With the student walkout of March 14, 2018, over, American citizens need to remember how communist community organizers attack free societies through a country's youth from high schools to universities.
The video below is from a troubled Yale University, reported to have been recorded on November 5, 2015. It shows a mob of mostly minority students attacking a professor outside on the Yale campus. Notice that several of the students are clicking their fingers in disrespect, (their "applause" at the comments of their comrades), that one could call fascism, reminding us of the dangerous environment from Lord of the Flies.
Today they're called snowflakes. Tomorrow they may be called fascists.
Why did they do this? Because they were taken out of their safe spaces, as one admits on the video, by an e-mail from the professor's wife, who herself is a progressive as noted by her husband in the second video.
In her e-mail it is reported she thought the students at Yale, in a free America, should be able to wear the costumes of their choice for Halloween and not simply obey what the college administration wanted. It seems that protection of freedom trigger this mob, although it obviously goes deeper.
Obama, on the other hand, would call this fundamental transformation of the United States of America, a promise he made in November of 2008 with his wife, Michelle, who had welcomed fascist mobs now growing across America that started with the OWS. San Francisco's Nancy Pelosi at the time had said OWS should be blessed by God. Oh, you forgot about the OWS?
From this example at Yale three years ago to the one last year in which Antifa fascists attacked Trump supporters at Berkeley, the student walkout on March 14, 2018, shows Obama's eight years of supporting the collective of communism. Obama well knew individual freedom is the enemy of the collective.
Need further proof?
Below is Obama's Twitter after the February 14th shooting in Florida. Notice his comments DIRECTED to America's high school students that "we got your backs" while you ORGANIZE the world "INTO WHAT IT SHOULD BE."American citizens should be asking Obama who is "we" while asking what "should be" means? But they wouldn't, just like never asked what "Hope and CHANGE" meant.
Of course, anyone who watched candidate Obama at a 2007 summer Democrat fundraiser ignore the traditional respect for the playing of our National Anthem, or his questioning on video why he should have to wear that flag pin, "that flag pin" the one honoring those who had died in 9/11, they already HAD their answer ten years ago. So much for "we the people," eh?