Sharyl Attkisson: America Is ‘Being Manipulated’ By The Media
"Americans are 'being manipulated' according to a 21 year CBS correspondent who has written a new book, 'Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington.' Sharyl Attkisson, who rejects having any political allegiance while focusing on the truth, discusses here how powerful, hidden special interests in the media increasingly hide the truth and homogenize American news. The media, to her, seem nonplussed by government privacy invasions, even when it happens to themselves.
In Part 1 of our exclusive video interview with Attkisson, she tells us how she found and reported the sophisticated, remote intrusions in her own computer and how she used her own forensic specialists to confirm the government’s intrusions prior to public awareness of similar offenses to media outlets and reporters. She even identified that someone planted classified documents in her computer, seemingly to frame her or her sources." . . . DailyCaller
- Attkisson: CBS Intentionally Held Obama Soundbite To Help Him Win Reelection . . . FOXNews
- OMG, Binden Invites Even More Children From South America? . . . Prensalibre
Nancy Pelosi: Who’s Jon Gruber?

Comrades, What Gruber?! - Photo: HotAir |
"Mr. Gruber has spent decades modeling the intricacies of the health care ecosystem, which involves making predictions about how new laws will play out based on past experience and economic theory. It is his research that convinced the Obama administration that health care reform could not work without requiring everyone to buy insurance…
After Mr. Gruber helped the administration put together the basic principles of the proposal, the White House lent him to Capitol Hill to help Congressional staff members draft the specifics of the legislation. Even though he was brought in by the White House, Congressional staff members from both parties trusted him because he was seen as an econometric wonk, not a political agent…
'Yes, I want the public to be informed by an objective expert,' he says. 'But the thing is, I know more about this law than any other economist.'
He was on the Hill working with House Democrats to write the bill and Pelosi’s only first hearing about him now, huh? The analogy’s imperfect since Gruber wasn’t formally a government employee, but that strikes me as roughly as far-fetched as Bush saying circa 2007 that he’d never heard of Paul Wolfowitz." . . . HotAir
[Note: Those American fools that only watch ABC, CBS, or NBC, will think that 'A Gruber' is a new drink at Starbucks, full of faux coffee. - Webmaster.]
- USA Today Front Pager: Under Obamacare, 'Rural Hospitals In Critical Condition'. . . . Newsbusters
Feds Upend Landowner's Plans For Own Property!
"Only two years after Washington bureaucrats got their hands slapped by the Supreme Court for a king-like decree banning landowners from using their own property and refusing to let them challenge the decision, they are at it again. And the issue once again has been brought up before the high court, in an appeal filed by the Pacific Legal Foundation on behalf of a Louisiana company, Kent Recycling Services.
The dispute began when the Army Corp of Engineers told Kent Recycling, which is trying to buy land in Louisiana to develop for a landfill, the government suddenly changed its definitions and determined the property included wetlands that required conservation. Furthermore, the company was told, there is no challenge allowed to the decision.
So its options were to 'abandon' the property, 'go through the pointless and costly permit process (averaging more than $270,000 and over 2 years)' or simply 'proceed without a permit, risking immense fines of $37,500 a day and imprisonment,' the brief to the high court explained.". . . WND
Far-Left Salon Proves The Dangers Of The Fascist Progressive Movement In America! 'Forced Troop Worship And Compulsory Patriotism Must End!'
"Radical leftist writer David Masciotra waxes somewhat less than eloquently that Americans who think all soldiers and police are heroes are childish, and betray 'a frightening cultural streak of nationalism, chauvinism, authoritarianism and totalitarianism' in a piece published Sunday on But what is childish is Masciotra’s rant; it begins,
'Put a man in uniform, preferably a white man, give him a gun, and Americans will worship him.' You just know that Michael Brown’s death will be found somewhere in the polemic. Sure enough, Masciotra later writes, 'Michael Brown’s murder represents the tip of a body pile.' Forget the information pointing to Brown’s possible assault on the police officer who shot him." . . . Breitbart
- Fascists Of The Huffington Post Go After Mia Love . . . JoeForAmerica
"Kiss My ***!" Emails Show Holder’s Anger During U.S. House ‘Fast and Furious’ Probe
"Newly revealed emails show Attorney General Eric Holder trying and failing to contain his temper over the botched Fast and Furious probe, at one point saying “some people can kiss my a—‘’ if they think he was too hard on a U.S. Attorney pushed out over the scandal.
The emails were among 64,000 documents turned over by the Justice Department this week to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has spent years investigating Fast and Furious, a gun-tracking operation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. The botched operation allowed guns to be taken to Mexico, apparently in the misguided belief that doing so would help them catch gun-runners for the drug cartels." . . . WallStreetJournal
- U.S. Justice Department Using Fake Cellphone Towers On Planes To Gather Data . . . Reuters / WallStreetJournal
- Working For ICE 'Is Hell Right Now,' As Obama Plans Amnesty For Illegals (Watch Video.) . . . WashingtonExaminer
America's ********: Obama / Holder / MSNBC's Sharpton
Townships warn residents to STOCK UP ON WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE Before Mike Brown Decision - "Local officials fear a violent response to the St. Louis County Court’s decision. Over three dozen businesses were vandalized and looted during the Ferguson rioting in August. The City of Berkeley, near Ferguson, released this statement warning residents to stock up on water, food and medicine before the verdict is announced." . . . GatewayPundit
- Ferguson Activists Stand With Black Power Fists At UN — UN Calls The Cops . . . GatewayPundit
Free Phone Program Riddled Again With Abuse And Fraud
"The program has strict guidelines. To qualify, you have to be on food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance or some other government program to prove that you are low-income. The idea is that people who could not otherwise afford mobile phones would have them to help look for jobs, call 911 in an emergency or stay in touch with family members.
But on multiple trips to Colfax Avenue and Broadway in Denver, where multiple distributors set up their tents to hand out free cell phones, a CBS4 producer and reporter found the phone agents willing to circumvent strict government rules designed to ensure that only the truly needy get the free phones. The vendors receive massive government subsidies to hand out the phones and the accompanying monthly plans.
'Want to sign up for a free phone?' an agent representing Total Call mobile asked a CBS4 producer. The representative then asked if the undercover producer had a food stamp card, a Medicaid card or any other evidence that he qualified for a phone.
'No,' replied the CBS4 employee. But one of the cell phone agents then ordered his colleague to 'push it through,' by using someone else’s food stamp card to provide eligibility for the CBS4 employee." . . . PoliticalOutcast
- No Work. No Food: Maine Changes Rule for Food Stamps That Every State Should Imitate . . . ClashDaily
Liberty Counsel Stands By Barron Collier High School Chorus Bullied By The Liberal's ACLU
"Liberty Counsel has offered to represent Barron Collier High School against the ACLU, which wants the school chorus to cancel its fall concert rather than hold it at a church. 'This is another case of one ‘offended’ adult trampling the rights of students,' said Mat Staver. The courts have held the use of religious property by a school district to be constitutional if there is a clear secular purpose for the use, the use does not endorse or discourage religion, and the “reasonable observer” would not conclude that the school district endorses religion.
'Barron Collier High School meets all three of these criteria,' Mat Staver pointed out. The clear secular purpose to use the Presbyterian church auditorium is for sufficient room to hold the crowd and appropriate acoustics. 'One wouldn’t play a basketball game in a church, and neither would one perform a concert in a gymnasium,' Staver said." . . . LibertyCounsel
- Maryland Mother Fighting Common Core’s Standardized Testing . . . WesternJournalism
- "Christians Score Huge Court Victory Against Sharia Law." . . . WesternJournalism
- Gallup: Record 63% Say Having Gun Makes Their Home Safer . . . CNSNews
- Down Syndrome: We Live Among Killers . . . PoliticalOutcast
Waiting For The Earthquake That Might Bring California Back To Its Senses, But Don't Hold Your Breath: Los Angeles School District Argued 14-Year-Old Could Consent To Sex With Teacher
"Attorneys for the Los Angeles Unified School District introduced the sexual history of a 14-year-old into evidence during a civil trial last year and argued that she was able to consent to sex with a teacher twice her age. The shocking details of the case were uncovered by Southern California’s KPCC as it was investigating another civil case pending against the school district involving a teacher that had molested dozens of students.
After Elkis Hermida, a 28-year-old math teacher at Thomas Edison Middle School, was convicted of lewd acts with a child in July 2011 and sentenced to three years in prison, the 14-year-old girl’s family filed a lawsuit against the school district for negligence." . . . DailyCaller
Marquette University Prohibits Disagreeing With Classmates - If You Oppose Same-Sex Marriage
"Marquette University, a Roman Catholic institution in Wisconsin, is swiftly establishing itself as a place where not all viewpoints are welcome—even if those viewpoints align with those of the Catholic Church. On his (non-university-affiliated) Marquette Warrior blog, Marquette political science professor John McAdams wrote this weekend about an incident that occurred in Cheryl Abbate’s 'Theory of Ethics' class." . TheFIRE
After Obama Sends Khamenei Secret Letter . . .
. . . Khamenei Threatens to Annihilate Israel! Just another memorable moment in Obama foreign policy.
"Last week the Wall Street Journal reported that Barack Obama sent a secret letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Obama reached out hoping the two countries could work together in fighting ISIS." . . . GatewayPundit
Obama Helped Decade-Old Plan To Create ISIS
"Although the birth of the Islamic State and the herald of the caliphate are often regarded as some of 2014’s 'big shockers,' they were foretold in striking detail and with an accurate timeline by an al-Qaeda insider nearly one decade ago. On August 12, 2005, Spiegel Online International published an article titled 'The Future of Terrorism: What al-Qaeda Really Wants.' Written by Yassin Musharbash, the article was essentially a review of a book written by Fouad Hussein, a Jordanian journalist with close access to al-Qaeda and its affiliates, including the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who pioneered the videotaping of beheadings “to strike terror into the hearts” of infidels (Koran 3:151).
As Hussein explained in the introduction of his book Al Zarqawi: Al Qaeda’s Second Generation: 'I interviewed a whole range of al-Qaeda members with different ideologies to get an idea of how the war between the terrorists and Washington would develop in the future.'
And in fact the book details the master plan of al-Qaeda—in its 'second generation' manifestation known as the 'Islamic State' which follows much of Zarqawi’s modus operandi—to resurrect a caliphate." . . . FrontPage
- Former U.S. Envoy Says Iran’s Supreme Leader Believes In ‘Very Similar Islamic Philosophy To That Of ISIS’ . . . MRCTV
- Pakistani Muslim, Like Wild Hyenas In Africa Fighting Over A Rotting Carcass, Burn Christian Couple Alive . . . EagleRising
- The Halal Racket: Who Are The Muslim Bullies In Australia? . . . WindsOfJihad
Appeals Court Upholds Same-Sex Marriage Ban
"Yesterday, an appeals court upheld the same-sex marriage ban in four states, deviating from the national trend of reversing state bans by the court. The ruling sets up the case to head to the Supreme Court. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel that heard arguments on marriage bans or restrictions in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee on Aug. 6 split 2-1, with Circuit Judge Jeffrey Sutton writing the majority opinion. The ruling creates a divide among federal appeals courts, increasing the likelihood the Supreme Court will now take up the issue.
The ruling cites a need to allow 'change through the customary political processes' rather than the court system, maintaining that states have the right to set policy on same-sex marriage." . . . TruthRevolt
How Do You Graduate From Harvard And Do This To Kids? That's Easy. It's What Progressives Do Best.
"A chicken patty, small scoop of mashed potatoes and carton of milk aren’t enough to sustain a high school boy. But under the school lunch regulations championed by First Lady Michelle Obama, that’s what Haskell High School served recently. Haskell High School senior Darrel Bunch took a photo of one of his recent skimpy school lunches and sent it to Fox 23. 'It’s mostly the portions,' Bunch says. 'Last year we started getting less food.'
'Last year, my boys started calling me, ‘Can you please bring me something to eat?’ ‘We’re still hungry,’ or, ‘This is gross,” the student’s mother, Cheryl Bunch tells the news station." . . . EAGNews