Texas school board preserves abstinence education
Once proud Brits are a mess, as abortion tops 50% for pregnant teens
La. Supreme Court rejects hospital’s appeal in nurse’s rights of conscience lawsuit
Abstinence ed 'outperforms' comprehensive sex ed
Unbelievable. What happens when you dance with the devil. Obama Legitimizes Killing of Unborn Babies in Speech at Notre Dame's Graduation
Gallup: More Americans Pro-Life than Ever Before
RU-486 - the little-known killer
Protests on the ground, in the air in South Bend
Notre Dame snubber to receive pro-life award
In the end why socialism fails - Sweden rules 'gender-based' abortion legal
Alan Keyes arrested while protesting University of Notre Dame’s Obama invitation
Pro-life funeral procession offers closure
Outrage over RINO GOP support for Sebelius, our remembering it's no longer hard today to tell the difference between a RINO and a donkey
Cheney Shows the Way
Why independents are now the largest voting block in America - Three quarters of Americans growing tired of sending these pariah to Washington, simply to do their party's bidding!
Unemployment in March was 20 percent higher in so-called "blue states" won by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in last fall's presidential election than in "red states" won by Republican candidate John McCain, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
The Snake in the Flag
Maybe not. Crist Running for U.S. Senate Seat in Florida
Is the GOP Lost?
RINO, not a Democrat, now wants gun control for anyone that might be outspoken. Gun rights advocates, however, object to the bill's language, arguing that it enables the federal government to suspend a person's Second Amendment rights without any trial or legal proof and only upon suspicion of being "dangerous."
Rush reads the rules
America’s Spiritual Heritage proclaimed on the National Day of Prayer
Heritage Foundation mourns loss of former HUD Secretary Jack Kemp
RINOs fall in love with Obama's radicals
Outrage over RINO GOP support for Sebelius, our remembering it's no longer hard today to tell the difference between a RINO and a donkey
Filling the activist quota
Sotomayor Ruled - Fish Must Be Protected from Power Plants Regardless of Cost-Benefit Analysis
Back to the cess pool? Justice Department investigates Pennsylvania contractor tied to Murtha
Proclaiming that times of crisis do not justify departure from the Constitution, Federal District Court Judge Lawrence P. Zatkoff allowed the lawsuit against Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the Federal Reserve Board challenging the AIG bailout to proceed. The lawsuit was filed last December by the Thomas More Law Center
Calif. high court dug its own hole, jumped in
Supreme choice biased out of the gate: Latinas Better Than Whites
California high court upholds voter's rights
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul's H.R. 1207 Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, demanding an audit of the organization, is quickly gaining steam with a bipartisan coalition of 179 members of Congress
Jail for criticizing federal prosecutors
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm got nearly $20,000 from felon Norman Hsu, even though he was a fugitive from U.S. justice when the money poured into her coffers
Louisiana Supreme Court rejects hospital’s appeal in nurse’s rights of conscience lawsuit
Alinsky's Obama may grab everything from assembling guns in kits to repackaging spent shells
Liberal World Courts would override your constitution if Alinsky's Obama has his way - U.S. Courts should ‘Download’ International Law into Domestic Law, Obama Nominee Says
Corrupt Officials Skirt Open Records Law
Court: Sept. 11 detainee lawsuit cannot proceed
'Absolute obligation' to investigate Pelosi
U.S. Government SEC Compliance Officials investigated for Insider Trading
New York Ethics Commission Is Unethical
Church sues homosexual activists for disrupting service
2nd congressman: Prove eligibility - Virginia representative signs onto plan to demand evidence
FBI Agents' First Amendment Rights Vindicated in Federal Lawsuit
Had enough? Prison-Bound Federal Judge Keeps Lucrative Salary
The next supreme court justice?
Hate Crime Legislation - Back Door to Censorship
RINO, not a Democrat, now wants gun control for anyone that might be outspoken. Gun rights advocates, however, object to the bill's language, arguing that it enables the federal government to suspend a person's Second Amendment rights without any trial or legal proof and only upon suspicion of being "dangerous."
The Boy Scouts have provided millions of dollars in improvements to public facilities in exchange for their use but faces being banned because homosexuals and lesbians who never even were exposed to the work claimed their feelings were hurt
A Louisiana driver has been stopped and detained for having a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker on his vehicle and warned by a police officer about the "subversive" message it sent, according to the driver's relative
House bypasses governor’s veto to claim Oklahoma’s sovereignty
Judicial Watch Warning -
Obama "Car Czar" plays Capone and threatens automaker's creditors
How long before Obama and his officials are charged with treason?
Criminal charges against ACORN raise concerns about its partnership with America's Census Bureau - and corruptions for the Obama administration to mess with more voting blocks
TMLC and the Alliance Defense Fund Join Forces to Support Boy Scouts in San Diego
New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor recently published a puff piece on President Barack Hussein Obama's judicial philosophy that misleads readers about his far left views on the Constitution and judges
ACORN Criminally Charged In Nevada
ACLJ to File in Supreme Court Memorial Cross Case
Court puts hold on flawed policy in ‘In God We Trust’ school censorship case
Obama may nominate justice who views U.S. Constitution like Wikipedia entry
The Gathering Storm Over Guns
Conservative turncoat, Justice Souter, to retire from Supreme Court
Democrat Social engineering? How about Obama reprogramming your kids that sodomy is good for them! "If they committed some crime and it had to do with the issue of 'sexual preference' -- particularly the issue of homosexuality -- they could be punished," he says, "and a judge could order them to go to a program where they have to accept the other side and accept the views of homosexuality."
So what else is new for the crooks of the Democrat Party! A regulatory expert says the federal government's plan to continue bailing out General Motors is not only unfair, but also illegal
Words the devil could say. To achieve this, Pelosi [in China] said governments would have to make decisions and choices based on science. "They also have to do it with openness, transparency and accountability to the people . . . "
More Social Engineering! Obama’s Transportation Secretary Says He Wants to ‘Coerce People Out of Their Cars’
Change you can believe in? What a joke! “Rather than being up front and letting Pennsylvania Democrats have a choice in an election, they have a cut a deal,” he said. And that does not sit well with Sestak
Liberals ask how they lost gun, Guantanamo votes
When in Doubt, Blame Bush
Want to be an ambassador to the United States under Obama? To increase your chances of being picked, you better have given a ton of money to the Democrat Party. Power corrupts, and . . . well you know the rest! Don't you love this BS called change?
Why independents are now the largest voting block in America - Three quarters of Americans growing tired of sending these pariah to Washington, simply to do their party's bidding!
Like with all good Communists, Al Gore rakes in the green on the backs of the people
N.Y. Governor causes billionaire to flee - duh!
Progressives must have come from monkeys, these primates holding a prayer breakfast in U.S. Capitol to pray for bill to end Secret Ballots in union organizing
What does it matter if it's the Democrat Party or the Communist Party, they'll do what they want anyway thanks to November 4th 2009 minority voters and those who wanted free checks on the backs of others. Jefferson said if this happens the Republic would be over, and so it is as Sen. Schumer (NY) ready to take on Amnesty and to hell with the people!
Calif. Voters Set to Reject Schwarzenegger Tax Plan
Pelosi approval ratings sinking fast - (It is not over until the fat lady sings - Webmaster.)
Six Problems With Modern Liberalism
Not surprising for the most progressive liberal state in America, and what happenes when social justice replaces the three Rs. You fail! - Aspiring school teachers fail in math with only 27 percent of the teaching candidates passing
Richard Milhous Pelosi
U.S.Government SEC Compliance Officials investigated for Insider Trading
Liberal Fantasyland
Congressional Black Caucus Continues to Block Cao
Pelosi: What did she know, and when did she know it?
Call it a Dictionary for only progressive Democrats: 'Narrow-minded' means 'conservative' - Reference book equates terms without comment
Obama's Census Nominee Likely to Face Questions on ACORN, Sampling in Confirmation Hearing
Madam Doublespeaker
Every day is Doomsday in Washington
Free Cars For Welfare Recipients
CIA says Pelosi was briefed on use of 'Enhanced Interrogations'
Criminal charges against ACORN raise concerns about its partnership with America's Census Bureau - and corruptions for the Obama administration to mess with more voting blocks
ACORN Criminally Charged In Nevada
Made in America! - The legal left comes to Pirate’s Defense
Obama caught in another lie! Lobbyists help Dems draft climate change bill
A Virginia congressman says the anti-Christian hatred and bigotry of homosexual blogger Perez Hilton and his supporters underscores one of the fallacies undergirding federal "hate crimes" legislation
With newspapers dropping dead like the flies they once swatted, a new non-profit riding to the rescue with free, ready-made independent investigative reporting is accepting money from Jewish billionaire banker couple with a far-left agenda and dubbed "the king and queen" of toxic mortgages
A leading bankruptcy attorney representing hedge funds and money managers told ABC News Saturday that Steve Rattner, the leader of the Obama administration's Auto Industry Task Force, threatened one of the firms, an investment bank, that if it continued to oppose the administration's Chrysler bankruptcy plan, the White House would use the White House press corps to destroy its reputation
Don't you just love the spin of change? White House: ‘Vice President Misrepresented What the Vice President Meant’
Spread the wealth, Michelle? The more things change the more they remain the same
Shocking what Democrats started in 1990s to give homes to people who couldn't afford them to create a voting block for the party! About 12 percent of U.S. homeowners late paying or foreclosed
Federal tax revenue plunged $138 billion, or 34%, in April vs. a year ago — the biggest April drop since 1981, a study released Tuesday by the American Institute for Economic Research says
Home Prices Fall a Record 19%
EPA: Cap-and-Trade Bill Could Hurt U.S. Manufacturing, Send Factory Jobs Overseas
I can't believe this question is even being asked, does America Need Domestic Autos? (No, of course not, there is great profit to be made from manufacturing political correctness. - Webmaster)
So it comes as no surprise that Fuld and O'Neal would, nearly 30 years later, make big bets on mortgage-backed securities that they believed would improve their bottom lines, but would ultimately destroy their companies and deal a body blow to the world economy
Obama's Credit Card Reform, just like the man himself, is a fraud on the American public!
Voters rebuke politicians, reduce taxes in California
What happens when a community organizer and his pet progressives build cars - America, you voted for him. Now good luck driving his miniature glorified go-carts without being killed or severly injured in a simple accident!
Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich
"Forcing automakers to produce cars that people don't want to buy is not good for employment or the environment," Lave says. And, ironically, the more fuel-miserly cars get, the worse the problem becomes
The legislation marked a major defeat for the credit-card industry, as lawmakers complained that consumers are being hit with tricks and traps on their cards. The Federal Reserve released data Tuesday showing that 6.5% of consumer credit-card loans were delinquent in the first quarter, compared with 4.8% a year earlier
A Frigid April for Housing Starts
Wall Street greed messing with the price of oil again. What is that Obama slogan, the more things change the more they remain the same?
Confidence among homebuilders rose for the second straight month, helped by the feds' tax credit for first-time home buyers
Judicial Watch Forces Release of Bank Bailout Documents
Dems' climate bill shortchanges Obama tax credit
Obama adminstration wants to slash Defense Contractors by hiring more than 30,000 new federal employees
GM dealers expect word on plans to cut 1,100 shops
Democrats rush again to cause millions of dollars in taxpayer money to be lost, feds blaming the rushed schedule because all the checks have to be cut by June. The strange thing is, some of the checks were made out to people who were never even part of the Social Security system
It’s no secret that small businesses and entrepreneurs are the main engine of innovation and job growth in the U.S. economy. Today, as the nation struggles to regain its footing, we in Washington should be working overtime to give these job creators all the tools they need to thrive
GM looks to China as the UAW looks to the Feds
Judicial Watch - forces release of bank bailout documents
Gov't borrowing trend at unprecedented level
Obama's tax cheat to offer bailout money for small banks. OMG, don't take it from this crook
Oil above $60 on economy hopes
U.S. Trade Deficit Expands
Big surprise - auto bailouts won't be repaid
Stimulus Watch: Jobs, but not where needed most
Obama proves Fascism works
Obama to hold town hall meeting on credit cards
A top Obama fundraiser and hedge fund manager said: "I'm appalled at the anti-Wall Street rhetoric. It was OK on the campaign but now it's the real world. I'm surprised that Obama is turning out to be so left-wing."
Battered Hedge Fund Managers' Syndrome
Jobless Claims Reach 8.9%
Very bad news from where news business comes from! JPMorgan Chase and others are shoring up balance sheets by reducing or eliminating these financial lifelines to entrepreneurs
Toyota's loss is worse than expected
Barack Obama announced that he will snip a whopping one-half of one percent of the $3.4 trillion budget
At the end of April the Obama administration tested its ability to take direct control of the US financial system. The test was a success. There is a revolution underway which would impress Chavez or Castro. If you were like most people, you did not realize it happened. As the details of the GM restructuring plan emerged, on Monday, April 27th, Lawrence Kudlow was one of the first to sound the alarm as secured lenders and bond holders were being given a fraction of the amount owed to them under long established bankruptcy law
124 congressman demand audit of Federal Reserve - Support multiplying for scrutiny of nation's money controllers
Obama seeks to close overseas tax loopholes despite business group’s objections
Buffett sees massive inflation to handle staggering debt
Fiat faces rivals in pursuit of GM Europe
Stress Tests for Dummies
Senate Defeats Obama-Backed, Anti-Foreclosure Bill. Well Obama talked about it, but that was it - like his "Let's not tax the senior's bill that never happened."
Ford passed Toyota and Chrysler's retail sales
With one eye on the recession, Trade Representative Ron Kirk has moved to complete Bush-era trade agreements with Colombia and Panama
Obama may earn millions from schools in book deal
Not surprising for the most progressive liberal state in America, and what happenes when social justice replaces the three Rs. You fail! - Aspiring school teachers fail in math with only 27 percent of the teaching candidates passing
Online schooling gives kids, parents new options for education
Our schools be broke
For many teachers, a fertile market for employment dries up overnight
Campus Economics 201
The American Energy Innovation Act!
The Great Ethanol Scam - Not only is ethanol proving to be a dud as a fuel substitute but there is increasing evidence that it is destroying engines in large numbers
No straight answer about offshore drilling
Obama's War on Talk Radio
Judicial Watch Uncovers New FCC Documents on Fairness Doctrine Debate
A think tank headed by John Podesta, co-chairman of Obama's transition team, mapped out a strategy in 2007 for clamping down on conservative talk radio by requiring stations to be operated by female and minority owners, which the report showed were statistically more likely to carry liberal political talk shows
Democrat Social engineering? How about Obama reprogramming your kids that sodomy is good for them! "If they committed some crime and it had to do with the issue of 'sexual preference' -- particularly the issue of homosexuality -- they could be punished," he says, "and a judge could order them to go to a program where they have to accept the other side and accept the views of homosexuality."
A progessive, Catholic Obama campaign adviser has solved the problem of marriage. Get rid of it!
Texas school board preserves abstinence education
California high court upholds voter's rights
"These websites, whether pro or con, should not be in public schools. Public schools are not the place to have this debate," he contends. "This is an environment to educate and train children, but not to indoctrinate them in homosexuality."
Push starts for marriage amendment in Keystone State
Hey progressive libeals, thanks for the memories! Lawsuit filed after 'sexting' suicide
New Hampshire House voted down same-sex marriage bill because it contained a Religious Liberty Protection Clause
The Alameda Unified School District announced it was considering a supplemental curriculum to eradicate "homophobia" in kindergarten children. Brad Dacus, founder of the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), said the meeting room for the public session earlier this week was overcrowded with angry parents
Teens and the stress they put on parents
This is worse than the wild wild west! Why? Because it effects the whole gd world! Seven arrested in New York City Craigslist Prostitution Ring - Cuomo: Unless More Is Done, Site Will 'Continue To Be Environment Where Criminal Operations Thrive'
A new sexual revolution
NH gov's proposed revisions to marriage redefinition bill fail religious freedom test
“It’ll be challenging to do that for instance in ways that are not dismissive of the tremendous gifts of single mothers; not to sort of hold a heteronormative view of fatherhood up as the only model,” said Knox
A Florida appeals court says state must recognizes homosexual adoption FROM another state
Maine bishop vows to help bring same-gender 'marriage' to vote
Girl Scouts exposed: Lessons in lesbianism - Communists, radical feminists cited as shock role models for teen troops
Parents fight homosexual indoctrination of kindergarteners
Lesbian mommies, why not wives? - Legal 'million-dollar question' puts states' defense of marriage at risk
Gallup: More Americans Pro-Life than Ever Before
‘No Child Left Inside Act' would spend $500M teaching 'Environmental Literacy' Starting in Kindergarten!
Dobson: 'There's utter evil coming out of Congress' - Focus on the Family ministry founder condemns 'Pedophile Protection Act'
Home schoolers get 'A' from marketing exec
The White House has scrubbed President Obama's central pledge to the homosexual community from its website – his promise to quash the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Wow, is this an Alinsky dance?
The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled last week that local laws banning sex offenders from living near schools, parks, or other places where children gather are unconstitutional
Same old same old from these hate groups - PETA case exposes group's fraud
Obama would ax abstinence-only funding
The California State Senate is poised to vote on a bill making an official "homosexual day" in every public school
Boy Scouts of America and San Diego-Imperial Council, Boy Scouts of America have filed a petition for a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court of the United States asking the Court to review the Ninth Circuit’s recent decisions about Scouting leases in San Diego
While our corrupt progressive U.S. Congress wanted a hate crime's bill to protect pedophiles, a landmark guilty verdict overseas ruled against Scottish paedophile gang that abused small children and infants
"A lesbian minister was invited to guest lecture for math and science classes," he explains. "At that time, she shared her personal views on homosexuality, including a discussion of her lesbian wedding, the homosexual prom, and other such events and things that many parents were very concerned about once they heard this had taken place."
The Boy Scouts have provided millions of dollars in improvements to public facilities in exchange for their use but faces being banned because homosexuals and lesbians who never even were exposed to the work claimed their feelings were hurt
City of Cleveland warned to discontinue unconstitutional ‘domestic partner registry’
Illegal aliens, young Americans vie for same jobs
TMLC and the Alliance Defense Fund join forces to support Boy Scouts in San Diego against vile hateful secular progessives
Maine governor signs legislation to legalize same-sex Mmarriage
NC congresswoman claims Shepard murder 'not a hate crime'
Remedy in Iowa? Legislative 'housecleaning'
Progressive Obama continues to snub Brits
Israeli document: Venezuela sends uranium to Iran
Palestinian Christians in a normally quiet village are reeling from a series of grave desecrations this week that they say are indicative of intimidation tactics from the town's growing Muslim population. "Christians don't feel free anymore. Our way of life is changing while the Muslim population grows," a local Christian told WND. The Christian would only give his first name, Anis, for fear of Muslim retaliation if he speaks out
Outrage over N Korea nuclear test
Facebook block ahead of Iran vote hampers youth
British banks revolt against Obama tax plan
Netanyahu defies Obama on Israeli settlement freeze
U.S. to invest billions in Pakistan: envoy
Once proud Brits are a mess, as abortion tops 50% for pregnant teens
Requests for 'debaptisms' soar in Milan
With Obama in White House, hard times ahead for Israel
Obama prods Israel toward Palestinian Statehood
Progressive liberals around the world are jumping with delight to have discovered where they came from, as scientists unveiled a 47-million-year-old fossilised skeleton of a monkey hailed as the missing link in human evolution
ACLJ in Israel
Come on far-left progressive liberals, do you really believe this would have been possible with Saddam still in control as a neighbor? First women elected to Kuwait parliament
Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says
It's an obamanation: Brazil and China eye plan to axe dollar
Making Oman More Omani
Pakistan to attack Taliban in Bin Laden’s lair
Indian prime minister looks set for second term
Sometimes the answer is "No." (Don't believe it? Go march in northern Pakistan. There are over 1-billion Muslims, and they're only growing. Get used to "No," as they do to Christiams. - Webmaster)
Muslim Persecution of Christians
Britain is Now the Savage Nation
Harassment, Islamic Radicalism drive flight of Palestinian Christians
Trade Wars Brewing In Economic Malaise - Outrage in Canada as U.S. Firms Sever Ties To Obey Stimulus Rules
Sony reports $1B annual loss, first in 14 years
Great job BBC. The New York Times would be proud. While it was reported Muslims only make up three percent of Britain's population, earlier this week the British Broadcasting Corporation, (BBC), appointed a Muslim as head of its religious programming department . . . a move being hailed as a "radical departure from broadcasting tradition."
Rabbi to pope: Go split Rome - Pontiff slammed for comments in support of Palestinian state
Reviving Pakistan's pluralist traditions to fight extremism
China blocks U.S. from cyber warfare
Sweden rules 'gender-based' abortion legal
Pope Benedict XVI pleads for protection for Middle East Christians
Landmark guilty verdict overseas ruled against Scottish paedophile gang that abused small children and infants
From the District of Columbia to the Republic of Colombia
Russia's Factories Gear Up for Efficiency
Activities intensify at North Korea nuclear, missile sites: report
Congo passes amnesty law for eastern rebels
The Taliban on Thursday threatened "harsh reprisals" if Pope Benedict XVI does not immediately intervene to stop Christians proselytising in Afghanistan
Anti-Savage Nation - Does UK really see Michael Savage more dangerous than their own home-grown fundamental bombers?
Amnesty says Iran planning to execute juveniles
UK teacher bucks homosexual training, gets suspended
Pakistan nuclear arsenal insecure as US alarm intensifies
Slovak Republic faces lawsuit after police clamp-down on pro-life rally
Pakistan Government persists with nuclear as extremists circle
Obama 'whitewashing' reality of Islamic threat
Pakistan peace deal under fire amid attacks
Israel buys the Phalanx
Riot police working overtime as unions and anarchists link arms for May Day
Change you can believe in? In the first case of its kind, a Palestinian Authority "military court" on Tuesday sentenced a Palestinian man to death by hanging after finding him guilty of selling land to Jews
Going Green in the Persian Gulf
Ethanol proposal may derail climate bill
EPA: Cap-and-Trade Bill Could Hurt U.S. Manufacturing, Send Factory Jobs Overseas
The Geography of Carbon Emissions
The American Energy Innovation Act!
Surprise? Democratic senator wants to cap carbon emmissions to stop Global Warming but, OMG, drives Cadillac to work
Like with all good Communists, Al Gore rakes in the green on the backs of the people
'Climate change' book refutes gov't report
The Great Ethanol Scam - Not only is ethanol proving to be a dud as a fuel substitute but there is increasing evidence that it is destroying engines in large numbers
Dems' climate bill shortchanges Obama tax credit
‘No Child Left Inside Act' would spend $500M teaching 'Environmental Literacy' Starting in Kindergarten!
Why $900,000 Solar Home Failed. One progressive greenie says someone turned off a breaker. But the Superintendent of Parks has a better reason. It didn't work! "The system was designed to kick a heater on to keep water from freezing. The heater drew all reserve power out of the battery causing the system to back down and the pipes froze."
The Coming Ice Age
White House memo challenges EPA finding on warming
They'll be back! Energy bill losing steam among Dems
Obama Interior Secretary decides not to use Polar Bear to FORCE on global warming policies. (A government service message via Saul Alinsky's prophet.)
Congressional Conversation Heats Up Over Waxman-Markey Bill
The green's acceptable collateral damage. While Obama, Gore, and the Weather Channel love the CFL bulb, workers in China who make them are dropping dead (Like we said, these greens have stopped investments in the real future of cheap and SAFE lights . . . the LED - Webmaster)
Obama caught in another lie! Lobbyists help Dems draft climate change bill
NY Times Corrects 'Global Warming' Claim
Senate and House to Reintroduce AgJOBS Amnesty
Illegal Immigrant on trial for killing boy had five (5) drunken driving charges
L.A. Sheriff sued for freeing illegal immigrant murderer
Napolitano credits state laws for growth in E-Verify
Obama to Request Additional Funding for Border Security
Illegal aliens, young Americans vie for same jobs
Criminal illegal immigrants deported to escape justice
A second northern California city plans to offer illegal immigrants official identification cards and police officials support the idea, claiming it will make their job easier. Gee, what happened to the law?
Unemployed locals resent local jobs going to out-of-town immigrants
Fingerprinting plan will dramatically increase deportations
What does it matter if it's the Democrat Party or the Communist Party, they'll do what they want anyway thanks to November 4th 2009 minority voters and those who wanted free checks on the backs of others. Jefferson said if this happens the Republic would be over, and so it is as Sen. Schumer (NY) ready to take on Amnesty and to hell with the people!
Conviction for harboring illegal immigrants overturned
Obama Administration to run immigration checks on ALL prisoners
Ouch! U.S. Certifies Airline Mechanics Who Can’t Speak English
Rep. Nathan Deal Reintroduces Bill to End Birthright Citizenship
Lawmaker puts illegal alien housekeeper on county payroll
New day, new push to legalize farmworkers
Rep. Blackburn Introduces CLEAR Act
E-Verify program confirming workers' legal status grows in popularity
Two New Cosponsors for Chain Migration Bill
Houston police union wants to end Sanctuary Policy
Naturalized citizens are poised to reshape California's political landscape
Feds Building 2,000-Mile 'Virtual Fence' Along Border
How young engineers and our Eeconomy are betrayed by the Democrat's Immigration Policy
Congress Takes Up Immigration Reform
Why Nancy Pelosi must hate freedom of expression! Poll Reveals 74% of American want stronger borders
When political correctness becomes a house of cards - S&P cuts New York Times rating deeper into junk status
Amazing! Craigslist gets the vast majority, or 93%, of traffic to classified listings sites, with about 46.5 million visitors in April, according to comScore. The next largest competitor, eBay had only 3.9 million visitors that month
Media still lying about the Swift Boat Veterans
S&P cuts New York Times rating deeper into junk status
Would you want your son or daughter to die while serving to protect this progressive crap as freedom, this film purchased by Hollywood slim? Not mine! Let the useless in Hollywood go serve and die for what they define as expession, not our kids
Like we have been saying, "All the news that’s fit to suppress!"
This is worse than the wild wild west! Why? Because it effects the whole gd world! Seven arrested in New York City Craigslist Prostitution Ring - Cuomo: Unless More Is Done, Site Will 'Continue To Be Environment Where Criminal Operations Thrive'
When you become a nation figure, what happens to, "Put brain in gear before putting mouth in motion?" - Anderson Cooper Says "Teabagging" Comment Was "Stupid, Silly"
MSNBC would be proud of FOX
The publishing world's tsunami - Free books site Scribd to open internet store - Visit site Scribd
Lessons from a beauty pageant
Troubled Times
Ron Howard has managed to perfectly illustrate where Hollywood divides popcorn entertainment from the intolerable and the inflammatory. He has shrugged off the risk of insulting a billion Catholics. When it comes to Muslims, though, he has a very different policy: hands off
Ruling favors Canadian cult members
‘Superfood’ promoted on Oprah’s site robs the Amazon Poor of Staple
It takes a lot of murders to get this elitist to move - Craigslist dropping 'erotic services' ads
Hollywood Does It Again: "Angels & Demons" Flick changes Muslim villain to "Danish" villain
Interview leads to firing at NPR affiliate - The controversy erupted in late April when two radio hosts on KJZA (89.5 FM; Williams, Arizona) were informed that their weekend programs would be axed due to the Christian focus of the shows. The canceled shows were "Dinosaurs, Science, and the Bible," hosted by Dr. John Nay; and "Christian Corner," hosted by David McNabb
Finally the truth about Letterman, and if you like diversity it's not funny! - Letterman writer boasts of discrediting McCain, Obama 'Too Competent' to joke about
Billboards of Hate
White House: No bailout for newspaper industry. (Remember, in many cases when Obama says "No," he really means "Yes," but not today - Webmaster)
Disney to remove all extras from rental DVDs as well
With newspapers dropping dead like the flies they once swatted, a new non-profit riding to the rescue with free, ready-made independent investigative reporting is accepting money from Jewish billionaire banker couple [made fun of by SNL] with a far-left agenda and dubbed "the king and queen" of toxic mortgages
Craigslist continues to advertise prostitution. Need a whore? Need an STD? Need someone murdered? What a guy. And he's Made in Pagan America!
Hey President Obama, the chosen one! ADULT stem cells cure child of sickle cell anemia
42% Favor Free Health Care For All Americans – Unless Their Own Coverage Has To Change
The "Government Option": "Single Payer" By Another Name
The cost of free government health care
The attempt to prove that homosexuality is determined biologically has been dealt a knockout punch. An American Psychological Association publication includes an admission that there's no homosexual "gene" -- meaning it's not likely that homosexuals are born that way
Dems struggle for health care unity against foes
Will private healthcare soon be obsolete?
Yada, yada, yada! Obama, Health Industry Pledge to Cut Health Spending Growth by $2 Trillion
Trial drugs 'reverse' Alzheimer's
Conservatives for Patients' Rights Action Fund today kicks off a $1 million+ television ad campaign featuring prominent British and Canadian doctors who warn of patients actually dying as they wait for care, and of losing control of their own health care
Biden wrong on sneezing
The 10 most promising new drugs
Warning issued: Healthcare 'rationing board' idea
Army chief: Troops could be in Iraq after 2012
North Korea says it will attack U.S. and South Korean warships if they violate maritime border
Involuntary military service uunder the radar
High-Tech response to rocket attacks
What do you expect from a community organizer's values sealed in the nest of the southside of Chicago, then later as senator stopping southside Chicago gang members from receiving the death chamber for horrible, senseless crimes against the innocent. It is stunning what too many American voters have done for a few free bucks, sixty years ago called traitors for these values. Today they sell their vote for 13 pieces of bronze
Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says
U.S. Admiral - Future of military aviation lies with drones:
The big fat nothing in Afghanistan
Progressive Traitors - Winter Soldier fables: Anti-war “Marine” was lying mental patient
40 Hill briefings on interrogations disclosed
Obama reverses on releasing photos - (ACLU's membership is furious, not caring about putting our troops at risk. I mean, as usual their lives aren't on the line, are they? - Webmaster)
Surprised? How can you be? One out of every four ballots requested by military personnel and other Americans living overseas for the 2008 election may have gone uncounted, according to findings being released at a Senate hearing Wednesday
China blocks U.S. from cyber warfare
Gee Mr. Obama, ever think maybe all is not fair in love and war? U.S. military: Afghan militants using white phosphorus in attacks
U.S. replaces general in Afghanistan as war worsens
U.S. soldier guns down 5 fellow soldiers in Iraq
Obama picks Egypt for Muslim address. What the hell is Saul Alinsky's lone wolf doing now to soften the security around United States and why?
Outrage over Bibles destroyed in Afghanistan
Pakistan on the Brink
Chinese and American ships clash again in Yellow Sea
The UK Ministry of Defence's Joint Sensor and Engagement Networks Integrated Project Team (JSENS IPT) has confirmed that the first Anchor Milestone has been successfully completed for the Land Environment Air Picture Provision (LEAPP) programme
No welfare for terrorists, Obama!
Two weeks left in Pakistan
Third Day may go to Afghanistan
A government official has informed the Thomas More Law Center that the government will not seek to appeal the recent unanimous decision by the Navy Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals (NMCCA) in favor of LtCol Jeffrey Chessani, USMC
Pakistan nuclear arsenal insecure as US alarm intensifies
If Pakistan Fails
Palestinian Christians in a normally quiet village are reeling from a series of grave desecrations this week that they say are indicative of intimidation tactics from the town's growing Muslim population. "Christians don't feel free anymore. Our way of life is changing while the Muslim population grows," a local Christian told WND. The Christian would only give his first name, Anis, for fear of Muslim retaliation if he speaks out
Barack's Epistle to the Egyptians
Muslim Persecution of Christians
Harassment, Islamic Radicalism drive flight of Palestinian Christians
While it was reported Muslims only make up three percent of Britain's population, earlier this week the British Broadcasting Corporation, (BBC), appointed a Muslim as head of its religious programming department . . . a move being hailed as a "radical departure from broadcasting tradition."
The Ascent of Oman
Obama picks Egypt for Muslim address
Change you can believe in? In the first case of its kind, a Palestinian Authority "military court" on Tuesday sentenced a Palestinian man to death by hanging after finding him guilty of selling land to Jews
North Korea says it will attack U.S. and South Korean warships if they violate maritime border
The first war of Cyberspace
Israeli document: Venezuela sends uranium to Iran
Outrage over N Korea nuclear test
Jail for criticizing federal prosecutors
Selling Insecurity
What do you expect from a community organizer's values sealed in the nest of the southside of Chicago, then later as senator stopping southside Chicago gang members from receiving the death chamber for horrible, senseless crimes against the innocent. It is stunning what too many American voters have done for a few free bucks, sixty years ago called traitors for these values. Today they sell their vote for 13 pieces of bronze
Four terror attack plotters nabbed in New York
Powering America’s Defense: Energy and the Risks to National Security
Napolitano’s recent comments no comfort to patriotic Americans - Lawsuit Proceeds
Vote these pariah out of office in 2010 - The U.S. Senate overwhelmingly rejected a measure that would have eliminated the loophole that allowed the September 11 hijackers to obtain credit cards from U.S. banks to finance their terrorist activities
Obama puts the Queen of San Francisco over America's security network, the CIA. Community organizer shoots America's security in the foot over keeping Democrats in line
Ouch! U.S. Certifies Airline Mechanics Who Can’t Speak English
What the hell is going on? New invitees reportedly include the nouveau riche Google Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt. Henry Kissinger, a lynchpin of continuity with other secretive internationalist groups including the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, is a regular attendee, as is Wall Street Journal Editor Paul Gigot
And liberals called Bush stupid! - It all is in the eye of the beholder as Biden reveals location of secret 'Undisclosed Location' to protect the VP in the event of an attack, while the mainstream media opens one eye and says, "What did he say?"
Democrats Splintering on National Security
Obama Administration to Cheney: Request Denied
No Free Speech for Them!
Senate and House to Reintroduce AgJOBS Amnesty
Defense staffer charged in China spy case
Oh my God, the more things change . . . The Obama administration is weighing plans to detain some terror suspects on U.S. soil -- indefinitely and without trial -- as part of a plan to retool military commission trials that were conducted for prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
In what may be the first assessment of its kind, a private company that offers a range of privacy products for computers
and other technology is ranking the United States No. 6 in the world for having the most aggressive procedures for monitoring residents electronically
Somali pirates 'get targets from London informers'
Obama picks Egypt for Muslim address
Betraying the Interrogators
GOP probes 'extremism' report's origins
Activities intensify at North Korea nuclear, missile sites: report
Pakistan on the Brink
CIA says Pelosi was briefed on use of 'Enhanced Interrogations'
A Louisiana driver has been stopped and detained for having a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker on his vehicle and warned by a police officer about the "subversive" message it sent, according to the driver's relative
Why Wikipedia is dangerous in a world that depends on accurate information to keep it working
How long before Obama and his officials are charged with treason?
Shocking! It could happen to you under Obama! Teen homeschooler jailed under Patriot Act - FBI holds 10th-grader for months with little contact from family
Made in America! - The legal left comes to Pirate’s Defense
In a move that could compromise national security, the FBI is on the verge of awarding a company owned by a foreign government a lucrative contract to develop a system that will give it access to crucial U.S. law enforcement and intelligence data
A leading bankruptcy attorney representing hedge funds and money managers told ABC News Saturday that Steve Rattner, the leader of the Obama administration's Auto Industry Task Force, threatened one of the firms, an investment bank, that if it continued to oppose the administration's Chrysler bankruptcy plan, the White House would use the White House press corps to destroy its reputation
Guess how DHS defines who is a terrorist now? - Alternative media also identified, that media which is not in the pocket of the mainstream press
If Pakistan Fails
The Gathering Storm Over Guns
Change you can believe in? What a joke! “Rather than being up front and letting Pennsylvania Democrats have a choice in an election, they have a cut a deal,” he said. And that does not sit well with Sestak
When in Doubt, Blame Bush
Want to be an ambassador to the United States under Obama? To increase your chances of being picked, you better have given a ton of money to the Democrat Party. Power corrupts, and . . . well you know the rest! Don't you love this BS called change?
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm got nearly $20,000 from felon Norman Hsu, even though he was a fugitive from U.S. justice when the money poured into her coffers
Obama may earn millions from schools in book deal
Slick Barry
Barack's Epistle to the Egyptians
Pakistan - Obama's Vietnam?
Al Gore already knew. Oprah: It’s Great to Have a Private Jet
Mission accomplished: Friday dump does the trick
Suckers United for Change
Obama loves to imitate Lincoln, except when it doesn't benefit him such as when quoting this American hero. In Lincoln’s proclamation, God is mentioned five times and emphasizes God’s dominion over the nation, the need for people to repent, and the divine nature of the Bible. When Obama spoke, one who spent his early school years in Indonesia, God was weakly mentioned only once . . . and on National Prayer Day
Obama’s real transparency policy: Don’t let the sunshine in!
So-called Jesus loving Obama passes gas on National Prayer Day, says he won't be attending
New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor recently published a puff piece on President Barack Hussein Obama's judicial philosophy that misleads readers about his far left views on the Constitution and judges
It's no longer a laughing matter
Obama caught in another lie! Lobbyists help Dems draft climate change bill
National leaders of the Episcopal Church have ousted 61 clergy who joined a former bishop from the Diocese of San Joaquin in leaving the denomination
Church defends right to religious speech
Wake up, America! Palestinian Christians in a normally quiet village are reeling from a series of grave desecrations this week that they say are indicative of intimidation tactics from the town's growing Muslim population. "Christians don't feel free anymore. Our way of life is changing while the Muslim population grows," a local Christian told WND. The Christian would only give his first name, Anis, for fear of Muslim retaliation if he speaks out
No white flags: protect pastors, not pedophiles
"The city of Oyster Bay said you have to come to us to get a permit first just to have a conversation in a public park -- and that simply is unconstitutional . . . "
Catholic Church's nonprofit status challenged in Maine
We told you this could be coming! The couple, whose names are being withheld until a demand letter can be filed on their behalf, told their attorney a county government employee knocked on their door on Good Friday, asking a litany of questions about their Tuesday night Bible studies, which are attended by approximately 15 people. "Do you have a regular weekly meeting in your home? Do you sing? Do you say 'amen'?" the official reportedly asked. "Do you say, 'Praise the Lord'?" The pastor's wife answered yes. She says she was then told, however, that she must stop holding "religious assemblies . . . "
ADF attorneys file brief with U.S. Supreme Court supporting ‘Choose Life’ plates
Wrong message being passed to youth, Church to share blame for surge in unwed births by passing on secular prgressive spin
Muslim Persecution of Christians
Tired of all the crap coming from Hollywood? If you are then why are you renting all those movies! Ron Howard has managed to perfectly illustrate where Hollywood divides popcorn entertainment from the intolerable and the inflammatory. He has shrugged off the risk of insulting a billion Catholics. When it comes to Muslims, though, he has a very different policy: hands off
If you have a child in a publicly funded college or university, this should make all kinds of alarms go off in your head. Any parent who takes their faith life seriously, no matter what brand, should be very concerned
Dobson: 'There's utter evil coming out of Congress' - Focus on the Family ministry founder condemns 'Pedophile Protection Act'
IRS backs pastors' political activities
Left-leaning evangelicals misleading young Christians
Here we go again. President Obama’s brilliant strategy for reaching faith-based groups to strengthen community work is to appoint a church defamer as one of his advisors. Pro-homosexual activist Harry Knox of the Human Rights Campaign is one of President Obama’s latest appointments to join his Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Great job BBC. The New York Times would be proud. While it was reported Muslims only make up three percent of Britain's population, earlier this week the British Broadcasting Corporation, (BBC), appointed a Muslim as head of its religious programming department . . . a move being hailed as a "radical departure from broadcasting tradition."
Oklahoma House approves Ten Commandments monument
Alan Keyes arrested while protesting University of Notre Dame’s Obama invitation
Obama Adviser Accused Catholic Church of ‘Insulting’ Jesus, Accused Pope of ‘Hurting People in the Name of Jesus’
Outrage over Bibles destroyed in Afghanistan
North Carolina Public Parks Settle for Free Speech and Allow Sharing of the Gospel
Washington, DC Council has voted 12-1 to recognize homosexual "marriages" legal in other states. (That's because most religions have evolved to worship a progressive ideology. In that end, if Obama were to speak in their facilities he would be hard pressed to find any symbols of Jesus to cover.)
So-called Jesus loving Obama passes gas on National Prayer Day, says he won't be attending
America’s Spiritual Heritage proclaimed on the National Day of Prayer
Fascist school officials in Billings, Montana, at it again suppressing free speech! Rutherford Institute files Free Speech Lawsuit: Valedictorian ordered to strip references to God from speech, prevented from participating in graduation
Notre Dame's Obama invite riles Catholic Bishops
Another congregation votes to leave Presbyterian Church (USA)
Court puts hold on flawed policy in ‘In God We Trust’ school censorship case
America: A nation of religious drifters
"They desecrated a cemetery where Samuel Adams and other Revolutionary War heroes are buried. But, why should that matter? They want sodomy and they want everyone in America to embrace their depraved behaviors. Anyone who opposes them faces vilification, harassment, and violence. The Boston Police Department, of course, did nothing to stop them from terrorizing a peaceful conference inside the church."
NPR axes Christian radio programs - NPR stations carrying religious programming must cease and desist that programming
Scientists at The University of Manchester have developed a new way of dating archaeological objects – using fire and water to unlock their 'internal clocks'. The simple method promises to be as significant a technique for dating ceramic materials as radiocarbon dating has become for organic materials such as bone or wood
Shucks, we thought progressives found their origins! 'Ida' an extinct primate - and that's all
AFSPC may use Allen Telescope Array for space surveillance
Cisco details plans to join 'smart grid' revolution
Protonex To Extend Capabilities Of UAV Propulsion Systems
Trial drugs 'reverse' Alzheimer's
The UK Ministry of Defence's Joint Sensor and Engagement Networks Integrated Project Team (JSENS IPT) has confirmed that the first Anchor Milestone has been successfully completed for the Land Environment Air Picture Provision (LEAPP) programme
About 200 new species of Amphibians discovered in Madagascar
An invention that could change the internet for ever
A museum that changes lives
Now add this from Brazil! "This is the new socialism, which now appears to be directly repressing biblical speech on the issue of homosexuality -- and we need to watch it because there are socialist advocates in the United States," LaBarbera cautions. "The idea that Christian programming needs to be labeled as...'homophobic' is just bizarre, but it's very dangerous that this is being done so openly."
We told you this could be coming! The couple, whose names are being withheld until a demand letter can be filed on their behalf, told their attorney a county government employee knocked on their door on Good Friday, asking a litany of questions about their Tuesday night Bible studies, which are attended by approximately 15 people. "Do you have a regular weekly meeting in your home? Do you sing? Do you say 'amen'?" the official reportedly asked. "Do you say, 'Praise the Lord'?" The pastor's wife answered yes. She says she was then told, however, that she must stop holding "religious assemblies . . . "
Girl Scouts exposed: Lessons in lesbianism - Communists, radical feminists cited as shock role models for teen troops
If you have a child in a publicly funded college or university, this should make all kinds of alarms go off in your head. Any parent who takes their faith life seriously, no matter what brand, should be very concerned
Dictionary: 'Narrow-minded' means 'conservative' - Reference book equates terms without comment
Pro-homosexual activist Harry Knox of the Human Rights Campaign is one of President Obama’s latest appointments to join his Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Norfolk officials: Christians welcome to express faith in public park during local celebration
Interview leads to firing at NPR affiliate - The controversy erupted in late April when two radio hosts on KJZA (89.5 FM; Williams, Arizona) were informed that their weekend programs would be axed due to the Christian focus of the shows. The canceled shows were "Dinosaurs, Science, and the Bible," hosted by Dr. John Nay; and "Christian Corner," hosted by David McNabb
Outrage over Bibles destroyed in Afghanistan
North Carolina Public Parks Settle for Free Speech and Allow Sharing of the Gospel
"They desecrated a cemetery where Samuel Adams and other Revolutionary War heroes are buried. But, why should that matter? They want sodomy and they want everyone in America to embrace their depraved behaviors. Anyone who opposes them faces vilification, harassment, and violence. The Boston Police Department, of course, did nothing to stop them from terrorizing a peaceful conference inside the church."
A new sexual revolution
Dobson: 'There's utter evil coming out of Congress' - Focus on the Family ministry founder condemns 'Pedophile Protection Act'
ADF joins in Montana battle against euthanasia
A Virginia congressman says the anti-Christian hatred and bigotry of homosexual blogger Perez Hilton and his supporters underscores one of the fallacies undergirding federal "hate crimes" legislation
Pink Nazis - at it again!
When they arrived, however, a student complaint led campus police to confront the evangelism team and demand that their signs and literature be put away in accordance with college policy. The evangelists insisted their materials were protected by the freedom of speech guaranteed in the First Amendment, and the officers arrested them on charges of disorderly conduct
The Alameda Unified School District announced it was considering a supplemental curriculum to eradicate "homophobia" in kindergarten children. Brad Dacus, founder of the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), said the meeting room for the public session earlier this week was overcrowded with angry parents
Abstinence ed 'outperforms' comprehensive sex ed
Parents fight homosexual indoctrination of kindergarteners
Defense of Ariz. tax credit program continues
"A lesbian minister was invited to guest lecture for math and science classes," he explains. "At that time, she shared her personal views on homosexuality, including a discussion of her lesbian wedding, the homosexual prom, and other such events and things that many parents were very concerned about once they heard this had taken place."
Graduation Performance and Bible Club Conflicts Resolved
Fascist school officials in Billings, Montana, at it again suppressing free speech! Rutherford Institute files Free Speech Lawsuit: Valedictorian ordered to strip references to God from speech, prevented from participating in graduation
Investigation reveals homegrown terrorism is real
Pakistan to attack Taliban in Bin Laden’s lair
Born to Jihad
The Taliban on Thursday threatened "harsh reprisals" if Pope Benedict XVI does not immediately intervene to stop Christians proselytising in Afghanistan
Progressives must have come from monkeys, these primates holding a prayer breakfast in U.S. Capitol to pray for bill to end Secret Ballots in union organizing
Defending non-union workers
Big Labor’s investment in Obama pays off
Battered Hedge Fund Managers' Syndrome
White House Puts UAW Ahead of Property Rights
Beware of Mandatory Arbitration in Card Check
Riot police working overtime as unions and anarchists link arms for May Day
U.N. Security Council passes new toothless resolution
The Moderate Terrorist and Other Fairy Tales from the Party of Change
Judicial Watch Obtains Obama Commerce Department Documents Detailing ACORN Partnership for 2010 Census
Kansas gal Kavya Shivshankar bee-comes spelling princess
'Sexting' - innocent behavior or child porn?
Guess who Census banned as 'partners' - Agency seeks out ACORN, but 'blacklists' other groups
U.S. economy sinks at a 5.7 percent pace in first quarter
South Korea, U.S. troops raise alert after North Korean threat
Law enforcement agency in California first to use a system to streamline the identification and deportation of criminal illegal immigrants
ADF attorneys secure victory for Detroit inner-city church
Obama says health care changes must come this year
Liberty University fires back at liberal media
Sotomayor Ruled That States Do Not Have to Obey Second Amendment
Drug erases fingerprints, causing immigration drama
Immigrants Often Worst of Abusers of Illegal Foreign Workers
With unemployment reaching 17.4 percent - the highest in the European Union - Spain is rethinking its open door policy to immigrants
Scientists identify new lethal virus in Africa
The Obama administration has moved to pull all federal funding from true abstinence education programs. While this is not the first challenge faced by those promoting proven abstinence until marriage programs, it is certainly a significant one (If music playing, pause at bottom of homepage.)
Change you can believe in from future journalists? Don't hold your breath. While Obama provides funds for abortions outside the United States now also making ready to pull all federal funding for abstinence education for teens, young adult journalist site slobbers the president teaches Americans "the fundamental respect, intelligence and fairness with which you should treat your critics," referring to his speech at Notre Dame. Kool Aid, anyone.
Free speech victory in Michigan
Jail time for Jihadists
Nearly a dozen DMV employees in South Florida nailed for selling driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. But don't worry, Progressives. They'll get them for a simple fee when Obama gives 12-million amnesties, another designated Democrat voting block
"A cursory look at Sonia Sotomayor's biography and resume reveals a conceit that seems quite common to the elite left: their self-promotion as cosmopolitan savants in an attempt to veil their narrow provincialism."
Fascism shuts down free speech in America - Nashville hotel receives threatening e-mails. So for the safety its guests, the hotel boots anti-jihad conference with keynote video address set by 'Fitna' filmmaker
No relief for small business cardholders
- credit-card reform doesn't apply to small business cards, which more companies are relying on with bank loans drying up.
Obama Administration proposes text for New Global Warming Treaty that would impose stricter rules on U.S. than on China or Saudi Arabia
Is payback sweet for election support? Yes it is. Just as GLSEN. The founder of the homosexual activist group GLSEN, which promotes homosexual clubs in high schools, middle schools and grade schools and is the driving force behind the annual "Day of Silence" celebration of homosexuality in many districts, has been handed a federal appointment where he will be responsible for overseeing, are you ready, "safety" in the nation's public schools
Media easily reports Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hands out potatoes to poor to buy presidential votes, while having ignored Obama supporter, ACORN, handing out money during U.S. elections. Must be nice to just spike a story, eh New York Times? Says to me "We the People" is just a joke on us when U.S. is more corrupt than Iran. But it's okay when it's the progressive thing to do
When a president has to cover for a supreme court nominee with a smile, you know the appointment has nothing to do with justice
Hooray! Thousands of new jobs are 'created' by Obama's Stimulus. Oops, they're only summer jobs for teens. There goes the mortgage and the gas in the tank, eh Obama supporters?
Obama's handling of the constitution. Ignore it! Well it raises, actually, five different constitutional concerns. The first and most important of which is the First Amendment concern because it is a prior restraint on speech. Lobbyist can’t even communicate orally at all. And that is very rare in American law to have a prior restraint on speech. It affects both lobbyists and their clients. Both of them have a First Amendment right to petition the Government and both of them are being restricted by these requirements
God's Pit Crew describes itself as clearing debris, patching houses, rebuilding churches and working in feeding kitchens that provide hot meals for up to 10,000 people a day! Yet politically correct Pepsi Cola will not donate because the word "God" is in their name. Ready to switch?
President Obama, [referred to in a speech by Momar Kadafi as his African Kenyian brother], with his administration told Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during a meeting last week the U.S. foresees the creation of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital
"Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their right to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our democracy." - Pravda
Montana college kicks Christian club off their campus, because to vote for an officier in the club you have acknowledge yourself as a Christian. (So what are clubs for at the University of Montana Law School? Do they mean I don't even have to have an interest in law to be accepted at the university? - Webmaster)
A California nonprofit dedicated to "teaching about Islam & Muslims" at U.S. high schools and college campuses features a board of advisors that is stacked with some of the most controversial activist professors in the field of Middle Eastern studies today. The imprimatur of these scholars may signal a troubling shift toward the support of proselytizing efforts and the further unraveling of Middle East Studies in America
The North has further fuelled tensions in the past week by launching six short-range missiles, renouncing the Armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953 and threatening possible attacks on South Korea.