What have we been telling you for these last few years!

November 16, 2005, is a sad day in America's History


The ADL declares WAR on America's Christian Community


ADL Breaks With Pack On Church-State

Source: Jewish Week - "ADL Breaks With Pack On Church-State"

Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, speaking to the group’s national leadership here last week, signaled a sharp shift in ADL policy by directly attacking several prominent religious right groups and challenging their motives, which he said include nothing less than “Christianizing America.”

Among the groups he cited were the powerful Focus on the Family ministry and the Family Research Council.

Foxman said as these groups seek to use the government to further their missionizing goal, Democrats and Republicans alike are “pandering” to the religious conservatives.

The ADL leader also called for a national Jewish summit to respond to the growing challenge.

. . . “What we’re seeing is a pervasive, intensive assault on the traditional balance between religion and state in this country,” he said. “They’re trying to bring Christianity to all aspects of American life. They’re not just talking just about God and religious values but about Jesus and about Christian values.” . . .



Read the above article and what we've been telling you for years about the agenda of the ACLU's membership, our believing it had been driven by a radical faction of secular Jews who wanted to kick Christians out of influencing America's future in the world.

Fundamental Jews, God-fearing Jews, and non-ACLU secular Jews must be just as outraged as Christians are on the declaration of war by the ADL. We strongly suggest you read Benjamin Ginsberg's Web page and its concerns for Jews as they try to run the state, their numbers extremely small when compared to the overall population, the page titled "The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State." (There is another link below.)

These same ACLU members had already turned against their own Old Testament, openly saying the writings of its historical books were myths and written by ancients who didn't know what they were talking about, not elite intellectuals like today's ACLU secular Jews.

With this news release on the ADL's hate and intolerance for Christians happening again some 2,000 years later, especially against born-again Americans, everyone will finally know the world was fooled when it helped to forcibly take away land from the financially poor Palestinians in 1948, with the objective to form the state of Israel as promised to the Jews by their Old Testament. Yet it is out of the mouths of the ACLU's secular Jews themselves that this Promised Land and its story of Moses in the desert is at best a myth . . . a folly of our mind.

With the ACLU having completed its dirty work for the last 30 years to systematically rid America of Christian influence and values, the ADL must believe it's now safe to openly and directly attack Christian civil rights in America, some members already giving away their predisposed family-taught biases that allows them to feel comfortable calling Christ their "dirty Jew."

Christ, a Jew himself, actually lived and walked the streets of Jerusalem and was referenced in documents of the day. He was later murdered by the Romans through clever and nasty politics arranged by the Pharisees to rid themselves of Christ without actually getting their hands dirty. Christ was exposing the Pharisees arrogant and wealthy lives for what they were. So it was no surprise that they saw him as a danger to their lucrative positions in society, just as the ADL sees those who follow his teachings today.

Yet Christ had broken no laws nor had tried to harm anyone.

There was nothing special written about Christ's features. He looked like any other man and had no worldly wealthy nor position in the world or cared for its politics. He was a simple carpenter with no fame, money, or look of importance, his coming from ordinary parents you might find today in any blue collar neighborhood.

At worst the Pharisees could have simply deemed Christ insane and gone their way. But they saw other Jews understanding his simple clear message of grace and love, following the writings of the Old Testament and leaving the Pharisees and their elite wealthy lives out of the financially picture.

So is it any wonder why the ADL hates Christians today, Pharisees of the day, their objective to destroy Christian influence on American culture through political correctness, an act that would then guarantee ADL's members to cement America's military support for Israel against the Muslim nations overseas. Ironically that would cause American soldiers of Christian faiths to give their lives for the politics of the ADL. What a heinous misuse of the loyalty of America's sons and daughters in service to their country.

So how are they accomplishing this?

The ADL and ACLU secular Jewish membership is already directly involved in the ownership of much of the news media and Hollywood studios that have been influencing Americans against Christians and people of faith. You can go to the bottom of the page now to see how clever they are in manipulate people's values.

And the ACLU seems to have used similar tactics, such as leftist-supported issues, to weaken the Christian influence in America along with support from radical and advocating judges . . . like Stephen Reinhardt along with his wife, who runs the ACLU in Los Angeles . . . elitists overriding the values of voters and destroying America's two-hundred year one citizen, one vote democracy.

The ACLU even sided with NAMBLA against a Massachusetts mother whose ten-year old son was murdered by a NAMBLA member. She wanted their offensive Web site taken down because it actively was encouraging men to have sex with young male children. The "honorable" Senator Kennedy, a strange Catholic bedfellow with the ADL, continually refuses to support this distraught mother against NAMBLA's sick agenda. NAMBLA members have also been reported to support orphanages for little boys located outside the United States . . . sort of like owning your own fresh market.

Once long-range goals have been achieved using a leftist agenda to label people of faith as homophobic, with the objective to remove them from the political arena, then all bets could be off once the cleansing has been completed and your services are no longer needed.

And you thought Christians were dangerous.


Let's take a look at the importance of who is in control of influencing what is being produced in Hollywood.

Here is how it works.

If you watch funny and innocent-looking movies such as Dave, The American President, or the more serious ABC series featuring a woman president titled Commander in Chief, in each case you'll discover the liberal always comes out smelling like a rose and full of life, while the conservative is made to always look evil and full of the need for absolute power. This is not an accident.

The charade is compliments of an ACLU secular Jewish controlled Hollywood production line with the purpose to carefully manipulate the viewer to believe that liberals will always protect them while conservatives will only look out for their own interests.

But when you break down what you're watching, the characters are only actors, the sets either on location or in a production facility, and the words spoken coming directly from a screen writer's word processor, usually sitting somewhere in his or her residence located on the west coast and near a sushi outlet.

In other words, it's all faked.

Hollywood will also go as far as to attack Christian values through value-manipulation of America's children using innocent-looking animated cartoons along with their favorite stars for the voice-overs.

For instance, in the children's animated movie titled "A Shark's Tale, we discover a Shark embarrasses its mob family because, of all things, it's a cross dresser. The mob head eventually is ashamed of himself for not being more sensitive to his son's needs.

This message is presented so subtle that the kids get it but the parents don't, their thinking its all in good fun. The parents then go out and reinforce the message for Hollywood by buying the movie for their children to watch over and over again in their home. It's a propagandist perfect dream world.

And that's just a few of some of the dark objectives film producers are trying to achieve as their films are viewed across America, conditioning one person at a time in a hidden world of big brother.

On the Island of Hollywood they call this entertainment.

But on the home screen, we call it propaganda. It's a message that is delivered to American families in the tens-of-millions, conveniently wrapped in small decorated boxes containing a VHS tapes or DVD to hold the content so the conditioning can continue on demand.

Of course, you rarely will see Christians positioned in a positive light either, Hollywood producers portraying them instead as stupid, arrogant, losers, and money lovers.

Again, this all comes from a movie-production machine that is deeply in bed with the ACLU, the ADL, and agencies with agendas against Christian American values.

Then there is Steven Spielberg along with his studio, Dreamworks, Steven attacking the values of the Boy Scouts because their foundation is formed on basic Christian values. He supports the agenda of the ACLU as its membership attacks America's national Scouting organization again and again until the ACLU can finally achieve what its members have demanded . . . that is to crush the national organization and purge it of its current leadership as a role model for America's male youth.

Ironically, this is what Hitler had done to the children of Germany pre-WWII using his youth corp. Steven, without having to fire a shot, is cleverly trying to achieve similar results using political correctness to manipulate the human spirit of children into his world.

As you pay to watch Spielberg's movies or buy the DVDs, think of it as if your money is going to profits that are made from children's movies . . . profits to be used to donate funds in support of NAMBLA's membership and its agenda, an organization the ACLU defends.

The acronym for NAMBLA speaks for itself and its evil . . . The North American Man/Boy Love Association.

It's simple. It's dark. And it's filled with the stuff of evil that little boys see in their nightmares.







"Freedom is Knowledge"