- This is not about Hitler's Rise to Power. It's about the German people giving Hitler the power as seen through German Home Movies. -
You may be on this page because you just finished reading in the previous section what happened in Nazi Germany from 1919 up to 1938 before WWII started.
Now you can watch actual home movies of Germany's progressive intellectuals, living then not unlike progressives live today in America's democracy. Their world would change over a 19-year period. In the end political correctness would give them permission to look the other way as citizens and friends simply disappeared off the streets of Germany.
"The Rise" allows you to view Hitler's Germany through the lens of 8mm home movies made from 1919 to the end of the 1930's. It is a stunning four-hour visual study of what you've just read. But this time you will see real moving images of the climate brought to the German people by Fascism.
The Third Reich Would Later Use Swing Music lyrics against the British
Listen to all the songs from WII produced in Nazi Germany against the Allies
Prepare to be shocked by this excellent program created by History International.
Please take time to view at least three of the six segments in the two-hour presentation of The Rise. I believe after watching only three you won't be able to stop watching the rest. The Rise is a stunning visual statement of what happens when political correctness infests an intelligent society of millions of people living in the safety of a democracy, or so they thought.
Just scanning these videos, as if flipping through pages in a book, will not help you feel in your gut how sane and educated human beings could turn their heads when others were being ripped out of their homes and tortured, and their houses of worship burned to the ground while whole families disappeared onto trains never to be seen again. This didn't happen because Hitler took the power on his own. It happened because the German people gave him the power.
By watching The Rise you will be better prepared to recognize any changes that could affect your life in America in the years to come through simply getting a grip on what happened in a progressive intellectual German society.
On June 15, 2006, Brittany McComb, valedictorian, delivered her commencement address to over 400 fellow students, families, and staff. Her mic was pulled by a school administrator, as she mentioned her faith and inspired her success. Believing her free speech had been violated, she went to the Rutherford Institute for help. While she attended college in England at Oxford, the Rutherford Institute took her complaint all the way to the Supreme Court. However, the court ruled not to hear her case. And the right of a student in an American public school to say that God had inspired them to greatness
was no longer allowed in the United States, the so-called land of the free. The ACLU, the organization started by the Communist, Roger Nash Baldwin, and its membership that brought about the Separation of Church and State to the Supreme Court in the 1980's, had finally won the day to fundamentally change America from the hope of its founders. A few years later Barack Obama would reinforce their mission statement. |
Study the people's reactions over this 19-year period, as their lives are slowly taken over by the intimidation of Fascism. Sadly it's not much different from what is happening in today's America, as Christians find themselves more and more laughed at or challenged by liberal progressives who hate the Bible and its teaching, regarding human behavior, that were written to protect the family and those children born into it.
What happened in Nazi Germany is much like the intolerance that is growing in America today against Christians. Too many Americans either feel it is someone else's job to stop the aggression or agree that Christians really are an annoyance to a free society and should be shut up. Or worse, they don't even give a damn, feeling what is happening is just temporary and will fix itself because we live in the good old USA and it could never happen here!
If you believe that, you're already wrong. Christians today have come under attack for simply exercising their Constitutional right to pray or for bowing a head in respect of someone else who is praying nearby.
Unless you have taken time to go outside the propaganda of the mainstream media, you wouldn't know what has been happening in small towns and schools across the country, from a teenager not allowed to mention how her faith helped her to become a valedictorian to a young high school musician's wind ensemble not allowed to play Ave Maria because it was religious, even though a classic piece of world music. Note I wrote the musician could not play the notes, forget singing the words.
Kathryn Nurre was a senior at Henry M. Jackson High School in 2006 and a member of the school's wind ensemble when the Everett School District refused to allow the group to perform an instrumental version of "Ave Maria" at graduation. |
I believe I would be correct in saying that some students probably never heard of a similar classic musical piece written by Franz Schubert around 1825, Schubert born in Vienna in 1797. Or the one the wind instrument students wanted to play, a more contemporary version by Franz Biebl composed in 1964. Here is the Notre Dame Glee Club singing the lyrical version.
But no longer in American schools in the (cough) home of the free and the brave! Yet this final decision to stop the playing of Bieble's Ave Maria did not come from the school administration. It came from the courts successfully influenced today by the membership of the ACLU, the court ruling the student couldn't sue the school for taking away her right of free speech.
In the same way the German people in Nazi Germany reported on each other, in America a politically correct principal in Tennessee tattles on coaches that (OMG) bowed heads during post-game prayer, as America's corporate elite of Apple and Microsoft are reported to refuse to give to religious charities that oppose encouraging the teaching of sodomy.
And look what has happened at Vanderbilt University with its administration going after Christian clubs saying student organizations cannot require that leaders share the group’s beliefs, goals and values. "Carried to its full extent, it means an atheist could lead a Christian group, a man a woman’s group, a Jew a Muslim group or vice versa." One needs only to repeat the last line of the movie, The Bridge over the River Kwai, to represent the feeling of these times in America: "Madness! Madness . . . Madness!"
Obama Admin Opposes Prayer at WWII Memorial
Major MRFF Victory: USAF Academy Backs Down on Extremist Fundamentalist Charity
The Supreme Court declined to take on public prayer cases where lower courts said prayer that used to be said in America was now unconstitutional.
This is not an exaggeration! Just click on the above links to read the news stories that many in the mainstream media have dropped onto their editing room floors. As a columnist a few years ago for the arrogant New York Times warned America's readers who love freedom about the media today in America, "If we don't print it, it ain' t news!"
That same attitude must have been creeping through the German society in the early 1920's, beginning to take hold as the decade was ending. See for yourself in the following videos from YouTube. You can choose to watch them on full screen to get the feel of what it was like to be there. Nazi flags abound with people laughing and dancing as if nothing was wrong.
If you read the previous segment, you will remember that Hitler denounced his so-called Christianity after the election and becoming the Führer. Even the Catholics, as you read, tried to make a deal with Hitler to join others in electing him as the leader of Germany if he would protect them. Isn't it amazing what leaders will say or the deals that will make, even very contemporary leaders, just to get elected. And then suddenly, when in office, it's as if the words were never spoken.
A case in point is that Obama never mentioned once during the elections to the American voters that as president he would specifically assist Muslims around the world to be able to practice their religion as they see fit, meaning Sharia Law.* Yet that is exactly what he has said as president, while previous to the election reporting to the American people he was Christian. ( * - Allow the video a few seconds to start.)
Some 90 years after the same misinformation tactic was used in another's bid for power in 1919, it begins again in America. It seems in human history the only guarantee we have is that what goes around, comes around.