The Shepp Report

Special Edition

19 Million Blacks Have Been Denied Their Civil Rights Since 1973

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

July 1, 2020



Did Planned Parenthood Abortionist Cover Up Infanticide?

Click Here if video has been taken down by YouTube's "community standards."

David Daleiden, Project Lead of The Center for Medical Progress, tells us what he learned about his 2017 undercover Planned Parenthood video, including how one abortionist indicated possible cover-up of infanticide. In the video is Dr. DeShawn Taylor, Medical Director Emerita, Planned Parenthood, Arizona, describes how to keep an aborted fetus whole. The Arizona facility also announced that it was standing with BLM to save black lives.

Daleiden also reacts to his 15 new felony charges from 2017. In July of 2019, Judge William Orrick III upheld David Daleiden’s 1st Amendment right to expose Planned Parenthood aborted baby part sales, the videos recorded with others around and not in secret or entrapment. - EWTN, April 8, 2017

Video Source: EWTN

Click Here for more videos from the EWTN Catholic Television Network.




The Overlooked Tragedy For Black Americans

"Abortion impacts African Americans at a higher rate than any other population group. In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an Abortion Surveillance Report.

According to that report, black women make up 14 percent of the childbearing population. Yet, 36 percent of all abortions were obtained by black women. At a ratio of 474 abortions per 1,000 live births, black women have the highest ratio of any group in the country.

When you use those percentages, it indicates that of the over 44 million abortions since the 1973 Roe vs Wade Supreme Court ruling, 19 million black babies were aborted. African Americans are just under 13 percent of United States population." (READ MORE).

Article by African-American Walt Blackman, Member of the Arizona House of Representative, February 25, 2020, Arizona Capitol Times.





Then As We Get Ready To Celebrate Our July 4th Independence, This Surrender Letter Shows Up On Facebook.

Also known as Little San Francisco, many downtown Asheville, NC, businesses now openly stand with protestors that have attacked and ruined shops. In the online letter seen below, Asheville businesses also encourage police to join protestors, leaving protestors alone even if they want to do more damage.

Note that the famous world-wide recognized Biltmore Estate or the Omni Grove Park Inn along with the Biltmore Park Stores did not sign the "white flag" letter below.

This is like the Jews in Nazi Germany thanking the SS for writing "Jew" on their store front windows, the SS later taking them out of their homes in the "Night Of The Breaking Glass."

It reminds me a bit of what is going on with this virus as Biden, if elected, says he will demand everyone to wear a mask in public. This is as Fauci continues a new scam warning of a possible new virus early next year. It is no doubt after that announcement Fauci has been directed to keep the globalist's fires stoked and Americans divided way into 2021.

And Biden is obviously in on it saying in a news conference June 30, 2020, you will wear a mask as long as necessary.

This is all too haunting of the techniques used to take away freedoms, the surviving Jews of the Holocaust warning once it started you wouldn't believe how fast it happened. Yes we can, this letter from Asheville businesses reminding us of exactly that fact.

It was a time when a very young and ambitious George Soros was assisting the Nazis to catalogue all the belongings in now empty Jewish homes scattered across Germany. After the war, it was reported at one of the internment camps that the human ash was ankle deep as far as the eye could see.

When Soros was later questioned about his involvement with the Nazis, he smiled at the TV host and said, If not me, someone would have done it.

Decades later George Soros would be given a globalist award by the Carnegie Foundation only a few months after the attacks of 9/11.

Who was in attendance? Dr. Fauci. You couldn't make this up if you wanted to.

China is watching, thinking taking over America could be a cake walk if they first started in WNC? A screen shot of the actual "white flag" letter is below. - Webmaster


Source: Facebook




As Candidate Biden Reports Trump Is Dividing The Country . . .

. . . this comes from Biden's own DNC, referring to a get together by conservatives at Mount Rushmore to celebrate July 4th as a meeting to only "glorify white supremacy." Liar, liar, pants on fire!









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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti


When you see this there are progressive socialists at work. - Webmaster

Graphic Source: Pinterest



Freedom is Knowledge







Black newspaper burned down on November 10, 1898. The Democrat Party's machine showed its true colors in the murders of blacks in the Wilmington Massacre of 1898 and then NEVER LOOKED BACK. - Webmaster No problem with this man's background to still be president of the United States, as it was a man who allowed a woman to drown then being made the king of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate!  And the Democrats worry about the values of Russia's KGB? - Webmaster