"From a mission to Haiti, to teaching English in South Korea and Thailand, 'he wanted to change the world.'"
March 16, 2022
Article by Joseph M. Hanneman, March 1, 2022, EpochTimes
1. January's Protestors Knew Something Was Wrong, The Stench Coming From The Democrat Party's Swamp Back In The Early Days Of 2017.
Trump's popularity was being pulled down by an attempted coup from the lies openly pushed day-after-day by too many corrupted "journalists" and talking heads in the mainstream media, from the Disney-owned "The View" on ABC TV to the New York Times, the Washington Post, Media Matters, Slate, etc, etc.
They had all been working 24/7, hand-in-hand with the left, in hopes to discredit Trump ahead of the coming election of 2020. Some in the media had gone so far as to report Trump was probably a Russian agent of Putin.
We can see even today that Barr was also in on it.
Up to the end of summer in 2020, Barr promoted to conservative media that Durham was investigating the impeachment against Trump, which had accused him of working with Russia to steal the 2016 election. Barr kept promising those conservative audiences to keep up their hopes for the truth, that Durham's powerful results would be coming soon.
Well those results from Durham never surfaced. Barr had used cable shows such as Hannity on FOX News to convince millions of viewers that justice was around the corner and they needed to wait just a few more weeks . . . the old carrot on the stick.
Sadly no one revealed Barr had a personal wealth of around 40 million dollars, a lot of skin in the game hidden from conservative viewers. And in past history it would be decades before any DOJ official would dare to ever release information on private discussions with a sitting U.S. president.
But Barr didn't need to wait to trash Trump with a weaponized FBI backing him up along with cover from a book release, a book he was obviously putting together while Trump was still in office.
J. Krishnamurti warned us about a world ruled by elitists when he wrote, It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
January 6, 2021, was a protest over a real stolen election, not in votes but through the media pushing misinformation and lies onto the public for four straight years to change the mind of voters. They wanted America's independent voters to see Trump as a corrupt president, one who should be defeated in the coming election.
That was their game. And the left pulled it off, putting the Obama / Biden team of 2008 right back into office eleven years later in January of 2021 to finish the transformation of the country.
President Trump from day one had been under attack by the left's forces.
For example the left's favorite newspaper, the Washington Post, demanded Trump be impeached on the very day of his inauguration . . . before he had a chance to find the bathrooms in the White House. And let's not forget the riots and fires around Washington D.C. on that January 20, 2017, stoked by the new Democrat Party.
If you remember many U.S. House members of the Congressional Black Caucus would also refuse to attend the ceremonies, turning their backs on a president that would provide more job opportunities for blacks during his four year administration than ever before. But the optics of control was always the name of the game at the CBC.
It would be a prelude to how far the left would go to maintain the promise from candidate Obama / Biden in 2008 to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America. That goal was announced 14 years ago, the one Hillary was to complete when it was assumed she would win the 2016 election.
And therein is what lead the DNC to do everything in its power to get their fascist train back on track in 2020. No action would be out of the question. . . everything left on the table; lies, violence, murder, attacks against conservative pundits, etc.
To that end Pelosi and her associates would protect their rioters, looters, arsonists and murderers in the summer of hate in 2020, such as the killing of retired St. Louis police captain, David Dorn, his death live-streamed on Facebook by BLM supporters, BLM a self-identified Marxist organization.
Near the end of that summer Nancy would give her infamous speech to the press about all the violence that had erupted from her party's supporters, saying basically so what, People will do what they do.
The following news story, picked up by many online outlets, recently came from the horse's mouth of the New York Times to prove the media was in on the coup, in fact up to its neck in lies that started the first day Trump walked in office, January 20, 2017. - Webmaster
Click On photo below to watch video.
"He dismissed as non-existent the ‘pee tape’ — in which Trump supposedly had Russian hookers peeing on a mattress the Obamas had slept in — but he did so in the context of a story he had written that, he said, involved the CIA, the NSA, and a Russian claiming to have the pee tape ‘kompromat’. (The headline in question is shown in the video.)" - ProjectVeritas / ClashDaily
Video / Graphic Source: - ProjectVeritas / ClashDaily |
"Jen Psaki Repeatedly Spread Disinformation About Hunter Biden’s Laptop." - Breitbart
"Families Of Parkland Victims Awarded $127.5 Million For School Massacre Due To FBI Dishonesty And Negligence." - GatewayPundit
2. The DNC, Along With The Media, Used COVID To Change Election Laws Ahead Of The November 2020 Election, Not Forgetting The Obama / Biden Mission To Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste.
"Dr. Fauci has also consistently disparaged the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19, ignoring the positive results shown in a [2015] study [Nature Medicine] in Michigan at the beginning of the pandemic.
When I asked a physician friend in Michigan about authorities threatening to take away the licenses of doctors using hydroxy, he replied: 'They did not want people to have an alternative to getting the vaccine—they wanted the jab to be the only approach to the pandemic.
So any promising treatment would detract from the need to get the vaccine and therefore become the target of a public health propaganda campaign. And most likely tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) lost their lives as a result.'" - READ MORE / NewsWithViews
(Note: The corruption that was going on about COVID in the media back in 2020 is proven here with a Nature editor being sure to add 3/2020 the following to the bottom of the detailed report, hoping to discredit its excellent documentation.):
"30 March 2020Editors’ note, March 2020: We are aware that this article is being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered. There is no evidence that this is true; scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the coronavirus."
3. The New York Times, The Elites So-Called “Newspaper Of Record,” Claimed January Of 2021 That The Arrested Michigan Men Were Evidence Of A Right-Wing, Anti-Government Movement Agitating For Insurrection And Civil War.
"In October 2020, 14 arrests were made due to an alleged shocking plot to kidnap the sitting governor of one of the country’s most populous states.
As more details were revealed, it became clear the FBI was involved in not only arresting the suspects in an alleged plan to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, but also in helping the plot take form in the first place.
At the opening of the trial last week for four of the men charged, defense attorneys made a stunning claim:
Not only did the FBI entrap the accused, but an FBI informant plied the suspects with drugs." - READ MORE / WesternJournal