No successful democracy can ever survive
And there are organizations that fit that description, from the ACLU to the global warming fruit cakes that want to charge fees to American cattle ranchers for cow farts, as if these ranchers don't have enough to worry about staying alive as a business with government rules that already overwhelm their lives, from use of water and land to wolves being allowed to attack their herds. So was it any wonder we would discover liberals were also using the weather to obtain power over . . . people! Global Warming; The Communist Connection For instance, the liberal filmmaker, Roland Emmerich, of the movie 2012 was reported to say he hated religion. He then took the opportunity to express his personal feelings using the 2012 movie to virtually destroy only Christian symbols around the world. Yet when interviewed, he said he decided not to destroy any Muslim ones, knowing full well they would be destroyed, too, in such an event. He feared there would be a fatwa put out against his life.
So Christians got hosed in 2012 for being a peaceful people while Muslims were given a pass for their reputation of cutting off heads if they didn't like the person's freedom of speech? You can't make this up of the liberal double standard and how their tiny brains work. Did the filmmaker conveniently forget it was Muslim Taliban who blew up those wonderful, ancient carved Buddha statues in Afghanistan a few years back? Why? Because the over 2,000 statues offended their religion, those stone antiques coming down without any computer effects from Emmerich. Expressions of frustrations in attacks on Christians and conservatives in the hate-filled world liberals have created are simply safety values. Liberals should be thankful these safety valves are in place and still work to avoid violence as shown too many times with the Muslim faith overseas and now here in America. But they are not, continuing to throw their failed agendas into the face of conservatives, thinking there will never be any consequences. When Muslims are insulted, liberals back away so fast you can feel the breeze with their knowing the price of insults can be kidnapping, torture, or a beheading, as the filmmaker of 2012 wisely admits.
But in their arrogance for power, liberals have become blinded to what they are doing to the Christian landscape in America, one that has been in place for over two-hundred years, in other words since the founding of this country. They just don't get when you take down a country's foundation and throw it into the garbage, the whole damn house will begin to fall down around your ears. The only solution to the severe problems in America is for our country to return to the roots that gave it birth so the nation's development can match what fed its success. But Obama's agenda is an antithesis to that idea. He mocks our freedoms at will, saying without apology that he will fundamentally change America from what it has been . I believe what this Muslim leader meant was that he was going to destroy all Christian influences and concepts that had built the country by using our activist courts, his radical organizations, his union thugs, and the permission he believes was given to him by many of his voters including 95% Blacks. But I now wonder it he has overreached in his assumption of cart blanche approvals.
Obama places his behind, at times, almost higher than his head when meeting world dignitaries in our name. He has proudly told the world that America is no longer a Christian nation. He raised, without a blink of the eye, the Communist Chinese flag near our White House to honor its 60th anniversary of the murder of over 50-million Chinese in 1949. And in return Norwegian socialists/communists offered Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for what he might do in the future. He is the most radical president America has ever had, seeing his job to make America equal to the rest of the world, no longer to be a leader but only a follower. To tens-of-millions of Americans along with myself, Obama acts more like a traitor than a president to the values may of us grew up with from the 1940s in America. And he continues doing these things because, as we said, he feels he was elected to fundamentally change America. When running for office, he never once said what they change would be. And the Obama voters cheered, as if never wanting to know, putting America's 200 years of history into the hands of this child-like leader.
Obama even accused the medical profession that doctors would rather do surgery than give medication since they would make more money. But Obama's vile liberal Democrats never blinked at the lie, let alone that the doctor that gives the medication is not the same doctor that would do the surgery, a comment you wouldn't expect from a Harvard graduate. Obama had also been sponsored by the billionaire atheist George Soros, Obama buying the White House with $668-million in contributions passed to him by radical liberals. The Germans in 1932 saw their leader as a savior, too. While Obama had said he would change the America we had known since childhood, the elected leader of Germany in 1932 promised the citizens change, too, one that would return the glory of the Fatherland and at the expense of their democracy. Over a third of German voters cheered for what their new leader promised. And he kept his word, Plato's warning being fulfilled.
Now we see the cleansing begin again through a biased media as had existed in Germany, this time against Christian religion specifically and conservatives in general. So when some Christians or conservatives go over the top in their anger at Obama and liberals continuing to take away the freedom of speech related to their faith, Democrats in turn feel they have the right to mock ALL Christians, calling them hateful names such as tea baggers and racists. When Christians assembled in Washington, DC, as guaranteed by their fought-for Constitution, even some RINOs labeled them as right-wing nut balls. But when a Muslim murders our soldiers on American soil or kill their own wives and children on our soil in the name of honor killings, suddenly liberals see those as exceptions while the rest of the Muslims in America are like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It is the ultimate of the double standard from Alinsky's playbook, Rules for Radicals. They accept all this because they had hoped Obama, with the help of elitist memberships in organizations such as the ACLU and union thugs , would eventually cleanse away the Christian values that still help to shape parts of America today. Liberals saw Obama as the one who would help them take control of everything from the top down, instead of what our Christian forefathers had wanted, which was everything from the bottom up. It is why the vote on healthcare is so loved by liberals and hated by conservatives, liberals not caring about the healthcare part but about the side benefits of creating social justice and social change in areas such as gun control and illegal immigrants.
In America of the 1950s, that would have never been tolerated by individual families Yet some newspapers laughed at the CDC prediction, ignoring it. But last year it was announced that almost half of all African American teenage girls now had an STD. It was a shocking statement about the condition of America's youth, the backbone of this country's future created from decades of uncontrolled liberal rule. How could that be done without paper transactions, you might ask? Easy! It's already available to the masses, from kids to seniors. Their cell phone would buzz them the transaction was completed, as they walked out the door; instant gratification with instant documentation. And the technology is ready. The digitally-trained population is ready. Now all the government has to do is implement it. And with today's young adults, it could happen in almost a heart beat. And the age of not being able to buy or sell without the chip would have arrived, and prophecy would fall into place. It is amazing that just 60 years ago, when Americans wanted to pay cash for everything they bought, almost no one wanted nor trusted the credit card. And watching our financial world crumble around us, we can appreciate their good sense and conservative wisdom. Liberals have infested the completed superstructure on the backs of so many other Americans who thought their sacrifice and values would always be passed onto the next generation. How wrong they were, forgetting Plato's warning.
Go ahead liberals, take away the Christian right of free speech and assembly. Tell them they can't use certain words. Mock them for their beliefs. As elected leaders, don't represent them after they vote on your promises and lies, and when reaching Washington join your party members hand in hand, calling you constituents back home "terrorists" or so much trailer trash that gets in the way of your career.
Tell them the privacy between them and their physician is over. Tell them they can't have certain medicines, the ones they need, never approved via payments in the pockets of corrupt politicians in Congress by the pharmaceutical lobby to promote drugs with more profit. Tell them they are too old for certain surgeries, to instead take a pain pill and die. Then Washington liberals can get their greedy hands on their social security payments and spend them on liberal policies. Tell them medical costs will be high because the trial lawyers, who are responsible for the huge insurance premiums against lawsuits that doctors have to pay, will be allowed to continue putting money into the hands of the best Congress money can buy. Plato had warned about these very times around 2,500 years ago. I fortunately know a priest who wrote his thesis on the life of Plato. He verified that Plato believed that no successful democracy could ever survive. He verified that Plato went on and said strange ideas would enter into the society through the arts and literature, finally finding its way into the government and becoming mainstream. He verified Plato said you would know that day had come when puppy dogs would stand on their hind legs to also demand their freedoms. He verified Plato ended his prediction that the people would become so disgusted with their society, they would do anything to get it back to the way it was, even at the expensive of their freedom. Looking at American society today, damaged by liberals who interpret chaos as freedom, Plato may have been right: No successful democracy can ever survive! They have gone after our children, indoctrinating them in universities against the foundation of this country, now going after public schools. The political correctness has become so rampant at Columbia University's Teachers college the professors are indoctrinating the next generation of teacher that "merit, social mobility, and individual responsibility" are mere "ideologies" used to justify discrimination."
Planned Parenthood Web Site Promotes Porn to Teens Even in North Carolina where I live, two counties forced graduating high school honor students to remove their colored tassel of achievement from their mortar board to not offend other students. So the political correctness taught in New York City reached down to step on the values of rural Americans as if so much annoying trailer trash. And so I rest my case on how liberals will destroy your values if you sit by and allow it to happen, from vile liberal and communist-supporting professors at American universities to the president of the United States, Barack Obama. Don't believe our students' right to a education has been replaced by indoctrination and political correctness, basic information replaced by the useless teaching of social justice? See if your child can pass a 1895 eight-grade graduation exam found in Salina, Kansas. Then get involved and stop this madness coming from our liberal mainstream media, elitists in Hollywood, and corrupt elected government officials gone mad with power. As I have written on this site before, "If God blesses America today, he will surely have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." - Webmaster, Freedom is knowledge
"Read what happens when liberal secular progressives are elected to office within a democracy?"
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These people preceded Obama, changing America forever.
Judicial Watch "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2006 |