April 2009 Archived Top News Headlines

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These are the real stories that will directly affect your life, your country, and your freedom . . . even in some cases the quality of living of your children's lives.


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(Stories run from top to bottom in order of appearance during the month)


April 2009

Obama nominee, "sick scissors in the baby's head," Sebelius gets Health and Human Services spot in marginal victory

'Brazen allegiance' to Tiller behind veto by Sebelius

Storm over embryo 'bank' which could be used as a body repair kit. Redo of the movie, "The Island?"

Kathleen Sebelius of course wins committee approval as the Health & Human Services secretary, another Obama far-left choice having tax problems while receiving thousands of dollars from America's worst abortionist, coined "Tiller the Killer," having even gladly inviting him to the people's governor's mansion

Child advocates urged to investigate abortion chain

NBC talk show host Jay Leno under fire for hosting fundraiser for pro-abortion group

So what else is new from the devil, Obama's Sebelius lowballing donations at least three times from vile abortion doctor

Abortionist supporter and Sanger lover, Obama, boosts anti-abortion efforts

Planned Parenthood's Annual Report shows record net assets, increased abortions

"[Webster] has now a crony who comes from the neighborhood with a pit bulldog on a leash and screams the vilest racist and anti-religious epithets -- even...homophobic language -- against the pro-life people who are there peaceably," the attorney explains

Critical Legal Win in “Conscience Clause” Case in Illinois

Liberty Counsel filed a public comment with the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) opposing the repeal of the Provider Conscience Regulation (73 FR 50274) which has been proposed by President Barack Obama

The end of physician conscience protection in America?

China is still supporting forced abortions and sterilizations -- and now America's tax dollars will help to finance it

For 25 years, Right to Life of Holland has had a float in the Tulip Time Festival . . . but this year officials said no. "One of their guidelines talks about that this is not a platform for issue-oriented entries," says Right to Life Spokesperson Carol Brower

Abortion based on race, gender labeled 'barbaric'

Opposing the Confirmation of Dawn Johnsen

It's the Democrats again - When Party trumps race!

Health care professionals told coming legislature might force them to abort babies and disregard their religious values: First Black President Should End Religious Discrimination

The coalition, Health Care for America Now (HCAN), which includes groups such as ACORN, the AFL-CIO, Campaign for America’s Future and MoveOn.org, has not begun to target individual lawmakers but is making a loud call for a potentially controversial element of Obama’s reform plan

Brown University Ditches 'Columbus Day'

The Specter of Sabotage

Hooray - the head RINO is finally challenged! "John McCain has failed miserably in his duty to secure this nation's borders and protect the people of Arizona from the escalating violence and lawlessness," Simcox said. "He has fought real efforts over the years at every turn, opting to hold our nation's border security hostage to his amnesty schemes. Coupled with his votes for reckless bailout spending and big government solutions to our nation's problems, John McCain is out of touch with everyday Arizonans. Enough is enough."

It's no wonder many veterans returning to college are angry. It has been my experience that the vast majority of collegiate faculty, especially in the social sciences and humanities, are progressive utopians who privately snigger at patriotism and the military. Many of these professors and their progeny earned their spurs throwing cold, insensitive insults at troopers returning from Vietnam decades earlier. They freely disparage America and the military in classrooms without considering the price that has to be paid for that freedom on the battlefield

Tea Parties about far more than taxes

FOX News Geraldo Rivera is reported to bash the Tea Party movement as racial because he’s “never seen any people of color” at the protests. Rivera seems to be a racist himself, knocking white people that don't want their country ruined by the far-left. Rivera enjoys his own far-left status while hiding on FOX News

Why conservatives need a third party - Camenker describes Bay Windows as a "pornographic" and "viciously anti-family and anti-Catholic newspaper" -- so by granting the interview and appearing on the publication's front page, he says, Nassour is "adding to the insult" of conservative Republicans

Gingrich: Iowa ruling shows `judicial arrogance'

Endorsement of Steven R. Rathje

Gingrich Warns of Conservative 3rd Party in 2012

And the neo-liberals just laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh

Dems manipulating Senate rules against Republicans

The Republican Party - Lost in the wilderness

Now that the election is over and a Democrat won, attorney geneal suddenly voids Sen.Ted Stevens' felony convictions

Why Is Rick Wagoner Fired and Nancy Pelosi Still Working?

Republicans introduce constitutional amendment to protect parental rights

With drug related violence spinning out of control, Mexican political leaders are beginning to push for legal reforms on both sides of the border – decriminalization of drugs at home while encouraging new American restrictions on gun exports

Supreme steps in - Fairness Doctrine 'unconstitutional' - Clarence Thomas: Controversial policy 'deep intrusion' into broadcasters' rights

Can you imagine your saying this to the DMV? Government lawyers defending President Obama and Congress in a lawsuit want more time to respond to the accusations that Obama doesn't have a valid birth certificate. Go to the back of the line, Mack!

FCC 'Fleeting Expletive' rule OK for now

Exclusive: Obama Attorney Threatens Distinguished Veteran on Obama Birth Certificate Issue: Why?

Obama: 'I have not backed off' on assault weapons ban'

Federal lawsuit filed against Janet Napolitano over Homeland Security’s Rightwing Extremism Policy

Texas Governor fires up Tea Party crowd, suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that now

Students have the right not to remain silent on the Day of Silence

The Politicization of the Department of Homeland Security

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has thrown his support behind a growing movement to rein in the federal government by resurrecting the 10th Amendment, which reserves to states "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution."

Geithner, Paulson named in $200 billion lawsuit - AIG-related case claims they violated shareholders constitutional rights

Act forces Congress' return to limited government - Legislator to colleagues: 'Your laws not authorized by Constitution'

A tortured case

Protecting parental rights against government intrusion

When justice breaks down through influence by a political party - Judge Orders Probe of Prosecutors

Falsely arrested Kansas pastor wins lawsuit

Once again, an activist court has run roughshod over the desires of hundreds of thousands of Iowans who voted for a Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1998. DOMA passed by a 40-9 margin in the state Senate and an 89-10 margin in the House

Censorship won’t fly: FAA agrees to stop censoring religious speech

Surprise, surprise, as the United States slides into the cess pool public corruption is up by 60%

Government Claims Power to Ban Books and Speech

Georgia citizen grand jury indicts Obama

Pelosi: Now we don't have to explain the process and be accountable to the American people! We will have the 60 votes we need to do what we want and don't have to explain it to conservatives

Obama's potty-mouthed Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel also has daily secret phone calls with members of the press so that slobbering media can present the most favorable spin on Obama's plans to socialize our economy and undermine our national security

Let the cleansing begin! Far-left pressure grows to impeach Judge Jay Bybee over 'torture memos'

And Obama says he didn't know about this? Think about it? How could the FAA fly Obama's own Air Force One, without his permission, over New York City? Was it not THE ONE who had the temple built for him on his acceptance speech? This was not a photo opt for Obama? Why would the FAA want it? Remember it was candidate Obama who wouldn't put his hand over his heart during the playing of our National Anthem. Now he wraps himself around flags to make YOU feel good about him. Wake up, America! You've been had and maybe you richly deserve it by a glowing student of Saul Alinsky!

Gore lies to Congress about personal finances, making money over Global Warming

No brainer as RINO Specter says he's switching from GOP to Dems. Wow, who would have guessed! We told you these folks, including McCain, were on the right side of the Democrat Party and why conservatives had no one to vote for in November 2009!

Judicial Watch Files Senate Ethics Complaint against Senator Christopher Dodd

First 100 Days: Obama's other broken promises

A Tax Cut for Seniors? What a joke. Democrats break another promise!

Caught in the act then says, "Hey, who gave you permission to check on my illegal activities?" Democrats at it again - the Harman-AIPAC wiretaps

Dodd, the five-term incumbent reported raising just $4,250 from five Connecticut residents during the first three months of the year while raking in $604,745 from nearly 400 individuals living outside the state

Minnesota's Missing Votes- Some Senate absentee ballots are more equal than others

Obama's Soft Polls

The Jackson $5 million for a senate seat?

Corrupt UN spent U.S. funds on shoddy projects. So what else is new from the most corrupt organization in the world, one the Democrats just loves, that screwed millions of Iraqi people with the laughable UN Oil for Food program. The far-left lied to us about the value of the UN, that is until the truth came out when America finally took Saddam down, "Oh look what the UN is doing for them," the far-left had said. "Aren't we wonderful!"

The reaction to AIG bonuses revealed a growing tension between Wall Street and Congress, one that threatens good-will in economic recovery efforts

Saudi Judge upholds ‘Marriage’ of 8-year-old girl, as Obama looks into the acceptance of Sharia Law in America

Under hostile fire from voters, state Democrat Rep. backs off on voting rights for illegal immigrants

New York Health Official calls for tax on drinks with sugar

CBC: Congressional boot-lickers

The Humbling of a Superpower

The coalition, Health Care for America Now (HCAN), which includes groups such as ACORN, the AFL-CIO, Campaign for America’s Future and MoveOn.org, has not begun to target individual lawmakers but is making a loud call for a potentially controversial element of Obama’s reform plan

It's the Democrats again - When Party trumps race!

Lawmakers Skirt New Earmark Disclosure Rule - Duh!

Did you hear the one about the Manhattan socialite who started paying her housekeeper in Obama memorabilia?  It would be funny if it weren't true.  Said New Yorker gave her (illegal) employee a commemorative Obama inaugural issue of Time Magazine with the advice to "take it home and put it in foil.  In 40 years it will be very valuable."  This keepsake was meant to serve as a late Christmas present, bonuses having recently fallen out of favor

Transparency killer at HUD: Another disastrous Obama nominee

House Ethics Comm - A Joke

Harvard Student Takes On Barney Frank Over Economy

Why are the people allowing America's manufacturing base to collapse and be taken over by China?

Surprise, surprise - far-left to protest Tea Parties in support of Obama's politicies

Soros, a main financial contributor to Obama and the Democrats, now reveals his plan - "I think the dollar is now under question and I think the system will need to be reformed, so that the United States will be subject to the same discipline as is imposed on other countries." Article says Soros is famous for almost taking world economies down, such as his bet against the British pound, earning his Quantum Fund $1 billion in 1992

Democrats allow Obama slashing weapons, fighter programs!

Modern American 'Racism' - Democrat style

New Documents Uncovered by Judicial Watch Show Congress Ignored Corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for Years

Hey far-left idiots, stick this one where the sun don't shine - and you were afraid of BUSH?! A pair of bills introduced in the U.S. Senate by Democrat would grant the White House sweeping new powers to access private online data, regulate the cybersecurity industry and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared "cyber emergency."

Hate crime bill introduced by Democrats

House, Senate pass 3.5 trillion street-organizer friendly budget plans

The Soros Doctrine in Obama Foreign Policy

Now that the election is over and a Democrat won, attorney geneal suddenly voids Sen.Ted Stevens' felony convictions

Healthcare Reform - Too Big to Fail?

Obama has more lies than promises kept, and it has only been 70 days! - Senate Tax Chair Wants Vote This Year to Raise Taxes on People Making as Little as $104,425

Chrysler will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

A sign that businesses are not on good footing with Obama's plans - Towering Vacancies: Office Market Hits the Skids

Phoenix home prices were down 51 percent from their peak, falling by half. The weak housing market has continued to plague U.S. home sellers for 31 consecutive months. This is all thanks to Washington Democrats over a decade ago, who forced banks to sell to people who couldn't afford them, trying to create a voting block for themselves

Clear Channel Communications cuts 590 radio workers

Bankruptcy for Chrysler Likely Averted as Banks Cave on Debt

Europeans urged to postpone nonessential travel to U.S.A., as airlines are hit again in a bad economy

General Motors is moving faster to remake itself with decisions to ax Pontiac, thin its huge herd of car dealers, and cut more plants and workers. But the company still needs its bondholders to cash in $27 billion in debt for stock to avoid bankruptcy

Tax-cheat Treasury Secretary allows new bank to return TARP funds, keeps other bank waiting

Blowing Up Pepsi

EPA's historic ruling targets greenhouse gases - Auto, energy industries could face more costly regulations to increase the cost of doing business in the Untied States!

China's IBM Roars into Business Consulting (Oh, did you forget IBM was owned by China?)

The reaction to AIG bonuses revealed a growing tension between Wall Street and Congress, one that threatens good-will in economic recovery efforts

Bankruptcies surge despite law meant to curb them

Republicans claim proposed budget means more taxes

It's now a renter's market

Wells Fargo Projects Record $3 Billion Profit

U.S. trade bubble continues to collapse!

CEO Pay Down? Not So Fast

China auto sales surpass U.S. for 3rd month

From middle class to homeless: The Rise of Tent Cities

CEOs see more layoffs; decline in spending, sales

GM in "intense" bankruptcy prep

Soros, a main financial contributor to Obama and the Democrats, now reveals his plan - "I think the dollar is now under question and I think the system will need to be reformed, so that the United States will be subject to the same discipline as is imposed on other countries." Article says Soros is famous for almost taking world economies down, such as his bet against the British pound, earning his Quantum Fund $1 billion in 1992

39.8 percent of subprime borrowers were at least 30 days behind on their home mortgage loans, up 23.7 percent from last year

Carl Levin and the ruins of Detroit

Return the money?! Not when you're a Democrat and advisor to the Messiah - Lawrence Summers, President Barack Obama's top economic adviser, earned millions over the past year as managing director of the hedge fund D.E. Shaw Group and through speaking fees, some from financial institutions now at the center of the government's rescue program

Estimate says bailout will cost taxpayers more

Obama and his socialist Democrats want control of banks, refuse return of our taxpayer money in repayment of TARP money

Jobless rate bolts to 8.5 percent, 663K jobs lost

A community organizer from the socialist nest of the southside of Chicago is now sitting in the driver's set of GM (or better known as Government Motors.) So the question becomes, "Would you buy a car built by Obama?"

Obama's tax-cheat and annointed water boy for Socialism, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, now leaves the door open for the possibility that such moves could happen again within days of GM's CEO Rick Wagoner being forced out

Obama's revenge against GM

Caught My Eye: TARP Watchdog: 'We do not seem to be a priority for the treasury'

Hoyer: ‘I Don’t Know’ Where Obama Got Legal Authority for Auto Plan

Cautious Backing for Obama Plan

Education standards likely to see toughening

Moral education for the New Order

ASU Media Relations Spokesperson Sharon Keeler said that, unlike many other universities, the Sun Devils don’t dole out honorary degrees just because someone speaks at commencement

"No student should be harassed or intimidated by their professor simply because they use their freedom of speech in a classroom discussion or essay," Choban said

Government Schools Win Again

University of Colorado to 'vigorously challenge' Churchill's reinstatement

College Student Alert: Beware of One-Party Classrooms

Christian student refuses 'remediation,' gets the boot

Encouraging a return of Baccalaureate services

Only in a progressive America - School issues apology over controversial prom invitation

It was a squirrel, a labor group and an environmental group along with California's tough environmental regulations, which helped kill a hybrid solar power plant project for a Mojave Desert city

U.S. appeals court cancels Alaska offshore drilling program

"Here's my sad collection of bulbs that didn't work," said Karen Zuercher, displaying a cardboard box of worthless glass. Of 16 CFLs she purchased at Costco, Zeurcher reported one didn't work at all and three died within hours – not the 10,000 hours the package promised

Supreme steps in - Fairness Doctrine 'unconstitutional' - Clarence Thomas: Controversial policy 'deep intrusion' into broadcasters' rights

Shut Up, America!: The End of Free Speech

With drug related violence spinning out of control, Mexican political leaders are beginning to push for legal reforms on both sides of the border – decriminalization of drugs at home while encouraging new American restrictions on gun exports

Louisiana's marriage laws are being challenged by two homosexual men who were denied a marriage license

FCC 'Fleeting Expletive' rule OK for now

The so-called hate crimes bill, which goes soft on pedophiles, was voted out of the House Judiciary Committee last week along party lines. This pro-bizarre sexual orientation, anti-Bible speech bill is expected to be voted on by the full US House of Representatives

Far-left TIME Magazine promotes Euthanasia Kits, making sure assisted suicide really kills

Wisconsin governor ignoring voters on marriage issue

DOMA at risk in District of Columbia

Texas promotes transgender 're-education' legislation

Strong same-sex 'marriage' push in Minn.

The danger is that heavy Twitters and Facebook users could become 'indifferent to human suffering' because they never get time to reflect and fully experience emotions about other people's feelings

A Tax Day Tea Party cheat sheet: Not a Republican Party formation, as MSNBC's news team would like you to believe

They call this being progressive. Vermont government representative presents legislative bill that legalizes production of child porn - by children!

Seen a Jamie Foxx movie lately? Think again. Foxx then went on to compare Cyrus to other former teen queens, saying that Cyrus should do drugs like Britney Spears, become a lesbian like Lindsay Lohan, make a sex tape and "grow up." Cyrus is known to ride around her neighborhood on a bicycle, and Foxx also suggested that she "catch Chlamydia on a bicycle seat."

Saudi Judge upholds ‘Marriage’ of 8-year-old girl, as Obama looks into the acceptance of Sharia Law in America

ADF attorneys seek to defend Calif., federal definitions of marriage

'TEA parties' gaining popularity

New York Health Official calls for tax on drinks with sugar

"When this young couple decided to get married, they decided to write 'bride' and 'groom' [on the license] and they signed it and they submitted it, [then] went on their honeymoon," he explains. "And then after they came back from their honeymoon, they found out that the state of California had rejected their marriage license because they wrote 'bride' and 'groom.'"

Advertisers backing away from FOX's 'Family Guy' as raunch and attacking Christianity during Easter

Protecting parental rights against government intrusion

"There were two young men who accused their Boy Scout leader of 20 years ago of sexually assaulting them when they were teenagers," says Gramley, "and that just illustrates why it's so very important that the Boy Scouts maintain their current policy of not permitting open homosexuals to be Scout leaders."

Man found guilty of murder after spreading HIV

TV stations cancel new Osbourne show

Falsely arrested KS pastor wins lawsuit

NY high court to hear homosexual 'rights' cases

Congressional Resolution 92 will receive an up-or-down vote on or before April 17, which is the National Day of Silence . . . forces a day when students across America are encouraged to show their support for the homosexual community by refusing to speak

From middle class to homeless: The Rise of Tent Cities

A few activist judges in Iowa, ignoring a vote on the will of the registered voters of that state, could start a domino effect across America, as now Vermont House passes same-sex marriage bill

ADF has informed county officials that the organization will represent them free-of-charge if the ACLU files suit, the Ohio county's policy not infringing upon anyone's rights, but rather advances the rights of children

Protecting teens from today's media

Encouraging a return of Baccalaureate services

Once again, an activist court has run roughshod over the desires of hundreds of thousands of Iowans who voted for a Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1998. DOMA passed by a 40-9 margin in the state Senate and an 89-10 margin in the House

Called out: Leaving homosexuality for Jesus

Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis

Activist judges say Iowa marriage no longer limited to one man, one woman

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit on behalf of the three girls who sent "scantily clad and naked" pictures of themselves to male students, who then traded them on their cell phones, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

NY’s highest court agrees to hear same-sex ‘marriage’ recognition suits

Meet the man who's cleaning up Hollywood movies, protecting your family

Obama has more lies than promises kept, and it has only been 70 days! - Senate Tax Chair Wants Vote This Year to Raise Taxes on People Making as Little as $104,425

Republicans introduce constitutional amendment to protect parental rights

Alabama High Court sides with far-left California, saying if a woman with a child has a lesbian relationship and later breaks up, that lesbian can demand visiting rights even if the mother has moved to another state and married a male partner

North Korea threatens nuclear tests over U.N. move

Parents appeal conviction for protecting daughter from German ‘sex education’ program

Now Obama administration says President Bush "blindly" and "mindlessly" supported Israel, Obama less willing to give the Jewish state blank checks

The Incredible Shrinking Russia

How long can you take burn in hell before you return it back, Israel now stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites

Lawyer: Iran convicts American journalist of spying

Sympathizer of terror groups was immigration board member

Canada says man tried to send Iran uranium devices

China now has 32 million more males than females. There are reasons for the gender disparity. One of the reasons, according to Steven Mosher of the Population Research Institute (PRI), is due to sex-selection abortion

Foreigners allowed improper tax credits by IRS 

ECLJ Supports Iranian Converts Before European Court of Human Rights

Afghans throw stones at women protesting rape in Marriage Law

Swiss couple plans death by doctor-assisted suicide

Hezbollah's Attempted Cairo Coup

Saudi Judge upholds ‘Marriage’ of 8-year-old girl, as Obama looks into the acceptance of Sharia Law in America

'Islamic MTV' takes on Brash World of Arab Pop Videos

Obama allowing travel, money transfers to Cuba

Alcoa may slash output, jobs at Canada plant

The 165-million outcasts unchanged by democracy

Protesters force Thailand to cancel Asia summit

UK Al-Qaeda terror plot to bomb Easter shoppers

The Scream and the Drone

Georgians plan mass disobedience in their country

The Other Mexico: A Wave of Investment

Pirates recapture US hostage after escape attempt

Holland is the last hurrah before they all come tumbling down. In the conclusion Wednesday night to the show "Devil's Advocate" on Dutch public broadcaster Nederland 2, the jury of two men and three women, along with the studio audience, ruled there was no proof bin Laden was the mastermind behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001 (Remember the reports of bin laden amazed the towers didn't fall over, watching his attack live on CNN. - Webmaster)

Congressional Black Caucus Smitten with Castro

Iran crosses major threshold in quest for nuclear bomb

Korean Lessons, Obama style

Oh my, they must be shaking in their boots - Biden warns Israel not to attack Iran

Arab League is reported to back Darfur Genocide

North Korea holds massive pro-rocket rally

Sharp adopts global production model

Farewell to Zion. Forever

North Korea Nukes International Law

Obama declares U.S. not at war with Islam

Those arrogant Americans

Putin defends Russia crisis measures

Fed announces credit lines with 4 central banks

Intelligence report: Danes face 'considerable risk' for abductions in Muslim countries

A Country under Siege!

Britain ready to send more troops for Afghan election

Switzerland has criticised its inclusion in an OECD "grey" list of financial centres that forms the basis of the G20 summit's crackdown on tax havens

Canada warns its partner to the south

Netanyahu: U.S. must stop Iran or we will

Bangladesh clamps down on beggars

What is this? After so many of our heroes have died to protect Afghans from Taliban brutality to give them freedom from such, new Afghan law now legalizes a husband can rape his wife?

G-20 to give $1 trillion to IMF, World Bank

Geert Wilders comes to America

Clinton talks with 'moderate' Taliban members

It was a squirrel, a labor group and an environmental group along with California's tough environmental regulations, which helped kill a hybrid solar power plant project for a Mojave Desert city

Gore lies to Congress about personal finances, making money over Global Warming

Environmental benefits of electric cars dismissed as 'fiction'!

Global Warming radicals now warn that the increase in big-eaters means more food production — a major cause of CO2 gas emissions warming the planet. In other words, do they now want to get rid of fat people?

U.S. in Historic Shift on CO2 - Obama administration says human breathing will destroy the world

EPA's greenhouse gas finding endangers U.S. economy

Special report: Global Warming gloom and doom cools off

“So although the greens say they are for renewable energy, when you get right down to it they’re really not. They’re not for any energy solution. They’re just for sabotaging our economy, causing chaos, which brings in more government control.” Martella observed that a “wealthy green elite” stand to profit handsomely from green technologies. “Absolutely. And the most famous one is Al Gore,” Milloy said

Messing with Mother Nature

Objective: Keep media honest on 'global warming'

Shocking! The Democrats messiah looks at climate engineering based on questionable global warming

While scientist links melting polar ice to Greenhouse effect, his own group's research shows otherwise

Global warming nuts now migrate their agenda to global indoctrination of school children and their parents

Our planet is no Arcadia

How much green will 'green' jobs cost?

Cap-and-trade, “reconciliation,” and the death of deliberation

Legal Aliens with Swine Flu May Not Enter U.S. But What About Illegal Aliens?

Mandatory E-Verify for Federal Contractors Delayed Again

Workplace English Rule Illegal - employees can now speak Spanish in the workplace while English-only employees / customers will not know the remarks they are making

Poultry plant manager indicted for hiring Illegal worker

Hispanic groups call for census boycott by illegal aliens

In 2003, Pew found that 2.7 million children had at least one parent who was in the country illegally, but that number is now up to 4 million kids. The report also reveals that 73 percent of all children of illegal aliens are U.S. citizens

More than 1,300 illegal immigrants who used fake or stolen Social Security numbers to file taxes will face no consequences because their privacy rights were violated by the local authorities who busted them

Maryland passes legislation to require proof of citizenship for driver's licenses

Under hostile fire from voters, state Democrat Rep. backs off on voting rights for illegal immigrants 

USCIS Reporting Fewer H-1B Visa Applications

Homeland Security Secretary can’t say if Illegal Aliens will get Stimulus Money - Gee, we thought that would be easy!

Florida study reveals high cost of Illegal Immigration and Voter Dissatisfaction

Farmers Branch will dish out $470,000 this week to pay the attorneys’ fees of immigration advocates who opposed its law to oust illegal immigrants from the city. Passed by lawmakers in 2006 and overwhelmingly endorsed by voters, the measure banned apartment rentals to illegal aliens and required landlords to verify legal status in the country

E-Verify Enhancements Planned for 2010

Nebraska Governor to Sign Mandatory E-Verify Bill

NAACP: No Racial Profiling In Immigration Crackdown

CA Supreme Court unanimously supports the broadest view of state and local government authority to enforce Immigration Law 

Colorado Votes Against Providing In-State Tuition to Illegal Aliens

It's back: Immigration heats up

Napolitano Supports Longer E-Verify Extension

ID Theft Rule Called Inhumane

Obama Census Plan: No Illegal Alien Left Behind

This Congress no longer reports to the people - as congressman, Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill), dares to reprimands father of teen killed by drunk-driving illegal alien for calling criminal aliens 'Banditos'

More than two dozen illegal immigrants arrested for using fake documents to work at a Washington state engine plant have been released by the Department of Homeland Security and offered legal U.S. employment permits

The acting director of the U.S. Census Bureau says bureau intends to work with Obama's community organizations to make sure every illegal alien in the United States is counted in the 2010 Census

Study Reports H-1B Visas Reduce Wage

138,000 MORE Foreign Workers Given Work Permits, as mainstream media by-passes story to protect Democrat voting block

ICE told by Obama to go to hell! - More than two dozen illegal immigrants arrested for using fake documents to work at a Washington state engine plant have been released by the Department of Homeland Security and offered legal U.S. employment permits

It has been reported Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, has been discovered holding secret phone calls with far-left members of the press, (surprise), advising them the daily favorable spin wanted by the Obama White House on stories they're supposed to report to the public.

Are you freedom loving Democrats listening? Barack Obama's nominee for "regulatory czar" has advocated a "Fairness Doctrine" for the Internet that would require opposing opinions be linked and also has suggested angry e-mails should be prevented from being sent by technology that would require a 24-hour cooling off period

'Female Force: Michelle Obama' in Stores April 29th

Far-left TIME Magazine promotes Euthanasia Kits, making sure assisted suicide really kills

Movie honors amazing Holocaust hero who was robbed of the Nobel Prize, given instead to Al Gore by a committee riddled with political correctness!

Jamie Foxx - apologize all you want, dude! Your cup is clean on the outside with deadmen's bones still on the inside. You should have listened to Christ, who warned the tongue is like the rudder of a ship and your's just sailed into my toilet

Pirate Bay prosecution could spawn flurry of lawsuits

Garofalo: Chock full of hate

Romancing the Jihad

Outrageous to Americans but normal to CNN? CNN host Anderson Cooper, son of a wealthy erotic writer, vulgarly mocks 'TEA Party' attendants, saying Republicans will have problem with getting their voice out during tea bagging, a college term used for male genitalia over one's mouth

The danger is that heavy Twitters and Facebook users could become 'indifferent to human suffering' because they never get time to reflect and fully experience emotions about other people's feelings

A Tax Day Tea Party cheat sheet: Not a Republican Party formation, as MSNBC's news team would like you to believe

“Oh dear…” Elizabeth Snead over at the L.A. Times laments in her headline upon learning Miley Cyrus is, thanks to her boyfriend Justin Gaston, “closer to the Lord”

The Great Left Smear Machine

Advertisers backing away from FOX's 'Family Guy' as raunch and attacking Christianity during Easter

MSNBC reports dutifully that President Obama does nothing wrong and Republicans do nothing right. In the case of the Americans who retook their ship from the Somali terrorists, guess who was wrong in MSNBC’s not-very-humble view? Those “arrogant” Americans

For the pagans in the media, it's un-Holy Week

Sony Picks Up Edward Norton's 'Obama' - Great! Now we'll see his involvement in the CAC; his relationship with Ayers at the CAC; his involvement with the New Democrat Socialist Party in Chicago, their helping to push his opponenets in the Illinois Senate race under the bus; his teaching classes on Saul Alinsky socialists power points; his being the only no vote to save the life of a living aborted child; and this is to name a few! We look forward, Sony, to your reporting on history . . . or is your giant corporation going to reinvent it?

Rapper Eminem sings about having sex with Sarah Palin

AP cuts newspaper rates, moves to protect web news

MSNBC executive-driven bias! - After Olbermann went public with his claim, UPS quickly issued a statement refuting Olbermann’s charge that the company pulled its advertising from Bill O’Reilly’s top-rated show

'I fear that shampoo gives cancer to children': Experts fury at Gwyneth Paltrow's 'loopy' health claims

Ho-hum, tears of sorrow. Times company threatens to shut down Globe over union woes. Gee isn't that a Democrat voting block?

Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis

138,000 MORE Foreign Workers Given Work Permits, as mainstream media by-passes story to protect Democrat voting block

TIME Magazine wants to employ more pot heads . . . while there are too many at the New York Times

'New York Times' proves again to be the print mouth piece for the Democrat Party, spikes Obama donor story to help get their candidate elected on November 4, 2009

D.C.: The New Center of the Media Universe

The real reason newspapers are on life support

Swine Flu nears Pandemic as caseloads grow in U.S., Europe

U.S. DHS says not testing travelers from Mexico for flu

Fight against Syphilis, AIDS goes online

Texans debate Futile Care Law, push for change

Break through! One speck of blood or tissue may be enough to diagnose cancer

Ghouls at work? - Harvesting dead son's sperm

Watching a country slide into the cess pool

Health care professionals: First Black President Should End Religious Discrimination

Obama Creates Health Care Reform Office Inside White House

The coalition, Health Care for America Now (HCAN), which includes groups such as ACORN, the AFL-CIO, Campaign for America’s Future and MoveOn.org, has not begun to target individual lawmakers but is making a loud call for a potentially controversial element of Obama’s reform plan

Man found guilty of murder after spreading HIV

In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control noted that homosexuals accounted for nearly 65 percent of all new HIV cases (keeping in mind that they make up only 2-3 percent of the entire population), and that cases of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A and B, Lymphogranuloma Venereum, and virtually every other sexually transmitted disease disproportionately affected the homosexual community

The end of physician conscience protection in America?

Stopping epidemics before they start

Healthcare Reform - Too Big to Fail?

Al-Qaeda's PR Machine, compliments of Barack Obama and the far-left media

This is Torture?

It's no wonder many veterans returning to college are angry. It has been my experience that the vast majority of collegiate faculty, especially in the social sciences and humanities, are progressive utopians who privately snigger at patriotism and the military. Many of these professors and their progeny earned their spurs throwing cold, insensitive insults at troopers returning from Vietnam decades earlier. They freely disparage America and the military in classrooms without considering the price that has to be paid for that freedom on the battlefield

Dismissal sought in military religious bias case

Sympathizer of terror groups was immigration board member

No Coincidences in Iraq

Obama calls another progressive to serve - Far-left Los Angeles Times' Rosa Brooks will now advise Pentagon Undersecretary, Brooks, reported to be a former advisor to a George Soros' group, now to be at the heart of America's military secrets

Report: U.S. considers attacks on Somali Pirates’ land bases

Joint Chiefs head: Violence to rise in Afghanistan

Obama may have screwed us all, taking the easy way out by killing pirates during negotiations instead of before, exactly what the Japanese did to America just before Pearl Harbor. Is anyone getting this message, as pirates now attack three ships off Africa, capturing two? Now more innocent people will die, as it's not the pirates but those who finance them that are our enemiesa and run the show. Idiot mainstream media living in their white towers rejoicing, "Praise to the messiah, Obama!"

Pentagon Budget Cramdown

Killing the F-22

Standoff in Somalia

Barry and the Pirates

MSNBC reports dutifully that President Obama does nothing wrong and Republicans do nothing right. In the case of the Americans who retook their ship from the Somali terrorists, guess who was wrong in MSNBC’s not-very-humble view? Those “arrogant” Americans

Nuke-free world comments raise alarms

Obama doubles down on the bow to the Saudi King

Obama keeps his promise to far left: begins dismantling American defense

Iran crosses major threshold in quest for nuclear bomb

The Humbling of a Superpower

Shocking! Charlotte, NC, called Wall Street South, is where first U.S. based pro-al Qaeda Magazine is being produced by Islam media firm, as-Fursan

Gates Calls for Cuts to High-Tech Weapons Programs, allowing other countries to now catch up to pay for the Democrats overspending and self-appointments

Obama in Baghdad, tells troops Iraq must take over

Obama slashing weapons, fighter programs!

North Korea space launch 'fails'

Britain ready to send more troops for Afghan election

The Messiah fails to win Nato troops he wants for Afghanistan

Taliban say U.S. reconciliation offer "lunatic"

Retired servicemen fight push for 'gays' in the military

Nothing is sacred in America anymore, this country down the toilet as Murtha receives naval honor from the politically correct, veterans outraged

Pakistan is ‘centre of terrorism’

Clinton talks with 'moderate' Taliban members

Afghans throw stones at women protesting rape in Marriage Law

Saudi Judge upholds ‘Marriage’ of 8-year-old girl, as Obama looks into the acceptance of Sharia Law in America

'Islamic MTV' takes on Brash World of Arab Pop Videos

The Scream and the Drone

Arab League is reported to back Darfur Genocide

Obama: Islam Has Shaped the U.S.A.

Afghan government, saved from the Taliban by the U.S. Government so all can have freedom, says husbands can now rape their wives.

The American Muslim Taskforce (AMT) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) are calling for an end to the FBI’s use of informants in mosques, closing the only window that law enforcement has into what goes on behind closed doors. The condemnation of the FBI is coupled with a threat to end all outreach programs with the agency

UN body OKs Muslim complaint to curb religious criticism

Pelosi: Now we don't have to explain the process and be accountable to the American people! We will have the 60 votes we need to do what we want and don't have to explain it to conservatives

Let the cleansing begin! Far-left pressure grows to impeach Judge Jay Bybee over 'torture memos'

Al-Qaeda's PR Machine, compliments of Barack Obama and the far-left media

Obama’s Latest Radical at Justice

In search of the ultimate oxymoron: Humane War

U.S. Weighs Release of More CIA Memos

This is not good! Gen. Norton Schwartz, the U.S. Air Force chief of staff, faced biting criticism from his service's senior leaders in a video teleconference last week. They accused him of betraying the service's requirements process by siding with Defense Secretary Robert Gates in terminating key airpower programs without rigorous analysis and signaled that Schwartz's credibility is at risk among his Air Force peers

CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attack on Los Angeles

Canada says man tried to send Iran uranium devices

9/11 Truthers Meet the Birth Certificate Brigade

Obama: 'I have not backed off' on assault weapons ban'

How nice, CIA agents must think many times over now whether or not to gather information from a captured enemy of America to provent mass killing of its citizens, former agents will not be sued by their government. And voters thought a community organizer who followed Saul Alinsky was the answer to fix America? Give me a break!

It's possible: Imagine no phone, no food, no fuel - new book describes what reality could be after EMP attack

Mr. Smith tries to talk to Washington - Alexander Laska explores the possibilities of an ordinary citizen getting in touch with his or her congressman. The results are not encouraging

Eleven-million dollar air safety probe kept secret

The Politicization of the Department of Homeland Security

The Dragon's Economic Conquest

Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real

Obama may have screwed us all, taking the easy way out by killing pirates during negotiations instead of before, exactly what the Japanese did to America just before Pearl Harbor. Is anyone getting this message, as pirates now attack three ships off Africa, capturing two? Now more innocent people will die, as it's not the pirates but those who finance them that are our enemiesa and run the show. Idiot mainstream media living in their white towers rejoicing, "Praise to the messiah, Obama!"

Iran 'using Chinese companies to buy nuclear equipment'

Standoff in Somalia

Barry and the Pirates

The Scream and the Drone

MSNBC reports dutifully that President Obama does nothing wrong and Republicans do nothing right. In the case of the Americans who retook their ship from the Somali terrorists, guess who was wrong in MSNBC’s not-very-humble view? Those “arrogant” Americans

Obama: The charming menace to peace and prosperity

State-of-the-art facial scanners reported a failure

American crew regains control of hijacked ship, one pirate in custody

Wall Street Journal - U.S. electric grid penetrated by spies

Why are the people allowing America's manufacturing base to collapse and be taken over by China?

A Taliban Leader's Doomsday Promise

Hey far-left idiots, stick this one where the sun don't shine - and you were afraid of BUSH?! A pair of bills introduced in the U.S. Senate by Democrat would grant the White House sweeping new powers to access private online data, regulate the cybersecurity industry and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared "cyber emergency."

No matter what Chief Executive Jeffrey Immelt does to try to save General Electric, he has single-handedly succeeded in its losing its greatness bringing it from over $35 a share to around $10 in just one year

The American Muslim Taskforce (AMT) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) are calling for an end to the FBI’s use of informants in mosques, closing the only window that law enforcement has into what goes on behind closed doors. The condemnation of the FBI is coupled with a threat to end all outreach programs with the agency

Border security to get $400M upgrade 

G20 protestors threw bottles at police trying to resuscitate a man who lay dying during chaotic clashes in London overnight

Taliban say U.S. reconciliation offer "lunatic"

U.S.-China face-off looms at G-20

Obama's potty-mouthed Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel also has daily secret phone calls with members of the press so that slobbering media can present the most favorable spin on Obama's plans to socialize our economy and undermine our national security

Obama's kindness to the cruel

Obama’s Latest Radical at Justice

Just for the record, Georgetown did not cover over symbol for name of Jesus when First Lady Laura Bush Spoke. So not only is America not a Christian nation in the words of its Muslim president, but he is even offended by its presents

Obama flunks on social pathology

Exclusive: Obama Attorney Threatens Distinguished Veteran on Obama Birth Certificate Issue: Why?

Obama Flunks the 3 A.M. Test

Obama administration asked Catholic University to cover embarrassing IHS symbol on cross during an Obama speech at Georgetown University

ASU Media Relations Spokesperson Sharon Keeler said that, unlike many other universities, the Sun Devils don’t dole out honorary degrees just because someone speaks at commencement

Obama's Red Sea

It's Your Country Too, Mr. President

Nuke-free world comments raise alarms

Obama doubles down on the bow to the Saudi King

Obama keeps his promise to far left: begins dismantling American defense

The Humbling of a Superpower

Obama Creates Health Care Reform Office Inside White House

Obama: The charming menace to peace and prosperity

Korean Lessons

Fidel Castro to Congressional Black Caucus members: 'How can we help President Obama?'

Shocking! The Democrats messiah looks at climate engineering based on questionable global warming

Obama: Islam Has Shaped the U.S.A.

More "Change by the good old boys."

Return the money?! Not when you're a Democrat and advisor to the Messiah - Lawrence Summers, President Barack Obama's top economic adviser, earned millions over the past year as managing director of the hedge fund D.E. Shaw Group and through speaking fees, some from financial institutions now at the center of the government's rescue program

Obama abroad: In Some Ways, Much Like Bush

Obama and his socialist Democrats want control of banks, refuse return of our taxpayer money in repayment of TARP money

The President Is 'Keeping Score' against Democrats that don't fall into line with the "party's" radical agenda for America

Obama Census Plan: No Illegal Alien Left Behind

The Soros Doctrine in Obama Foreign Policy

OMG, not again! But what do you expect from a community organizer, a statesman? Barack Obama's gift for the Queen: an iPod, your Majesty

Georgia citizen grand jury indicts Obama

Obama has more lies than promises kept, and it has only been 70 days! - Senate Tax Chair Wants Vote This Year to Raise Taxes on People Making as Little as $104,425

Obama’s request to cover Christian symbol reveals country’s move toward Socialism, Secularism, Congressman Says

Park ban is no picnic for Fla. church

Georgetown U. President Praises Pro-Abortion Obama for Standing up for 'Powerless,' ‘Those Without a Voice’

Pro-Life Harvard Prof Refuses Award from Notre Dame Because it is Honoring Obama

Presbyterians reject homosexual clergy again

Just for the record, Georgetown did not cover over symbol for name of Jesus when First Lady Laura Bush Spoke. So not only is America not a Christian nation in the words of its Muslim president, but he is even offended by its presents

Dismissal sought in military religious bias case

So-Called hate crime bill threatens religious freedom

ADF attorney available to media following trial in Montana Supreme Court parental rights case

Obama administration asked Catholic University to cover embarrassing IHS symbol on cross during an Obama speech at Georgetown University

ADF attorney available to media after hearing in church’s lawsuit against Ariz. town

University of Maryland to keep commencement prayer

Proof again RINOs don't represent people of faith! Camenker describes Bay Windows as a "pornographic" and "viciously anti-family and anti-Catholic newspaper" -- so by granting the interview and appearing on the publication's front page, he says, Nassour is "adding to the insult" of conservative Republicans

Clergy in the crosshairs

Public School Prayer and Easter Egg Hunt conflicts resolved

School calls police to stop prayer by students

Critical Legal Win in “Conscience Clause” Case in Illinois

Obama’s Christian appointee to Faith-Based Program says the New Testament's Teaching on Homosexuality has it all wrong - the messiah poking another stick in the Bible

Friendswood Junior High School in Houston, Texas, mandates FORCED Islamic Indoctrination, the ACLU as usual missing in action. Christians don't donate to the ACLU, so they get a pass by the ACLU

Far-left Democrats ever so quietly re-introduce, 'hate crimes' legislation

"No student should be harassed or intimidated by their professor simply because they use their freedom of speech in a classroom discussion or essay," Choban said

Pope warns of 'a desert of godlessness' in Good Friday address

The Great Left Smear Machine

Christian school grant case goes to KY Supreme Court

For the pagans in the media, it's un-Holy Week

The Medical Conscience Clause: Guard it with your life

Survey: Evangelism tops ministry priorities

Political correctness takes over mega-church, as Rick Warren disavows support for California's Prop. 8

Pastor prevails in Wichita

Obamamania infects Notre Dame

Battle Continues Over Kindergartener’s Poster Portraying Jesus

Scientists Develop New Invisibility Cloak Technology

Conficker virus begins to attack PCs

Environmental benefits of electric cars dismissed as 'fiction'!

U.S. in Historic Shift on CO2 - Obama administration says human breathing will destroy the world

Honeybees in danger

Warren Buffett hasn't just seen the car of the future, he's sitting in the driver's seat. Why he's banking on an obscure Chinese electric car company and a CEO who - no joke - drinks his own battery fluid

Break through! One speck of blood or tissue may be enough to diagnose cancer

Cars gone wireless

A whole new way of looking at the car door . . . the rotary drop door. Gee, GM, Ford, and Chrysler, why didn't you think of this simple and wonderful idea?

NPR axes Christian radio programs - NPR stations carrying religious programming must cease and desist that programming

Obama’s request to cover Christian symbol reveals country’s move toward Socialism, Secularism, Congressman Says

"[Webster] has now a crony who comes from the neighborhood with a pit bulldog on a leash and screams the vilest racist and anti-religious epithets -- even...homophobic language -- against the pro-life people who are there peaceably," the attorney explains

Clergy in the crosshairs

School calls police to stop prayer by students

Obama’s Christian appointee to Faith-Based Program says the New Testament's Teaching on Homosexuality has it all wrong - the messiah poking another stick in the Bible

For the pagans in the media, it's un-Holy Week

Pastor prevails in Wichita

Texas to remain 'under God'

Hate Crime Charge Filed over Verbal Assault against Pro-Lifers: "Ni**er! You are a worthless degenerate Ni**er."

Battle continues over kindergartener’s poster portraying Jesus

Censorship won’t fly: FAA agrees to stop censoring religious speech

China now has 32 million more males than females. There are reasons for the gender disparity. One of the reasons, according to Steven Mosher of the Population Research Institute (PRI), is due to sex-selection abortion

Poll: Only Half of U.S. Prefers Capitalism to Socialism

"When this young couple decided to get married, they decided to write 'bride' and 'groom' [on the license] and they signed it and they submitted it, [then] went on their honeymoon," he explains. "And then after they came back from their honeymoon, they found out that the state of California had rejected their marriage license because they wrote 'bride' and 'groom.'"

Health care professionals: First Black President Should End Religious Discrimination

Civil unions insufficient for homosexual activists

NY high court to hear homosexual 'rights' cases

Hate crime bill introduced by Democrats

Obama wants to take children's education out of their parents hands even before school starts, social engineering at its worse. In other words, the parents incubate the child and the state takes over the indoctrination after it's born

Prop. 8 supporters persecuted for donations

Pro-Life Harvard Prof Refuses Award from Notre Dame Because it is Honoring Obama

Ohio district lifts Bible ban, suspended teacher reacts

Liberty Counsel Launches Annual “Friend or Foe” Graduation Prayer Campaign

Not all schools remained silent on Friday during the "Day of Silence" protest -- and certainly neither did homosexual activists who left death threats in the voice mailbox of a pro-family group in California. Gee, do you think the DHS will see them as a potential domestic terrorist? Don't hold your breath!

Dozens of protesters turned out to oppose a speech given by a former Colorado congressman, who was on campus to speak against illegal immigration. So is Tom Tancredo, former Congressman from Colorado, now on a DHS watch list as a radical far-right loon while these protestors are given a pass? - (ABC Video from Chapel Hill, NC.)

Students have the right not to remain silent on the Day of Silence

'Gender identity' law under legal scrutiny

University of Maryland to keep commencement prayer

Friendswood Junior High School in Houston, Texas, mandates FORCED Islamic Indoctrination, the ACLU as usual missing in action. Christians don't donate to the ACLU, so they get a pass by the ACLU

ASU Media Relations Spokesperson Sharon Keeler said that, unlike many other universities, the Sun Devils don’t dole out honorary degrees just because someone speaks at commencement

College Student Alert: Beware of One-Party Classrooms

When Ward's supervising professor suggested she refer the client to another counselor who did not take issue with homosexual behavior, she followed the advice. However, the school said she could stay in the counseling program if she would undergo a "remediation" program to reconstruct her belief system and help her "see the error of her ways." Ward refused.

Congressional Resolution 92 will receive an up-or-down vote on or before April 17, which is the National Day of Silence . . . forces a day when students across America are encouraged to show their support for the homosexual community by refusing to speak

Day of Truth 2009

The AMA drew upon the recommendations of the World Professional Organization for Transgender Health, which has rejected notions that surgeries for transgender patients are “cosmetic” or “experimental

Al-Qaeda's PR Machine, compliments of Barack Obama and the far-left media

Afghan-Pakistan: Al Qaida's new safe haven

Sympathizer of terror groups was immigration board member

UK Al-Qaeda terror plot to bomb Easter shoppers

American Muslim Taskforce (AMT) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) are calling for an end to the FBI’s use of informants in mosques, closing the only window that law enforcement has into what goes on behind closed doors. The condemnation of the FBI is coupled with a threat to end all outreach programs with the agency

Netanyahu: U.S. must stop Iran or we will

Lincoln is first Democrat to oppose card-check bill

Corrupt UN spent U.S. funds on shoddy projects

They can take over world family values, tell you the cold is from global warming, or promote same sex agendas on 5,000 years of a man and a women. But ask them to deal with a world crises? Not the girlie men of the UN!

The UN’s Jihad Against Free Speech

U.S. to Join UN Human Rights Council, Reversing Bush Policy




"Freedom is Knowledge"