Remember Pearl Harbor
Documentary: Pearl Harbor disaster for Japan . . . YouTube |
Freedom Is Knowledge: Remembering Pearl Harbor
Go Canada, Eh Len?!
"When the Mic Died During the U.S. National Anthem in Toronto, The Canadians Did Something Pretty Sweet." . . . ClashDaily |
NAACP President Calls Violent Ferguson Protesters “Young Practitioners Of Democracy” (See video on right.)
“We are talking about our youth. Our children. Our sons and daughters. So if we believe that young people are the future, then we have to stand with the young practitioners of democracy in the streets of Ferguson, in Missouri, and all across this country who are simply saying, ‘We are better than this. We can do better than this.” . . . WesternJournalism
- This Obama-Endorsed Plan Would Force American Students To “Honor” Mike Brown In Absurd Way . . . WesternJournalism
Obama Administration Paid Ransom And Released 5 Top Gitmo Detainees For Deserter Bergdahl
"The Obama administration paid a ransom and then released five top Gitmo detainees for traitor Bowe Bergdahl.
The Blaze reported: The Obama administration made a ransom payment to an Afghan 'con man' earlier this year in an unsuccessful attempt to secure the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a Washington Times report. Best-selling author Brad Thor predicted there was likely money exchanged as part of the deal in a previous op-ed on TheBlaze.
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) revealed the ransom payment in a Nov. 5 letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. The congressman noted that the DoD’s Joint Special Operations Command delivered the payment, but it was stolen by the “intermediary” who claimed to represent the hostage takers, the report adds." . . . GatewayPundit
- Author Brad Thor Previously Made Controversial Prediction About Bergdahl Swap — Stunning Report Seemingly Proves He Was Right . . . TheBlaze
- Benghazi Heroes Debunk House Intel Report As Full Of Inaccuracies With Firsthand Account . . . Breitbart
- How Many Lies Have Democrats Told To Sabotage The War on Terror? . . . TruthRevolt
- More Detainees Set For Release From Guantanamo. . . . MinuteMenNews
- Memories Of The Days When Carter Was President - Webmaster . . . DailyCaller
Meet Federica Mogherini: The Latest Unelected Commie Apparatchik Of The EUSSR
Here’s Federica Mogherini — the new woman in charge of EU foreign policy. Before I quote her biography let me draw editorial conclusions:
1.) She is a Communist. 2.) She was a member of the Communist Party long after irrefutable evidence that it was a dictatorship which had deliberately led to the deaths of millions of people 3.) She is a career politician. After leaving college — when she studied methods of making accommodations to Islam (so much for Communists being atheists) — and entering the machinery of the Communist Party and State apparatus 4.) She and her political sponsor and mentors all joined the CP after uprisings in Hungary (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1968). 5.) Blindness to oppressive regimes, ideas and beliefs and collusion with violent practices run deep in her pedigree. 6.) She’s a long standing supporter of the PLO et al and seeks the violent destruction and overthrow of the State of Israel." . . . WindsOfJihad
Univision News Anchor: Obama’s Executive Order A Triumph For The Latino Community
"As the opening act before the Latin Grammy Awards tonight, the only broadcast network which will carry President Barack Obama’s remarks announcing unilateral immigration reform will be the Spanish-language network Univision. That network’s lead anchor, Jorge Ramos, has not even made a pretense of displaying some semblance of objectivity when it comes to the president’s forthcoming actions.
'It’ll be difficult for Republicans to reject executive action on immigration and not to be seen as anti-immigrant and anti-Latino,' the news anchor tweeted in a display of his characteristic lack of regard for America’s constitutional tradition and the separation of powers. 'If Republicans really want immigration reform in Congress, they’ll have many months to do it before executive action kicks in,' Ramos later threatened in a tweet. 'Your choice.' . . . HotAir
- Administrative Amnesty: Unjust, Costly, And An Incentive For More Illegal Immigration . . . HeritageFoundation
- Networks Push Illegal Immigrants, Pro-Amnesty Group Ahead Of Obama’s Speech . . . NewsBusters
- Obama Administration Encourages Illegals To Sign Up For Obamacare . . . EagleRising
- White House: Obama Will Shut Down Government If Congress Defunds Exec Amnesty . . . MinuteMenNews
Arpaio Takes Obama's Executive Order To Court
"Less than two hours after Barack Obama announced a solo move to protect millions of illegal aliens from deportation, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio took him to court to have the Constitution upheld. A lawsuit filed by attorney Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch named Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Immigration Services chief Leon Rodriquez and Attorney General Eric Holder as defendants in an action that seeks to avoid 'irreversible harm' from Obama’s actions because they will 'encourage[e] more illegal aliens to enter the country unlawfully…'
The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks, among other things, a 'permanent injunction declaring the amnesty programs to be unlawful.'" . . . WND
Obama To Allow Drug Dealers, Sex Abusers, Gun Runners, Drunk Drivers To Stay In U.S.
"Obama announced his executive amnesty Thursday after years of saying it was unconstitutional. The Examiner reported:
The Department of Homeland Security has just released new 'Policies for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants.' Designed to fill in the details after President Obama’s announcement that at least four million currently illegal immigrants will be given work permits, Social Security numbers and protection from deportation, the DHS guidelines are instructions for the nation’s immigration and border security officers as they administer the president’s directive.
The new priorities are striking. On the tough side, the president wants U.S. immigration authorities to go after terrorists, felons, and new illegal border crossers. On the not-so-tough side, the administration views convicted drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, and gun offenders as second-level enforcement priorities.
An illegal immigrant could spend up to a year in prison for a violent crime and still not be a top removal priority for the Obama administration.:" . . . GatewayPundit
- "Refresher course: When White House Promises Immigration 'Background Checks,' They Lie." . . . MichelleMalkin
- The 5 Dumbest Lies In Obama’s Amnesty Speech . . . FrontPage
- Obama: U.S. Taxpayers Must Pay For Illegals’ Children . . . DailyCaller
Rogue Attorney General Funneling Border Security Funds To Immigration Lawyers
This is the same as Obama giving America the finger, already in 2007 Obama giving America's National Anthem a crotch-salute.
Photo source: SuckersOnParade |
Note the little boy with Obama's socialist logo on his shirt. |
"The Obama Administration is working hand-in-hand with Central American governments to engineer this deliberate, unprecedented invasion of illegal aliens. La Raza groups are spreading the word that Obama will sign administrative amnesty. And nations like El Salvador and Honduras are urging women and children to make the grueling trek to cross the U.S. border, because Obama will never deport them, and they can receive jobs and taxpayer-funded welfare for life.
Eric Holder, who is supposed to be the highest law enforcement official in America, is unleashing a new lawless program to actually provide taxpayer-funded lawyers to these invading illegals — to make sure they will never be deported by an immigration judge.
And Holder is grabbing $2 million of a $315 million fund that is supposed to help secure the border, not make a mockery of border security." . . . SuckersOnParade
Feds Out Of Control? Meet The Fisherman Who Faced 20 Years In Prison For Losing Three Fish
"Consider the case of John Yates of Holmes Beach, Florida. In 2007, a state law enforcement officer boarded Yates’s ship in the Gulf of Mexico to inspect his catch of more than 3,000 fish. The officer accused Yates of catching 72 undersized red groupers and ordered him to bring the ship ashore, where he—along with several federal agents carrying weapons—counted only 69 groupers. Yates was accused of disposing of evidence by throwing fish overboard. Yates believes the fish were incorrectly counted, but even if the officer was correct, what happened next was bizarre.
A federal prosecutor charged Yates with violating the “anti-document-shredding” provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act passed in the wake of the Enron accounting scandal. The prosecutor argued that the statute prohibits the destruction of tangible evidence, and because 69 rather 72 groupers were counted upon re-inspection, Yates had likely run afoul of the law. The anti-shredding violation is punishable by up to 20 years in prison." . . . TheFederalist
Marine Dad Takes Stand After Daughter Gets 'F' For Refusing Islamic Indoctrination
"The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) today announced its representation of John Kevin Wood, and his wife, Melissa, in their battle with La Plata High School in Maryland over the Islamic indoctrination of their 11th-grade daughter in her World History class. Their daughter was required to complete assignments where she had to affirm that "There is no god but Allah" and the other Five Pillars of Islam.
The case gained national attention when the school banned John Wood from entering school property after he objected to the religion of Islam being taught in his daughter's history class and demanded that she be given an alternative assignment. The school refused. Wood, a former Marine who served in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and lost friends in that action, saw firsthand the destruction caused in the name of Allah and that Islam is not 'a religion of peace;' and he would not budge from his position." . . . CharismaNews
- America's Koran-Trained President Rejects Petition To Declare Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization, As Designated By The Emirate . . . TruthRevolt
- What Thug Muslims Did To A Pregnant Woman Just For Being Christian Is Truly Horrific (Warning) . . . WesternJournalism
- Killing Christians: A State-Sponsored Crime in Pakistan (Warning) . . . GatestoneInstitute
Pro-Hamas UCLA Students Vote To Divest From Israel Hours After Synagogue Massacre (See video on right of West Bank attack by Palestinian on two Jewish men.)
"Late Tuesday night, the student government at UCLA voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution calling on the university to divest from the State of Israel. The move, sponsored by the campus group Students for Justice in Palestine, passed on the same day that two Palestinian terrorists murdered five Jews, including three Americans, as they prayed in a synagogue in Jerusalem.
This is the second time that students at UCLA have voted on the topic of divestment from Israel in the last year. A similar resolution failed to pass in February on a 7-5 vote after TruthRevolt's Ben Shapiro made an impassioned defense of the Jewish State. This time, pro-divestment activists took steps to prevent outside supporters of Israel from attending the event and a heavy security contingent required student ID or a media pass to gain admission to the hearing. " . . . TruthRevolt
- Why UCLA Divestment Passed, And Why It's A Complete Farce . . . TheCollegeFix
- Third UCLA Donor Pledges To Pull Funds Over BDS . . . TruthRevolt
- Masked Protesters Storm Pro-Israel Event At The University Of Pittsburg In The U.S. . . . TruthRevolt
Under A Crotch-Salute President's Watch, Military Rules Don’t Apply To Lesbian Officers
"The lawsuit stems from LTC Downey’s effort to prevent two female officers under his command, a Captain and a Lieutenant, who were in uniform at a formal military ball and were on the dance floor engaged in prolonged French kissing, taking off each other’s uniform jackets, and other intimate conduct, from violating Army regulations regarding public display of affection. Once he became aware of the situation, LTC Downey took immediate action to stop the inappropriate behavior.
He also attempted to prevent other soldiers from photographing and videotaping the officers’ inappropriate conduct, which he believed would embarrass the officers and affect the good order and discipline of his unit. In the process of lowering the camera of an enlisted soldier, the camera accidentally made contact with the soldier’s nose.
As a result of the incident, LTC Downey was ordered to face an Article 15 hearing for assault consummated by battery and violation of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy." . . . ThomasMore
- Leftists Force San Francisco Wedding Photographers To Close Shop . . . Newsbusters
- Transgender Revolt against Reality . . . PoliticalOutcast
- Teacher To Student: If You Don't Support Same-Sex Marriage, Drop My Class . . . FOXNews
- Atlanta Fire Chief Suspended For Christian Views On Homosexuality . . . TruthRevolt
- Hundreds Of Michigan Pastors: Stop Radical Civil Rights Or Send Me To Jail . . . OneNewsNow
University Cancels Debate On Abortion After Feminists Complain
"British Oxford Students for Life’s debate on abortion and its effects on British culture was cancelled this week after student feminists vehemently complained that two heterosexual men don’t have the right to discuss the topic, and threatened to disrupt the event if it took place. The debate was set for Nov. 17 and was slated to feature two prominent journalists: The Daily Telegraph columnist Tim Stanley defending the pro-life argument, and Spiked Online editor Brendan O’Neill offering the counter argument.
'Last year in Britain, over 185,000 abortions were carried out. What does this say about our national culture,' the debate’s Facebook description read. 'Is it a sign of equality, or does it suggest we treat human life carelessly?' But at least one feminist group on campus, WomCam, released a statement complaining that 'it is absurd to think we should be listening to two cisgender men debate about what people with uteruses should be doing with their bodies." . . . TheCollegeFix
- Man Kicked Out Of Gym For Wearing Pro-Life Shirt . . . EagleRising
- Triple X Oregon Sex Instruction Exposed . . . AmericanLifeLeague
- Empowered Feminists Dye Their Armpits Neon . . . TruthRevolt