And so now we reach May of 2010, the U.S. Army disinvites Franklin Graham for a planned address for the National Day of Prayer at the Pentagon because of a statement Graham made concerning the continued violence of Islamists around the world, from honor killing in America to Christians being slaughtered in Muslim dominated countries.
Graham had become the victim of a new proclaimed "war" on Evangelical Christians by, of all things, a retired Air Force officer identifying himself as of the Jewish faith, a kind of religious hate not seen since the Pharisees of Jesus' time.
His name is Mikey Weinstein, founder of the relatively new Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF.) Mr. Weinstein received the 12th Annual Rabbi Marchall T. Meyer Risk-Taker Awards by the Jews for Racial and Economic Justice. He also is seen as a hero by the Huffington Post, the Daily KOS, and the Washington Post, everyday far-left supporters of Obama's radical administration.
While we find Mr. Weinstein's organization's mission statement fair and balanced, it's his hate of Christians who follow Christ that is extremely troubling.
As an example of where his heart is, here are examples of news links and articles on Mr. Weinstein's organization's Web site as of May 1, 2010. Click on any one for the article.
You can also read an article on Weinstein's MRFF site from the Huffington Post on December 1, 2008, written by Chris Rodda titled, Creationism: The Latest in Military Suicide Prevention.
Ms. Rodda is the Senior Research Director for Mr. Weinstein's Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), and the author of Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of American History, assisting Mr. Weinstein in his Pharisse-like war against Christians. The article was also posted on the Daily KOS for its far-left membership, I would also assume he would be working with the efforts of the membership of, although I didn't see it mentioned.
You will also see a link on the Weinstein organization site to Gannett's USA Today's Faith and Reason Section of its newspaper asking, "Does National Day of Prayer include or condemn you?" The article speaks of Christian's criticism against the violence of Islamists.
Other than my referring to Mikey Weinstein as a modern-day Pharisee, I will use his own words and links on reporting his agenda against Christians in the military. First of all, Mr. Weinstein called Franklin Graham a Islamophobe. In fact, he wrote in an article published by the Washington Post, with Newsweek in the URL, saying this about Rev. Franklin Graham:
"Let's just face it: Franklin Graham is an Islamophobe, an anti-Muslim bigot and an international representative of the scourge of fundamentalist Christian supremacy and exceptionalism. As a result, he fails in the worst way as a role model for Constitutional American citizenship. How can Graham or anyone prejudge/brand all members of a specific culture, religion and/or ethnicity? Such prejudice and racist cretinism is nothing new. It's as old as our species and has been the direct cause of the brutal end of untold multitudes of our species.
Graham has a history of describing the whole of the Islamic faith, and thus the whole of its Muslim practitioners, as 'evil', violent', "false" and "wicked". I often wonder how painful it must be for U.S. citizens of the Muslim faith to hear Graham's universal, Father Coughlin-esque condemnations of Islam? Indeed, and how much worse still for the grieving families of recently fallen American servicemen of the Islamic faith like U.S. Army Corp. Kareem Khan, U.S. Army Spec. Rasheed Sahib, U.S. Army Maj. James Ahearn and U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan?"
Franklin Graham, whose home is in Western North Carolina, and whose organization Samaritan's Purse has assisted thousands of Muslims dislocated in the tsunami in Indonesia on Christmas Day, obviously does not hate Muslims when he is spending time saving them. Graham's organization writes this about the tsunami victims:
"The thousands of people still struggling to survive don't mind where help comes from; they just appreciate those who bring it. In one camp crowded with homeless families, a non-Christian woman thanked an Indonesian Christian who delivered food and comfort. "Christians are the only ones wiping our tears," she said.
For many of the survivors, the relief workers are the first Christians they have ever met. There are no churches in Meulaboh, the Indonesian city closest to the epicenter of the earthquake that caused the tsunami. The tragedy there was staggering. First came the 9.0-magnitude earthquake, which made pancakes of three-story concrete buildings, cracked roads and unleashed deadly geysers of hot steam.
Over the next hour, the bay was sucked dry, leaving fish flapping on the sand and drawing curious children down to the beach. Then came the tsunami, with two waves so fast and powerful that few had a chance to escape. Houses were leveled more than a mile inland.
Samaritan's Purse chartered a 747 jumbo jet to airlift 100 tons of desperately needed goods to Indonesia, including material to shelter 8,000 families, filters to provide clean water for 15 towns and a helicopter to reach communities that have been cut off from relief workers. Samaritan's Purse has been distributing food and water-treatment packets in the Aceh province and is helping to rebuild five churches on Nias, including Guló's.
Samaritan's Purse also is providing shelter, water and household kits to families in Sri Lanka and has offered to help rebuild an orphanage that was washed away. In addition, Samaritan's Purse has pledged to purchase at least 50 boats at $2,000 each to help replace lost fishing vessels. Each boat will help several families. In Thailand Samaritan's Purse provided relief in fishing villages far removed from the resorts that drew most of the headlines.
Yogarajah says Sri Lankans are resilient people who will recover from this disaster. Speaking specifically of Christians, he said, "In the midst of all this suffering, the one thing our people are holding onto is their faith. That's giving them hope."
And don't forget that Graham well understands the violence of Islamists against Christians, his relief organization helping those families whose loves ones were martyred by Islamists who had been trained to hate Christians from childhood:
"All our work is designed to strengthen the local church and advance the Gospel. In Sudan, this has been our biggest year yet for rebuilding churches destroyed by radical Islam, with 130 opened in 2009 and 357 since 2005. In a few weeks, I am planning to return to Sudan for the first graduation ceremony at the Nuba Mountains Bible School, established by Samaritan’s Purse to train pastors and evangelists to replace those martyred during the civil war."
Progressive Web site interviewed Mikey Weinstein on June 13, 2007. The interviewer writes the following impressive bio of Weinstein's service in the military, including his extended family:
"Michael "Mikey" Weinstein represents an extended family of graduates from the U.S. Air Force Academy. As his biography proudly notes: "Mikey comes from a family that has dedicated itself to the service of the United States. One indication of the family’s commitment is its multi-generational association with the nation’s military academies, in particular, the United States Air Force Academy. His father graduated from the United States Naval Academy.
Mikey is a graduate of the Air Force Academy, as are his brother-in-law, eldest son and daughter-in-law. His youngest son is currently a cadet at the Air Force Academy. 'Weinstein served for ten years on active duty in the United States Air Force as a Judge Advocate, stationed at military installations in California, New Mexico, Illinois, and Washington, DC. He also served as the Air Force’s first Chief of Telecommunications and Information Systems Procurement Law.'"
'Weinstein founded and heads the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. Its mission is to ensure the separation of church and state in our military -- and the right of academy and military members to be free from religious coercion and harassment.'
Weinstein recently wrote a compelling book, With God on Our Side: One Man's War Against an Evangelical Coup in America's Military, describing the growing evangelical threat to cadets, GIs and veterans who are not fundamentalists.
My family is a Jewish-American family, so a little bit unique in that we have three consecutive generations of military academy graduates. My youngest son was the sixth member of my family to attend the Academy, including myself. My father is an Annapolis graduate. In my immediate family, we have over 120 years of combined military service to the country, in pretty much every major combat engagement America’s been in from World War I to the current so-called global war on terror.
I am a registered Republican, and I spent over three years in the West Wing of the Reagan White House, initially working for the Office of Management and Budget. Then I moved over to become Assistant General Counsel for the entire White House Office of Administration. There, I was named the committee management officer for the Iran-Contra investigation. The family has a very, very strong military history, and obviously three generations of military academy graduates."
Below are some of the comments Mr. Weinstein made about Christians in the aforementioned interview: You can read the entire interview for yourself by clicking here. [Note I have made a few comments in blue and smaller font.]
- "What I found at the Air Force Academy was nothing short of something that could destroy the republic. An essentially evangelical, fundamentalist, Christian perspective was being imposed on those that were not evangelical fundamentalist Christians, in complete and total disregard of the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights, where the separation of church and state clearly resides."
- "I know that the religious right fundamentalists believe that separation of church and state is just a myth, like Paul Bunyan or Bigfoot. But we also can go to the body of the Constitution, to Clause 3, Article 6, where the Founding Fathers were so prescient. The framers were careful to make sure that we didn’t have what had befallen Europe, where men of the cloth had been men in political power. Clause 3, Article 6, basically says we’ll never have a religion test for any position in the federal government."
- "We are not at war at all with Christianity, or even Evangelical Christianity. Half of my own family is Christian. We are, however, at war with a small subset of Evangelical Christians who go by the long technical name -- premillenial, dispensational, reconstructionist, dominionist, evangelical, fundamentalist Christians."
- "The leaders are well known: Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, John Hagee, and the list used to include Ted Haggard, before he had some career issues. Basically, they believe that it’s their inalienable right to push this weaponized gospel of Jesus Christ. Either you’re with us, or if you’re not with us, we or our version of Jesus will eradicate you."
- "I really have to thank Mel Gibson. When Mel came out with his wonderful movie in February of 2004 -- I forget the name -– it was called the "Jesus Chainsaw Massacre," or "Freddie Versus Jesus" -– when that movie came out ["The Passion of the Christ"], I was not contacted by my three children who were at that time at the Academy. I was contacted by non-evangelical Christian members of the faculty. They knew that my wife and I had given a lot of blood, sweat, tears, money, and effort over the years, because we loved the Academy. They wanted to know if I was aware of just how profoundly, how comprehensively, the Academy as an entity was coming down on the cadets and staff to go see this movie."
- "I’m sure there are lots of people that loved the movie. I found it to be a wretched piece of crap, of garbage, and incredibly anti-Semitic, and it deviated from the gospels in so many ways, it had everything in it except for a car chase."
- "For example, it was routine to have brown-bag lunches at the Academy, promoted by flyers that went out saying, 'Do not take this flyer down; this is an officially sponsored U.S. Air Force Academy activity in conjunction with the Christian Leadership Ministries.'"
- "The most common joke at the Air Force Academy of 2004 and 2005: "Why do Jews make the best magicians?" Have you heard that one?"
- "Well, my wife and I raised our hands and said: Excuse me, Air Force. Having three children within the Air Force, we demand to know, do our children fall in that Richard Nixon-era enemies list of being "unchurched"? And if so, are you or are you not, we demanded, going to exercise your "right" to evangelize our children? Not getting an answer after beating them up in the media for 88 days, we sued them on the 89th day."
- "We now have about seventeen active cases going on at the Academy. Over forty-two hundred members of the U.S. military -– Marines, sailors, soldiers, airmen, veterans –- have come talk to us, and roughly 96% of them are Christians. About three-fourths would be traditional Protestants such as Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists, Episcopalians, Church of Christ, and Baptists. The other one-fourth are primarily Roman Catholic, with the balance being Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, or Wiccan." [I've seen the pictures of the Wiccan worship area outside the Air Force Academy]
- "Basically you have dominionist evangelical Christians pray/preying [P-R-A-Y and P-R-E-Y] -– on non-Evangelical Christians, telling them: You know what? You may think you’re a Christian, but you’re not actually Christian enough. And as a result, you’re going to burn eternally in the fires of hell along with the Jews." [My father served in WWI on Okinawa. He never went to church and never complained about Christians harassing him to go.]
- "We currently have 737 U.S. military installations that the Pentagon acknowledges. It’s actually closer to a thousand military installations scattered around the globe -- in 132 countries. On every one of those military installations, we have something called the Officers' Christian Fellowship, for the officers, and for the enlisted folks, the Christian Military Fellowship."
- "The theory for having a draft was that we were pulling from what we now call blue and red states, conscripting people into the military. Of course, a lot of them were pissed off coming in, and when you’re pissed off, even a spoonful of sugar doesn’t make the Jesus go down. But since we ended the draft, going to the full volunteer force in 1972, now we’re pulling mostly from what we call red states, where there’s a lot of this blending of a virulent form of dominionist Christianity –- essentially predatory Christianity -– with patriotism."
- "Then, after 9/11, with this complete idiot in the White House, this whole thing went into overdrive. My wife and I have had right-wing talk-show hosts indicate that we’re an embarrassment to the state we live in, New Mexico, and probably don’t even deserve to be Americans." [I have no idea what he is talking about, my having watched FOX since 1999 when I learned that the drive-by media had refused to report the torture and murder of 13-year old Jesse Dirkhising.]
- "Do you know that in this country in 1970, we only had ten mega-Evangelical churches, meaning those with 2,000 or more members? But after 9/11, a new mega-Evangelical church has opened up in our country every 48 hours."
- "The Air Force is saying: Here’s our policy. If we have a religion test, of course, it does violate man’s law, which is just the Constitution, which is clearly subordinated to the higher law of our recognized version of the gospel of Jesus Christ. But if we determine you’re unchurched, and that’s our determination, we do in fact reserve the right to evangelize you." [???]
- "He [the ranking Chaplin] orders his young charges get in the face of their classmates in their tents, demanding of their religious faiths. They were ordered to evangelize the unbelievers on the spot. And if the unbelievers still refused to accept Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior, they were to be told to their faces that they would burn eternally in the fires of hell."
- "Yes. In fact, Rush Limbaugh, who I would say is a complete coward, attacked me a couple months ago as being a pacifist, and an aider and a better to al Qaeda, which I thought was amazing. Of course, he hasn’t spent one second in the military. I don’t know how many exemptions he got. And between Rove and Cheney, they got eleven exemptions, so they never served one second in the military, either."
- "Exactly. This is not a Christian-Jewish issue at all. This is a dominionist Christian versus the Constitution issue."
- "The train has left the station many times over and over and over again, and it always goes to one town, Slaughterville. Average Americans, docile and supine, need to get off their asses and realize that this is happening. We have to take our country back, which means simply following our Constitution of 200 years -- and Constitutional U.S. Supreme Court case law."
- "But that’s what it is. We have the illusion of democracy. We really have an auction. Or as the Machiavellians would say, when you aim at the prince, you’d better kill the prince. Don’t get in his sight. So, there is a war going on. They know it –- the dominionist Christians. And they know that I know it."
- "You’re speaking out on behalf of anyone who has a faith that’s other than the dominionist variety of the Evangelical Christian movement. What I think is key, if I’m hearing it right, is that in the United States, we swear allegiance to our nation. What is happening here, if I’m understanding this, is that the dominionists, with the approval of the hierarchy at the Pentagon, are saying that their allegiance to their view of Christianity comes before loyalty to the nation." [Last time I looked, the Constitution says our freedom is from God, not coming from man and therefore cannot be taken away by the government. That is the foundation of a Republic and how individual rights are protected and why America is very unique in the world. Take away the Republic and you have a democracy like the one in Venezuela. Again, Mr. Weinstein continues to call it a democracy, as Obama does. But America is not a democracy. It is a Republic.]
- "If you don’t want to have separation of church and state –- and I say this to everyone in the military, all the dominionist Christians in the military and those who are outside it -– I suggest you move to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, because they have no separation there. Perhaps you’ll be happier. Or maybe join Kim Jong-il of North Korea. And please move quickly."
- "Some other organizations out there -– the Anti-Defamation League, the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Americans United –- they’re all good organizations, but none of them focuses with laser-like precision exactly on where all the weapons are." [To set the record straight, it was the Southern Poverty Law Center that advised the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that returning vets and Christians such as anti-abortion protestors were potential domestic terrorists and should be watched by authorities. It was real terrorists that Obama said could no longer be called terrorists, people who simply created man-made disasters.]
Concerning the Web site, which interviewed Mr. Weinstein last year, their view of journalism is important to understand, a benchmark for much of today's drive-by media. The site says that progressive journalism does not report but instead creates change. Now you know why you can't get a straight story from the mainstream press. They are not informing. They are creating change, a lot like what you would expect from the press in Marxist countries.
Below is copy taken from a buzzflash Web page on how to create progressive journalism, saying progressive journalism should not be free as it is today financed by corporate advertising to stay on the air. (Memories of the success of Air America.):
"So BuzzFlash's model of progressive journalism is truly unique. We don't just write about progressive change; we provide -- through the BuzzFlash Progressive Market Place -- a vehicle to create change. (I'll discuss our support of direct activism in a future blog, that is the kind of public demonstrations the Green Movement in Iran is engaging in.)
There is simply no other journalistic model we know of that helps create a new economy to advance progressive ideals and uses a small portion of those sales to finance progressive journalism.
It's a kind of synergy which can serve as the much-discussed "future model of journalism" because it bypasses the corporate world (through no advertising) -- that pretty much runs D.C. -- and in its place creates an economic and journalistic populism.
Those progressives and populists in America who think that corporate advertising allows them to watch news "for free" or read it on the Internet for free are deluding themselves. Progressives only partially have an outlet on one major TV station, MSNBC . . . "
Concerning Weinsteins calling Franklin Graham Islamophobic for accusing Muslims of violence, here is a comment on historic violence against Jews by Islam that is beyond horrific and mentioned in this article of why you will find no Jews in Libya:
"Today, no Jews are known to live in the north African nation of Libya. Like Egypt and Algeria, massive pogroms decimated the once-thriving Jewish communities in the 1940s. From 1941-1942, great waves of persecution washed over Libya. Jewish property in Benghazi was pillaged and 2,600 were sent into the desert to a forced labor camp, where 500 perished.
On November 5, 1945, a horrendous bloodbath ensued in the Libyan capital of Tripoli. According to New York Times reporter Clifton Daniels: “Babies were beaten to death with iron bars. Old men were hacked to pieces where they fell. Expectant mothers were disemboweled. Whole families were burned alive in their houses.” Several hundred Jews died in the attack."
Is Mr. Weinstein so blinded by his hatred of active Christians that he does not see the Muslim training of young boys against his own kind?
- USAF Suspends Christian-Themed Ethics Training Over Bible Passages. -
After Muslim terrorist bombing in Spain, public outcry forces church to keep Moor Slayer's statue - July 2004

Below are some of the news stories on Muslim violence against women and Christians just in the last year, along with other related stories, newest on top . Click on any one of them to read the story, noticing honor killings of any children and women in America have not been added to this list but probably should have been since murder is still murder and not an excuse to kill because your religion says you can.

Daughter of French soldier has had shop in northern Paris that s being overrun by Muslims. She has been beat up, raped, and acid thrown in her face. Didn't hear about this from our Marxist Media such as the New York Times or TV Networks? (Note: CBN site used - YouTube kept the video from playing on its site.) |
Honor Killing: Islam's Gruesome Gallery
Muslim statistics and the ongoing violence of Islam against non-Muslims
Arab Spring for Dummies!
Muslims in the West: Can Conflict Be Averted?
(Note: Some links may have been taken down by their providers. If that happens, Google the headline for another Internet source.)
New Gaza Laws: Cutting Off Thieves' Hands, Lashes for Drinking
Judge Hearing Palestinian Rape Case Stuns Court: ‘Some Girls Enjoy Being Raped’
Egyptian Magazine exposes Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of Obama Administration
Islamists Enter Church During Sunday Mass – Slit Throats & Shoot 15 Worshipers Dead
Indonesian Muslims Hurl Rotten Eggs, Cow Dung and Pi$$ Bags at Christians During Christmas Mass
Afghan girl’s throat slit over refusing to get married
5-Year-Old Saudi Girl Dies After ‘Religious Scholar’ Allegedly Tortures Her With Whips, Electric Shocks & an Iron
Hate speech in Saudi textbooks challenged
Militant Islamists Cutting Out Tongues
Brussels Bans Annual Christmas Tree Display – It May Offend Muslims
Another fake hate crime: Husband of Murdered Iraqi Woman in San Diego Arrested For Murder
Young Afghan Bride Beheaded For Refusing
7-Year-Old Murdered for Not Learning the Koran
Lebanon: Commemorating Ashura
Brussels angered by new Dutch immigration rules: NRC
'Muslim Brothers plotting overthrow of Gulf states'
British Allow Anti-Semitic Iranian Propaganda in the UK
Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin
Mali Islamists destroy tombs at famous Timbuktu mosque
Gaza Christians protest forced conversions
Taliban shoot woman 9 times in public execution as men cheer
Egypt's Sex-Slave Marriage
Radical Islam Spreading in Spain
U.S. Congressional Muslim Representative Carson: America’s schools should use madrassas as ‘model,’ ‘where the foundation is the Koran’
Dearborn Police encourage Muslims To ‘Stone’ Christians at Public Event by taking away Christian freedom of speech from their eyes
Muslim author Zuhdi Jasser discusses the Muslim Brotherhood, Caliphate on radio
Egyptian beats pregnant wife to death for not voting for Mursi
Obama’s Peace Partners Attack Kabul Hotel the Day After Killing 3 U.S. Troops
Rioting Follows Nigerian Church Attacks, Killings
Indian Muslim Father Beheads Daughter in Rage Over 'Lifestyle'
Militants open fire on Israeli civilians after crossing border from Egypt
Muslim Brotherhood wins Sharia Law in Egypt
Gaza: Kindergartners with toy guns vow to kill Jews
Suicide bomber targets Nigeria church
Muslims make video demanding that all members of German PRO NRW party be murdered
Protestant Church Service Disrupted by Feces-Throwing Islamists
Muslim Women Hide from 'Honor Killing' Relatives
Tunisian Universities Under Islamist Siege
Islamists Attack Police Over Muhammad Cartoons at Rally in Germany
Chechen Women in Mortal Fear as President Backs Honor Killings
Outrage as Egypt plans 'farewell intercourse law' so husbands can have sex with DEAD wives up to six hours after their death
German Islam Conference Ends in Failure
Christians Tried on Easter in Iran for Their Faith
As Muslims influence grows, so does female genital mutilation Offered in the West by UK Medics
“My Allah is Bigger Than Yours and He Will Wipe This Country From the Face of the Earth”
Islamic extremists storm prayer meeting, beat and mock Christians in India
12 Christians in Iran await verdicts after Easter Sunday apostasy trial
Palestinian Official Calls for Hamas-Fatah Alliance to Destroy Israel - Hillary Sends Them Money!
Islamic extremists storm prayer meeting, beat and mock Christians in India
German Salafists Push Mass Proselytization Campaign
Dozens Died as Suspected Muslim Terrorists Targeted Easter Service in Nigeria
Saudi Arabia’s top Muslim issues decree to demolish all Christian churches on the Arabian peninsula
Winning Through Intimidation
Islamic Indoctrination in American Textbooks
Pamela Geller: Jew-killing jihadist now a hero
"I Will Make London a Beacon of Islam"
Book tells Muslim men how to beat and control their wives
Nearly 1,000 Pakistani women ‘killed for honor’
Indonesian Islamist Groups Object to Gender Equality Bill
Angry Turk's Message for Europe: "We are Coming"
Germany in the grip of Muslim terror
Moroccan Girl, 16, Forced to Marry Rapist Commits Suicide
Karzai Diminishing Rights of Afghan Women
Child-Killing Terrorist Given Weekly Talk Show on Hamas TV
Islamists stone Christians on Temple Mount
Muslims Plan "Parallel Parliament" In Switzerland
Islamists Storm Maldives Museum & Destroy Entire Collection of 12th Century Buddhist Relics
Muslim Hate Groups on Campus
Dutch Move Step Closer to Banning Burqa
Europeans Increasingly Converting to Islam
Canadian Muslim family convicted of 'Honor Killings'
The Stone Age meets Western Culture
Egyptian Islamists Torch Homes and Businesses in Coptic Village
Germany Attempts to Silence Criticism of Islam
130 Doctors Without Borders workers missing in Sudan
Ezra Levant: Saudi Arabian Fascists Threaten Free Speech In Canada!
Nigerians Fear More Attacks After Muslim Terrorists Kill 35 Catholics at Christmas Mass
Honor Killing: Islam's Gruesome Gallery of lack of care for human life
Another Honor Killing in Chicago!
Texas Christmas Honor Killings: Mass Murderer Didn’t Want Daughter Dating Non-Muslim
For Safety, Afghan Travelers Tune In to Taliban Ringtones
Extremist Teachings Remain in Saudi Textbooks
French Judge to Muslim attacker: ‘Your religious values are not superior to the laws of the republic.’
Muslim Persecution of Christians at a Crossroads
Christianity May Be Eradicated in Iraq & Afghanistan - Chair of U.S. Religious Freedom Commission
Obama's State Department pushes Islamic law on Americans: Applying Sharia at Home!
Muslim 'Rape Wave' Reported in Oslo, Norway. Ministers Blame Israel
Islamists return to the Stone Age - Saudis Sentence Australian-Muslim 500 Lashes, Jail for Blasphemy
Salafists Surge in Egypt
Obama Support of “Arab Spring” - Clear Marxist values leading to Sharia Law Revolution
Clash grows as Islam fights Western values - Alarming Rise of Muslim ‘Honor Attacks’ in the UK
Muslim father 'murdered his three daughters in honor killing for their dating the 'wrong boys' - 'I would do it again 100 times.'
Libya Heading Towards Islamism
U.S. Commission: Pakistan Schools Teach Hatred, Intolerance
Indonesia running out of “moderate” Muslims
Muslim Homeland Security Advisor Accused of Leaking Documents to Prove 'Islamophobia.'
The Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Tea Party Congressman
Radical Islamic sect attacks of blood in northern Nigeria, at least 150 killed
Hamas-linked CAIR pretends that Muslims are threatened by Christians praying near Detroit
Major MRFF Victory: USAF Academy Backs Down on Extremist Fundamentalist Charity
Texas Hyatt hotel abruptly canceled scheduled tea-party event. Atlas Shrugs founder, Pamela Geller was to speak at on the dangers of Islam
Muslim promise of violence shuts down free speech in America again, as another hotel is threatened
U.S. Army Makes Soldiers “Culturally Literate” About Islam
Hamas-linked CAIR says Muslims threatened by Christians praying at Ford Field near Dearborn
Man Publicly Beheaded in Saudi Arabia for Being a 'Sorcerer'
Islamists Establish ‘Sharia Law Zones’ in Denmark
Tunisia Election Results 'to Confirm Islamist Dominance'
Muslim Fascism shutting down free speech in America - another hotel threatened that would allow speeches on Muslim threat to America
Libya's liberation: interim ruler unveils more radical than expected plans for Islamic law
French Suburbs Becoming 'Separate Islamic Societies'
Guess who's lobbying against tracking of al-Qaida in U.S.?
The Latest Addition to Occupy Wall Street? Radical Islamist Group CAIR
UN Schools Face Palestinian Heat . . . are your ready . . . for Trying to Teach the Holocaust
Speak out against Islamic terror? Not at this Texas Hilton Hotel!
This for our Blood & Treasure?! Not a Single Christian Church Left Standing in Afghanistan
Christians fear Islamist pressure in Egypt
Indian Catholic Jailed in the Maldives Over a Bible and Rosary
Critics of Islam in Germany are under attack by progressives in their government
Attackers Carve Star of David Into the Back of Iraqi Poet in St. Louis
Muslim love on display again in Pakistan - Woman Gang-Raped for Annulling Forced Marriage
"Iranian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani faces execution for refusing to renounce Christianity"
As Obama Promised, Administration Actively Cultivating Muslim Minorities in the European Union
Another Loving Muslim-lite Suicide Bomber hits Indonesian Gospel church, injuring 22
Obama's pet project - Ground Zero Mosque Opens for Business
The First Muslim “No Go Zone” on American Soil?
European 'No-Go' Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating: "Occupation without needing a military!"
UK Muslim Protesters Burn American Flag in Front of US Embassy During 9/11 Moment of Silence
Remembering Muslim Colonialism on September 11 - Obama helps Libya Muslims that murder Blacks!
The Administration Takes on ‘Islamophobia’
Muslim woman punches Toronto man in the face, but fat chance police charges will be laid out
Underpublicized threat deep in White House - FBI: Penetration by radical agents worse than thought
Wild Scene Erupts at Playland Amusement Park, NY. Muslims don't like safety rules set up for everyone!
Ugly situation surfaces again. Is Obama foreign policy financing Muslim extermination of blacks in Tripoli?
Egyptian Muslim Leader: "Christian churches may need to be blown up and Christians exterminated to allow the advance of Islamic law, or Sharia." - Read interview translated by MEMRI
Muslims Attack Christians Watching 'Jesus Film'
New Warnings About Muslim Brotherhood’s Influence on the Obama White House
Obama: 'Lone wolf' terror attack more likely than coordinated attack. But what is the other hand doing?
While Muslim hate continues overseas, the America media puts duct tape over its mouth
School text book 'advocates anti-semitism'
Progressive media's silence is deafening - Islamic Honor Killing Bloodbath in Berlin
Albino Muslim Family Targeted Because Eldest Daughter Married a Christian
Beck was right, while mainstream media filled with its own delusion. Tension Rises as Islamists Dominate Tahrir Square, as 10,000 fundamentalists shout, "The people want Sharia!"
Europe continues its move to the right on Multiculturalism - Belgian Bans Full Islamic Veils
Afghanistan: Jihad/martyrdom suicide bomber murders Kandahar mayor with bomb hidden in turban
Progressives learning a hard lesson about multiculturalism: The right to be different has its limits
Iranian Pastor Sentenced to Death Could Be Executed if He Doesn’t Recant, Says Verdict
Australia: The truth will get you sacked
Muslim polygamy – in Seattle
Dutch Court Acquits Wilders of Hate Speech, Discrimination Against Muslims
Food manufacturers cut size of product and increase prices so you don't notice, while greedy pariah auto manufacturers downsize, too, endangering your safety with spare tires eliminated and sold (cough) as option!
Suing Organizers and Funders of the Gaza Flotilla
Sharia and Violence in American Mosques
Love that Sharia Law? Muslim girl, 19, 'stoned to death after taking part in beauty contest'
Palistinian Teen Accused of Brutally Stabbing Israeli Fogel Family: ‘I’m Proud of What I Did.’
Glenn Beck warned about this months ago. But you know the New York Times never likes to tell its readers when progressives are wrong, even when it means life or death.
"Could Be the Beginning of the End for Israel"
It begins! Saif al-Islam, El Shukrijumah Named by al Qaeda to Counter Bin Laden Death
Muslims Push Sharia-Lite in Australia - for now?
Arab Protesters Use "No-Borders" Facebook to organize and descend upon Israeli's Borders
Top down, bottom up, inside out - could Beck be right: Muslim Brotherhood, come save us?
Hey Obama, stop agreeing that Franklin Graham is a hatemonger. Yes, it was a MUSLIM Mob that burned down a Christian Church and murdered six Christians. GOT IT!
National media says, Nothing to see here, move along! But local stations still serve their viewers
Anti-Christian Violence in Punjab; Woman Raped, Pastor Attacked
Christian in Pakistan Threatened ‘Convert or Die’
World Israeli Actor-Activist Shot Dead by Hamas Militants in West Bank
A visit to the Pennsylvania fortress of “The World’s most Dangerous Islamist”
14-Year Old Bangladeshi Girl Lashed to Death for Adultery
Beck called it! Muslim Brotherhood the Modesty Police in Egypt
Oversea's Muslims welcome in the Stone Age. Don't like something. Behead someone!
‘The Coming is Near’: New Eerie Iran Propaganda Vid Trumpets Imminent Return of 12th Imam
Libyan Woman’s Shock Rape Account to Reporters - taken to car with bag over her head!
Thomas More Law Center Enters Oklahoma Mosque Controversy
Florida circuit court judge allows case to proceed under Islamic law
Gaza Openly Celebrates the Slaughter of Family
Hamas-associated CAIR applauded by White House
Ladies’ Home Journal — Jihad edition: Al Qaeda affiliate releases women’s magazine
White House to liberal-minded Muslims: Drop dead!
Shariah4America Web site: Cover Statue of Liberty 'goddess' until it can be demolished
Islamic indoctrination on U.S. taxpayers’ tab
Qaradawi, the father figure of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, is watched by 60-million Muslims on Al-Jazeera as he implores genocide in Gaza or the unique dangers of female masturbation
First the Netherlands, then Germany followed by England. Now France says progressive multiculturalism has failed!
Saudis Warned Obama Not to 'Humiliate' Mubarak
Muslim Brotherhood text reveals scope of radical creed
Buffalo Honor Killing Ruled a Murder
Christian hater and Muslim supporter, Mikey Weinstein, at it again suing to ban Christian free speech at Air Force Academy. What I wrote 2010!
Sharia Law Gains Foothold in U.S. - Federal Judge Upholds Government Funding of Islam
Somali Mother of Four Slaughtered for her Faith
Muslim Rapes SIXTH Underage Christian Girl
Christian women attacked, publicly humiliated in Lahore based on false blasphemy accusations
Egypt Gives Muslim Fanatics 'Open Season' on Christians
Islam Considered 'a Threat'
to French, German National Identity
Stunning from the British Government, giving Islamists permission to kill Christians by not wanting to get involved in "religion" - He added, "there is a danger in presenting Christianity as too closely associated with the West."
Somali Islamists ban men, women from shaking hands or even talking with none-relatives in public - can be imprisoned, whipped or even executed by Muslim leaders!
Catholic Church responds to Muslim violence on Christians, responds to Egyptian imam: ‘No war may be waged in God’s name’
Christian-hating Islamists Strike a Blow in Pakistan
Christians grow tired of the violence from Islamists, as Angry Copts Attack Vehicle Carrying Egypt's Top Muslim Clerics
Muslim children who were taught hate since birth are at it again - Suspected suicide bomber kills 21 at Egypt church. (Can you hear the silence in Dearborn?)
Shy of her first anniversary on the federal bench, an Obama-appointed judge known for promoting “racial tolerance” has ordered U.S. taxpayers to provide criminally convicted immigrants with “diminished mental capacities” lawyers to fight deportation
Inappropriate Involvement Between NYC Mayor's Office & Ground Zero Mosque Developers
Angry Indonesia Islamists Surround Homes Of Christians
Islamists continue to enjoy killing Christians, as American Muslims stay silent in approval! Christmas Eve bombings in Nigeria kill 31
Members of the Islamic movement which seeks to establish a universal caliphate have established their newest charter school on a U.S. Marine base in Kailuna. The school, which will be funded by US taxpayers, is called the Mokapu STEM School
Muslim Jihad Battle plan Hearings in Congress
UK Red Cross bans Christmas, told the nativity scene offends Muslims and can only have some useless tinsels. Christmas cards can't have anything that means Christmas.
Iraq obtains info on bomb plots in the US, Europe
Sudan police arrest women protesting at flogging video
The Islamic Tsunami
Mainstream media DOA on arrival - this is from a British newspaper! Muslim woman teacher sues Chicago school after being denied three weeks unpaid leave to make pilgrimage to Mecca
Female Genital Mutilation is recommended by the profit Muhammad and those who don’t believe it are “ignorant”
Majority of Islamists in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan and Nigeria HATE the West's progressive values - favor instead stoning as punishment for adultery, hand amputation for theft, and death for those who convert from Islam to another religion
Activating Jihad
Muslim Brotherhood Front Group Trains Airport Screeners on handling Muslim women, while Nuns continue to be groped
Islamic Cleric offers reward to kill Christian woman
Textbooks tainted with Islamic ideology
Pastor on trial for witnessing to Muslims . . . wait for it . . . in Wichita, Kansas
UN Initiative Would Protect Islamic Persecution of Christians in Middle East
UK School text book 'advocates anti-semitism'
Federal judge continues block of Oklahoma Islamic measure
Ground Zero Mosque Builders Apply for $5 Million From 9/11 Rebuilding Fund
A Terrorist Victory
Stunning! Army report ignores Fort Hood shooter's religion
Obama Visits Mosque Where Crowd Cheered Ahmadinejad With: 'Fight America, Fight Israel!'
Obama Administration Cover-Up - Proof Terrorists Crossed Mexican Border
World ‘Burn in Hell’: Muslim Protesters Disrupt British Veterans Day
Judicial Watch - Women’s Rights Judge Blocks Oklahoma's Sharia Ban
In Indonesia, Obama introduced as ‘fellow Kenyan’
Obama Exempts Sudan, Chad, Yemen, and the Democratic Republic of Congo from Law Barring U.S. Military Assistance to Nations Using Child Soldiers!
Muslim Obama Praises "Great Religion" Islam - Won't Condemn Jihad!
The sick Iraqi terrorist plot to bomb a U.S. plane with exploding DOGS
Islamaphobia is Really Islam-Awareness
Ofsted praises Islamic schools which oppose Western lifestyle
Church Attack Seen as Strike at Iraq’s Core
Muslim integration demands worsen divide
Saudi prince backs moving planned NYC mosque
Unwitting Western couple mocked as 'infidel' and 'swine' by 'minister' during foreign language wedding ceremony at luxury Maldives resort
United Arab Emirates ( UAE) High Court: Beat Your Wife - Just Don't Bruise Her!
Islamic Militants Storm Chechnya's Parliament
New Cartoon Brings Muslim ‘Indoctrination’ to Your Kids
Germany's Merkel in Damage Control: Muslims must obey law, not Sharia . . .
Dutch politician on trial on hate speech charges
Muslim Brotherhood top dog: "The U.S. is now experiencing the beginning of its end, and is heading towards its demise."
German President: Islam now part of Germany
Obama's corrupt Department of Justice drops charges against Indicted Islamic Terrorist
The Neo-Nazi / Islam Alliance Redux
Ground Zero Imam Exposed Off-Mic
Shock prediction - Angela Merkel: GERMANY WILL BECOME ISLAMIC STATE!
Islamists try to burn down Christian school not knowing it's run . . . by Muslims!
Iranian sentenced to death by stoning for adultery 'subjected to mock execution'
The Muslim Hate Machine in action again, just as Graham had complained about - Pakistan Christians denied aid
The al-Rahman mosque in Orlando, Florida, a Muslim Brotherhood owned and operated property, is caught funding terrorism via George Galloway, self-admitted Hamas fundraiser, and Imam Mahdi Bray, public Hamas supporter. Obama's bowing to the mayor of Tampa in 2009 goes even deeper.
Newsweek protects potential Muslim terrorists, withholding their known Muslim names from the news story!
Saudi Couple 'Hammer 24 Nails' into Sri Lankan Maid
New York Imam behind the Ground Zero mosque has struck a partnership with the founder of the so-called 9/11 mosque
Imam wife and Ground Zero Mosque Planner: Americans Are Bigots!
Ground Zero Mosque Imam: U.S. Is Worse Than Al-Qaeda . . . . . . 'Beyond Islamophobia
The Muslim Brotherhood - Control the United States by working with progressives to impose Sharia law
If you can believe from ABC News! - Islamic Center Backers Won't Rule Out Taking Funds from Saudi Arabia, Iran
Hezbollah moving weapons into villages of southern Lebanon - building up a secret network of warehouses, bunkers and command posts in preparation for war.
Back to the stone age time of apes and monkeys - Taliban kill couple in public stoning.
A Muslim father ran over and killed his 20-year-old daughter because he was enraged by her failure to obey him and her increasingly Westernized values, a prosecutor has claimed.
Faleh Almaleki allegedly accelerated his Jeep in a car park in Phoenix, Arizona, hitting Noor as well as her boyfriend's mother, before fleeing the scene - and the country.
The mother survived but Noor died after two weeks in a coma. |
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Obama's remarks reminded him of George Washington
As Jews are chased out of Southern Sweden, their secular progressive leaders in New York City rally in support of Obama praising a Mosque near site of 9/11
The State Department’s Islamic Supremacist
Taliban claimed responsibility for murdering 10 members of a Christian medical charity found in Afghan province
Judicial Watch - Stunning: Obama sends Anti-America Imam on (cough) Outreach Mission
Taliban flogs and executes pregnant widow
Mosgue at Ground Zero
In the Way of the Prophet - Ideologies and Institutions in Dearborn, Michigan, America’s Muslim Capitol
The Obama administration allows PLO office in Washington, DC to fly Palestinian flag
Somali Insurgents Ban School Bells
Obama backed release of Lockerbie terrorist, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi
Kagan promoted Shariah
Muslims in Wheaton, Ill, want to zone a home as Islamic Center with 30 parking spaces for prayer five times day
'Everybody Draw Muhammad Day' Advocate Rattled by Death Threats
Philadelphia’s Islamist Boy Scouts
Mother of Baby, saved by Israelis, wants him to get well and kill them
Franklin Graham was right! Indonesian Islamists told to prepare for Religious War against Christians!
Hamas Founder's Son Decries Islamic 'God of Hate'
Muslim Youths Stone Jewish Dance Troupe in Germany
Lawmakers and protestors in Afghanistan cry out, Kill the Christians!
As in France, it's all in the numbers - one-million Muslim students now in NYC schools
5 Year-Old Ukrainian Boy Slaughtered Like a Goat By Radical Islamist!
Dutch Use 'Decoy Jews' to stop Anti-Semitic Attacks "from young men of immigrant origin."
Court Grants Christian Pastor Right to Distribute at Arab Festival
Muslim States now want U.N. Action on "Islamophobia" - they burn, you learn?
Muslim Group Suspended at UC Irvine
Obama poses for photo-op with Palistinian President Abbas yet banned cameras with Netanyahu
Taliban Executes 7 Year-Old Child For Spying
Muslim Lies and Videotape
World Regrets Deaths of Jihadists, Vilifies Israel
Detroit Bus Authority Blocks Ads Offering Help to Muslims Threatened for Leaving Their Religion
Iraqi Officials Detain Former Saudi Army Officer & Al-Qaeda Member Planning Attack On World Cup
Ayaan Hirsi Ali on CNN about an Islamic warning to the "South Park" creators
Hamas uses Disney Pixar-style cartoon against Israelis, threatening lone captive Israeli soldier will be returned home to his aging father in a coffin. Sic 'em, Daffy Duck! |
Raging Muslim students in Sweden attacked artist Lars Vilks during a free speech lecture in Sweden. 15 Islamists screaming “Allahu Akbar” rushed the podium, headbutted Vilks, broke his glasses and tackled him to the floor
Islamists Burn Christian Center under Construction in Indonesia
Suntanned women to be arrested under Islamic dress code
Coming to America? Hate crimes from immigrating Muslims in Sweden force Jews out of Malmo
Why is THIS story promoted by only Conservative News outlets, such as the above, FOX, and Weekly Standard while far-left mainstream media links are missing from Google? You better ask, "What the hell is going with your media?"
Muslim Riots in Malmö, Sweden, multicultural not working!
A Swedish citizen sees the Muslims as invaders. Could Norway be far behind?
Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes
Malmö, Sweden: Growing Muslim Influence that flies in the face of their proud multiculturalism
Indonesian Court upholds 1965 blasphemy law - assuring fist that will hammer Taliban-type control over the region
Taliban say buildup under way!
Islamists Ban School Bells in a Town in Somalia
More from the religion of hate! Muslim "sorry that he ran out of bullets," pregnant woman would not submit to Islamic doctrine
Somali radio stations comply with Islamists' music ban
Demonstrators clash over Swedish mosque
North Carolina Muslim Teacher calls putting a Bible on her desk a hate crime
Muslim Students Declare Trinity University’s ‘Year Of Our Lord’ Must Go
Swedes welcoming Muslims leads to what has been seen again and again, a nest created of hate crimes against Jews, crimes Sweden says it hates!
Islamic court bans online chat on theft amputation
Torture: Jihadists, including KSM, allowed to use laptops at Gitmo
Islamist's love shown again in its slaughter of 12 More Christians in Nigeria, cutting out their Tongues
It's still not if but when, as NY homegrown terrorist pleads guilty to subway terror plot!
Black students who listened to Muhammad's message last week at Little Rock's Hall High School reportedly walked down school halls this week chanting "black power" and "death to whites."
Swedes welcoming Muslims leads to what has been seen again and again, a nest created of hate crimes against Jews, crimes Sweden says it hates!
Malaysia's religion minister on Tuesday defended Islamic laws that allow girls under 16 to marry, amid a controversy over two youngsters who were married off to middle-aged men!
Muslim gangs imposing sharia law in British prisons
Islamists continue their killing of Christians - Six killed in attack on World Vision in Pakistan
Big macho Saudi Government at it again. Woman sentenced to 300 lashes for filing complaints
Muslim calls on brothers serving in the U.S. armed forces to kill again!
Suicide bombers 'unIslamic' and going to Hell, says leading cleric
The Appeal of Islam - Islamism is a Reaction to Multiculturalism
The Ambassador from Israel to the U.S., Michael Oren, invited to speak on the campus at the University of California at Irvine, as Palestinian Islamists scream at him singing the Muslim attack trill
Al-Qaeda warns of 'dozens' of in-flight bombs
The Green Revolution: The Second Wave in Iran
A former member of the Palestine Liberation Organization who has converted to Christianity says a Saudi prince is now the second-largest shareholder in Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, the parent company of the Fox News Channel
Giant leap of faith for failed Bush assassin - converts to Islam
As Muslim terrorist activities cause the need for body scanners to detect bombs, Muslims says Airport Body Scanners Violate the Teachings of Islam
12-year old girl seeks divorce from her 80-year old husband!
Yemen Al Qaeda Urges Jihad, Wants Red Sea Blocked
Passengers left stunned after Muslim bus driver pulls over and begins praying in the aisle
Defending the Indefensible
Islamic Militants in Somalia Murder Christian Leader!
Hamas’ 54 Democratic Congressmen
A 12-year-old Christian girl died on Friday as a result of physical violence inflicted by her employer, a rich and powerful Muslim lawyer in Lahore
Saudi Arabia to lash Filipino rape victim 100 times
Man proud to claim Terror Ties in Little Rock Shooting
Islamic militants shot dead a Buddhist couple and set their bodies on fire Thursday in the latest gruesome attack to hit Thailand's troubled south, police said
Shocking! Muslim Child Brides in Britain
Saudi Cleric Labels Joining al Qaeda Un-Islamic
U.K. to Ban Controversial Islamist Group
Why the Rich Muslim Boy Became a Terrorist
Islamists firebomb Christian churches
For More News Stories of Muslim Murders Against Other Races / Ideologies, Click here and Type in Your Search Word -
As Christian violence, Catholic violence, Jewish violence, and Buddhist violence is almost nonexistent, Muslim violence seems to stem from adults who have been taught to hate other lifestyles since childhood, later in life thereby able to justify killing women and Jews without blinking an eye. Notice also that on this first day of May 2010, the UN welcomed Iran to join the UN's laughable woman's rights council, president Obama raised in Indonesia and Kenya saying nothing.
In closing, and only my personal observation from 68 years on this planet, Mr. Weinstein reporting that he is a registered Republican and that the other part of his family is "Christian," makes no sense with all the other associations to far-left organizations. That is unless "Christian" means believing in some kind of God, be it Roman or those followed by the Incas.
Mr. Weinstein's conservative ties seem to exist only in the word "Republican" and that he worked with a conservative president decades ago. This reminds me of President Bill Clinton carrying that Bible around with him when the news cameras were on him. And because of that, people thought Clinton was a Christian, which completed Clinton's objective as a clever politician understanding the importance of icons. It's also why it later left his hand at the same time he left office.
Everything else, from Mr. Weinstein's comments to the news links on his site and to his associates, are all radical and far-left, from the Huffington Post and the Daily KOS to the Noble Peace Prize Committee, an extreme socialist organization whose members are admitted admirers of Communism.
All the information is on this page with added links will allow you to make your own decision about what motivates Mr. Weinstein to hate Franklin Graham. My motivation for putting together this page is to explain how we got to the day when Billy Graham's son would be disinvited to a National Pray Day because, like Geert Wilders, he had dared to speak of the horrific violence that continues around the world, from Jews being chased out of southern Sweden for their life as everyday Muslims immigrate into neighborhoods to creators of South Park being threatened for their lives in California, home addresses published on the Web.
The bottom line for me is that Mr. Weinstein admits in his interview he is literally "at war" with active Christians who follow the teachings of Christ, Franklin Graham obviously one of them. And as to why the military listens to that kind of hate speech is beyond me. Maybe we have finally hit upon the reason 13 of our finest were murdered at Fort Hood, top brass in the end following Mr. Weinstein's directive to not discussion the possibility of Muslim violence "or you will be disciplined," as witnessed by Graham's departure from the National Day of Prayer at the Pentagon.
This effectively says those 13 deaths were acceptable collateral damage to protect Muslims to the point a terrorist was allowed to roam within the military's own ranks without concern of his actions. Military personnel who suspected that were around a terrorist were afraid of being called Islamophobe, as Mr. Weinstein did to Graham. Keeping their mouths shut protected pensions and their future careers in the military.
I think it's that simple! It is at best a damning statement of what our military has become.
Christians had always been welcomed into the military and especially within a volunteer force. Officers like training them because they come to service loving America and not embarrassed to be patriotic. They understand that God is the one mentioned in the Constitution, which guarantees their Republic and why they fight so hard to protect it.
But the time may have come, speaking to you Christian moms and dads, when you should consider keeping your sons and daughters at home and let the Weinsteins of the world recruit the next fighting force from progressives, radicals, atheists, and all those yuppies that hate the military and love being at Harvard, Columbia, and Yale, enjoying those Girls Gone Wild spring vacations.