to give him praise. - TPNN


U.S. House Rep. Jim Jordan . . .
"At What Point Does It Become Obstruction of Justice?' - MRCTV


Media Makes Fun Of A Rino
"Watch as NBC’s Chuck Todd and Fox News’ Ed Henry, seasoned reporters, make fun of Senator John McCain while on a hot mic." - LastResistance


Watch Perfect Marxists On Display
Warning: Explicit Content: Conservatives And Socialists Clash, Literally - WesternJournalism


Under Obama's Watch, America Has Moved To The Head Of The Class As The World's Gay Ambassador

"Not content with abandoning all support for heterosexual marriage and forcing queer values on middle America, Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry today said that one of their main goals is the creation of an LGBT diplomatic corps to take the LGBT message to the entire world. Here is a quote from that speech:" - NowTheEndBegins


Have a 'Delish Dinesh' Burger
American Video Clip Uses 'Delish Dinesh' Burgers To Defend Capitalism - Breitbart


'Sanity Caucus'
"Daily Beast's Avlon Slams Tea Party on CNN; Praises GOP Establishment as 'Sanity Caucus'" - MRCTV


The Nightmare On America’s Border
"How the Left spawned our illegal immigration crisis – and how it gains from it." - TruthRevolt






The Arroyo Movie

The Arroyo Movie Official Trailer - Arroyo Movie

Source: YouTube


Obama's hand placement during the playing of the Naitonal Anthem at a 2007 Democrat summer fundraiser in Iowa has been named by some in the military, "The Obama Crotch Salure."

Obama signals progressives in 2007:
Their messiah had arrived.
Watch actual event during the playing of the National Anthem

Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.

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Louis Fox's Free Range Studios, which produced Grocery Store Wars, has produced over 70 issue-related shorts. His 'virally' popular 2003 hit, 'The Meatrix,' won awards at the Webbys, SXSW, Ottawa Animation Festival, and Holland Animation Festival among others. Fox lives in San Francisco.

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Background photo source: President George Washington



What will America look like under a second Obama presidency?  If you don't have a clue, you better find one! Check alpha by state/city where this film is playing before November 6, 2012. Unofficial bio of Gerald R. Molen. A picture is worth a thousand words!  This photo was not actually aT the White House, but, regardless of WHERE it was taken, the fact is that he cancelled the National Day of Prayer, said that we are no longer a Christian nation, and has no problem taking part in Muslim prayer.  U.S. President Barack Obama bows to Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio at MacDill Air Force Base on January 28, 2010, in Tampa, Florida.   Iorio had honored CAIR annually in Tampa with its own day in November 2008, acknowledging the large amout of Muslims living in the area. "Ayers, now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, claims to abhor nostalgia ("Nothing is more boring than some old person going on and on about the way things used to be"). But he has been thinking lately about the past—both his and the country's—and soon he will likely be engaged in what he calls "a dialogue" about the sixties, the antiwar movement, and the radical life he led. The spur for this dialogue will be the publication of Fugitive Days (Beacon Press, $24), a memoir Ayers has written about the trajectory of his life, from a pampered son of the Chicago suburbs to a young pacifist to a founder of one of the most radical political organizations in U.S. history."  Allow video to download and start in Window's Media player. “The North American jet that flew Obama and his traveling crew around for much of the primary season was refurbished with new seats and power for each passenger a must on the campaign trail. And the plane that once had an American flag on its tail now sports the Obama ‘O.’”