The Shepp Report

Special Edition

Warning To Our Growing Arrogant Secular Society

"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti


April 26. 2017



"Close to Half of American Adults Infected With Genital HPV, Study Finds."


Article by Nicholas Bakalar, April 6, 2017, New York Times



"Many of the sexually transmitted strains do not cause serious health problems, but HPV-16 and -18 are the cause of almost all cervical cancers. Even low-risk strains cause warts, including genital warts." - NewYorkTimes

Graphic source: NewYorkTimes


"More than 42 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 59 are infected with genital human papillomavirus, according to the first survey to look at the prevalence of the virus in the adult population.

The report, published on Thursday by the National Center for Health Statistics, found that high-risk strains of the virus — a cause of cervical and vaginal cancers, and cancer of the penis, as well as cancers of the anus and throat in both sexes — infect 25.1 percent of men and 20.4 percent of women.

The virus is transmitted by skin to skin contact; people who are infected may pass the virus to sexual partners.

Click on graphic for magnified view from the New York Times.
Graphic Source: New York Times


'One of the most striking things that we really want people to know is that high-risk HPV is common — common in the general population — these are not people who are marginalized,' said the lead author, Geraldine McQuillan, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the lead author of the new report.

She and her colleagues also found that 7.3 percent of Americans aged 18 to 69 are infected with oral HPV, and 4 percent are infected with the high-risk strains that can cause cancers of the mouth and pharynx.

There are more than a hundred strains of this virus, and 40 of them are sexually transmitted. The body usually manages to rid itself of HPV, but for unclear reasons the infection can become chronic in certain individuals.

Many of the sexually transmitted strains do not cause serious health problems, but HPV-16 and -18 are the cause of almost all cervical cancers. Even low-risk strains cause warts, including genital warts.

Two vaccines are effective in preventing sexually transmitted HPV infection, and the researchers stressed that they should be used far more often.

'If we can get 11- and 12-year-olds to get the vaccine, we’ll make some progress,' Dr. McQuillan said. 'You need to give it before kids become sexually active, before they get infected. By the time they’re in their mid-twenties, people are infected and it’s too late. This is a vaccine against cancer — that’s the message.

There are significant differences in rates of high-risk genital HPV infection by race and ethnicity.

The highest rate, 33.7 percent, was found among non-Hispanic blacks; the lowest, 11.9 percent, among Asians. The prevalence of genital HPV infection is 21.6 percent among whites and 21.7 percent among Hispanics.

Men generally have somewhat higher rates than women, but among Asian and Hispanic men, the infections are not significantly more common. The reasons for these variations are not known.'"



Above article by Nicholas Bakalar, April 6, 2017, New York Times






It's Your Job To Get To Know These Life-Changing Sexual Diseases

(Graphic owned by Channel 5 Chicago.) Wonderful chart you need to read before having sex.  It might just save your life!

Compliments of NBC Channel 5, Chicago

"Click here to go to Channel 5's Web site in Chicago to see this excellent interacting reference chart on STDs. Once on the site, click on the tabs to see everything you need to know about a specific STD. Note the graphic as shown above is owned by NBC Channel 5, showing how Gonorrhea is spread. Click on the other tabs and then the markers to see more information on each specific STD such as symptoms, rate of infection, effects, and possible treatment.

I applaud Channel 5 for stepping up to the plate to finally address this serious issue, which could cripple our medical system as these teens become adults, their numbers increasing 50% as their STDs begin to affect lifestyles through dating and desires later in life to marry.

Dr. James Allen, president of the nonprofit group American Social Health Association, reported half of sexually active young people will get an STD by age twenty five. He said about two-thirds of young people assume they're being tested for STDs during regular health visits when, in fact, such testing is NOT routine." - Webmaster, Freedomisknowledge, 2005



Freedom Is Knowledge Warned Of This Coming Epidemic Twelve Years Ago. The Lack Of Information Was Again Caused By A Corrupted Mainstream Media Politically Represented By The American Society Of Newspaper Editors (ASNE)


A Gannett-Owned newspaper in North Carolina refused in 2005 to address a warning from the CDC about the country's teenagers and STDs with the community it served.

While Gannett was advised by this Webmaster, it still didn't care that its newspaper did not actively share the disturbing news from the CDC with the local medical community, area hospitals and the area's parents and teens. The newspaper even made every effort to hide the article in a small box near its comic section, many of its paying readers being progressive liberals.

The publisher's action to the complaint was stunning, reporting, "Well, we did publish the story."

Ten years later the same newspaper complained on its front page that STDs were becoming a problem with local teens. It's typical of the attitude of progressives that run many of our news outlets today. A local councilman elected by the North Carolina city's voters had openly written, claiming that a baby in the womb was a parasite to its mother.

Again, that was around ten years ago with a Hollywood actress recently using the same damning analogy in 2017 to support abortion and the sale of baby parts that now goes with the procedure. In other words the womb, designed to protect a baby, has become the most dangerous place for its survival and to become an American citizen so it can receive its Constitutional promise of civil rights.

Read More, Webmaster,








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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti




Freedom is Knowledge








Black newspaper burned down on November 10, 1898. The Democrat Party's machine showed its true colors in the murders of blacks in the Wilmington Massacre of 1898 and then NEVER LOOKED BACK. - Webmaster