Memorial is not put up to offend anyone, but to set the record
straight least we all forget.
The purpose of this continued
memorial is to keep alive the memory of the deaths of these two
boys until our fellow Americans force their national organization,
GLAAD, to come out with an aggressive press release to the American
media and the American people that proclaims leftists do not support
any other homosexuals who murder young boys for sex or self-pleasure
. . . and that they also openly disavowed past and future intentions
of any homosexuals to hurt and take the life of children.
This was not the case in 1999
when GLAAD supported with their silence the adult men who murdered
Jesse Dirkhising and never condemned their heinous act to the
public. It was the day the presses of newspapers across the United
States stood still, virtually all refusing to report Jesse's murder
and throwing sand on his warm grave. Even the Fox News Channel
(FNC) reported the event, asking what was driving all these newspapers
and media outlets to march in rank step.
Then several months later when
a few groups asked why virtually no newspapers or television network
had touched the story of how Jesse Dirkhising was murdered, GLAAD's
executive management basically went out of its way to make them
into bashers, hissing and calling them "homophobic."
This arrogance by GLAAD was made public through their official
press release in the fall of the same year as Jesse's death.
Suddenly, newspapers were now
delighted to carry Jesse's name when used in conjunction with
GLAAD's PR statement. This was proven two years after Jesse's
murder in a 2001 through a paid computer search of the archives
of the leftist New Jersey newspaper, The Star Ledger, looking
for any story that ran in the paper where Jesse Dirkhising's name
appeared. Only one story came up on the screen. You guessed it.
GLAAD's 1999 press release. The Star Ledger obviously never through
his murder was important enough to carry a story of its own, as
did virtually all other newspapers across the country.
And to make matters worse, in
the same year that Jesse died, GLAAD had continued their arrogance
by instead pointing to the death of the adult (1999), Matthew
Shepard, saying it was an example of why America needed a national
hate-crimes bill. Newspaper editors and network television news
hosts "gladly" supported GLAAD that Shepard's death
was a hate crime, printing so many of GLAAD's press releases it
looked like the media was trying to wallpaper the world.
In the end, Matthew's death was
never a hate crime as the evidence had proved six-years earlier.
He was murdered by three young men who were drunk, drug users,
and already high school losers.
To show the arrogance that even
can come from lawmakers in Washington, D.C., Senator Edward Kennedy
of Massachusetts, the state where the other boy, Jeffrey Curley,
was murdered, ignored the outrageous death of Mrs. Curley's son
in the U.S. Senate and in its place embraced on the senate floor
the position of GLAAD's membership for a hate-crime's bill. This
is also the same Senator who called Bush a liar.
We'll never understand Kennedy's
ignoring the pain of Mrs. Curley to the U.S. Senate nor demanding
action. Rose Kennedy and her three other sons were fine Americans,
my father knowing Mrs. Kennedy through a business acquaintance
in Palm Beach, Florida. Mrs. Kennedy understood and respected
the values of the vast majority of Americans. We would hope the
Senator would finally support a "Jeffrey Curley Day"
in Massachusetts as a strong statement that the death of any young
boy will never, ever again go unreported by the nation's newspapers
for the purpose of political correctness . . . nor should the
media ever again manipulate the public's trust through being influenced
by private organizations on what it prints and doesn't print,
in this case the ACLU and GLAAD.
But it doesn't stop there. It
was also no accident that Cathy Renna, PR manager for GLAAD, reported
to GLAAD's Convention that GLAAD's membership now had the high
ground with the media . . . that journalists no longer needed
to get the other side of a story! She bragged that GLAAD had
members in over 1,500 newspapers at the time to push GLAAD's
Renna's arrogant statement was
given to GLAAD's membership only MONTHS after Jesse's death in
the fall of 1999, tied to the same homophobic press released that
was mentioned above.
GLAAD never distanced itself from
the two men who secured thirteen-year Jesse Dirkhising's
young body to a mattress with duct tape and murdered him while
pushing objects into his anus. Nor did GLAAD openly apologize
to Jesse's mother, saying they would never support this kind of
behavior with a child. They instead embraced Jesse's death
as some kind of weird acceptable collateral damage for their cause.
Collateral damage, if you remember, was the same excuse used by
the Oklahoma bomber for his knowingly killing children who were
in the daycare center on the Fed building's 2nd floor on that
fateful day he rocked a nation.
Now the national newspapers and
television networks are doing it all over again with another murdered
child, Jeffrey Curley.
Since his mother's lawsuit being
brought against NAMBLA several years ago to pull down its offensive
Web site, the media is STILL TO THIS DAY actively suppressing
the story that the ACLU's membership has been defending NAMBLA
pro-bono against Mrs. Curley's efforts to protect other boys from
being murdered through content found on NAMBLA's Web site. Remember
that the ACLU's membership includes thousands of arrogant university
professors, elite actors, and Hollywood producers that also stand
against this lone mother. The ACLU's reason? They say it's a matter
of free speech.
Jeffrey's death was not much different
from Jesse's, a devious crime founded on the search for ghoulish
In the back seat of his car, Jeffrey's
murderer sat on him while pressing a gasoline-soaked rag against
the little ten-year old boy's face until he was dead. It was alleged
by the police that the man then went back to his apartment
and violated the boy's cadaver, later saying it was information
from NAMBLA's Web site that encouraged the him to try to hide
what he had done from the authorities. This is why the mother
sued, trying to protect other boy's and their parents from the
pain she and her husband had to endure through her son's senseless
murder, the event now six-years old.
In the deaths of these two boys,
the cowards in the news rooms of almost all newspapers and all
network television networks have never called upon GLAAD to accept
responsibility concerning the deaths of these two young boys through
its support of NAMBLA, nor asked GLAAD to immediately disavow
the murders and the forcing of anal sex upon them, or otherwise.
Again, Jeffrey was only 10-years old and Jesse, thirteen.
In 2005 the parents of Jeffrey
would be celebrating his 16th birthday while the mother of Jesse
would be celebrating his 19th. We were saddened to recently discover
that the parents of Jeffrey Curley had taken down his memorial
page. We think the site should stay up until the mother's suit
is aggressively supported by the mainstream press to force NAMBLA's
agenda to its knees, an agenda that is reaching out for legislation
that will allow boys down to ten-years old to give permission
to have sex with men.
What makes this all so much more
troubling is the filing of an ACLU brief in Kansas City in 2002,
saying that boys down to 13-years old should be able to give permission
to have sex with anyone they want. So there is more to this strange
marriage of the ACLU and NAMBLA than meets the eye, which the
media will not investigate. It's obviously involved with the agenda's
of these organizations, one hand washing the other.
Yet this same media aggressively
didn't blink an eye going after some Catholic Priests with a vengeance,
yet none of these Priests had ever murdered a single child
to hide their unpriestly acts as the men had done who
murdered Jesse and Jeffrey. Double standard? You bet!
Now with reports that the Canadian
legislature has allowed Canadian boys down to 14-years old to
give permission to have sex with anyone they want, you can see
the ACLU licking its chops believing adults are no longer watching
over the safety of their children when it comes to behavior.
If you think you live in a country
where the Fourth Estate protects you and provides continuous coverage
of similar stories of outrage from parents like those of Jesse
and Jeffrey, then you're living in a world where denial is a river
in Egypt. It's sad when the job of reporting on the murders of
these boys is left up to independent Web sites. But Freedom is
Knowledge . . . knowledge meaning you cannot depend on the media
to inform you of the truth. You must search it out for yourself.
Newspapers and national television
networks actively color the news you see and read, many seeming
to believe you cannot be trusted to make the right decisions with
the information they are holding back. That's why they are called
elitists and hate any news organization that cannot be controlled,
openly mocking* outlets such as the Fox News Channel. However,
according to the Arkansas police representative that I spoke with
last year, it was only Fox News that chose to cover the trial
of those who had murdered Jesse Dirkhising in 1999.
When everyday non-advocating leftists around the country finally put pressure on the ACLU and GLAAD
to stop this political correctness when young boys are murdered
by their own lifestyle, I believe Americans may finally be able
to begin to accepted them as really embracing the same values
as all parents who love their children, no longer seen as only
mouthing them. I think the same goes for the Boy Scouts, and why
agendas cannot be trusted until this is all resolved in the
open where those who murder young boys will be held accountable
not only by society, but aggressively by the community itself.
Having been unsuccessfully attacked
by a man when I was sixteen-years old, I will stand by these
two boys until their murders are properly reported by the press
so they can finally be laid to rest with justice served.
Memorial" (Scroll
down for Jesse's police report)
* Note: It has become
painfully obvious that the press is no longer made up of blue-collar
journalists looking out to help the everyday Joe on the street
because they love their profession. Too many have evolved today
into white-collar, career hungry individuals in an open environment
where managing editors of major newspapers and TV networks serve
a personal agenda for power to move the nation to their way
of thinking. They arrogantly view the American public as so
many cattle that can be easily herded through manipulation or
suppression of the news when they deem it necessary.
Be aware, there is a word
for what some are doing. It's called propaganda, exactly the
opposite of what was intended for the Fourth Estate by those
who sacrificed their lives when forming this unique democracy.
Our founding fathers had created
this Fourth Estate (in addition to the other three) that would
be free to report events helpful to the American population
when making decisions about their country and government, and
thereby protecting the fabric of the democracy into future generations
when they were gone.
But instead, today's media more
and more undermines your Republic by pushing a secular and socialistic
agenda that would emulate those that are worshiped in elite
countries of Europe. Is this what Americans want for their country?
Let's hope not. Just look what's happening "over there."
is destined to become a Muslim nation through its high abortion
rate, younger Muslims needed for the massive missing labor pool.
Netherlands is a haven for sending out child
pornography around the world. Swedish
law allows sex with animals and will put
anyone in jail who openly opposes homosexuals having sex
with children. Canada, which also emulates Europe, allows
children down to 14-years of age to have sex with anyone they
want without parental interference. And in Germany, the Neo-Nazi
Party is on the rise with over 5,000
protesting in Munich in early 2005.
And now in the far-left Netherlands, pedophiles have formed their own political party to change laws for the purpose of dropping the age of consent for sex with children down or below 12-years old along with sex with any animal without restriction.
America more like Europe? I
don't think so. For managing editors and network news moguls
wanting Europe's non-religious and valueless lifestyle for America,
we must certainly have some really strange people running the
media. But who gives them the power to abuse their leadership
of the Fourth Estate?
Actually, you do! You give them
the power. And you can also take it away when you're ready.
How? Stop buying or supporting
their product they produce. Without money in the form of subscriptions,
viewership ratings, and profits from movie theater tickets,
CDs, and DVDs, they are helpless.
As the fairy princess said to
Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, "You've always had the
power to go back to Kansas."