Education for Dummies!
"Just because someone has a Ph.D doesn't mean they should be allowed to be around your kids." - Webmaster
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Note: The links and resources on this Web page are intended only for those who wish to data mine news and resources on this specific subject matter via our entire site Atomz Search Engine from the period of time starting with 2008, when Obama was running for office, until the near end of his term in late August 2012. - Click here to review all archived news stories from time period mentioned above - |
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| Why Franklin Graham kicked out of Pentagon Prayer Day | 32 Seconds - Obama's Muslim Faith | Stuff We Didn't Delete | |
- Please scroll down to see the list of Duke's disgraced "Group of 88." -
| College Guide for Parents | Guide to Online Schools | Best Colleges: U.S. News |
Obama's Occupy Cockroaches Have Come Home to Roost |
Our Children are Becoming a Commodity
Major Report - Scandals in our Schools!
Think you know about the United States of America? Now you can prove it!
Sad Video: High School students can’t answer basic questions |
Will "Generation Gimme" work for the American Dream? Eye-opening insight into America's youth indoctrinated with Marxism |
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Evil is growing in America |
- Warnings from Rome! - "The arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and assistance to foreign hands should be curtailed, lest Rome fall." - Cicero 55 B.C. | "The more corrupt the state, the more laws." | "A bad peace is even worse than war." | "The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise." | - Publius Tacitus Warnings from Today! - The danger to America is not Barack Hussein Obama but a [new] citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the presidency. |
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They're here! Students taught by Marxist professors at American universities finally flower, ready for orders from Barack Obama. |
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Cry Wolf - For those bastard liberal professors who now run your Universities and had demanded diversity of opinion. It was all a ruse! |
For current conservative news, click either the Conservative News or the Constitutional Advocates Scroll
MTV morphs to kiddie porn, assuring America the position of The Great Satan to the eyes of the world |
Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed? Didn't know she was! Another Disney role model for young girls bites the dust and heads for Hollywood's bordello, one Muslims mark as the Great Satin. Click on graphic to watch segment |
America's Future Brown Shirts?
Employed L.A. Teacher calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S. The enemy of all Latinos is Capitalism and Imperialism |
"Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"
Seven Principles for Free Government to get yourself Unbrainwashed!
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Obama voters, who said Bush looked like an idiot, seem to be out to lunch |
LifeTuner: How the Democrat's Senior org, AARP, came to serve Twentysomethings
Trip down TV network's memory lane, December 2006 |
ABC to Air Sawyer on North Korea; She Touted 'Happiest Children in World!' |
Thomas Jefferson: A True American Radical
Going around Facebook 2010 - Postumously Pardon Ned Kelly? After reading the following, why?
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Why they're called the Generation Y. Others just ask "Why?" |
What I Learned at Graduation: I Have No Rights
With Obama now in office, if you're a conservative or Christian Democrat, and haven't home schooled your children yet, below is a good motivation to get started
Using Digital Media to Cheat in School Common Sense Media commissioned the Benenson Strategy Group to conduct a poll of teenagers and parents on the use of digital media for cheating in school. Two-thirds of teenagers today own cell phones, and most 8- to 12-year-olds will own a cell phone in the next three years. And those numbers are only a small representation of our kids’ 24/7 media world . . . read more |
"Thought Control on the American Campus!" - Fire
"Solzhenitsyn said that in the West, the pursuit of happiness though self-gratification and materialism has replaced moral character development." . . . read more |
- STDs |
The curse by the secular progessives on America's youth. |
How Democrats and the Media Destroyed Freedoms Before! Democrats and the mainstream media have formed an alliance today to attack conservative values. This has happened before except the date was 1898 and it was also against blacks.
- Read The Entire Historical Report -
(1898) Rev. Charles S. Morris describes the Wilmington Massacre of 1898 |
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Proof of the Democrat Party's Real Mission Statement
It should be no surprise that the far-left secular-jewish Ruth Bator Ginsburg, who has spit on her own heritage, believes U.S. judges should consider Foreign Law to spit on America's Constitution, too. It is how she plans to get around the will of the voters, Obama just loving her . . . read more Note: Ginsburg is just another reason how Supreme Court Judges abuse their power and need to have their lifetime positions removed . . . and the sooner the better on this pariah Supreme Court Judge who just sees no wrong in her ideas. Congress had been warned of her writings early on that words which separated the sexes were offensive to her ears. But you can thank the RINOs in the Republican Party for allowing this judicial fascist to be on America's Supreme Court today. |
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Troubled about the media's reporting on the Midwest floods? Don't be. There is an answer. When in the Course of Human Events
Independence Day Every Day - Ted Nugent 07
The Loss of Independence? - July 07
The Spoiled Children of Capitalism - Aug 07
Source: Boulder Country News University of Colorado - Hippie Heaven (If playing, turn off music on homepage.) Complain that mommy and daddy aren't giving you enough money? American Pariah!
Liberty University School of Law Achieves Phenomenal 94.4% Virginia Bar Passage Rate
Were anti-Obama bloggers blocked?
So you're sending your most precious treasures to an American university where they can be . . . rewired? And you're paying for it?
Columns by Mike S. Adams - Prof. at University of North Carolina (click here to read bio)
Indoctrinate U The DVD
Indocrination U - Join the Revolution |
Watch Trailer |
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Randy Pausch . . . reprising his Last Lecture |
Obama is wrong; why big government cannot be trusted
Signs that you're losing your government to THEIR government "A gun that malfunctions is not a machine gun," Larry Pratt, executive director of GOA, said. "What the [federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives] has done in the [David] Olofson case has set a precedent that could make any of the millions of Americans that own semi-automatic firearms suddenly the owner [of] an unregistered machine gun at the moment the gun malfunctions." . . . read more |
"We must make Americans aware of what is happening and be prepared to fight it. Either that or we must be prepared for the “tolerant” left to begin persecuting those who advocate social and cultural positions opposed to theirs. This is as gross an abuse of power as I have ever seen." . . . Paul M. Weyrich
When diversity replaces education on campus Watering down the sheepskin Few Yale seniors, it turns out, know which American President created the New Deal. Even fewer would know which one said, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." It was Thomas Jefferson, and he and the other founders recognized that our system of ordered liberty would endure only if its citizens understood the nation's guiding principles . . . read more |
Scary or sensational? A machine that can look into the mind! - Mar 07
"The University of Delaware has just become one of the most Orwellian campuses in America. Students in its residence halls are now being subjected to a re-education program that is actually dubbed - in the university’s own tax-payer funded materials - as “treatment” for students who have incorrect attitudes and beliefs" . . . read more
'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California - Oct 2007
"Further, homecoming kings now can be either male or female – as can homecoming queens, and students, whether male or female, must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room corresponding to the sex with which they choose to identify. AB394 promotes the same issues through state-funded publications, postings, curricula and handouts to students, parents and teachers. It also creates the circumstances where a parent who says marriage is only for a man and a woman in the presence of a lesbian teacher could be convicted of "harassment," and a student who believes people are born either male or female could be reported as a "harasser" by a male teacher who wears women's clothes, CCF said. Thomasson said Schwarzenegger also signed AB14, which prohibits state funding for any program that does not support a range of alternative sexual practices, including state-funded social services run by churches. Affected will be day cares, preschool or after-school programs, food and housing programs, senior services, anti-gang efforts, jobs programs and others.
Thomasson said it also forces every hospital in California – even private, religious hospitals – to adopt policies in support of transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality and opens up nonprofit organizations to lawsuits if they exclude members that engage in homosexual, bisexual, or transsexual conduct." . . . read more
David Horowitz Lecture At Emory University Disrupted - Oct. 07 Watch Video (If playing, turn off music at hompage.)
These are very dangerous times for freedom of speech
The Eagle-Tribune, plays along, saying that she was “denied the use of the men’s locker room … because of his female anatomy.” (What?!) . . . read more
On Wikimedia's reliability as a source for information online :
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Why the Left is Attacking Abstinence Programs - May 07 |
Getting to the heart of what's wrong with education in America
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Thanks to outmoded, union-defended employment laws and policies, it can be impossible to fire a bad union-protected teacher. That’s why the Center for Union Facts is going to pay the ten worst union-protected teachers in America $10,000 apiece to get out of the classroom - for good. Dedicated, professional teachers have nothing to fear from this contest (in fact, it’s teachers unions who oppose paying better teachers more money); we’re here to showcase the worst of the worst. Tell us your story below! |
Can you believe the following statement? Yea, you can believe it!
The obscene removal of achievement tassels!
(Now read below and get really pissed.) Dumbing Down Democracy by Jeff Jacoby
Rewriting History a Classroom at a Time - Apr. 07
The Class of 1895!- Could you pass the test? Modern Education - Really!?
P.S.: We Are Lying to You Seeking to impose an unworkable plan on an unsuspecting public was bad enough, but the pain Hillarycare supporters were prepared to inflict on opponents demonstrates insensitivity in the extreme. A “confidential” memorandum written on May 26, 1993 by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, West Virginia Democrat, to Hillary Clinton was entitled “Health Care Reform Communications.” The Rockefeller memo suggests Hillary employ “classic opposition research” to attack critics who were excluded by the administration from Task Force deliberations and to “expose lifestyles, tactics and motives of lobbyists” to counter and overcome criticism. Rockefeller also suggested news organizations “are anxious and willing to receive guidance (from the Clinton administration) on how to time and shape the (news) coverage.” Rockefeller seems to accept the notion asserted for years by conservatives that the mainstream media are biased in favor of Democrats and their policies. For many, this will not be a revelation. A Feb. 5, 1993 Draft Memorandum from Alexis Herman and Mike Lux to Mrs. Clinton spells out the Office of Public Liaison’s plan for the health care reform campaign. It notes the development of an “interest group data base” detailing whether or not organizations “support(ed) us in the election.” The database would also track personal information about interest group leaders, such as their home phone numbers, addresses, “biographies, analysis of credibility in the media, and known relationships with Congress people.” These memos (there are thousands of others still being withheld by the Clintons) are Orwellian, or Nixonian. They reveal what might be expected from communist or fascist dictatorships, not from U.S. government officials. That at least one higher-up (“P.S.”) didn’t believe the health care plan would work, did not stop the administration from pushing ahead with it. If opponents had not prevailed we might be standing in line for health care like they are in Canada and Britain . . . read more |
The Blackstone Legal Fellowship is a nine-week summer leadership development program in law and servant ministry, the first of its kind and unlike any summer legal internship program offered in America. It is a rigorous program for exceptionally capable and highly motivated Christian law students from law schools across the nation. The Blackstone Legal Fellowship is designed primarily for law students between their first and second year of law school. |
In the real world, the individuals who usually rise to the top of their chosen professions and achieve their dreams are the most talented and hardest working. In the political world, success is too often determined by political tenure, timing and factors none of us can control, such as our race, ethnicity or sex. - Herman Cain |
This is where your country came from, dude! |
Plato must have known that wimpy citizens evolve from other people having paved the road and why democracies can never survive. |
The Declaration of Arms is the actual Birth of the United States of America.If they didn't teach you about this document in high school, and what was in the minds of the brave men and women that formed this great nation, than you were cheated in your education. If they didn't teach it to you in college, than you were either paid to enroll in a socialist institution or your instructor could have been a Communist sypathizer, not wanting you to know the true history of your country's foundation and the passion that went with it. Click here to view the actual document. To view the entire history of the United States starting with the Declaration of Arms, click here to go to the University of Oklahoma College of Law.It was very disturbing to us that a search of the Web only found about seven references to this historic document, proving it is not being taught by our socialist system of education today. Like your ancestors who wrote the Declaration of Arms, you need to demand your right to know. |
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Tired of girlie-men representing you? |
Visit - View Meeting Presentation - View Cable Interview Turn off jazz piano on homepage before watching either presentation. |
- College Students - Stuff to think about -
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Doug Giles is
the creator and host of "The
Clash" radio shows, winners
of seven Silver Microphone Awards and two Communicator Awards in the last
three years. Guests on his weekly one-hour show have included Ann Coulter,
Ted Nugent, Cal Thomas, David Limbaugh, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Mona Charen,
Michelle Malkin and Brian Kilmeade.
In addition, Doug is a popular columnist, theologian, and award-winning writer. His popular column, "ClashPoint," is read worldwide each week on, which has 3-5 million readers per month. Subsequently, his articles have been taken up by several other print and online news sources, including The Washington Times, and he is an irregular guest on television news programs including Anderson Cooper's 360 and syndicated talk radio shows such as The Dennis Prager Show. - Source: Clashradio |
Raising boys that feminists will hate - Part sixDoug Giles |
If you live in the U.S. and you’re a woman or an effeminate guy, then you’ve got to be happier than a hog in fresh mud, because our current culture has been crafted just for you, baby. And y’know, as far as the girls by birth are concerned, I’m glad you’ve been given your due. I’m glad you’re getting empowered. I’m glad you’re getting the cash you deserve and blah, blah, blah. I just have three simple requests: 1. Don’t stop acting like a lady. 2. Don’t expect us to stop acting like guys. 3. Don’t stop shaving your legs. Cool? The “ladies” that I have a particular problem with are the fecal-fuming feminuts who have a Paul Bunyan sized axe to grind against masculinity and who have boldly worked their man hatred into the main stream media, into our universities and within the church. . . . read more |
"Where talk radio, TV, print media and politics collide. Longtime radio host Brian Maloney, seen on FOX News, CNN, in Time Magazine and elsewhere, takes a chainsaw to entertainment industry spin. Recent O'Reilly Factor guest, site featured on FOX, CNN, and MSNBC." Source: Radio Equalizer |
The Job Search Section. Check out our College Graduates page. |
Check out our
Job Search
page or link to the Top-40 online Search
Engines. |
"College Sublease is the all-in-one website that provides the superior service today's university users expect."
Created by college students, for college students, who are seeking a roommate or subleasing apartments or homes, College Sublease has been designed with your immediate needs in mind. Why not hand over your subleasing problems to College Sublease today and get rid of those annoying unknowns. You can always depend upon the trusted services of College Sublease . . . destined to become the #1 worldwide sublease resource for university students around the world. |
"This Whistleblower edition goes way beyond the sensationalism of these stories," says WND Managing Editor David Kupelian, author of "The Marketing of Evil." "Our report shines a thousand-watt spotlight on this sexual epidemic and reveals the real dynamics behind it. It's an amazing story full of mind-boggling information and insights." Did you know that some judges do not consider statutory rape a crime? Did you know that many of the offending teachers don't see anything wrong with what they're doing, and that some actually end up being rewarded for their behavior?
Do you know how prevalent teacher sexual exploitation of students actually is, according to experts?
Whistleblower writes:
Whistleblower Magazine - Mar. 06
The mission of FIRE is to defend and sustain individual rights at America's increasingly repressive and partisan colleges and universities. These rights include freedom of speech, legal equality, due process, religious liberty, and sanctity of conscience -- the essential qualities of individual liberty and dignity. FIRE's core mission is to protect the unprotected and to educate the public and communities of concerned Americans about the threats to these rights on our campuses and about the means to preserve them.
"I personally would be shocked out of my pants if I was at college now." Tom Wolfe |
College professors are supposed to follow the guidelines of the AAUP, yet obviously some don't. Copy from a page on AAUP's site says, 'The AAUP has long maintained that instructors should avoid the persistent intrusion of matter, controversial or not, that has no bearing on the subject of instruction.' So what's going on here? |
Political Correctness Gone Amuck What the networks wouldn't tell you about political correctness on college campuses. Check out statement on the politics of 2004 by Mathew Manweller, Assistant Professor, Central Washington University, a standup Dude.
"Unlike the [Christian] sin of homosexuality, the other sins you cite — the sins of adultery, fornication, racism, pride, jealousy, selfish ambition and drunkenness do not have the benefit of a tremendously powerful and prosperous lobby which is blindly supported by people in positions of political influence, and other leftists in media and elsewhere who have been duped by the crafty and disingenuous rhetoric of 'tolerance' and 'diversity.' " "Thus we find ourselves — back against the ropes — in a fight we did not pick, struggling in a culture war we did not ask for. It’s a clash of worldviews in a zero-sum-game. Make no mistake; the sin of homosexuality is the bunker-buster bomb in this war against morality." . . . read more |
New courses and lessons are posted regularly addressing topics you want to know more about such as . . . Famous Historical FiguresAmerican GovernmentConstitution & Current EventsGlobal Warming ControversiesThe Foundation of Our RepublicEvolution & PoliticsCourting Justice
and more! |
All-American Colleges: |
Top Schools for Conservatives, Old-Fashioned Liberals, and People of Faith |
Wallbuilders.comWallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was builta foundation which, in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined. In accord with what was so accurately stated by George Washington, we believe that the propitious [favorable] smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation which disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained. Why Wallbuilders? In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, the nation of Israel rallied together in a grassroots movement to help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and thus restore stability, safety, and a promising future to that great city. We have chosen this historical concept of rebuilding the walls to represent allegorically the call for citizen involvement in rebuilding our nations foundations. As Psalm 11:3 reminds us, If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do? |
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Click on the picture above to see a few-second window into life in an American city in 2008, proof that Political Correctness and the threat of law suits from slick trial lawyers have destroyed America's willingness to respond. The video looks like a scene that could have come from the 1956 movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, (if playing, turn off music on homepage), where a transformed population has become so numb to death and violence to others that they simple stroll by. |
Disturbing TV Violence, Unchecked - June 07
The Culture of "Bitches, Hos, and Niggas" - April 07
Blair blames spate of murders on black culture - April 07
The Bigots of NJ Burlington Township High School - April 07
13-Year-Old Arrested In School For Writing On Desk - April 07
The Shame of Higher Education - April 07
Higher Grades, Lower Scores - March 07
The Dumbing-Down of America! - March 07
Facilitating Student-Teacher Affairs - March 07
Klansman teaching History at Kent State - March 07
Quitting Public School - February 07
Duke University
Update, July 2009 Corrupt journalists in the drive-by state media and the Duke 88 professors, who went nuts over defunct white rape in Duke lacrosse case, are now suddenly silent refusing . . . read more
TVC Special Report -- The So-Called ‘Hate Crimes’ Bill S. 909, The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act . . . read more
Duke Apologizes to Lacrosse Players - A CYA move - too little, too late!
Archived Education News Stories
Skype makes chats and user data more available to police
Teens arrested for buying fake IDs from China
Smoking in a Movie? Give It an 'R' Rating
New chemical can make teeth 'cavity proof'
Oops! Actually America Has Too Many Teachers
Maple Seed sized Drones From Lockheed Martin Will Swarm The Future
College President 'Prostitution' Site Ruled Legal
'Schindler's List' Producer Claims Graduation Speech Censorship
Metro State College of Denver OKs tuition cut for illegal immigrants
School pulls patriotic song at graduation, but Justin Bieber's 'Baby' is OK . . . for graduation?!
Student banned from wearing rosary beads to school to support dying Grandmother
Bloomberg On Soda Ban: "We're Simply Forcing You To Understand"
Stealth Islamic Propaganda Shown to Six Million American Students
Google Privacy Inquiries Get Little Cooperation
Wisconsin union wages battle on behalf of convicted teacher on sex with student
Israel ‘Hate Week’ Coming Up For Students At San Diego
Canadian Anti-Transgender Ad: ‘Stop Confusing’ Children - 9/2011
H.R.998 - Student Non-Discrimination Act of 2011
Bully talks about bullies and then becomes one himself to a room full of teens
53 Percent Of All Young College Graduates In America Are Either Unemployed Or Underemployed
Bully Obamas use school rooms and campuses for their messages
Columbia's Teacher's college strikes again . . . success will offend those who can't figure it out
Virginia Schoolteacher Removes References to God From ‘We Are the World’
1 in 2 new graduates are jobless or underemployed
“Revolutionary Marxism” Course Offered At PSU
Law School Refuses to Hire Conservative Professor Over Politics
The Left Resumes Its War on History
Obama's Marxism morphs to NLRB - Plan Would Mandate Sharing of Workers’ Email, Phone Numbers
Obama Relies on Debt Collectors Profiting From Student Loan Woe
The Vetting: Bell's Critical Race Theory Promoted in Public Schools
Congresswoman: We’re Not ‘Promoting Sterilization’ of College Girls, We're Just Making It Free
What the! Now facts erased from schoolbooks?
Capitalism vs Communism At Roosevelt High School
Genocidal Liberalism: The University’s Jihad Against Israel & Jews
Preschooler’s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria “Nuggets”
Harvard, Jew Haters, Motherhood and Israel
Tampa parents rip school for letting Muslim group speak to students
Fair and Balanced? FOX News reports Colorado student quits high school choir over Islamic song praising 'Allah,' yet fails to remind audience of another student prohibited by Supreme Court for suing school not allowing her to play an instrumental version of Ave Maria
Muslim Religious Music in High School Choir Forces Student to Quit Singing
Occupy Oakland Lunatics Incite 15 Year Old To Murder Adoptive Parents
Pelosi: Girl Scouts' Relationship With Planned Parenthood ‘Very Valuable’
Finally, clear proof that the Obama administration scans private social postings!
Hercules Family Battles Sex Assault Claim Against . . . wait for it . . . a six year-old!
Apple iBooks 2 textbook hands-on
Obama's Injustice Department: Diversity trumps 1964 anti-discrimination law
OK to discriminate against Christians, says Vanderbilt University
Researcher Outs Creepy, Hidden App installed on Smartphones transmits your activities
Obama's 1990's CAC buddy, Bill Ayers, teaches Occupy group on protesting
Another Prayer Controversy at Flagpole Erupts at Florida School
Fed Judge: Calif. School Was Right to Forbid Students’ American Flag T-Shirts on Cinco de Mayo
OWS Rushing USA to Point of No Return
College's censorship called out
Warning: Obama Ed aims at U.S. takeover
12-Year-Olds To Get Gardasil Without Parents’ Consent
The Latest Addition to Occupy Wall Street? Radical Islamist Group CAIR
Leftist Censors Defeated at UC Santa Barbara
Marietta College of Ohio Threatened to Nix 9/11 Tribute As TOO American
10 years after 9/11, California has little curriculum devoted to the terrorist attacks
Progressives already turned Marxists in Canada - Want to control what hyperlinks you can use!
Obama's National Labor Relationship Board (NLRB) tells church school it's not religious enough
Gender Balance in Sports - More Socialist / Marxist Programming of our Nation's Schools!
ABC Tries to Trivialize the Founders: ‘Guys Who Didn’t Give Women the Vote and Let Slavery Stand’
"Boy, girl or both?" -- The making of boys into progressive Girlie men: My Princess Boy
Investigation into cheating at Atlanta's Public Schools finds unethical behavior across every level
You can drag a horse to water . . . but you still can't make it drink!
Obama Administration's Youth Summit: Gov’t ‘Has Finally Come Out of the Closet'
NY Officials Want Schools to Teach About Unwanted Baby Laws
NYC Teacher Claims She Was Harassed, Then Fired Over Her Christian Faith
ACLU Threatens High School Over Graduation at Christian-Owned Site
2-Million dollars Spent To Track What Minority Kids Eat For Lunch
Hicksville Long Island High School Principal Bans Christian Clubs on Campus - too religious!
Duh! In a long-time Democrat-Run City Nearly Half of Detroiters Can’t Read
NEA in denial; School vouchers vs. public education equals less cost per student, better grades!
14-year old Bangladeshi girl lashed to death for adultery
U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Tuition Tax Credits for Arizona Religious Schools
Obama Says Too Much Testing Makes Education Boring; Sees Tests As Punishment!
Common sense comes back to America - Return of the One-Room Schoolhouse
Poll: Majority of NYC voters say layoffs should be based on performance
‘Fascists Go Home!’: Tea Partier Injured in Assault by ‘Teamster’ at Sacramento Protest
Rioting Anarchists Attack Seattle Police With Fireworks, Flares & Fire Extinguishers
A Guy Just Hit Me’: Fox News Reporter Attacked at Wis. Protest During Live Broadcast
Communists, socialists rallying support behind Madison protests
1,500 teachers paid to do union business and miss class
Wisconsin union backers defame Virginia, flunk basic math, spread false factoids
Obama to Nationalize Your Wireless Internet
China rounds up 100 activists to rapidly quash pro-democracy 'Jasmine Revolution' organised online
Detroit May Close Half of Its Schools to Pay for Union Benefits
Duh! African Americans suffering under Obama
India has more honor students than America has students
The Progressive Climate of Hate: An illustrated primer, 2000-2010
Greenhouse Effect; Everybody Talks About It But Few Know What It Is
Mass. School Requires Permission Slips to Recite Pledge of Allegiance
Washington Post abuses students
Planned Parenthood plans to expand abortion services nationwide
Congressmen respond to FCC’s net neutrality plan - Will push back in 2011
The Tribe of Young Unbelievers Increases
High school student faces expulsion for accidentally leaving unloaded hunting rifle in car
FCC Commissioner Wants to Test the 'Public Value' of every Broadcast Station in America!
Courageous Christian Student Confronts Teacher’s Promotion of the National Homosexual Agenda
Teens, in a contest directed by Van Jones, use current news to slam Bush and big oil
Marxists at work! Florida School Bans Christmas… And Christmas Colors
What's Happened to Public School Curriculum?
Teachers Unions - The Dinosaur in the Classroom soiling America's jewels
American college students hooked on drugs
America is falling apart at the seams! - Pledge of Allegiance Debate Divides NY School District
University Won’t Fire Tenured Professor calling for Destruction of Israel
Obama advisor - best advise to America's youth; Leave the country and study Islam
How Bad Is the Indoctrination in our Colleges?
The Teaching of American History: Promise and Performance
"Thought Control on the American Campus!" - FIRE and its fight for your freedom of speech
Obama's White House Web site and its agenda to brainwash America's Youth
Nick pushes kids to want more from the government
Professor Exposes Federally Funded ‘Revisionist’ History Conference
Get it right! America is a Republic. Venezuela is a Democracy
Naughty, nutty progressives need a time out! Law Forces Schools To Change “Race-Based” Mascots
We Don't Need No (Leftist) Education
New Cartoon Brings Muslim ‘Indoctrination’ to Your Kids
School system to get Muslim holiday
Democrats pass bill to send taxpayer money to power-hungry teachers' unions
Teaching Totalitarianism in the Public Schools!
Marxist Obama looking into government control of Internet providers!
Muslim Group Suspended at UC Irvine
Florida Passes Law to Protect First Amendment Rights in Public Schools!
American teens planning to get knocked up
Russia tells America, "No more Russian children adopted to your soil!"
Planned Parenthood at it again! - Got a life-threatening disease? Pass it on!
While Murdoch Continues to Rage Against Google
U.K. Passes Internet Censorship and Disconnection Law
Joblessness: The Kids Are Not Alright
Court: FCC can't regulate Internet
Now Thomas More Law Center asks U.S. Supreme Court to Review School Policy Banning Christmas Music
Parents sue Spain over mandatory course material
Hard Indoctrination, Soft Indoctrination, and the Books that Change Us
America - Where have all your heroes gone?!
New password-stealing virus targets Facebook
Vermont Schools to Celebrate Islamic Feast
Liberalism takes hit in textbook debate
Progressive professor opines, Obama needs to get back to hope and change! What?
On the Merits of Merit Pay (.pdf)
A New Threat to Free Speech on Campus
U.S. schoolbook glorifies communists
North Carolina Schools may cut chunks out of U.S. History Lessons, indoctrinate children on global enviornment instead. (Gee, sounds familiar what progressives are trying to do in Texas.)
State Universities Brace for Another Brutal Year
Enemies of Free Speech Call for Internet Licensing
Teenagers in America: Oversexualized and Undervalued
Shocking! Forty Years of Feminism Now Bearing Fruit
The continued dumbing down of America to cover a poorly run national educational system and the failure of its union workers of the arrogant NEA, union first, kids last - (Don't believe it? Watch for yourself from the horse's mouth!)
Mass. college bans head coverings that block face
Berkeley's Unbearable Whiteness of Science
AARP to indoctrinate America's Youth through SEIU and Youth Noise
The Liberal Plot against American Education