(See comment below)






The governor has now officially replied in writing that the highest office in North Carolina has no authority to intervene in the North Carolina's Medical Board's review or licensing process. The North Carolina Attorney General's Office has also reported to me it has no authority over this board. And the representative to the U.S. Senate for North Carolina said to me that it had no control over this board.

What is obvious is that the board is accountable to no one, reminding me of a statement on human nature that absolute power corrupts, absolutely. We have already seen this with the Democrats in power in Washington today, approving several tax cheats to run the federal government.

The only thing for sure is that the governor has the authority to appoint to the board, meaning it can be a political appointment. North Carolina has been a Democrat state since the former governor, Charles Aycock, openly supported the White Supremacist movement that allowed the murder of black Republican businessmen in the Wilmington race riots of 1898.

In fact, the Democrat's annual state fund raising event started in 1960 is still arrogantly named after this former North Carolina governor, proving the sheets don't move far from the heart. The North Carolina Democrat excuse was that Aycock was a leader in education. But I ask now many leaders in education in America do you know also had supported murdering blacks and their dominance by the White Race?

Even Obama himself attended the Democrat's Aycock fund raiser at the Grove Park Inn in north Asheville when he was running for president, not batting an eye, a former Chicago resident who was taught the Black Value System by Rev. Wright, which had originated in Nicaragua, Africa.

Charles B. Aycock made the following in a speech in December of 1903 to the North Carolina Society, Baltimore:

"But there flows in my veins the blood of the dominant race; that race that has conquered the earth and seeks out the mysteries of the heights and depths. If manifest destiny leads to the seizure of Panama, it is certain that it likewise leads to the dominance of the Caucasian. When the negro recognizes this fact we shall have peace and good will between the races."

So with Democrats in Congress in 2010 pushing for euthanasia, faith-based physicians to be forced to give abortions in hospitals (if the current Obama healthcare bill holds), and abortions to be paid by the American taxpayers, North Carolina having a state medical board accountable to no one in a Democrat supported legislature state is an environment ripe for abuses against any doctors who find the new Obamacare Health bill offensive or interfering with their patient-doctor relationship.

I want to remind you there were many patients who wanted to testify on Dr. Rosner's behalf, the board's president blowing them off as insignificant with no interest in their stories of how Rosner had saved their lives while other board-approved physicians had walked away..

This medical board has already shown its arrogance without regard to the comments from citizen of North Carolina. I cannot believe this is not a violation of North Carolina's Constitution where the people are suppose to run the government.





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