
"Where Fact and Other Dimensions Meet"





March 2017



My View Of The World

March - April 2017

These have been trying and confusing times. There were abundant reasons for being concerned. The cost of living had been increasing under the Obama administration while buying power was decreasing with wages held at a standstill for years. 

Plus as more illegal immigrants entered the work force through an invitation by the Obama administration to cross our southern border, they would compete for available blue-collar jobs that had gone to minority Americans.  It would cause friction in towns and inner cities across the country for those who needed work.  High-tech jobs also went begging, causing visas to be welcomed in corporate America.

Cries of “foul” went out from American workers, as companies such as Disney hired the cheap overseas labor.  It created a negative impact on assumed freedoms along with threatening the livelihood of American families.  It would fulfill Obama’s legacy as the “Food Stamp King.”

At the same time groups of elites, domestic and foreign, have been trying to divide the nation in an effort to destroy its sovereignty; its self-government; self-rule and self-determination.  It is the fundamental foundation for freedom, what our founders referred to as "liberty for all."  It is this critical foundation that Obama wanted to “transform” in his famous “Hope & Change” boilerplate for the 2008 campaign. He failed.

So how can citizens hope to protect themselves in this “brave new world?” They need to turn back to the values of those who kept this nation running through two world wars, those grandparents who themselves were immigrants but legal, coming through vetting stations such as Ellis Island in New Jersey then transported by rail across the country for new lives . . . new Americans.  They came with little or no money, only dreams, knowing that in America hard work was rewarded and that you could rise to whatever level in society you desired with good decisions and savings.

They were fortunate because they, unlike Americans today, had a national media behind them whose goal was to protect their freedoms, the guardian of the ship’s rudder that was the hope of its builders. 

But in the 1970's a dangerous socialist organization, the “American Society of Newspaper Editors, (ASNE), saw it differently, taking over the reporting of everyday news by newspapers, enabling politically correctness to define such issues as illegal aliens, sexual lifestyles while defining faith.  In conjunction the ACLU would attack, using the courts, to establish a new direction for America in a landmark Supreme Court ruling on the Separation of Church and StateIt gave the ACLU and the ASNE the hammer they needed to remove any reference to Christian values in the halls of government, from Washington D.C. to the smallest towns across America.

But the American people woke up in November of 2016 when the Democrat Party referred to them as just a useless "basket of deplorables.” The people were tired of their rights being eroded, their faith degraded, the everyday American worker feeling as if they lived in the poor territories identified in the movie, “The Hunger Games.” This was while the progressives in the states of New York and California viewed themselves as elites living in the movie's fictional city of “Panem,” or in their case “Panem East” and “Panem West” owning everything in between.

It is President Trump who now brings order and decency back to America that previous generations had taken for granted.  For the first time in decades, he wants to nurture a positive approach between North and South Korea, settling tensions for our safety.  Even China seems to be ceasing the opportunity that comes with change, buying less from North Korea in an effort to bring it to the table.

It is time, since the left’s political correctness took over America after the election of Bill Clinton 25 years ago, to again find peace and prosperity for a divided nation. It would come through a new president, promising citizens who yearned for a return to common sense and rule, that it would find itself again in the hands of “We the People.” - James




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