"The Basement! A place where things are so disgusting, you can't place them anywhere else."
A Troubling News Archive
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Note: The links and resources on this Web page are intended only for those who wish to data mine news and resources on this specific subject matter from the period of time starting with 2007, when Obama was running for office, until the near end of his term in late August 2012. |
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Hillary using early activist training from Saul D. Alinsky, the extreme socialist. while claiming MediaMatters as her idea. |
John 3:16 . . . in Congress? - November 2007
Even the writers of the Old Testament warned their readers about what comes out of the mouths of liberals - Duh! |
Isaiah 32:5-8 - June 2007 |
The Moral Decline of Corporate America
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If you don't understand how the three major networks can go so far to the left, along with cable outlets such as CNN to allow the transmission of a terrorist's video shooting a GI's, not to mention the vile New York Times and other SP newspapers, then you really still don't understand the meaning of greed and corruption at the highest levels of America's corporations. We call it Bill Clinton's real legacy to the American people of, "I did it because I could, ass holes. " Watch trailer now. - If playing, turn off piano music at homepage. |
A Great Boulder Moment in Public Education - May 2007
Saw This One Coming - March 2007
The Word "God" Not Permitted On Flag Certificate - October 2007 A 17-year-old Eagle Scout from Ohio reportedly was denied the request to have a certificate read, "This flag was flown in honor of Marcel Larochelle, my grandfather, for his dedication and love of God, country and family." |
The Future of Marriage - March 2007
"What this uproar tells us is that America is no longer a moral community. On the most fundamental issues -- abortion, promiscuity, homosexuality, euthanasia, sterilization, cloning, and the creation of, and buying and selling of, fetuses for research -- we are at war. What part of the nation sees as progress, the other sees as depravity." - Patrick Buchanan, March 15, 2007 - (on comments by General Peter Pace) |
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Best of Ramirez Cartoons |
You can't made this stuff up. Nobody says it better - "the truth hurts." |
America, America, the slut? You decide. |
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Ted Turner - He is what's wrong with America and why it will fail
On the Appointment of Professor Peter Singer to Princeton University!
Political Correctness gone amuck?! |
Oops, there's even more - a cross, a veil , and personal values. What's going on in liberal Britain! |
Wake up Christians! You're being cleansed from the America your ancestors formed. But who is doing it to you? Surprise, surprise!
Who would believe that Hitler was a Christian? You should not be surprised. Hitler reserved special scorn for the Christian values of equality and compassion, which he identified with weakness. Hitler’s leading advisers like Goebbels, Himmler, Heydrich and Bormann were atheists who hated religion and sought to eradicate its influence in Germany. In his multi-volume history of the Third Reich, historian Richard Evans writes that “the Nazis regarded the churches as the strongest and toughest reservoirs of ideological opposition to the principles they believed in.” Once Hitler and the Nazis came to power, they launched a ruthless drive to subdue and weaken the Christian churches in Germany. Evans points out that after 1937 the policies of Hitler’s government became increasingly anti-religious . . . read more |
According to Woodward, insurgent attacks against coalition troops occur, on average, every 15 minutes, a shocking fact the administration has kept secret. "It’s getting to the point now where there are eight-, nine-hundred attacks a week. That's more than 100 a day. That is four an hour attacking our forces," says Woodward. So Bob, since this is all being done for the media's and (your) attention and seduction, it looks like it is actually working. So when will their road show start on America's shores at malls and other soft targets? I mean if it works, why not bring it home to you cowards of the media. (Remember in Bosnia, where the people had had it with the constant propaganda of their media, punching out the reporters?) |
The Story of Little Miss Purple Riding Hood meeting the Big, Bad, Mainstream Media Writer.
WARNING - new findings from the well-respected legal organization, Judicial Watch
Clinton Pushed RU-486 in First Official Act, Report ShowsMay 15, 2006, |
According to the documents obtained last February from the National Archives at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark., Clinton ordered the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the FDA to coordinate the marketing of RU-486. He did so in his first official act three days after moving into the White House in January 1993. Clinton had received advice concerning the abortion regimen in a letter from Ron Weddington, whose wife, Sarah, had advocated for the legal right to abortion as an attorney in the 1973 Roe v. Wade case. In urging the legalization of RU-486, Ron Weddington wrote in a Jan. 6, 1992, letter to Clinton. "Something's got to be done very quickly. Twenty-six million food stamp recipients is (sic) more than the economy can stand." The "president-to-be" should "start immediately to eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of the country," Weddington added. Webmaster: A truly shocking news story, showing that the attitude against other humans in 1930's Germany is alive and well with the far-left wealthy elites of this country. Recent scientists in a standing ovation had been told by a guest speaker that the world could be saved with 90% of the humans removed from the face of the earth. We assume this elitist would be one of the "intelligent" 10% to remain, not much different than the thinking of the Third Reich to the lives of German Jews. So where do you think the wealthy, Al Gore, is heading with his control of the earth's climate, a very dangerous man who almost became president of the United States. Hey, Hollywood, forget the phony Da Vinci Code movie. You have a real story right here that will raise the hair on the back of all theater goers, Hollywood stars probably already involved with their contributions and support of organizations like MoveOn.org. Who knows, if these people want to spread a virus that will kill many of the world's population while they get inoculations. Silly? No different than the Da Vinci Code, this one more real and possible. Get smart or get dead? |
Boulder Colorado - The Coming French Revolution?
| ACLU | ASNE | In Memorial | Killing Fields | Madalyn Murray O'Hair | |
| Mouth of Madness | Planned Parenthood | Sheehan | Viagra | War Over Words | Watermelon Ice Cream | |
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Victims of the Endangered Species Act |
Fixing Illegal Immigration In 10 Common Sense Steps - June 2007
Left-Wing Extremists Want to 'Reconquista' Southwest - July 2007
When Propaganda Becomes the Meat of Your National Media - Ouch!
Joy to the World . . . "for the ACLU?"
"Is it really just a treat or does it reflect your elite American lifestyle?" |
While Washington, D.C., and the American media have seen fit to take Idaho Senator Larry Craig to task for his misdemeanor guilty plea and subsequent attempt to withdraw it, there seems to be a convenient lack of discussion on why an otherwise seemingly well-adjusted, successful politician, who is married with children, would proposition a same-sex encounter in a public restroom . . . read more |
What if it was your son's death that was to be America's acceptable collateral damage?
The Stories of Jeffrey and Jesse
The Real Signs of Intelligent Life Forms in San Francisco
Source: "Why the hell not?" |
"Guided by that view, the Supreme Court has come to resemble a Super Legislature, handing down policy decisions that cannot be appealed. Even if its decisions were wise, if a Super Legislature made up of nine unelected justices with lifetime tenure is not the rule of man, it is hard to imagine what is. It is certainly not the rule of law."
Proof again flies always seem to find the pile. We, too, have a son in the military serving overseas, his losing two Marine bros in Afghanistan against Taliban drug lords on Mother's Day in 2005. It was Taliban profits that provided financial support to enabled terrorists to destroy the Twin Towers in NYC and kill over 2,700 people on its soil. (duh.)Note: AP's yuppie senior management disagrees that those who took down the twin towers were terrorists, down playing them as only bombers in AP's articles. I guess that means the AP will now report on street gangs as only being "neighborhood motivational participants." Your enemy is not only overseas.
The Bible, proving again that the human character hasn't changed in close to 2,000 years, notes the human tongue is no different than the rudder of a ship that directs its way through the water. To that end, the following should interest you:
My Mother, my brother, and my daughter were murdered!
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Into The Mouth of Madness? |
Women Sign 'We Had Abortions' Petition |
(So Proudly we Hail? I think not!) |
Pfizer chooses "We are the Champions" to represent their product.