I’m glad the minority community gave its thumbs up to Biden in the South Carolina Democrat primary election, as Biden had PREDICTED it would. It proved once again that Biden knew the hearts of Obama's voters.
But that should be of no surprise. Biden was the one who stood by Obama’s side for eight years, Obama an elected leader that some in our military had recognized as their “crotch salute” president. Biden had also watched Obama's promise to stop the gassing of Syrian people by their own leader, his drawing a red line in the sand.
Yet when the gassing happened again, Obama did nothing with Biden watching from the wings of the White House.
Obama's broken promise would cause millions of Muslims to migrate from their country for safety into European countries, causing havoc to 1,000 years of Christian traditions in Western society from Germany to Greece among others. Biden must have been proud of that, too.
In her party dress. "IS Militants Beheaded Children, Raped Women And Hanged Men Of Christian Community Of Mosul." - Christian Pakistan
"Obama Has Failed, America No Longer Leads the World." - Lech Walesa, Newsmax, Jan. 2014 |
The two also stood together as ISIS marched across the desert from Syria into Iraq under the watchful eyes of our military satellites. Yet not one of them lifted a finger to stop the damning carnage that was to come to hundreds-of-thousands of innocent Christians.
ISIS would go on to murder well over half the Christian population in Northern Iraq. Sunday services would soon go silent for the first time in 2,000 years, since Christ walked the area.
After his election in 2016, and to no one's surprise, Trump would have go it alone without Democrat support to finally defeat the ISIS Caliphate. Biden once again stayed silent with no support.
Many in the South Carolina election last week must have been wondering when Biden would finally notice 1/3 of the population of the United States was missing from gun violence he seemed to claim had come from Republicans, a claim "by the numbers" Biden had made in a recent South Carolina debate.
And since I'm over 70, I guess I could consider agreeing with Biden's statement that a record player could be seen as a television without pictures.
So when Biden goes to North Carolina for Super Tuesday, will the minority voters of that state remember it was the Democrat Party that started their Wilmington Massacre of 1898, where conservative blacks were murdered, 2,000 chased from their homes and businesses?
I seriously doubt it. Those Democrat raiders in 1898 stood around a burned-down Wilmington newspaper owned by a black for photos, the murderers surrounding a very special trophy that had shut down freedom of the press, which they're trying to do to us, today. (See photo below.)
North Carolina voters a few years ago elected one of those Democrats to their governor’s office, Roy Cooper. When he was Attorney General for the state, Cooper tried to put innocent Duke Lacrosse players into jail to back up a corrupted North Carolina Democrat prosecutor looking to use the media against those aggressive conservative white boys.
This was while 88 progressive Marxist professors at Duke University were getting ready to sign a letter, condemning those white boys, too. It was all thanks to Roy Cooper, remembering their hero Charles Aycock from 1898, annually and for decades named after the state's fundraising efforts for the party.
However, once the team was proven innocent, those "elitist educators" never took their letter back . . . allowing it to stand. It’s what socialist do at many of our universities today thanks to Barack Obama and his relationship in the 1990's with Bill Ayers at the CAC.
It was candidate Obama, in 2008, who lied about never personally knowing Ayers, a former Weatherman bomber. Obama and Ayers had tried to push social justice training onto the city's public school children, what good Saul Alinsky supporters did at the time living on the radical south side of Chicago.
Their goal was hopefully to advance, one day, our nation into the awaiting arms of socialists and their collective hatred of individual freedom, disgustingly guaranteed by God and not heroes like Karl Marx.
Later, as president, Obama could then ensure the cancer of social justice was pushed across the country, giving us the hate-filled and divided society we are forced to live in today.
This is as America's new socialist national media from the New York Times to CNN, led by the newly formed NLA, (formerly the American Society Of Newspaper Editors), continues to attack President Trump in some of its media outlets as a Russian agent.
These socialists, leading what Trump calls the "fake" media, hate the estimated 62 million Americans who voted to elect Trump as president in 2016. They are the same ones with their votes that had stopped the ravages of Obama's promise to "fundamentally transform the United States of America," his "Hope & Change" no one seemed to know the meaning of yet still cheered, as if Marx's useful idiots.
Democrats were ready in 2016 to allow Hillary to finish the job Obama wouldn't have time to complete, needing 12 years and not the eight he was given.
But "Make America Great Again" got in the way, the media attacking it wherever it could be found, even on hats worn by children who dared to stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
Yes, 2020 will be a banner year. There is no doubt about that as we head into July and unknown waters of the Democrat's National convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
But 2021 could be more interesting if Biden picks Hillary as his VP at that July conference and wins, maybe being pushed to his grave before his first term would be over, Democrat Party style, of course. - Webmaster