The Shepp Report News Summary Is Best Viewed On A Standard Monitor For Full Understanding On This Week's Important Stories. - Webmaster |
Still Get News From An Elite Media That Sees You As Part Of A Basket Of Deplorables?
Stories buried by the progressive mainstream press propaganda leftist outlets, America's PLO. It's Germany in 1933 and Google, Twitter and Facebook are the new Third Reich.
Photos from 2011 when the DNC was pushing Marxism hard to get progressive corporate news outlets to agree to promote it 24/7 onto the public.
Famous Quote: "In some respects, Mr. Obama is far more experienced than other presidential candidates," Nicholas D. Kristof, reported for the New York Times on March 6, 2007. A few months later at a Democrat fundraiser, Obama gave a "crotch salute" to the singing of the National Anthem followed in 2008 to proclaim to "fundamentally transform" the country.
Then as president in June of 2009 he would refer to the killing and wounding of 33 at Fort Hood by a Jihadist as only an act of "workplace violence," refusing to give them Purple Hearts. Obama would then become involved in the murder of our human treasures in the attack on an American embassy in Benghazi in 2012, better than other presidential candidates, right?
The Weekly Shepp Report
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Your Conservative Online Source For A Summary Of The Week's News
The Shepp Report accesses over 70 conservative Web sites for weekly stories to identify the progressive culture that smothers your freedoms.
August 22, 2021
UN Agenda 2030 Equity Flag?
Easily stored in a glove compartment, night stand or pocket. You can even put it over your face to show others you support the UN's flag of "equity."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Coming Dystopian Nightmare; On The Potential Dangers Of Coming COVID Vaccines. - Children's Health Defense
Note: Robert F. Kennedy Was Kicked Off Of Instagram As A Conspiracy Theorist On The COVID vaccine.
Top News Stories Of The Week
PC Comics
Then There Is, "Not All Heroes Wear Capes." - I Hate The Media
Click On photo to watch video the source titled, "Not all heroes wear capes."
For Six Minutes CNN Reporter Interviews Taliban Militants Overtaking Kabul Without Saying ONE WORD About The Biden Administration's Failure. Watch For Yourself.
CNN news outlet "sugar coats mostly peaceful militants." - Summit
Click On photo to watch report by CNN of Taliban take over of Kabul.
CNN reports on Taliban reaching Kabul with most people staying out of sight in fear for their lives, yet the reporter makes ZERO mention of the Biden Administration's failure. NOT ONCE. Then when going back to studio, the hosts make ZERO mention of Biden's failure. If this was Trump, CNN would have mentioned his name a dozen times.
If you want to know who supports this Marxist reporting, go to a CNN evening news report and write down the advertisers who support CNN's reporting, trashing Trump while literally going out of its way to protect Biden and his administration. - Webmaster
Video Source: SummitNews |
1:30 P.M. August 17, White House Press Room Pushing Pelosi, Schumer, Harris And Biden Spin / Quote While Biden Was On Vacation At Camp David:
"The President Was Laser Focused!"
Wiken, Blinken And Nod

Photo Source: DailyHerald
"ACLJ Takes Action At U.N. As At Least 80 Kidnapped Christian Schoolchildren Remain Captive, Facing Death Or Enslavement By Nigerian Radicals." - ACLJ |
"DeSantis: Biden’s ‘Letting Afghanistan Burn,’ ‘Obsessed’ With Taking Away Parental Rights And Forcing Kindergartners To Wear Masks." - Breitbart |
Saint Louis University’s Student Health Insurance Plan Will Help Students Pay For A Number Of Services That Are Deemed Immoral And Sinful By The Catholic Church.” - CollegeFix |
"While Afghanistan Fell, Military And CIA Focused On Diversity. Milley
Should Have Studied Muslim Rage, Instead Of White Rage." - Frontpage |
Where’s Kamala? Afghan Women And Girls Have Been Handed To The Taliban And The First Female VP Is MIA. - ClashDaily |
"Washington State Mandates COVID-19 Vaccination For Public And Private School Workers As A Condition Of Employment." - TheBlaze |
[After Having Hired A Chinese Spy?] Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Office Scolded Ashli Babbitt’s Grieving Mother, ‘Your Daughter [Former Vet] Should Not Have Stormed The Capitol.’
Stormed? It was the BLM that Democrats allowed to "storm" and burn police precincts in the summer of 2020. - Webmaster
Click On photo to watch interview with Ashli's Mother.
Photo Source: Dinesh D'Souza Podcast
We The People? You Need To Listen To This Interview With The Mother Of Ashli Babbitt.
"The grieving mother of Ashli Babbitt has revealed that an aide to Senator Dianne Feinstein scolded her saying, 'your daughter should not have stormed the Capitol,' when she called in an attempt to get more information about her death.
Babbitt’s mother, Micki Witthoeft detailed her awful experience with Feinstein’s office during an interview with Dinesh D’Souza this week.
Witthoeft said that the first time she called the office, the staffer who answered pretended not to know who Babbitt was. The next time she called, the aide scolded her for her daughter’s actions and snapped, 'Dianne Feinstein will never have two minutes for you.'
'Dianne Feinstein’s people were just awful,' Witthoeft said.
Feinstein’s office has not had the same response to others who were killed by police, including George Floyd, who was high on fentanyl and resisting arrest — putting police officers at risk during a pandemic.
'I started with Nancy Pelosi. And I called Nancy Pelosi and I called Dianne Feinstein … from three weeks after Ashli’s death to currently. … Nancy Pelosi I have called no less than a dozen times. I have never received any kind of correspondence from her. She will not call me back. I’ve emailed her, she doesn’t email me back. .. I’ve had absolutely no response,' the mourning mother and California resident said.
The only politician [including Republican] that has reached out to Witthoeft has been former President Donald Trump on July 1. Rep. Darrell Issa reportedly also contacted Babbitt’s husband [but not the mother.]
Babbitt was denied a military funeral, despite being a veteran, because she was at the Capitol on January 6. Her mother said that they held a lovely ceremony any ways.
'When we scattered her ashes, I had them dedicated to patriotic people. They did a flag ceremony for her and taps was played for her and we honored her with respect.'
The Babbitt’s family announced earlier this month that were filing a $10 million wrongful death lawsuit against the Capitol Police and the unidentified officer." - Dinesh D'Souza Podcast
"Biden, From His First Day In Office, Canceled Everything Trump Had Done. The Goal Was To Erase Any Remnants Of His Presidency. With Strokes Of The Pen, Our Border Vanished, Our Economy Was Broken, Our Energy Independence Ended, Race Became Paramount, And Transgenders Were Everywhere." - AmericanThinker
"Mercer Researcher Addresses 5 Common Concerns About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety." - MercerUniversity
Senator Josh Hawley says 'Biden's Entire Defense And Foreign Policy Team Must Resign.' - TheBlaze |
"Church Leader Warns 'The Taliban Are Going To Eliminate The Christian Population Of Afghanistan'" - CBN |
[Think!] Study Finds Sun, Not CO2, May Be Behind Global Warming. - TheEpochTimes |
Other News Of The Week
Click on graphics below to go to selected videos.
Afghanistan: Biden . . . |
". . . sends more troops into Kabul as Taliban near." - ITV News |
Hunter Biden Claimed . . . |
". . . that another one of his laptops was stolen by Russian drug dealers in 2018 for blackmail." - DCShorts |
COVID Regulations . . . |
". . . cause massive lines to get into LA schools." - DCShorts |
And Then There Is . . .
How To Speak Bidenese.
Learn to speak the Bidenese language. It's real!
Click Here if instructional video has been taken down by YouTube's "community standard."
Yes They Would!
A New York Times 29-Year old "editorial board" star called this a "circle flag" that she saw while driving her *** to the Hamptons. - Webmaster
In 1941 they didn't surrender, the "Greatest Generation." - Webmaster

Fascist education of America's college students, by vile Marxist professors hired by many of our universities, has trained them to hate our founders along with those who won WWII, not as heroes but instead as racists.
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Click here to visit JamesPlace for advice on weapons. All content shown is selected by James, a non-commissioned U.S. Army Officer who has passed away.
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On Facebook
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
Click On photo below to watch this ad from IBM over a decade ago predicting our future!
This is an ad from IBM about a decade ago, predicting the new technology for every day life in the near future that will change even the way we shop at a grocery store. - Webmaster
Video Source: IBM |
| Fascism Comes To America | It Doesn't Matter?! | America Facing Evil | Whistleblower | Flawed People |
| Obama's 1990 article - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.” | Print Page |
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Too many of the Americans in this May 2013 video had a problem understanding what a Benghazi was, maybe a new popular drink at a local bar near Times Square? It proves that the mainstream media has morphed into the useless media, one that Washington, Jefferson and Adams would have probably spit on.
Why? Because with today's information technology, our media has no excuse for not having the details of a news story that would help educate the general public with their right to know the truth. Video source - FOXNews - Video: URL |
Defining The Low-Information Voter |
This domain collects news stories each week to help make it easy for anyone to learn what's going on around them. Either we wise up or we give up.
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