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The Conservative's Dying Zone? View News Corp's Former Leadership
In 2013 Photo Source: AP As The FOX News brand continued to implode
Bill O’Reilly Does Not Look Out for Me (Anymore) - PJMedia (2/18/2014)
About eight years ago when my wife and I started to watch the O'Reilly Factor, eventually turning our teenage kids onto the truth that was being told and the same which we had been teaching at home, it was refreshing to hear O'Reilly claim his show was the No Spin Zone. We understood what he was saying. Spin was something we had experienced all too often when reading the local jaded liberal newspaper, The Star Ledger, or watching progressive network TV news casts and cable news channels. We had switched away from the network national news when we discovered that not one of these outlets had reported the torture and heinous murder of teenager Jesse Dirkhising.
In fact Jesse's murder had been a story of FOX News in late 1999, a newer cable channel we had surfed to by accident. We discovered at the time that only the FOX News Channel had reported on the 13-year old's murder and horrendous torture by two men. It seemed that virtually no one in the print or television media would touch the story, their intend to be sure as many Americans as possible would not find out what happened to the child. I even had called the police department, not believing my ears at the way two adults had killed this young boy in a slow death, an officer saying off the cuff that FOX News was only national news agency interested in the trials of the murderers. It was because of the mainstream media's effort to be sure the dead would be able to tell tales we realized how evil the people had become who were responsible for reporting the news to the American people. After that we never watched the network evening news programs again, no longer trusting their words, images, or profession. But we were obviously not alone as in future years polls would come out where people would rate journalists with less trust than a used car salesman. We even left viewing CNN after it ran a snuff video, knowing terrorists on the audio had said before shooting an American GI, "Don't shoot until women and children are out of the way!" What a joke that was, our knowing terrorists blew up women and children every day not caring who was in the way, sometimes even using the mentally disabled to become human bombs. The terrorists were obviously hoping CNN would be playing their promotional snuff video around the world, and CNN was delighted to oblige. Until then, we hadn't realized the mainstream media was the real enemy of our Constitutional right to know the truth without coloring a story with an Alinsky-like progressive agenda. That had been expected in Communist countries, but not here. We were stunned at this abuse of our right to know by managing editors and jaded journalists across America, trained in universities that were filled with out-of-control socialist and communist professors. They were not unlike Professor Peter Singer of Princeton University, who was hired in 1999 to be part of the university's laughable Human Ethics Department. At the time of Singer's hiring, the president of Princeton said the university needed "other ideas." Our entire family had enjoyed O'Reilly's show. One of my sons had even given me a birthday gift of a "No Spin Zone" mug when we still were living in New Jersey. It was a proud moment for me, his understanding progressive Communists had been slowly taking over our media one piece at a time. But not just in the 1990s, but since the beginning of the late 1970s with the birth of the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE). It was ASNE that would discriminate against people of faith and promote sexual orientation on their Web site for hiring at newspapers, giving themselves permission to discrimination under a banner of what they called diversity, treating it with the passion of a religion. They dubbed everyone hateful who had a value system outside their secular progressive boundaries. Decades later much of the world would finally realize that they were and are now the intolerant hate mongers, not us, their dissing debate and loving control like all good Communists. I had discovered this in reading the Newark Star Ledger when it ran over 33 stories above page 10 on the murder of Matthew Shepard, yet not one story on the murder of Jesse Dirkhising. When I took the newspaper to task using its own archived content, an editor fired back an e-mail that the paper had done a story on Jesse! When I paid again to go back into their archives, I discovered the article was not a news story at all but a press release the newspaper had run sent to them from GLAAD. The article, written by, activists at GLAAD such as Kathy Renna, said that anyone who asked why Jesse's murder was not being published in the news across America was homophobic. That day I had realized the media was owned by progressive activists, obviously in newsrooms across America. The year was 2000. Six years later, I contacted the ledger writing an e-mail to the only editor who seemed to care. While on the left, he still had his journalistic beliefs in fulfilling the public's right to know. Click here to read what he wrote on this original printout, (info removed to protect his identity), confirming what I had already discovered about the media and what goes on in news rooms across the nation to shut up any conservatives who might still exist. O'Reilly had always exposed these bullies, from NAMBLA's Web site that assisted two of its members to murder a ten-year old boy, Jeffrey Curley, to the ACLU defending NAMBLA's Web site with the excuse of free speech. The ACLU had used Alinsky's power points against the mother who had protested the horrid murder of her young son over the promise of two adult men to give him a bike. But they could care less about the bike, abusing his body even after death.according to a police report. (See Chart at bottom of page, Truth Always Gets Buried By Political Correctness.) It as not surprising of the support for NAMBLA by the ACLU. Like socialist Margaret Sanger for Planned Parenthood, the ACLU was formed by rich boy socialist Baldwin from Boston's elite, his early on seeing Stalin as a hero for the collective. O'Reilly also had gone after the ACLU for attacking the Boy Scouts, calling it the most vile organization in America. The ACLU membership is filled progressives, from government to the entertainment world and the mainstream media itself. The newspapers had started coloring the news across America through the monitoring of the biased ASNE as mentioned above, telling newspapers how to handle issues of Social Justice, the buzz word for socialist control outside of climate change. We had not realized it was foretelling of the coming of a U.S. President who would be the most radical in United States history, surrounding himself with mafia-like figures and Communist sympathizers. He has even been accused of bribing candidates to resign from the race who might endanger Democrat wins. Obama would fly the Chinese Communist flag near the people's White House in honor of 60 years of Communist control of China, celebrating the murder of over 50-million human beings who tried to protect their country from the take over.
Barbara Curley, the mother of murdered ten-year old Jeffrey Curley, won a monitory lawsuit against NAMBLA but had trouble getting its membership to be accountable for their actions against children like her son. She had gone on with her continued second suit into 2007. I knew that because in late 2006 I received a letter from her via support of the Traditional Vales Coalition, asking for continued donations to her cause against NAMBLA's membership, one that wanted laws of consent from little boys down to ten-years old, NAMBLA reported to also run orphanages outside the United States. But today under Barack Obama NAMBLA is no longer seen as a threat to children but an ideologue whose time has come through his appointment of a Czar to teach school safety to America's children. In other words, find sex with children as an acceptable social cause and those who oppose it are the threat to safety. The ACLU and NAMBLA had been hoping Barbara Curley would finally run out of money through the years and NAMBLA would then be able to continue to rape little boys. As mentioned the organization is actively trying to change laws of consent so their actions would no longer be considered child abuse. Apparently the money for Mrs. Curly is gone because no letters asking for help from her arrived in the fall of 2007 or beyond. Hooray for the new American way of life, the ACLU, NAMBLA, and President Obama. It was around 2006 I noticed that O'Reilly had started to change, suddenly saying without warning he was no longer interested in these issues. It was about that time he also ceased stories of Barbara Curley's continued fight with NAMBLA and the ACLU. He also seemed to became moot about the continued fight of the ACLU against the Boy Scouts, a cause in San Diego lost to the ACLU. O'Reilly seemed to also have failed to report what had happened to the Girl Scouts, which had succumbed to the attacks by progressive sympathizers against their organization. The national group was taken over by role models of far-left lesbians and radicals who followed the eugenics of women such as Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, one that Obama could not praise enough during his run for the president. Then O'Reilly left other conservative issues to Glenn Beck (of CNN at the time) and Sean Hannity of FOX to take up the fight against Obama radicals, O'Reilly always wanting to give Obama the benefit of the doubt as if Obama really didn't mean he wanted to fundamentally change America. I told Obama for his word and threat. He seemed to move back to the agenda of his former TV life with Inside Edition, one I hadn't known about. In fact, on a recent show in February 2010, while other world events were going on, O'Reilly spent 25 minutes on Tiger Woods, almost half the show, while Beck had spent about three minutes.. Beck and Hannity, on the other hand, had been spending time since the election on reporting on Obama's lies and on all those who surround him, including Obama's early days of teaching Alinsky tactics to ACORN members and being around those who had bombed government facilities twenty years earlier. Hannity went to great lengths to show Obama's involvement in passing out huge amounts of money from wealthy progressives who followed a far-left socialist agenda when Obama lived in Chicago. Then when Beck came over to FOX after the presidential election and became extremely successful with millions of conservative FOX viewers, who were thirsting for his basic information on American values, O'Reilly started having him on his show.
But my wife and I were disturbed at O'Reilly's little jabs at Glenn Beck and the subject matter of his show, laughing about people Beck had exposed such as Van Jones. O'Reilly seemed almost amused at Beck's going after Communist sympathizer Van Jones and other radicals. Van Jones resigned his post after being exposed as a Communist by Beck. However, as Beck had predicted, Van Jones was reassigned by the Obama administration to write programs that Congress would pass, such as critical energy legislation. We wondered if O'Reilly had a hand in Beck's coming to FOX. Then Beck and O'Reilly did the O'Reilly Bold Fresh Tours in some cities around the U.S., our not understanding the continued jabs as if O'Reilly was protecting turf. We thought O'Reilly should no longer call his show the No Spin Zone with all the other spin that was making us dizzy, our wanting to call it The Dead Zone. When O'Reilly asked Beck why he was going to give a speech at the partisan organization CPAC in February of 2010, the use of the word partisan troubled us. O'Reilly continued to jab at Beck when it is Beck who exposed the Communist radicals around Obama, not O'Reilly. O'Reilly had also identified the far-right fringe nuts as people who would dare call Obama a Communist, which Beck had almost concluded with Obama's amazing continued support of Van Jones. With Beck exposing Van Jones and Van Jones resigning over the findings, it looked as if O'Reilly was calling Beck a nut but careful enough not to alienate the so-called folks who watched Beck every day, I believe sometimes the numbers over five million. Lately, though O'Reilly seems to have finally taken Beck under his wing.
A weekearlier O'Reilly had railed against FOX's Sunday program The Family Guy, a cartooncharacter on the show making fun of Sarah Palin's disadvantaged child. O'Reilly was angry at the show's creator, admitting at the same time that FOX makes a lot of money from the program. The FOX's Family Guy even went after Terri Schiavo, kids shown doing a school play making fun of her pain and suffering. It just another reason Islamists can get away with calling America the Great Satan after watching what FOX producers did to Schiavo as she lay dying without food or water.
But we asked ourselves if this had been MSNBC running The Family Guy, wouldn't O'Reilly have accused the NBC network of not taking the show down for making money off a trash weekly cartoon that kids could watch? Yet O'Reilly instead simply noted FOX made money from it while not challenging FOX to remove it.
And it should be strange to Factor viewers that O'Reilly wouldn't remind them that FOX had shown bestiality on a FOX so-called cartoon show, American Dad, which children could watch on Sunday night at 9:30 (8:30 central zone.) They need to ask the No Spin Zone pundit, "Why the silence with 'the folks,' not showing the vile segment with a viewer warning, one even children had been able to watch?" (Click here to download and watch the short video segment for yourself.)
First, O'Reilly never mentioned that the SPLC sees border guards and activists who protect them as dangerous against illegals aliens, as if illegal aliens had a right to cross the border and take jobs away from American citizens.
O'Reilly also failed to mention the SPLC is an extreme far-left organization that was involved in the creation of the domestic terrorist list that was eventually sent to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The list then went on into the hands of law enforcement agencies across America, saying that returning vets and pro-abortion groups should be seen as domestic terrorist groups. After seeing this we no longer need to ask what is going on at The Factor. Obviously something has changed, and, as you will see below from the mayor of San Francisco, liberals know liberalism when they see it. The mayor of San Francisco was probably the big red flag on O'Reilly's morphing away from "the folks." The mayor said, on his first time on The Factor, that he was now watching O'Reilly's Show because he was glad to see O'Reilly had become more moderate (to a liberal meaning moving to the left .) While O'Reilly made the comment, the mayor was the moderate one, the image of the beholder doesn't lie. With the FOX national television network having vile programming that ten years ago would have been banned by the FCC, you can now add it has been accused of sympathizing with CAIR, a group that has been tied to donations to Muslim terrorist groups as this recent article explains.
And not forgetting the No Spin Zone is becoming the dead zone, FOX's mission statement of being "fair and balanced" seems to also be on the auction block.
With the FOX television network entering the area of bestiality with its Family Guy with morals issues that would have had the FCC all over them in previous years, FOX may be going down with our country as no longer the light of the world, let alone the moral leader.
With freedom fighter Lech Walesa saying America is no longer the moral leader of the world, then exactly what is it a leader of . . . greed, gluttony, lust, bestiality? And with O'Reilly moving toward the left surrounded by conservative book ends Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Greta Van Susteren, you could take those three shows away and that famous FOX Hole, the military talks about overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan, might find itself without a home back home. O'Reilly came from the pit of gossip columnists almost a decade ago, having worked around the world for the program Inside Edition. His show on FOX seems to be returning to that venue again by ignoring the stories of attacks on the Boy Scouts, Barbara Curley, and others. While I don't like the Huntington Post, I innocently came across a posting on the site when Googling the words Inside Edition and O'Reilly to verify my above statement. The archived video there speaks for itself. With no other words needed, O'Reilly lost it in his earlier television days while on Inside Edition, exhibiting a violent temper and using the F bomb. We were, to say the least, simply stunned as if we had lost a friend who had lived in our home for close to a decade. Maybe, we thought, Bill needs to reach the bottom Beck had found. To that end today Beck is one of the most liked television personalities in America . . . and equally respected for his humbleness and obvious love for the courage and wisdom of America's founders. We admire Bill for giving the profits to important charities--hundreds of thousands of dollars--from all the related products sold on his personal Web site. And we thank him for all the good he did before 2006 until he became what some in the liberal press calls being domesticated. He owns those parts and they can't be taken away, along with his popular New York Times best seller for over one year, Bold Fresh and other publications. But until O'Reilly, who speaks to millions of people around the world, explains what is going on with his show today and why it changed from the show we watched starting in 2000, we will have to assume his journey will continue on its way to the left now having reached the middle moving away from the right. While we can look forward to the day he finds his way back home to "the folks," we are not encouraged with his huge ego e-mail viewers keep complaining about in vain. . If Hannity, Beck, and Van Susteren were to leave, FOX, [note Beck has already left from this original writing), would start to become just another channel in the media's hen house, that fact compounded with reports that its parent company had added a major Muslim investor. This is at a time when the FOX television network has produced some of the most morally corrupt programs on the airways. Like we said, take away Beck, Hannity, and Van Susteren and what's left? With O'Reilly going left, not much. Then last night, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity ran a new video, which had been discovered in the Congressional investigation of ACORN, citizen Obama praising his work with ACORN. Hannity and Beck then showed a video of Obama as president lying he had not paid much attention to ACORN. Yet when O'Reilly showed the new video last night on his show, he blew it off like he had blown off his interview with the Southern Poverty Law Center. His response was that Obama was a leftist, and ACORN was a leftist, so what was the big surprise? When folks wrote in complaining of O'Reilly looking as if he was covering up for Obama, O'Reilly said, "We were the ones to run the video!" But that was not true, with Beck and Hannity giving the video more time while comparing it to citizen Obama saying where ever ACORN was working Obama would be there. Again in the No Spin Zone O'Reilly failed to mention that ACORN had been registered as a non-profit, which means ACORN by law cannot support one party or another. And he failed to mention that Obama was an attorney for ACORN in Chicago in the late 1990s, teaching the organization Alinsky tactics to harass banks and the private families of bank CEOs so ACORN members wouldn't be arrested. ACORN's goal was to force banks to take out bad loans in poor neighborhoods, a term the Democrats called Redlining. That term was used to by Clinton's Attorney General, Janet Reno, to intimidate banks so they would give out the bad loans, Democrats then hoping to take the credit to create a new voting block for them in the coming elections. In doing this, Obama was already on his mission of social justice, one that would almost bring down the financial centers of America ten years later in 2008, millions of bad loans embedded in investment programs purchased around the world. The Democrats and Obama had been directly involved in making sure banks gave out the bad loans, then over a decade later would blame it on Bush. But O'Reilly stayed moot, sticking to his comment that Obama was a leftist, ACORN was a leftist, so what was the big surprise?
Finally, O'Reilly had a Global Warming Shootout between progressive, Mr. Science, Bill Nye, and Accuweather Forecaster, Joe Bastardi. Yet O'Reilly never challenged Bill Nye on why the progressives kept pushing their agenda for socialist control of the population using the weather. While this shootout segment would have been perfect for FOX News for their fair and balanced reporting, this was on the O'Reilly Factor in his No Spin Zone. O'Reilly had again not challenged the spin of Mr. Science, as he had not challenged the spin of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
If you have visited my Global Warming Hype Web page, you would have found I had gathered copy from a global warming fanatic who had intimidated NOAA's headquarters in 2006 with a sit-in of his group. The group demanded the director to resign for not recognizing man-made global warming. The earlier writings of this group's founder and his friends are tied directly to Communist propaganda. Read their thoughts for yourself from 2000. You'll discover their ideas are not much different from many of the Czars Obama has appointed to write new legislation for the American people to "obey." Sadly, adding more confusion to his FOX brand, O'Reilly had the far-left Jehmu Greene on AGAIN of the oxymoron "Women's Media Center," her saying to Bill on March 3, 2010, that the NCAA had bigger balls than the NFL [and CBS] for removing Focus on the Family's Tebow Ad, an ad that simply celebrates life and something the NCAA obviously doesn't believe in anymore.
Ms. Greene does not accept anyone's opinion other her own through a strong dedication to the work of Margaret Sanger, Sanger when alive having seen blacks such as Ms. Greene as useless human beings, fetuses that needed to be aborted from society. Ms. Greene has to know that her work to help abort black children with such enthusiasm has to almost be celebrated daily by the KKK. Also Ms. Greene doesn't get it that black babies are being aborted by Planned Parenthood because the women who run Planned Parenthood see too many of those black children as future criminals, not believing they can turn into Martin Luther King's or men like Lt. Col. West. Martin Luther King was reported to have even received a Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood in 1966, so I guess maybe it's me that just don't get it. O'Reilly should have had a supporter of Focus on the Family on instead, the progressive Ms. Greene's non-stop talking on O'Reilly's show illustrating that she a.) had no interest in other ideas and -b.) could argue so well she could be a real asset to a local Communist party cell. Finally, we wish that O'Reilly would have had the conviction of Ms. Greene to invite the young girl who did the short video below, calling out Obama as not caring about the Christian faith as he had claimed in the election. Even children can see the emperor has no clothes, Ms. Greene just loving Obama.
But conservatives at the end of the day may be left with only talk radio, while progressives own the rest of a corrupt media. It was a scenario the Third Reich had adopted in Hitler's Germany, using a corrupt media to push Jews out of the society and then into camps. Fifty years later in the 1990s and through the ACLU this progressive hate would show its ugly head again, this time in America and in the Democrat Party, as far left liberals take control to push Christians more and more into the corners of society where they hope they will not be seen or heard from anymore. Beck was right when he said on his show, Some very hard times may be just around the corner for America. My guess is that Beck didn't know that in 2011 FOX News and his show would be parting company while FOX News had brought in hard-core abortion advocate Jehmu Greene as a consultant. Greene was the one who trashed the Tebow Superbowl ad while never having seen it. How's that for fair and balanced?! But FOX must still love her. Maybe Greene is the token Obama rep on FOX, FOX worried more about Obama's opinion on its news network than that news network worried about honoring its conservative news base. And of course let's not forget about another FOX contributor, Professor Caroline Heldman.
As I keep warning, FOX continues to move to the left to more emulate the values of is parent company's FOX Television Network as discussed and shown above. Of course Hannity and O'Reilly say little about the content of the FOX Television Network. Working under the same umbrella, their silence proves the point. And then there is FOX News Foxy news host, posing as if a hot liberal movie star, moved in 2013 to FOX Evening News line up, an image that would be more welcomed by the far-left FOX Television Network than a serious news show. While Megyn Kelly is a professional, I doubt one would find Christiane Amanpour of CNN International News stepping over the line and dressing this way, compromising her image to a world stage.
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