Merry Christmas?
Dear God . . . (Out of the mouths of children.)
Christmas 2012 Archived News

Engadget's Holiday Gift Guide 2011
What Holiday Are We Celebrating?
Only in America! Can't afford toys for the kids? Now you can rent them!
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What Corporations are Naughty and Nice in 2011 - Scroll down for update
Christmas 2011 Archived News
Bangor church’s baby Jesus defaced
Air Force base refuses to remove nativity scene, one of other religious displays
Assaults on Christmas continues across U.S. in 2011
Saugus school chief changes mind, OK’s Santa school visits
Men Using Women’s Fitting Rooms Appears to be a Common problem at Macy’s, but also during Christmas? Hey Macy's, not with my wife!
Planned Parenthood: Push Abortion Talk at Holiday Table
Land of the free? What BS! Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail.
Westford Massachusetts' Students told to leave the Christmas Cookies at home - school system wants to promote . . . wait for it . . . healthy eating.
Condo Owners Miffed By Removal Of Virgin Mary Statue
California Atheists Successfully Nudge Out ‘Offensive’ Nativity Display
As Democrats in the Senate approve sodomy in the military, Macy's fires employee during Christmas shopping for keeping man dressed as a woman from the women's dressing room
Rhode Island Outraged Over “Holiday Tree”
‘Tis the Season: Grinch THIS, Corporate America!
South Carolina Cancer Center Reverses Santa Ban - but boots Christ
The Time has come to ask a Question
Countries such as Saudi Arabia don't celebrate Christmas. Some Muslim societies may even murder their citizens who try. That's their business. But Americans have the freedom to celebrate their faith as they wish or not celebrate at all.
In the case of the posting four lines below, if some Muslims don't like hearing the term, Merry Christmas, why did they move here? They knew the historic background of America. So is their real objective to turn America into another intolerant nation like the one they left, coming here instead as a stealth invader and not an immigrant looking for freedom? Many Americans may like to know, as their children are raised in this society.

A coming culture war? A stark reminder why America is different. |
Christmas 2010 Archived News

The Jimmy Z 2010 Internet Radio Christmas Show
What Corporations were Naughty and Nice in 2010 - Here's the List

Archived News 2010 New Stories
The Devils in the Season -Western Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood 2010 Pro-Choice Holiday Card Fund Raiser. Wishing baby parts have a safe trip to the research lab?
Russian news agency, RT, reports on the "alleged" War on Christmas
As America Celebrates Christmas, Rev. Franklin Graham Says Secular 'War' Rages Against Christians
U.S. Post Office employees are restrained from saying Merry Christmas to patrons. But this is a violation of your Constitution, which reads the government shall make no laws prohibiting the expression of a religion
High School Punishes Christmas Sweater Club for Giving Candy Canes
After 90% of graduating nurses voted for prayer in their ceremony, liberal administrators at West Virginia University, Parkersburg, tried to take that right away saying unless it was 100% the vote didn't count
NPR Liberals are now openly apologizing – Forgive the Expression – for Using the Word “Christmas” On the Air
Indiana City Treasures City-Sponsored Nativity Scene on Public Property
A small-town bank in Perkins, Oklahoma, reported our Federal Reserve won’t allow it keep religious signs and symbols on display on its Web site or in its lobby. (Think the Federal Reserve has its offices in Pottersville, or just another reflection of an Obama administration.)
UK Red Cross bans Christmas, told the nativity scene offends Muslims and can only have some useless tinsels. Christmas cards can't have anything that means Christmas.
Tennessee Progressive ACLU Bullies - Atheist organization Purposely Misleading Schools on Christmas Celebrations
Another bank! Chase orders Southlake bank to remove Christmas tree. (Are these banks run or owned by Jewish members of the ACLU? Jews of the ACLU have created a life-style in hating the Christian faith, destroying all their symbols when possible.)
Wachovia Bank Bans Christmas Tree Displays From its Bank Branches, Then Says They Were Misunderstood - Decorated Trees are Okay. [TKS Wachovia, for joining all of us in celebrating Christmas, as we spend all that money on presents that brings profits to businesses you serve.]
It's still Christmas, while only 68% of 1,000 polled prefer Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. (Sorry, but it looks to me over-fed Americans are still moving from the safety of Bedford Falls to the chaos of Pottersville, the country looking more like Sodom than Main Street.)
Smithsonian Christmas - Season Exhibit Features Ant-Covered Jesus, Naked Brothers Kissing, Genitalia, and Ellen DeGeneres Grabbing Her Breasts
Marxists at work! Florida School Bans Christmas… And Christmas Colors
New Atheist Billboard Calls Christmas a Myth
Religious Celebrations on Public Property Approved by Virginia Attorney General
TKS to Jim of New Jersey
Top Ten Toys for Christmas

For the "Secular Thought Police" patrolling our schools on behalf of the 300,000 atheist members of the ACLU:
This is a Christmas tree!
It's not a Holiday Tree!
It's not a Holiday Hedge!
It's not a Hanukkah Bush!
It's not an Allah Plant!
Compliments of Jim of NJ |
Christmas commentary from 2008
Soldier's Christmas Poem!
Christmas Night, 1776

American Greetings eCards
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Freedom is Knowledge
And a Happy Holiday to those that celebrate their religion in this festive season. It's what's special about America
Christmas 2007 Archive
Christmas 2008 Archive