Global Warming Hype
"The other side of the hysteria. Only in nutty America where the drive-by media turns cow farts into news!"
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Note: The links and resources on this Web page are intended only for those who wish to data mine news and resources on this specific subject matter via our entire site Atomz Search Engine from the period of time starting with 2008, when Obama was running for office, until the near end of his term in late August 2012. - Click here to review all archived news stories from time period mentioned above - |
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The Serious Problems with CFL Bulbs
Frightening Quotes from Environmentalists
Global warming stopped 16 years ago . . . view temperature chart
CSI: Climate Science Investigation
Carbon Trading Scheme Explained
The 12 C's of Climate Alarmism
The United Nation's Agenda 21 Agenda 21 is a COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ACTION to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment. STUNNING overview of UN's Marxist Sustainable Development / Social Justice on your life and America's Republic. Take time to listen how deep it already has gone into your everyday life. YouTube: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | The UN had already been in the business of controlling societies that were none of their business, such as the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements in Vancouver, Canada, in June of 1976. Read this Marxist-like document of 35 years ago. |
Lord Monckton on Global Warming Cancun - The abdication of the West!
YouTube Postings: Nwo Endgame Agenda Hidden within Treaty at Cancun UN Climate - Prison Planet on YouTube, November 29, 2010 - 9 min. Lord Monckton in Melbourne - (Straightshooter - Four YouTube videos, February 4, 2010 Global Warming Big Scientific Fad - RT on YouTube, December 7, 2009 - 12 min.
Environmental Perspectives Incororated
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John Coleman's 5-Part Series: Global Warming: The Other Side |
UK 10 / 10 Project - If you don't agree with faux global warming nuts, well they'll simply blow you up! What better message could you put out for a Marxist agenda, anyway? |
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What Lincoln might have said during the Obama-supported Marxist Rally at the Washington D.C. Mall on October 2nd, 2010 |
Think all these global warming Marxists really care about the earth? Think again! TKS to Jimmy Z |
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Global Marxists at it again! "The picture is apparently an advertisement for the groups 2009 ad exhibit in Cannes, France (where it was appears to have been featured as a large banner.)" - The Blaze |
Sequel to the popular 'Hide the Decline' spoof poking fun at Dr. Michael Mann, a prominent scientist involved in the Climategate scandal. You can read more about the controversy involving Dr. Michael Mann at You can sign a petition while you are on the site. |
We love it! Introducing The Daily Caller’s Offset-Offset Program
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Solar Cycles |
Global Cooling! (naughty) and Global Warming (nice) |
Earth Day: An Assault on Mankind!
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Note chart shown in video of Accuweather June 2009 prediction for Winter of 2009-2010, not global warming but a repeated cycle from the 1920s. In other words, Accuweather nailed it while a host on MSNBC's progressive Weather Channel was saying, (I heard it), the sun's cooling was just in time to counteract man's global warming. |
Only in an Obama-child progressive world - Can Condoms Help Save Polar Bears? |
Where's the global warming, January 2010!
Climatology: A Generalist Study In a Specialized World
Source: Prisonplanet What commies do best . . . let’s kill a ton of people!
What You Need to Know! (.pdf)
Get your copy on Al Gore, Not Evil. Just Wrong
Global warming reality. It's a goddamn lie!
They're baaaaack! Remember those radicals from the 1970s who wanted to drop soot on the earth's poles to warm it up because they said a new ice age was coming? Well now these fruit cake doom peddlers have gotten loose from the nut farm and want to cool the earth instead, because they have changed their minds believing now in global warming. But how? From space. Why? Because they can with a narcissus president now surrounding himself with Czars that wants to control populations and get rid of millions that infect THEIR earth with pollution! You couldn't make this stuff up it you wanted to.
Greenie Prince Charles worries government
Al Gore, the former vice-president, has misrepresented the criticisms of a British High Court judge who found An Inconvenient Truth to be littered with "errors and exaggerations" . . . read more |
Someone woke up! Journalists protest Global Warming spin cycle
Another global warming claimed dissed - reports of ocean acidity discredited
The Texas Board of Education, which recently approved new science standards that made room for creationist critiques of evolution, is revising the state's social studies curriculum. In early recommendations from outside experts appointed by the board, a divide has opened over how central religious theology should be to the teaching of history . . . read more |
3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in North Dakota and Montana’s Bakken Formation . . . 25 Times More Than 1995 Estimate . . . read more |
How Australia Views America's Liberalism |
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ICCC Three Brings Climate Reality To Washington DC He likened anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hysteria to the type of crowd madness that 19th century writer Charles MacKay coined as “an Extraordinary Popular Delusion,” in which even highly intelligent people can get swept up in a fad or idea which in retrospect was obviously false.” Such crowd madness led to debacles such as the 1920’s Florida Land Boom, the uranium crash of the 1950’s and, of course, the 2001 portfolio-decimating Dot Com bubble burst . . . . read more - June 7, 09 |
Earth warming gradually, not rapidly - June 19. 09 Global warming? Temps on an 8-year decline - June 16, 09 |
Representatives Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Ed Markey (D-MA) proposed yet another global warming bill following the tradition of McCain-Lieberman, Lieberman-Warner, Dingell-Boucher, and others. Though the proposed legislation would have little impact on world temperatures, it is a massive energy tax in disguise that promises job losses, income cuts, and a sharp left turn toward big government . . . read more |
Want to save the earth from self-appointed opportunitists like Al Gore and still be free of foreign oil and capture CO2? |
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Build an Algae Farm to GROW oil for ALL our industries |
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Not Evil, Just Wrong |
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Gore uses far-left "Netroots Nation" (formerly YearlyKos) to promote his global warming agenda. - Now you know for sure it's not about the weather! -
Former Vice President Al Gore made a surprise appearance Saturday at the Netroots Nation conference, a gathering of nearly 2,000 left-leaning bloggers and political organizers. He urged the activists to mobilize for global climate protection by amplifying his call to generate all the nation's electricity from renewable sources like wind, solar and geothermal in 10 years. At last year's conference, formerly called YearlyKos, seven Democratic presidential candidates - including Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, now the presumptive nominee - vied for the support of the bloggers, whose political influence has grown exponentially since they emerged as a significant factor in presidential politics during former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's White House campaign five years ago. Having locked up the Democratic nomination, Obama skipped this year's conference, but his deputy campaign manager, Steve Hildebrand, talked about the campaign's strategy to portray Obama as the leader of a new political movement rather than a traditional candidate. Gore, who joined Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during her session at the convention, praised the bloggers as being at the forefront of reclaiming American democracy. [What had to be reclaimed?] "Thank you for the movement that you have created," Gore said. "I can't tell you how important I think it is that you continue what you are doing." . . . read more
One broken bulb pushes contamination to 300 times EPA limits
"Poisonous vapor so bad, researchers recommend families no longer use CFLs" - Aug 07
Suddenly being green is not cool any more - Augg 07
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The Smart Car? But are you an egg in a bowl? Here they go again - New Cars in California Must Display PC Global Warming Score - July 07 |
Ah shucks to those Communist programs - Population control - no real benefits - July 07
Going Green? Throw Out That Flatscreen - July 07
Mercury-laden bulbs flood apartments - Resident objects because no notice of EPA health warning - Jun 07
Another Inconvenient Truth - Green Washing - Jul 07
Con job at The Weather Channel - Jan.07
A Falst Frenzy on Global Warming from the Developer of the Weather Channel - July 07
Source: Living on Earth
The Whether Channel Dogma
Morphing from innocent weather forecasting for cable subscribers to vile programmed brainwashing, Dr. Heidi Cullen is hired to walk on water.
Reads like a Dr. Heidi Cullen moment. "When you're nose is in the air, it's hard to see the ground."
Global Warming; The Communist Connection
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Source: Fox News |
Kennedy - "Punish bad behavior!" But whose? |
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Global Warming Hypocrites "I suggested that the Tennessee Center for Policy Research should commit to a new project: tracking just how many trips Gore has taken on big, fat, energy-guzzling private jets in order to give speeches for which he pulls down 100 thousand dollars -- or more -- a pop. You see, there is simply no defending the preferred mode of travel for many of the celebrity crazies who lecture us about carbon credits. Do you think these folks are willing to give up their mansions and private jets in order to 'save the planet?' It's not going to happen. I've come to the conclusion that many of these people are mentally ill. They won't accept any rational opposition, scientific or otherwise, that refutes the global warming theory. Drew Johnson reported that after his organization first revealed Al Gore's electric bill to the general public, his group received a number of death threats. Their computers were hacked. Phoned obscenities were common. I guess violence, vandalism, and profanity go hand-in-hand with the type of people who brag about driving around in a go-cart that they plug into their garage every night." . . . read more
Global Warming World Petition Project
Irena was a Nobel Peace Prize candidate who had endangered her life in Nazi Germany saving Jewish children. But do you know who took the Nobel Peace Prize instead while she was still alive? Born in Warsaw, Poland, she live most of her young life in Otwock. Irena Sendlerowa led the rescue of 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto during the Holocaust in World War II. She was recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Her legacy of repairing the world continues, as good continues to triumph over evil. Irena Sendlerowa was 98 years old. |
Polar bear now threatened species - small activist groups to force government controls on the people - May 07
Source: ThePeoplesCube Stop the Culture of Eruptions, now!
On May 2, Chile's Chaiten Volcano released a gigantic cloud of emissions composed of ash, steam, smoke, and various oddball gases whose estimated amount equals to one trillion cow farts, a UN-sponsored climate change study revealed. "In just one day, this volcano set the Kyoto Protocol back 15 years, obliterating the otherwise outstanding success of our multi-billion dollar efforts to curb the release of cow farts into the atmosphere," complained Chairman of Intergovernmental Panel on Cow Farts (IPCF) Rajendra K. Pachauri at an emergency conference at Grand Plaza Hotel in New York yesterday. "Therefore, we demand that this eruption be considered unscientific and thus disqualified from inclusion into climate change models. Need I mention that it wasn't sanctioned by the the United Nations?" . . . read more
Don't fight, adapt - Dec. 07
Does 'climate change' mean 'changing data'? It seems to be now at NASA! - May 07
The final nail in the coffin for the Weather Channel as a useful tool to . . . simply forecast the weather - May 07
So You've Heard Enough About Global Warming?
Al Gore, stick this in the fan blades of your corporate jet! - Webmaster |
Food Crisis Starts Eclipsing Climate Change Worries - Apr. 07 |
Source: Fire Society |
Iwo Jima Veterans In an Uproar
Wintry Canadian blast cools global warming earth day fervour- Apr 07
Vancouver Winter weather sets several records - Apr 07
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Dear 60 Minutes. Does he walk on water, too? | ||
Progressive liberal agenda on global warming finally shows real agenda . . . power and money! |
Nutty Los Angeles to consider global warming tax - Apr. 07 |
The Past and Future of Climate -.pdf.
Oh, my God, here they go again! First soot on poles. Now glass spheres dropped into atmosphere? - Apr. 07
Climate facts to warm to - Earth has stopped warming - Mar 07
World needs more CO2, environment confab told
Fruitcakes at Good Morning America considering a StarTrek
From Russia with Love - A cold spell soon to replace global warming MOSCOW. (Oleg Sorokhtin for RIA Novosti) – Stock up on fur coats and felt boots! This is my paradoxical advice to the warm world.
Oh Canada! - Canadian scientists now worry new age of global cooling - Feb 08
First they wanted to put soot on poles to stop global cooling. Now they want to slaughter kangaroos to stop global warming. With idiots like this, who needs enemies? |
- Videos / Online Movies -
"The Great Global Warming Swindle!" | Global Warming Swindle / Forward by Thomas Sowell | The Great Global Warming Swindle Promo- Belfast |
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Fire and Ice!
It was five years before the turn of the century and major media were warning of disastrous climate change. Page six of The New York Times was headlined with the serious concerns of “geologists.” Only the president at the time wasn’t Bill Clinton; it was Grover Cleveland. And the Times wasn’t warning about global warming – it was telling readers the looming dangers of a new ice age. The year was 1895, and it was just one of four different time periods in the last 100 years when major print media predicted an impending climate crisis. Each prediction carried its own elements of doom, saying Canada could be “wiped out” or lower crop yields would mean “billions will die.” Read the entire report now (.pdf) - Written By: R. Warren Anderson and Dan Gainor The Boone Pickens Free Market Fellowship; Dan Gainor Source: Heartland Institute
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More Junk Science on Global Warming |
Other Sites Discussing Global Warming hype
Cool it on Global Warming! |
(Archived radio interview - if playing, turn off jazz music on homepage.) |
Remember Global Cooling? - September 2007 On July 9, 1971, the Post published a story headlined "U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming." It told of a prediction by NASA and Columbia University scientist S.I. Rasool. The culprit: man's use of fossil fuels . . . read more Global warming? Oops. in the '20s that is! - August 2007
! Gore's Grand Climate Change Plan !
Gore Milks Cash Cow . . .What France Is Reading - Dec. 07
Gore's prize: A fraud on the people - Oct. 07
It's business as usual, the Al Gore way
"About 60 different companies sell carbon offsets toU.S. consumers but operate under virtually no standards, the congressmen said. They cited reports alleging that some organizations get money for emissions that don't exist and that others make large profits on cleanups that would have taken place anyway" . . . read more after you vomit. One of the world's foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize "ridiculous" and the product of "people who don't understand how the atmosphere works." |
Where Neo-Nazis hide their agendas "One must wonder why population control, which was such a popular topic during the 1970s, is spoken of today only in whispers," said Garry Egger, director of the Center for Health Promotion and Research in Sydney. |
Global Warming: The All-Purpose Farce to Control Your Life Everything you do has a carbon footprint and could be regulated by the government. If the Democrats have their way, you could face new limits on what you eat for breakfast, the way you travel to work, the computer on which you read, the medicines you take, the clothes you wear, the DVDs you watch, everything – everything! “Carbon footprint” is code for limitless government intrusion into every detail of your life. Nothing is beyond the reach of a government determined to reduce your carbon footprint in the name of the environment. To these people, nothing is sacred, nothing is private, nothing is truly yours. Not even your thermostat . . . read more |
(On, Barbara, isn't that horse barn still air-conditioned?) According to Soccer America daily, with reference to data provided by the British environmental group Carbon Trust, the Los Angeles Galaxy superstar is responsible for 163 tons of carbon dioxide yearly — compare that to the normal 9.4 tons the average Englishman produces. Beckham's Carbon Footprint — a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide — may be the largest in human history. No, Beckham isn't breathing any more or less than anyone else, but his extensive air travel for matches and endorsement obligations, along with his fleet of cars and homes, has provided the statistics for Carbon Trust . . . read more |
When Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice opened a White House conference on global warming by saying, "We must cut the Gordian knot of fossil fuels," it's a wonder she could be heard over the guffaws from all the great and good who feel they've struck a blow for global survival if they watched an Emmy Awards show featuring a red carpet made of recycled water bottles . . . read more |
"There was an explosion of life forms 550 million years ago (Cambrian Period) when CO2 levels were 18 times higher than today. During the Jurassic Period, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, CO2 levels were as much as nine times higher than today." What about public school teachers frightening little children with tales of cute polar bears dying because of global warming? The primer says, "Polar bear numbers increased dramatically from around 5,000 in 1950 to as many as 25,000 today, higher than any time in the 20th century." The primer gives detailed sources for all of its findings, and it supplies us with information we can use to stop politicians and their environmental extremists from doing a rope-a-dope on us . . . read more |
"If you wanna save the planet, jump up and down!" urged Madonna. Can global warming be stopped by an out-of-breath, middle-aged, super-rich narcissist in a leotard and high heels? . . . read more |
Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’
NASA administrator Michael Griffin said in the closed-door meeting Monday at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena that “unfortunately, this is an issue which has become far more political than technical, and it would have been well for me to have stayed out of it.” - read more |
The salient facts are these. First, the accepted global average temperature statistics used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that no ground-based warming has occurred since 1998. Oddly, this eight-year-long temperature stasis has occurred despite an increase over the same period of 15 parts per million (or 4 per cent) in atmospheric CO2. Second, lower atmosphere satellite-based temperature measurements, if corrected for non-greenhouse influences such as El Nino events and large volcanic eruptions, show little if any global warming since 1979, a period over which atmospheric CO2 has increased by 55 ppm (17 per cent). Third, there are strong indications from solar studies that Earth's current temperature stasis will be followed by climatic cooling over the next few decades. . . . read more |
A Look Back at History
- Other Issues on the Global Warming Hype -
Save the Planet! Really? |
If TIME Magazine is really serious, we have the answer and now! |
A new Media Research Center study of ABC's, CBS' and NBC's morning news programs since Jan. 1 finds that out of 115 stories on global warming, 97% completely excluded any experts, evidence or comments that disagreed with former Vice President Al Gore's predictions of a "planetary emergency" and a "climate crisis." . . . read more America's media hoes! - Webmaster |
Google's global warming logo for Earth Day 2007 If you think Google is neutral, then I bet you also allow them to track your Web searches, like they never ever will put that information into a database for profit, eh? |
The billion-dollar company, which assists in warming the global, reminds you with its Earth Day logo that you are causing the earth's ice to melt, forgetting to tell you these same global warming folks wanted to cover the earth's poles with soot just 30 years ago to instead warm it up. Huh? Now to Google developers. How much CO2 do you think you added to the environment when you had developed Google during your college days? Now how much CO2 does your search-engine child create today around the world, including trips in private jets and huge homes (multiple) and company parties? Could it be a million times? How about a billion times? Gee, maybe it's Google that has caused the earth to warm. |
Liberals act as if global warming is something you can run out and just fix. It's call diversity when having to live in a very dangerous and changing universe. But if Al messes with our natural climate, he could interfere with natural changes as the environment tries to balance itself out in what may take several decades. Humans should appreciate they are lucky to even still be living on this violent planet. What does "Father The-Sky-Is-Falling Al" not get about that, the most dangerous man in America . . . maybe now the world. Al could kill millions playing "Mr. Do Good" after messing with Mother Nature. Did you forget that it was HIS nutty groupies that wanted to drop soot over earth's poles to WARM the earth only 30 years ago!
This is not about global warming. It is about global control. Al Gore and his activists will never admit the sun is causing the earth's warming. That's because their objective has nothing to do with the weather. It instead has everything to do with controlling the people of the world, while folks like AL Gore and their lavish lifestyles allow them to be run around the planet in private jets that pollute the world far more than you could ever hope for even if you tried. Duh! Are you listening, or do you plan to go grow crops on icebergs. Of course, if the bees are really dying from millions of cellular phone transmissions flowing in the air, their ability to find their home obstructed by these waves, then global warming has instantly become the lesser of our worries. - Webmaster
"Some don't buy any of this 'climate porn', as a UK think tank recently described such talk. Al Gore's movie is 'bullshit from beginning to end', according to Ray Evans, a former Western Mining executive and author of the Lavoisier Group's Nine Facts About Climate Change (2006). For Evans and many others, man-made climate change panic is a bugaboo, perhaps even a hoax." . . . read more |
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Proof that Hollywood really cares about you . . . |
Standing upwind from Sheryl Crow - a peek at her real lifestyle. |
What's behind the global warming frenzy? Webmaster
A Realistic View of the Real Global Warming |
Read more - Al Gore and today's rampant political correctness - _________________________
- You will not believe this. Read the following copy and then read the header this writer actually gave the story to make it look like a negative result of Al Gore's global warming hype. We said, "Huh?! This is paradise to normal people, you idiot."
Climate Panel Recommends Global Temperature Ceiling, Carbon Tax
Forecasters Predict Busy 2008 Hurricane Season
- Archive - Live Earth 2007 -
- Live Earth Results -
(A bunch of filty-rich, foul-mouthed, spoiled young adults telling us how to save our planet. Like they know how?)
Live Earth branded a foul-mouthed flop - Jul. 07
At Live Earth, elitist filty-rich jet-setter, Robert F. Kennedy, calls Beck, Limbaugh, Stossel, and Hannity Traitors and Corporate Toads |
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Historic Floods in Downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa! |
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Photo source: Jeff Roberson, AP |
- See MORE amazing photos and full story from local media coverage - |
Global Warming Hype News Archive
Carbon Tax Would Harm U.S. Competitiveness and Low-Income Americans and not help environment
NASA’s Hansen Exploits Hot Summers to Push Carbon Fascism
A Simple Proof That The 1930s Were Hotter
Costs, conflicts arise in Reid push for green power
French Solar Company Wins $25 million Contract After Posting Losses of $70 Million
Satellite Study: Asian Mountain - Glaciers Not Melting; Gaining Ice
Environmental Justice: A Green Machine
Rio conferees mull $1,325 'green tax' on U.S. families
Spotted owl could be game-changer in Tombstone water war
Environmental justice: A new movement to restrict your movement
Former Execs, Astronauts Hit NASA for Hyping Global Warming
The day English villagers blew wind turbines away
Obama Bundler’s Husband Received One Billion Plus in DoE Solar Loans
Obama Administration Pressured Contractors to Change Coal Mining Job Loss Numbers
The Belief That CO2 Can Regulate Climate Is “Sheer Absurdity”
The Global Climate Change Initiative, More Waste of Taxpayer Dollars
Another Electric Car Causes Fire
Politically correct Southern California has the Most . . . wait for it . . . polluted cities in U.S.
Wind farms create local warming
Obama’s Energy Follies Continue
Big Brother's Next Target: Your Car!
It Figures. Green Progressive Activists Completely Trash Park on Earth Day
Obama to Redistribute American Wealth Overseas to Fight “Global Warming”
Climate Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics’ Homes
Obama's presidency pushing UN's world climate agenda even reaches down into NASA
OMG, here they go again. Top scientists now say world government needed to stave off climate catastrophe
Cheaper American alternatives are already here
Medieval warming WAS global – New science contradicts IPCC
California’s Brown Says He Will Consider Standards for Fracking
Overturning The Eight Biggest Myths In Renewable Energy Today
DICED is UN’s Environmental Constitution for the World
Chu Let the Real Obama Cat Out of the Bag
On the Cusp of a Natural Gas Bonanza, Massachusetts Bets on . . . wait for it . . . Wind Power!
Green company gets $390M Government subsidies, then lays off 125 employees
Eco-fraud: Global warming crusader admits lying, stealing, smearing
New Study: China’s Electric Cars Contribute More to Pollution Than Gas Guzzlers
The Global Warming Hoax is Now Killing People
Energy Conversion Devices files for bankruptcy as solar energy lags
Obama's Amazing Energy Spin Machine
Global Warming disapproved again as Himalayas lose No Ice in past decade
Judicial Watch sues Obama's DOE for records on 529 million loan to failing energy car manufacturer
Sierra Club took $26 million from natural gas lobby to battle coal industry
India's panel price crash could spark solar revolution
Global warming trend ended in 1997, new data shows
Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about, as Thames will be freezing over again
Drip, Drip, Drip: Yet Another Green Energy Stimulus Recipient Hits the Skids (the third this week!)
The Other Global Warming Story
Environmentalism and the Leisure Class
Shock: Solyndra Caught Destroying Millions of Dollars Worth of Parts
Electricity Prices Soar in United States and Elsewhere
Congress puts brakes on incandescent light bulb phase-out
UN Climate Change Can Kicked Down the Road
Rep. Burgess on light bulbs: When choices are limited ‘people are going to start paying attention’
Obama Motors "Volt" Battery Issues Growing, Safety Findings May Have Been Suppressed!
BBC, Green Activists Sought to Censor Climate Skeptics from Airwaves!
Uh oh, global warming loons: Here comes Climategate II!
Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s 'Green' Company Scored $1.4B Taxpayer Bailout
Duke of Edinburgh: ‘Wind Farms Are Useless!’
Drudge April 2009, anyone remember? Obama admits chemtrails!
Wind Farms Disrupting Radar, Scientists Say
Another Energy Company Goes Bankrupt, $39 Million Borrowed From Taxpayers
DOE Caught Removing Company’s Name From Old Press Releases
CIA’s Global Warming Center A National Security Secret
Will Warmists Face Justice for their Deceptions . . . AGAIN?
Green jobs farm in Colorado sheds jobs after receiving $200M in stimulus funds
U.K. Researchers to Test "Artificial Volcano" for Geoengineering the Climate
Judicial Watch - Spending it like water! 30 million for another Obama Green Project
Update! - CERN experiment overturns global-warming orthodoxy
Solyndra to Declare Bankruptcy
The Great Renewable Energy Scam Continues
Congressman warns Alaska pipeline could be dismantled within 10 years
EPA could be America's most dangerous nanny, ready to shread your electric grid
The Greens Just Love Us to Death!
Obama losing Canada's Oil to . . . wait for it . . . China
Mitt Romney gets kiss of death . . . Al Gore endorsing Romney's stance on climate change
Electric cars may not be so green after all, says British study
Bill Nye 'The Science Guy' Falsely Claims Not Many Countries Beside U.S. Have Tornadoes
Federally Funded NASA (cough) ‘Educates’ Children About Global Warming on ‘Climate Kids’ Web Site
Scottish Wind Farms Paid to Shut Down Generation
Truth isn't good enough! - NASA-Funded Group Doctors-Up Sea Level Data
CSI: Climate Science Investigation
Spain's success abroad fails to create Green jobs at home
Obama's Feds will regulate Ice Makers to save . . . wait for it . . . the Climate!
Obama administration creates "Climate Change Adaptation Plan" For All your Govt. Agencies
Oh my! Presidential limousine, security vehicles exempt from fed 'green' vehicle policy
Senator accuses Obama Administration of misleading public on number of pending drilling permits
New Soros Investment Fund to Profit From Obama ‘Green Agenda’
2011 - Georgia eyes coldest winter ever
Fewer Americans Bought Hybrid Cars in 2010; Green ‘Movement’ Fades, Harris Poll Finds
UK Customers Face Huge Bill for Wind Farms That Don't Work
Greenhouse Effect; Everybody Talks About It But Few Know What It Is
Texas files again to block EPA carbon rules in state
Ghost Of Kyoto: Government Control By Any Means!
It's Global Warming, folks!- Great Britain Suffers Worst Winter in 1,000 Year
Obama Sidesteps Hill With EPA Carbon Limits
The [Ongoing] Immortal Tyranny Of Climate Change
Climate Change Extremism is doing its Job
Napolitano Says DHS to Begin Battling Climate Change as Homeland Security Issue
Carbon Trading Schemes in Trouble and Ignored
Climate Distortions Were Achieved. National Weather Agencies Are The Trojan Horses
WikiLeaks cables reveal how U.S. manipulated climate accord
WikiLeaks cables reveal how U.S. manipulated climate accord
WikiLeaks and the Great Myths of Global Warming
Top Science Panel Caught in Another Global Warming Data Fraud
The UN banned a global warming denier from covering the talks this week in Cancun
Al Gore: I was for it before I was against it!
Denying Americans Their Own Energy
Get this useless Harvard professor off our backs! 'Coal war' with Beijing next hit on U.S. economy
Genetic modification could put new crops in the field in two years
Pathetic Marxists: Environmentalists Whine About Palin's Reality Show
Official Climate Science Ignores Essential and Critical Details Right At The Surface
The Global Warming lies continue to unravel - Biofuel worse for climate than fossil fuel!
IPCC Climate Science Is Fundamentally Wrong: Carbon Footprint is All Wet
A U.S. Cap-and-Trade Experiment To End
Nutty Progressives at it again - UNH scientists to study cow burps . . . and more!
The corrupt Oil for Food UN calls for higher taxes to combat its faux man-made warming
Climate Change Hysteria Falters. Water Is The New Target!
Third Reich comes to America? Questioning Warming Science is Criminal!
ICLEI Primer: Your Town and Freedom Threatened
You Were Warned in 2009 on Claims of Chevy Volt
Now More Comes Out on Obama Motors
Climate History Key to Future; Inuit Travels Provide Political Direction
Judicial Watch - Obama Administration gives liberal activists Environmental Justice Grants
Feds Give $700,000 in Tax Dollars to Theater Company for a "Climate Change Play"
Climate Change; Data Control The Enemy Within
Who would believe it from these progressives: One third of 'extinct' animals turn up . . . again!
Edison’s Lightbulb Dims as Freedom Flickers . . .
Remember, I had warned you two years ago!
China, the rare earth metals crisis, and Obama’s green agenda
Climate Change lies are exposed
Government Weather Forecasting: A Corrupted Waste of Time and Money
Temperatures continue well below average in Southern California
Global Warming Theory: False in Parts, False in Totality
IPCC Obsession With Temperature Distorts Climate Change Science
Want to ruin something? Give it to NBC!
Surprise, surprise! America continues it slide down the hole to Alice in Wonderland
Green? Yea, in the money you'll have to pay - The Wind Farm Scam!
How Much Does Climate Change Naturally?
What ever Happened To The Erupting Iceland Volcano?
Scientist says Arctic getting colder
Disastrous Computer Models Predictions From Limits to Growth to Global Warming
Climategate; Why Don’t We Know Who Leaked The CRU Emails?
Geothermal Energy; Another Forgotten Or Ignored Climate Factor
As usual, green goes sour! Fraud-Infested Weatherization Program Gets Billions
Why progressives thinking humans can contral global warming or cooling is a joke!
British campaigner urges UN to accept 'ecocide' as international crime
Is 'Green Goon Squad' at your front door? - 'Climategate' warns of privacy invasion that could be coming
Hypocrisy, Cover-up and Deceptions Drive IPCC Climate Defenders
Atmospheric Aerosols: Another Major IPCC Omission
Forget Cap and Trade: EPA Regulation of CO2 Emissions Will Begin in 10 Months!
Destroying America with the EPA’s Carbon Lies
Climategate Investigation A Monumental British Whitewash to protect their failed progressives
Never, never, never, never, never, well maybe! Government set to unveil offshore drilling plan
Germans lose fear of climate change after long, hard winter
UN climate change chief Rajendra Pachauri pulls a SNL, "Never mind!" - and shifts to neutral
Sarkozy ditches carbon tax plan
El Nino Alone Illustrates Why IPCC Science Is Wrong
British Government Gets Away with Green Garbage
More Economic Suicide: Obama Administration Bans Offshore Drilling For 3 Years
Shine a light in on “Earth Hour” - Cut into Al Gore's obscene profits off of green fad
Fears over Global Warming in Rapid Decline Following Climate Scandals
The Climate Funding Trough; The Canadian Example
IMF Head Calls For Huge Global Warming Slush Fund
Political Agendas Continue to Drive Climate Fiasco
The Pathetic God of Environmentalism
Shocking! - Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?
'Archaic' Network Provides Data Behind Global Warming Theory, Critics Say
Head of ‘Climategate’ research unit admits he hid data – because it was ’standard practice’
Caught in the act of lying, climate scientists withdraw journal claims of rising sea levels!
UN climate chief quits, leaves talks hanging
IPCC Corruption Included Ignoring Facts and Science
Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995
Climategate spreads like an ozone hole
IPCC: International Pack of Climate Crooks
Green Police: Audi Super Bowl Ad
Cheap Natural Gas and its Democrat Enemies
The CFC Ban: Global Warming's Pilot Episode
Strange case of moving weather posts and a scientist under siege
Glacier scientist: I knew data hadn't been verified
Climate chief was told of false glacier claims before Copenhagen
Bin Laden Blames US for Global Warming in New Audiotap
Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy?
Climategate: CRU Was But the Tip of the Iceberg
NASA Global Warming Alarmist Endorses Book That Calls For Mass Genocide
Climategate: The Truth Hurts When It Hits You in the Head
Climate Cools but Arctic Ice Scares Continue
Economic Stimulus Funds Went to Climategate Scientist
Climate Misinformation and Contradictions Continue
Antarctica and the Myth of Deadly Rising Seas
No Rise of Airborne Fraction of Carbon Dioxide in Past 150 Years!
Hollywood continues it indoctrination of Cap and Trade on the American people
Time to Revisit Falsified Science of CO2
Lead Author Admits Deleting Inconvenient Opinions From IPCC Report
Copenhagen labeled a 'massive waste'
UN Challenged to provide sound evidence for Catastrophic Forecasts
OMG! - Copenhagen climate summit: global warming 'caused by sun's radiation'
Gore leaves comfort of 20-Bedroom Power Guzzling Mansion to Fearmonger about Polar Ice Caps
Climategate's Bullyboy Scientists
Gargantuan industry of Climate alarmism exposed
Scandals in Scandinavia: Time to cancel IPCC and withdraw Nobel Prizes from them and Gore
Google working with Obama is dangerous to our democracy, just as it was to the Chinese people!
Criminal charges are being pursued in what is being dubbed as "ClimateGate
BBC funds climate change ‘revolutionaries’
The Mathematics of Global Warming
Attention Lawyers! Make Millions Off Of Climategate Crooks!
Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren involved in unwinding “Climategate” scandal
Inhofe says he will call for Investigation on "Climategate"
Surprise, surprise! - Top climate scientists discuss hiding contrary data, marginalizing dissenters!
October 2009 - coldest on record!
Don't buy those carbon credits just yet
Duh! Al Gore could become world's first carbon billionaire
Four of the warmest years on record in the U.S. were in the 1930s not the 1990s as claimed!
Chill settles over 'global warming'
Al Gore's First (and Probably Last) Q&A
The Self-Censorship of Liberals: It's Too Scary to Look
Scientist: Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause Global Warming
Obama keeps repeating Climate Falsehoods, as if a puppet on Al Gore's lap
"Fall was cancelled and we've gone straight to winter!"
While the sun is cooling the earth . . .
U.S. planning to weaken Copenhagen climate deal, Europe warns
Only in Climate Science can you play with a broken hockey stick
Do you finally get it as your summer's become cooler?
Al Gore's filmmaker foes branded 'Hitler's henchmen' by Third Reich-like environmentalists
The Science of Global Warming: Saving the World or Hunting for Ghosts?
Royal Society warns climate engineering 'could cause disaster'
Coldest Weather in 100 Years to Strike by 2012
Probability and Global Warming
U.S. Chamber of Commerce seeks trial on global warming
More than 60 German Scientists Call Climate Fears 'Pseudo 'Religion.'
Gore’s Manipulation allowed by Mainstream Media Climate Change Bias
With Hurricanes at thirty year low, Cap and Trade Gore turns to Photoshop