June 2009 Archived Top News Headlines

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These are the real stories that will directly affect your life, your country, and your freedom . . . even in some cases the quality of living of your children's lives.


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(Stories run from top to bottom in order of appearance during the month)


June 2009

The probe focuses on the PMA Group, a now-defunct lobbying firm that specialized in securing federal contracts for defense firms from Visclosky, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., and others on the House Appropriations defense subcommittee that Murtha chairs

British scientists have found a way to put all the ­antioxidant goodness in the skin of ripe tomatoes in a pill. It is said to be able to slash cholesterol levels in eight weeks. Heart and stroke specialists said the pill, to be launched ­today, will be “much more effective” than ­the statins

Unlike the U.S. in Briton free speech and even laughter are still alive, among the well-lubricated scribblers of Fleet Street. The journos of Britain show little respect for American Presidents regardless of race, creed or color. They laugh hysterically at all of them. Not that it takes much imagination. The Telegraph has done the awesome, and called Michelle's wardrobe "frumpy."  Gerald Warner pitches in by announcing "Barack Obama: all the bad guys are giving President Pantywaist the finger" which says it all, really

Prepare for the continuing redefinition of any and all sharp political disagreement as “hate” — a ruinous trend that inevitably comes back to haunt the hysterical accusers decrying “hate” the loudest. How unhinged has the discourse gotten already? Here’s the left-wing Daily Kos going after the left-wing John Aravosis for going after Barack Obama because he didn’t go after “right-wing extremism” hard enough

While tax-cheat Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is embraced by Obama and rewarded with a top job in the government, Kent Hovind, known affectionately as "Dr. Dino," instead resides in a small federal prison cell in South Carolina – serving a 10-year sentence for failing to collect and pay withholding taxes, obstructing tax laws and other related charges

Judge OKs sale of most Chrysler assets to Fiat

Democrats flush billions of taxpayer dollars down the drain, when all they had to do was wait, curse of the community organizer

IRS Asked to Investigate Tax Status of Americans United for Separation of Church and State

A 23-year-old convert to Islam with "political and religious motives" killed a soldier just out of basic training and wounded another in a targeted attack on a military recruiting center in Arkansas, police said

UK Mail Online, Obama truth-tellers! - How Obamas' romantic £120 trip to Broadway racked up a £45,000 bill (that's $77,800 + change in U.S.) - Hope Obama voters are enjoying the ride you gave to the rest of us!

U.S. deaths in Iraq rise sharply in May

The next world power is buying Hummer from GM

The far-left progressive Brit is history! - U.K. home secretary quits Jacqui Smith banned radio talker, he sued, now she's stepping down

The One hates our Constitution - Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana is supporting asking a court to declare that the Obama administration's actions have violated "more than 100 years of established law by redefining 'secured creditors' to mean something less," and that the actions violate the Fifth Amendment protection against the seizure of private property!

Obama - filibuster OK then, but not now

Chinese censors cut off Twitter, Hotmail and Flickr

Drug hope for advanced melanoma

Obama condemns death of Tiller but no mention of Army recruits killed by Muslim on U.S. base

Five character flaws that are destroying America's future

Who else! Democrats Press Obama to Tax Healthcare Benefits

Shady Clinton fundraiser frontrunner for governor of Virginia

Fla. school district agrees to end discriminatory treatment of Christian club

Al Gore’s venture capital firm has invested $6 million in a software company that stands to make billions of dollars from cap-and-trade regulation . . . as ABC turns to Doomsday Propaganda to push Global Warming Solutions

Pelosi says U.S. should aid U.N. Population Fund despite its involvement in China where there's forced abortion

Even Darwinists doubt latest 'missing link'

The reason the president won't talk about the Long murder by a Muslim . . . yet responds immediately to Tiller murder - It's political, dude, change you can believe in!

Mapping the “climate of hate”

In his April 6 address to the Turkish Parliament, President Obama referenced how many "Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them."


Democrats using Department of Justice (DOJ) to protect their voting block? - Claiming that it has a “discriminatory effect” on minorities, the Department of Justice has blocked a state from implementing a measure—passed by its legislature and approved by federal courts—to verify that voters are U.S. citizens eligible to cast ballots

The crisis of the disappearing educated male

Congress to keep getting rich off of GM lobbyists - change you can believe in

He's baaaaack!

Pro-life group wins victory at highest court in Slovak Republic

U.S. military made mistakes in Afghan airstrikes

Amazing! Lasers rev up hard disk speed

Transparency suddenly disappears as White House 'dialogue' site scrubs Americans posting Obama's eligibility questions - more change you can believe in

49 Million to Five

Where did our America go, as San Francisco government edits the Bible! A San Francisco City Board’s resolution virulently condemning the Catholic Church because of its moral teachings on homosexuality does not violate the Constitution’s prohibition of government hostility toward religion, so says a panel on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

San Diego County apologies for citing pastor's home Bible studies

New Hampshire first state to get it! The revised bill specifies that all religious organizations, associations, or societies have exclusive control over their religious doctrines, policies, teachings, and beliefs on marriage

Phoenix bishop sentenced to jail for ringing church bells among all the Phoenix atheists

"Finally. An Obama limp statement on the jihadi attack in Arkansas."

The One hasn't saved a penney to date, expected of a community organizer that only spends money never making it. So can Obama's healthcare plan truly save money?

Wal-Mart Moves Upmarket The recession is bringing Wal-Mart affluent shoppers looking for bargains

CBS Outdoor now in the tank for Obama, this private media taking away our First Amendmend rights as they protect The Chosen One

Treasury Secretary's Secret Talking Points Reveal That Banks Were Forced to Surrender Ownership Stakes to Government

Not so easy, eh, Mr. Community Organizer - Obama Backpedals on the Uighurs

No home run, as Obama Middle East speech draws mixed reaction in Holy Land. Others say, "Obama opens door - Now action must follow."

With the enthusiam of SS officers! A pro-life women’s constitutional rights were violated by Maryland State Police who arrested, jailed, shackled, and strip-searched her for simply sharing a peaceful pro-life message along a public street

Surprise, surprise! Media slanted in reporting high-profile shootings

Senator threatens filibuster of 'Pedophile Protection Act'

The U.S. Department of Injustice (DOI)

Unemployment hit 9.4%

What Obama has wrought! - Now Ahmadinejad Wants U.S. to Apologize for Its Long-Ago Role in Iran Coup

Students rebel at graduation against ACLU’s fascist's tactics

Never Forget D-Day!

Colbert to broadcast 4 shows from Baghdad

For those of you who voted for change - Biden: We Are Spending As Fast As We Can

Obama is remaking America into Socialism

Jihad Returns to America

"Russian anti-aircraft defences would be incapable of reaching North Korean ballistic missiles." - former Russian air force commander

Tired of all the liberal political correctness that doesn't work, Europeans punish left-leaning parties in EU voting

Shame on Google Yuppies who give up nothing! On D-Day Google honors video game's anniversary rather than memorializing soldiers, Internet giant celebrates . . . Tetris

Obama’s White House is Falling Down

He likened anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hysteria to the type of crowd madness that 19th century writer Charles MacKay coined as “an Extraordinary Popular Delusion,” in which even highly intelligent people can get swept up in a fad or idea which in retrospect was obviously false.” Such crowd madness led to debacles such as the 1920’s Florida Land Boom, the uranium crash of the 1950’s and, of course, the 2001 portfolio-decimating Dot Com bubble burst

Global warming alarm! - Snow falls in western ND, in June, first in 60 years

The more things change the more they stay the same! - What a hoot, as Hillary says Obama can handle that 3 O'clock call

While Obama pays back unions who voted for him with special deal in Chrysler overhaul, he screws retirment funds of teachers . . . oh dear, who also voted for him. Payback is a %$#@*, eh Mr. President?

If Congress ran a car company

So what else is new? Obama distorts Founding Fathers’ views of Islam

Alaska Gov. Palin in Westchester, NY, Long Island for charity

Democrats don't care about minorities! Need proof? - A Democratic memo calling Estrada “dangerous” was widely reported

Foreclosure: Now an Upscale Blight - Rising job losses and falling home prices are dragging down people who never dreamed they would get in trouble

Communists at the ACLU want to tear down ANOTHER war memorial cross

Big shot multi-millionaire Al Gore puts his journalist employees into harm's way, then discovers he has no power to save them - N. Korea Gives Gore TV Journalists 12 Years Hard Labor

Another Blow for Angioplasty - A major heart study adds to the growing evidence that expensive angioplasties are no better than drugs alone in saving lives

Court rejects challenge to 'don't ask, don't tell'

China's costs for manufacturing rise as workers become more skilled, Mexico along with other countries looking more attractive to the bottom line. (So will illegals go home as jobs improve south of the border? - Webmaster)

Jihad, 'anti-American rhetoric' behind Arkansas shooting - Yet Obama is sad for Tiller and gives virtually no sympothy for the murder of Private William Long, who was just starting to serve his country. It is what voters should have expected from a community organizer promising change, and that is what Obama voters got for their 13-pieces of silver

Hariri Coalition Defeat Hezbollah in Lebanon Vote

Obama calls for Government-Owned Healthcare Company. First Amtrak, then Government Motors, now your healthcare!

FINALLY! - American Legion Critical of Obama for Apologizing to Muslim World for U.S. Actions in Aftermath of 9/11

The Watergate of Waterboarding

Congress donates your money to themselves!

The corrupt mainstream media makes sure it quietly clears Govenor Sarah Palin of all ethics charges

Wanted: A Vaccine for Liberalism

GE-NBCU froze out Hollywood Reporter - Declared War on other Medias - Banned Nielson Media

Wet-behind-the-ears juppie journalists follow their state-controled media in rank step, see Obama as "Obama of Arabia."

Finally, Americans working together for Americans. What is your problem, governor? Are you blind?! An angry Gov. Paterson called the coup attempt "an outrage" and "despicable," because it comes when a host of issues are unresolved

Appeals court says Ten Commandments monument endorses morality, want it removed

Passing the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) would result in millions in additional political funds for organized labor over the next 10 years - like Obama doesn't know . . . you know, change!

How nice for a country that says it has free speech! UCLA says it is okay to mention 'Jesus'

Saudis pushing Obama to force Israel into peace deal

Citing Legislative Victory, Va.-Based First Amendment Groups Drop Lawsuit Over Prohibition of Campaign Apparel at the Polls

Supreme Court to decide in a few weeks if America is still a Republic

South Carolina State court says a governor is no longer needed, that citizens in black robes know better than the constitution

FedEx's Anti-Union Drive - FedEx tries to tap taxpayer resentment by portraying proposed labor law changes as a "bailout" for rival UPS

Duh! So this is why married moms and dads raising kids turns out ones who are mostly straight? - A licensed psychologist with both clinical and practice outreaches is warning that it appears children of homosexual couples are seven times more likely to develop "non-heterosexual preferences" than other children

Obama, and you see US AS terrorists? A Muslim convert charged in the killing of a soldier at a recruiting center in Arkansas says he didn't consider it murder because U.S. military action in the Middle East made the killing justified

Obama, what's the rush? Think about it overnight

When it is okay to say you're embarrassed to be an American! LeRoy Carhart, late term abortionist and obvious idiot said Tiller's murder "is the equivalent of Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the Lusitania and any other major historic event where we've tolerated the intolerable for too long."

Why you never elect a progressive to run your country! "When unemployment is up, anything that looks like you're taking jobs away from people who are lawfully here . . . is going to meet a lot of resistance," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano recently told reporters

GOP lawmakers to Fed: Stop Printing Money!

53% think Obama's policies bad for Israel /- / angry youth revolting in Israel

Two passengers with names linked to Islamic terrorism were on the Air France flight which crashed with the loss of 228 lives, it has emerged French secret servicemen established the connection while working through the list of those who boarded the doomed Airbus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 31

To voters who gave us Barack Obama for thirteen pieces of silver . . .

Arrogant Obama shows Israel the sole of his shoe, remembering nothing is an accident with the Obama administration

Sorry, Enough is enough. An ego head, out of control. David Letterman needs to go! He has crossed the line to become just another political hack! And if not pushed out, CBS executives need to go for allowing trash talk against a female teenager on national television. And where is Obama's FCC?

Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee says it has become clear that the Obama administration will use the office as a sort of headquarters for pro-abortion activism worldwide

Case goes to court today against Maryland State Police overuse of power - "These pro-life advocates were arrested, shackled, held in prison overnight, and subjected to two rounds of sexually invasive searches simply for expressing their beliefs," he recalls. "The fact of the matter here is expressing your First Amendment rights is not a crime -- and the government has no right to harass and threaten citizens for expressing those rights in public."

U.S. Technology being used against U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan because of lax export controls

See what happens when a corrupt media dumbs down the public. You get a community organizer as president, one who puts a tax cheat in as head of your treasury while assigning a czar to run GM that knows nothing about manufacturing cars

Finally, boomers themselves, who came from those who fought in WWII, finally admit they were raised as spoiled brats saying in so many words, "We were assholes!" (Yea, you were and still are! - Webamaster.)

(In song!) Oh where, oh where can be president Obama, oh where, oh where can he be? Oil prices near $72, strike new high for 2009

Lieberman, Graham vow to shut down Senate if interrogation photos released

Now Obama would eliminate 8 of 10 pocketknives. (Just proves again Commies don't like to lead, they want change! - Webmaster)

American families over the last year have already lost 8% of their net worth — in part as a result of inept government meddling, past and present. For many of the same reasons, they are also buried under a mountain of mortgages and private-sector debts gone bad. On top of that, if the president has his way, they will soon be hit with more than a 100% increase in public debt (from $8 trillion this year to $17.3 trillion in 2019)

"That word 'revealed' is very important," Knight explains. "It means an unveiling, and it means a divinely-inspired unveiling -- which would indicate that the president is saying the Koran is a holy book. In fact, he referred to the Koran several times as the 'Holy Koran.' "

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger - should have stayed in the movies. Now we know the real terminator, and he's no hero

Obama Delays E-Verify For Fourth Time

Young Iranians Could Sway Presidential Election

Global weapons spending hits record levels

Duh! Four of Top Five U.S. Newspapers Buried Story on Obama’s Call for Government-Owned Health Insurance Company!

Really? Gee, I didn't know that! Missing in action: American mainstream media. And there's more! The total disappearance of the Mainstream Media

U.S. Chamber to bring back Capitalism (Would you believe you would ever read a headline like this with Democrats in power? That's because the Party of JFK is dead, Obama voters putting them into power for 13-pieces of silver. - Webmaster)

Have you noticed FOX slowly moving to the left, this incident just another example of all the media eventually marching in goose step to a progressive agenda. (You don't get to the top of the stairs with one leap. You get there one step at a time so no one notices until you arrive. - Webmaster)

Why a new public plan will not improve American health care

Nationalizing Public Education comes after Health Care

Hey Americans. Guess what? You're not such a big deal in the world anymore. Gee, wonder why? The dollar’s status as the world economy’s sole reserve currency may deteriorate, said Nouriel Roubini, the New York University economics professor who predicted the financial crisis. “We may see complementary reserve currencies,” Roubini said at a conference today in Athens. While it’s “not going to happen overnight,” the development “will diminish the role of the dollar over time.”

Thanks, Obama. You're the man! Americans' net worth shrinks $1.33 trillion in 1Q

'Orwellian language' in schools turns pupils into 'customers', finds damning report

Miranda rights for terrorists: Next, toothbrushes and teddy bears!

Schwarzenegger threatens to shut down California

President Obama's Supreme Court nominee has made an astonishing admission -- she has never considered whether an unborn child has any rights

The ever-growing measure is now expected to contain $7.7 billion in flu-fighting funds instead of President Barack Obama's original $1.5 billion request. Negotiators are also eyeing $1 billion for a new "cash for clunkers" program that aims to boost new auto sales by allowing consumers to turn in their gas-guzzling cars and trucks for vouchers toward the purchase of more fuel-efficient vehicles. (If you give people $4,000 for their car, who is going to give a loan to someone out of work or could be out of work for the remaining $16,000 or more? That $267 dollars a month zero down with five years to pay for service the government is supposed to guarantee. And where is that money coming from? You! - Webmaster)

Audit of Federal Reserve nearing critical mass - Rep. Paul plan has 213 co-sponsors in 435-member U.S. House

U.S. Wastes Billions In War Contracts

A senior fellow with the Cato Institute says a lesson on healthcare can be learned from Massachusetts' mistakes -- and a Heritage Foundation expert says American families have a lot at stake in the healthcare debate

There goes the used car market - 'New' Chrysler Shielded from 'Old' Product Liability

The Rutherford Institute Wins Court Victory for West Virginia Constitution Party's Right to Circulate Petitions at a State Park

Judge Rules Against State’s Secrecy

Can't think a better thing to happen to a far-left liberal, getting what they wanted for the rest of us

OM*G, the proof is in and Clinton is his messenger! They have elected what looks like a stealth destroyer of Jews and Infidels. Now we know why Caucasians are called "typical white people", a Saudi Prince is bowed to, and then the world it told America is not a Christian Nation. It's the change you can believe in!

But maybe there is still hope on the other side! - Iranian Millennials Revolt Against Ahmadinejad

More change you can believe in! Obama ousts AmeriCorps' IG who investigated friend

More Obama's chump change! - Swindlers, con men, and thieves could siphon off as much as $50 billion of the government's planned stimulus package as the money begins flooding the economy in coming months, according to David Williams, who runs Deloitte Financial Services Advisory and counsels clients on fraud prevention

Obama’s Rev. Says "Them Jews" Keeping Him Away (And MSNBC accuses conservatives of hate speech! - Webmaster)

Community organizers DON'T make money! They spend it, yesterday Obama pissing away 200 MILLION big ones of your tax dollars at a whim when so many taxpayers are out of work, chump change to Newsweek's God. (Well Obama voters who are out of work, a happy up your's. - Webmaster)

First (haha) Letterman insinuates he wouldn't mind having sex with Palin. Then later he makes fun of how she dresses. Then two days ago he wants her 14-year old daughter to be knocked up, the one that attended the ball game. No wonder Palin is finally pissed at the Democrat's mouthpiece at CBS

So what else is new, as Republicans screw things up again

When you're rich, anything is possible. So why try to be a roll model in Pelosi's cess pool called the House when Rhode Island voters like you just the way you are . . . an a**hole

More bad news for business, which drives America's economy! Government implemented thousands of new regulations costing $1.17 Trillion in 2008

It's over, over there

No smoking lamp is lit! Historic vote would bring new limits

Surprise, surprise! It goes on and on, doesn't it, with these crooks, as Dodd's wife serves on health care company boards

Good job, Jimmy! Oops, I mean Obama. Cessna Aircraft plans 1,300 new layoffs

Petraeus: Record violence in Afghanistan

The progressive media raced its hate machine out of the gate too early! It was a far-left nut, not a far-right one that killed in the Holocaust museum! Darwin-loving museum shooter hates Bible, Christians

The executive scums at CBS owe Palin an apology.

Another global warming claimed dissed - Reports of ocean acidity discredited

Judeo-Christian Heritage Bill Challenges Obama’s Claim That U.S. Is A Secular Nation

Notre Shame spreads as word goes out Boston Catholic diocese may be set to partner with abortion services

High costs of Obama's Health Care Plan

Free Exchange is comprised of teachers unions, left-wing political action groups like the ACLU, the People for American Way, and funded by Soro's Open Society Institute. In other words, it's another campus Fascist organization

Surprise, surprise. Dirt bags are at it again. Senators held stock in bailed-out banks

Oh dear, never-a-businessman Obama just keeps screwing with our country's success, about to put your business success or failure on your private credit!

In a state where people loved Tiller, Kansas teacher now fired for conservative views

Calling itself a great place to live, Kansas to continue being number one baby-killer state

Obama protects Democrat voting block, using DHS to gut E-Verify executive order to identify illegal aliens before hiring

Obama go give Stimulus money to illegal aliens.

Think The One is listening? L.A. County sheriff protests proposed cuts in federal funding 

Has Government Crossed the Line? - From bank bailouts to auto bailouts to executive pay, business is increasingly nervous about the heavy hand of the Obama Administration

Millions Left Behind as TV Goes Digital

A new report raises alarms about existing U.S. export controls over militarily-sensitive high, suggesting they are are insufficient to prevent them from illegal export, theft, espionage or reverse engineering

Court order ends unconstitutional St. Louis policy banning literature distribution

Burn the Jews - Mousavi camp cries foul as Ahmadinejad wins elections. Then Iran takes communications from the people, cell phone service taken down after Iran vote. (So much for The One changing anything in Iran. - Webmaster)

Iranian Youth: Government disenfranchised us

You wouldn't believe this one, but for an Obama failed foreign policy it's right on the money - Obama "excited" by Iran's robust election debate

Gee Obama, ever been to the Baltimore Harbor renovation? Of course you haven't. What can you expect from a man who has never run as much as a Burger King, throwing your money at everything! - Dozens of US cities may have entire neighbourhoods bulldozed as part of drastic "shrink to survive" proposals being considered by the Obama administration to tackle economic decline

Obama won't rule out releasing detainees in U.S.

Health-care overhaul legislation being drafted by House Democrats will include $600 billion in tax increases and $400 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, Ways and Means Committee Chairman [tax-cheat] Charles Rangel says

Wright is right

Those deaths and the domestic political means which made them possible are the most accurate reflection on the generation of activists who raised Barack Obama and created his values

North Korea's uranium plan to create trickier nuclear standoff . . . also warns of nuclear war amid rising tensions

China Warns Against Force in Carrying Out North Korea Sanctions

Prisoner can sue on torture memos

REMEMBER THEIR NAMES. They had promised to protect you! - These Democrats took away American jobs today to protect a Democrat voting block, believing American voters are so stupid they wouldn't know the difference and vote for them anyway in the next election. Are they right? You decide.

More on this story - Transparency, Quddafi saying Obama's election promises were just part of a "clearance sale?" - But after Walpin dared to push for action against the St. HOPE Academy program – run by Obama supporter and former NBA star Kevin Johnson – which had misappropriated hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal AmeriCorps funds, he nonetheless found himself fired by the White House under circumstances that have led some to wonder if Obama has violated his own co-sponsored law in retaliation

In a speech to the group on Saturday, Clinton said that given the growing numbers of Muslims, Hindus and other religious groups here,  Americans should be mindful of the nation's changing demographics, which led to the election of Barack Obama as president. Clinton said by 2050 the U.S. will no longer have a majority of people with European heritage and that in an interdependent world "this is a very positive thing."

How life can be under Muslim rule, or did you so quickly forget?

How life can be under Muslim rule! First cell phone transmissions are shutdown, then Iran closes Arabic satellite news channel's Tehran bureau

Winds of change? The uprising in Iran as police beat those who stand up for their right to vote (video)

Judeo-Christian Heritage Bill Challenges Obama’s Claim That U.S. Is A Secular Nation

Americans United for Separation of Church and State has filed a complaint against a small Richmond, Virginia, church after the pastor pointed out a candidate he would vote for from the pulpit

Something Rotten in America. - Gee, someone actually noticed?

Letterman, an obvious follower of the power of politics of Saul Alinsky - Comedy, Bullies, and American Politics

MSNBC, where else: Palin's a 'Delusional Lunatic', Letterman's 'The Victim'

Troubling “Fairness Doctrine” Back in Spotlight

Obama wants your medical records and is using taxpayer money and GE, owner of MSNBC, to do it!

Ohio’s Miami University revises speech policy, agrees to settle lawsuit

Unrest Spreads in Iran

The Election that Wasn’t

Poland wants clear answer on US missiles: government

Nimer Hamad, senior political adviser to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, also said the PA is not concerned about Netanyahu's policies since Abbas relies on American support for key Palestinian demands

Kick the bastards out who don't like other opinions - Activists want to add transgender to the Bay State's existing "hate crimes" bill. Evelyn Reilly, director of public policy for the Massachusetts Family Institute, tells OneNewsNow that lawmakers who support the measure are bowing to a fraction of the population -- and in that process, are endangering women and children

Obama will pursue these goals with the secular-liberal media's acquiescence, silent approval and encouragement, and warmest appreciation. To cover for this political recruitment by their president, liberals in the press will ignore the activity, and certainly not expose it in their news coverage

Talking Jesus: Obama vs. Bush - The progressive's Jesus vs the Bible's Jesus

Senior Democrat Says Obama's Czars Unconstitutional

Shock and Awe? - Conservatives Grow in Number; Single Largest Ideological Group in America

Top 10 Reasons Why Letterman Should Apologize to Sarah Palin . . . just saying

What is the Sarah difference?  Well, it's not the issues, at least that is not all of it.  It is the charisma factor.  Charisma is not learned, it is innate.  One is born with it and no amount of training can inject it.  Jack Kennedy had it.  So did Reagan.  Now Obama.  Out of the thousands of politicians who have come and gone over the last generation, not one other person has shown "it."

CIA Fired Firms Aiding Questioning

Population boom factors in environment

Now ABC joins MSNBC: The All Barack Channel.

The radicals protest the radical

The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico estimates that 19% of the world's wheat, which provides food for 1 billion people in Asia and Africa, is in imminent danger. American plant breeders say $10 billion worth of wheat would be destroyed if the fungus suddenly made its way to U.S. fields

Brave UN to North Korea - We'll write another letter!

White House Claim of 46 Million Uninsured 'Americans' Includes Almost 10 Million Foreigners!

Finally? Real-Time Criticism of CNN’s Iran Coverage

Chicago Communist Community Organizer to AMA: You're the problem!

51 Members of Congress join Rep. Brian Bilbray in Opposing Obama's E-Verify Postponement

Dealers say they were led astray in Chrysler's final days

Significant percentages of Americans see their personal freedom diminishing under President Obama and even fear speaking their minds, expressing their political and religious views and freely associating with others because of potential retribution by government, the scientific conducted by Wenzel Strategies found

Global warming? Temps on an 8-year decline

Mount Rushmore National Memorial's famous stone carvings of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt are about to receive a sculpted visitor: a massive bust of Barack Obama

Iran recount ordered as rival rallies are planned after bloodshed in Tehran

State Department Says China to Get U.S. Aid under New Climate Deal

MySpace to cut 30 pct of jobs to boost efficiency

Surprise, surprise - Sotomayor rooted in abortion rights

Lawsuit: White House won't release visitor records

Grassley Demands Details on Fired AmeriCorps IG

The science of sex

Obama’s AmeriCrooks and cronies scandal

Judical Watch - Obama Breaks Law In Govt. Watchdog Firing

Sen. McCain: $1 Trillion for Kennedy Health Bill? From where?

Obamunists working FAST to implement dangerous policies

The Return of Carterism

More government takeover of the free markets - New financial rules: Major changes for big, small

Big banks pay back TARP Funds—but still get government aid

A British plan to allow local authorities "the right of access to the home" and "the right to speak with each child alone" in order to evaluate homeschooling families and make certain they do what the wants is a warning about what could happen in the United States, according to the world's largest homeschool advocacy organization

Phoenix Police violates own Immigration Policy

Why do Liberals Bleed?

Same-sex partners to get fed benefits . . . but will straights get benefits for live ins? If not, sue for discrimination

Why the running of our nation cannot be given to any political party

Harry Reid Vows Action on ‘Comprehensive’ Immigration Bill That Includes Amnesty

2nd-grader ousted from talent show for religious song! Free speech? Not in this country! Iran fights for freedom while Americans put their finger up their ass as their's is taken away!

Three Immigration Amendments Offered to CJS Appropriations

Somalis take to the street . . . in Minneapolis to protest American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) actions

Notre Shame ‘Betrayed’ Catholic Identity with Obama Speech, says Vatican Leader

Rick Scott, chairman of Conservatives for Patients Rights, submitted an ad to ABC that offers a free-market alternative to President Obama’s $1 trillion plus health care reform plan, but the ad was rejected as ABC transmits from the White House, some now calling ABC the Obama Channel

More freedom of speech kicked in the ass - PBS using taxpayer dollars blesses old religious shows, but bans New

Democrats’ $1-Trillion Health Care Plan to cost 23-million Americans their private insurance, CBO says

North Korea warns of 'thousand-fold' military retaliation

Boumediene’s Baloney

Enough is enough with these pariah that have entered our government. Pentgon exam identifies Constitutional Right to protest as low-level terrorism!

Bush takes swipes at Obama policies

North Korea plans to fire missile toward Hawaii

South Korea military networks under growing cyber attack

Iranians’ continue to cry for Freedom

Calvin Klein's bill board now openly sells the teen sex act of "sandwiching," a young piece of trash in the middle with two boys going for each STD orifice. America has become a pagan nation, the sandwiching being brought up by middle school teens ten years ago in a PBS Frontline documentation, "The Lost Children of Rockdale County"

Too late, it's over as French legislators worry now about rise of burqa use

Big City Mayors trying to force social agenda on the rest of America

Will feds now aim to take over public education?

Sen. Schumer pushes for National ID Card

Senate questions Obama's financial oversight plan

Iran seeking nuclear weapons technology: ElBaradei

BusinessWeek and YouNoodle's list of 50 tech startups includes young companies like Cloudera, Project Better Place, and Scribd that are poised for growth

E-Mail Surveillance renews concerns in Congress

First clear evidence of 'lake' on Mars

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) has introduced legislation that would legalize marijuana

Tell them what they want to hear! After two hours of prayer, music, and testimony focusing on Jesus Christ and the importance of the Christian faith in the Latino community, President Barack Obama’s keynote speech at the 2009 National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast referenced Muslims, Hindus and “non-believers” in the first moments of his remarks

The administration that promised unprecedented transparency and accountability has instead stymied independent investigations of costly government programs, kept crucial information from the public and defended its predecessor’s widely criticized secrecy policies in court

Billions to weatherize poor homes

Look who is promoting national socialist health care bill for America - a coalition that includes ACORN, the AFL-CIO, the American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees, Americans United for Change, MoveOn.org, the NAACP, the National Education Association, and the Service Employees International Union. Each of those groups has contributed at least $500,000 to sit on the coalition’s steering committee

After losing $20 Million in equipment, Federal Health-Care Agency won $500 Million earmark in Stimulus; Agency’s HQ had 10 pieces of IT equipment per worker

The Obamacare horror story you won’t hear

Promises, Promises: Obama's health plan claims

As indignation turned to outrage Thursday among critics of an ABC News prime-time special on President Obama's health care policy, The Washington Times has learned that ABC employees gave 80 times as much money to Mr. Obama's 2008 campaign for president than to his rival's

War possible, as U.S. Military Set to Intercept North Korean Ship

Lawsuit filed against city for restricting Christian ministry during Arab Festival

Is there A Father's Day in your son's future?

Earth warming gradually, not rapidly

Borden Dairy and Quiznos both say they were unaware they were helping finance a blog that, during the presidential campaign, accused Alaska Governor Sarah Palin of having her first son out of wedlock and falsely claimed she forced rape victims to pay for rape kits

The Heritage Foundation: Open Letter on Health Care

Obamunists admit goal is to destroy private health care!

Iran's Supreme Leader praises vote results - no challenges

Ayatollah Khamenei signals showdown, could turn bloody

Hamas: Obama's Terror Elite

Here we go again! Fla. school district singles out church VBS fliers for censorship

Why Women Are Unhappy

Judge to review Cheney interview in CIA leak case

Ah shucks! [God] Closes Doors on Openness - Newsweek

And so it begins! Obama quietly starts his Brown Shirts!

The Department of Defense has withdrawn a training manual question that linked protesters across the United States to terrorism, but there's evidence coming to light that describing Americans as terror suspects, or "low-level" terror suspects, is routine!

Let's say goodbye to Reader's Digest, as it is embarrassed to be called Conservative?

While Fannie, Freddie were at the center of the financial crisis, they ARE NOT included in Obama’s new financial regulations

Mir-Hossein Mousavi 'ready for martyrdom' as Iranians defy Supreme Leader

Thousands of protesters defied Iran's highest authority Saturday and marched on waiting security forces that fought back with baton charges, tear gas and water cannons as the crisis over disputed elections lurched into volatile new ground

Freedom Fighters and an American [Muslim] president?

Florida Identifies Scores Of Criminal Illegal Aliens

ASCAP (the same folks who went after Girl Scouts for singing around a campfire) appears to believe that every time your musical ringtone rings in public, you're violating copyright law by "publicly performing" it without a license. At least that's the import of a brief it filed in ASCAP's court battle with mobile phone giant AT&T

Greek President Carolos Papoulias ramped up pressure on Britain to return priceless statues from antiquity taken over 200 years ago as the new Acropolis Museum was opened in Athens

Having frozen custard while Iran burns

Is Obama too soft on the leaders of Iran?

They killed Neda, but not her voice

How should we help Iran?

Being a Daddy’s Girl

Pimp My Ride DC Style

60% of 18 to 24 year olds view Supreme Court gender and ethnic balance as important - WHILE - 70% of young [yuppie?] Americans say Obama’s promises of Change match actions

Obama Job Approval Slips to 58% for First Time

Democrat-owned billboard cartel, supresses free speech and rejects paid ad that questions Obama eligibility

Numbers on Welfare See Sharp Increase

Republican senator seeking a bipartisan health deal spoke Sunday of "dialing down" expectations while one of President Barack Obama's Democratic allies questioned whether the White House had the votes necessary for a such a costly and comprehensive plan during a recession

The letter, addressed to Obama, takes the president to task for the remark, calling it "a grave and deep insult, not just to Mr. Mousavi but especially against the judgment of the Iranian people, against our moral conviction and intelligence, especially those of the young generation that comprises a population of 31 million

The president of the United States should be the leader of the free world. In the past week, we have discovered he is not. That mantle has been firmly grasped by Gordon Brown, the prime minister of Britain

Project Vote sues whistleblower: ObamACORN bully tactics exposed, as Democrats see it as business as usual

Damn corrupt San Francisco AGAIN! - Prosecutor Kamala Harris faces questions over a program that 1.) trained illegal immigrant drug felons for jobs, 2.) kept them out of jail and 3.) expunged their records

Liberty Counsel asks Navy to reverse Prohibition of Religious Speech on Website

WND Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah is offering a $10,000 reward to anyone who can prove he or she was present at the birth of Barack Obama – and he's asking Americans to donate to the cause in hopes of raising the bounty to an irresistible amount

Obama and Democrats to kill more free speech.

Oregon Attorney General sees sex of a Portland Mayor with an eighteen year old as okay, maybe hoping for a threesome like that Calvin Kline billboard in SoHo

Death threats against leaders of the pro-life movement are being reported to authorities. The threats come in the aftermath of the assassination of abortionist George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas. One of the threat victims is Troy Newman of Operation Rescue. (Since the New York Times found Tiller a hero on its front page, saying O'Reilly encouraged the murder, what is good for the goose in now good for the gander as the Times itself could now have blood on its far-left liberal hands.)

Madam Librrrrraian . . . NOT!

New study: Virtually All Drug Trafficking In U.S. Controlled From Federal and State Prisons

You can't call this a freak anymore. But we might need a new name for this "other-other" game, so different from a man and women it's almost a vegetable - (Read on!) - Frank’s senior policy advisor on ENDA is Diego Sanchez, who is described as a “transgender.” Sanchez is a woman who 1.) either went through a sex change operation; 2.) or is living as a man, 3.) BUT hasn’t had any surgery, 4.) or is a she-male who went through half of the operation. If this is the case, 5.) Diego had his breasts surgically removed, 6,) but still maintains female characteristics below the waist. What?

Three E-Verify Amendments Offered to Tourism Bill

Like we have said, get rid of Republican and Democrat Parties filled with corrupt individuals. Let's find real Americans and then kick these career seat custions out. Is anyone home?

Unbelievable from Judical Watch - Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court a radical far-lefty just like him - birds of a feather flock together - "The PRLDEF bills itself as an organization that provides legal services to the Latino community. However, the organization's activities reflect a commitment to the worst aspects of liberal judicial activism: identity politics, race baiting, and ethnic favoritism."

Iran leaders finally admit 50 cities had more votes than voters

Neda Soltan, Young Woman Hailed as Martyr in Iran, Becomes Face of Protests for the world!

World Cup triumph vital for Pakistan's recovery 

The Accused - A controversial new film looks at the treatment of women in Iran

The Fifty-Fourth Vote

End-of-Year victory, so few, this one from the ACLJ

From those that brought you the corrupt Oil for Food Program, exposed by Bush's attack on Iran, they are baaaack! - UN food agency says 1-billion people going hungry each day

Stock losses in oughts as bad as in 1930s Depression

What a hoot and right under Obama's CHANGE nose - Goldman to make record bonus payout

Yawn! Detroit gets closer in J.D. Power's quality study

Boeing Team Completes Segment Testing Of SBSS

It's what Democrats do best - Obama: The Gun Industry’s Best Friend?

OMG, here we go again, the party down the hole! South Carolina Govenor Mark Sanford says he's had an affair

Disgusting times in this place we call America! As we have to deal with this girlie president, sword still hangs over the head of LtCol Chessani; Commandant Refers Prosecution Decision

There are very deep pockets behind the “grass-roots” campaign for Obamacare. It is Chicago crony/White House senior adviser David Axelrod, of course, the master of astroturfing. So it certainly comes as no surprise that left-wing puppetmasters are behind the government health care takeover lobby. But an informed citizenry needs to know the nitty gritty details

When President Obama announced his National Security Team of Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates and James Jones, we were a bit apprehensive. And that apprehension was, unfortunately, proven justified when Gates announced his 2010 budget on April 6, 2009

And it begins againm this time ownership goes to The One, Obama - At least 55 people have been killed by a bomb blast in the eastern Sadr City area of Baghdad, say officials

Why Iran's Women are Rioting - while Alinsky-driven community organizer doesn't get it!

With 42 months to go in this Obama administration, after Healthcare and Cap-And-Trade, Democrats To Push Amnesty for Illegals

Climate change vote: Pelosi’s green gamble

New York Times - the whore of the media world

Where there is Smoke… Sotomayor on Ricci 

UN Acknowledges Violence in Iran - Stronger Action Needed. So what, are they going to write another letter?

Witnesses report clashes around Iran's parliament

But Hollywood execs don't care that too many Americans let them raise their kids. They don't take the responsibility seriously. They only take their bank accounts seriously. And that's why we have crap like "Transformers 2."

Credit-Card Companies: Who Qualifies Now?

YouTube remains family-friendly, oops that's porn-friendly

Iran rules out scrapping vote, Obama questions result

Google's $1,500 coffee makers! Green is about "look at me" instead of making a profit, therefore can't create many jobs - why progressives are dangerous for America running new American businesses

Business bankruptcy filings are up more than 40% from a year ago, and banks are pushing more companies to liquidate

Suspected terrorists can still buy guns

As cars go electric with lithium batteries, problem of short circuit inside a battery sparking a chain reaction becomes of greater concern while carrying passengers, causing overheating or a fire. In mobile phones, laptops, and other portable gadgets, thermal runaway can occur in 1 of every 5 million to 10 million cells

Eyewitness: Massacre in Baharestan Square

The Cap and Tax Fiction

Obama censorship! Environmental Protection Agency officials have silenced one of their own senior researchers after the 38-year employee issued an internal critique of the EPA's climate change position

Electric Cars Will Not Decrease Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Says Federal Study

Duh! Obama not telling truth on Gov’t Health Care, Republicans say

Democrats Pushing for ‘Job Killer’ Climate Bill: Rep. Cantor

TVC Special Report -- The So-Called ‘Hate Crimes’ Bill S. 909, The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act

4th Circuit upholds Va. partial-birth abortion ban

"The economic winds are blowing. We're losing our jobs, our homes, factories closing, businesses failing, families hurting. Now Congress is about to make things dramatically worse by passing a new national energy tax. We'll lose more jobs, pay more for gas and electricity -- pushing our economy to its breaking point." 

Ford, Nissan, Tesla to get govt loans

So could you figure out that this president never made a dime in his life, only spent other's people money?

If you voted for Democrats to control Congressm eat this! The provision, called "offsets," has been attacked by both environmentalists and business groups as ineffective and poorly designed. Critics contend it would send scarce federal dollars overseas to plant trees when subsidies are needed at home, while the purported ecological benefits would be difficult to quantify

The patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia says he will announce to the world Friday the unveiling of the Ark of the Covenant, perhaps the world's most prized archaeological and spiritual artifact, which he says has been hidden away in a church in his country for millennia, according to the Italian news agency Adnkronos

Old fart Specter finally showing true colors - he never did act like a consevative, just an old RINO wading in a muddy pit

HOODED Somali Islamist militiamen today chopped off the right hand and left foot of four thieves in front of a crowd of 200 people in Mogadishu. An ad-hoc court set up by the hardline Islamist group Shebab had this week found the four young men guilty of stealing mobile phones and guns from residents in the Somali capital

A dog pile on the lawn by any other name still smells the same

Microsoft's Steve Ballmer: Traditional media will not bounce back

According to his Web site, Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi said Thursday he is under pressure to withdraw his demand for the cancellation of the disputed presidential election

Kyrgyzstan changes mind on US Afghan base

Terrorists as Freedom Fighters

Supreme Court Rules School's Strip Search of Girl Was Illegal

President Obama Rejects National Day Of Prayer – But Celebrates 1969 Drag Queen Riot Sunday Afternoon

Remember these names! Eight RINOs wallowed in their mud holes and helped to pass Obama's Cap and Tax Bill - Here are the traitors: Mary Bono Mack (Calif.-45), Mike Castle (Del.), Mark Steven Kirk (Ill.-10), Leonard Lance (N.J.-7), Frank LoBiondo (N.J.-2), John McHugh (N.Y.-23), Dave Reichert (Wash.-8), and Chris Smith (N.J.-4)

Obama's Health Care Reform in Trouble? - You wish

At least half a dozen men suspected or convicted of terrorism have been allowed by the U.S. government to keep their federal aviation licenses, including two who appear on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List and a Libyan sentenced to nearly three decades in prison by a Scottish court for the 1980s bombing of an American airliner

New movie The Stoning, as Iranian Clerics eat their young in the name of God. Aztec Ritual anyone?

Don't you love these Democrats, taking your rights and stuffing them? Harry Reid won't commit to giving public a week to read Health-Care Bill before Senate votes on it

High Court Gives Arizona Leeway to Teach English

More Boeing 787 Woes as Qantas Drops Order

What is being billed as the first-ever Atheist Film Festival and featuring a large number of films that largely address religion will be held in San Francisco [Sodom and Gomorrah] Sunday – and it lumps Jesus along with Zeno, Flying Saucers, The Flying Spaghetti Monster and Eden

If you missed this Obama payoff to the unions, here it is again

Remember when it only sold books, then suddenly patio furniture and business experts laughed? Amazon.com's buying and hiring signal that many more Kindle apps may be on the way—plus software to put Amazon books on other mobile devices

Talk about the guarantee of losing jobs for American workers, Obama now wants to legalize 12-million illegal aliens by the fall, which will add another 12 million to his Health Care Plan

Remember when the liberals shouted, "Your a Homophobic," in the name of fairness and diversity. Yea, it was all a lie! Linda Kellen Biegel, a strong supporter of the Alaska Democratic Party, placed a mug shot of conservative Alaskan radio host Eddie Burke over Trig’s face in an attempt to mock the closeness of the pair

And Smith voiced concerns that young people in the audience "heard glowing testimony about the beauty and innocence of the homosexual lifestyle, which the Bible clearly says is sinful."

In 2006, the Safeway Foundation gave $10,000 to a San Francisco Bay-area homosexual group that openly supports the legalization of same-gender marriage. Safeway's headquarters are located in Pleasanton, California, across the bay from San Francisco

Yada, yada, yada! Bernanke denies bullying Bank of America. Yea, dude, but what about Wells Fargo that didn't want the stimulus money and was forced to take it.

And they made passionate love all through the day and night!

Sotomayor’s Racialist Judicial Activism

Virginia Federal Appeals Court upholds ban on Partial-Birth Abortion

Navy Laser Success Key In UAV Research And Development

Our Muslim Community Organizer President - Despite being respected for talking openly to the Muslim world, Obama irked many in France and elsewhere in Europe with this part of his address . . .

It's okay for kids to sext, get abortions without parential approveal, or be asked if they wants drugs. But ask them to attend church and progressive parents go nuts! America? Change the name because freedom of speech has been trashed by spoiled yuppie progressives

Dollar falls most in month as China urges new reserve currency

Mounting jobless claims force states to borrow

Angry doctor says proposed government-run Health Care Plan will drive physicians out of medicine

Press draws first blood on their turf

Names of Congressional Heroes in the House of Representatives who voted "NO" to Obama's/ Pelosi's / Reid's faux Cap and Tax Bill

Keeping on eye on keeping your job - The Midyear Review takes on more weight to move you up or move you out!

Recruiting: Enough to make a Monster tremble

"We do not expect anything from the British and the European countries' governments, which are not honorable and their history is known to the world," Ahmadinejad said in comments on state television. "But why has Mr. Obama been caught up in this trap while he has the slogan of change?"

Saudi Media take the lead against Iran's Regime

NOW - talk about an organization that's deaf and dumb!

Honduran President removed in Army 'Coup'

Thousands march in Venezuela over anti-Chavez TV

The fat lady sings - Minnesota Supreme Court rules for Franken in Senate fight

You've been had, sucker! Gholish American media (FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc.) feed off of Michael Jackson's corpse chasing the dollar and ratings. House Democrats used the dead man's body to cover their quick passage of the Cap and Tax Bill. Your Democrat House reprentatives didn't want you to see their stopping you from selling your home unless you have made all home improvements over their faux global warming ideology

Alice in Medical Care

Cap-and-Trade: So what's next?

Gloomy U.S. consumers clip housing recovery hopes

The withdrawal Tuesday of U.S. forces from Iraq's cities marks a pivotal moment in the Iraq war, the beginning of the end of America's military involvement in Iraq and a crucial test of the Iraqi government's ability to stand on its own

U.S. Bridge Boosts Afghan Drug Trade

Supreme Court agrees with school system, that Bible Club would bring religion into the schools - while sodomy, sexting, and the spread of STDs among students seems welcome with open arms by progressive educators

Conservative teachers within the NEA will call for the union to drop its support of abortion

Are environmentalists scaring your kids?

Obama’s most outrageous appointments yet!

“We call the DHS ‘Big Brother’s Laboratory’,” said Rotenberg. “These fusion centers operate on no legal basis and skirt state open government laws…Countries have the rights to police their borders, but that could be expanded to a rationale that those powers are limitless, so that’s something to keep an eye on.”

Making a monkey out of Darwin

President Barack Obama says that while he's dedicated to expanding homosexual rights, many Americans still cling to what he calls "worn arguments and old attitudes." (Hey, Barack you mean like the medical dangers of STDs from sodomy? - Webmaster.)

Public swings the other direction after being overwhelmed with a tax and spend Democrat Congress, Obama's disapproval ratings finally go negative

Do you remember the state media ever reporting this in January 2009? - Global warming fraudsters dismayed by growing ice and expanding polar bear population

Arizona moves to oppose Obama’s expected Health Care Mandates

Oh my! George Soros: Obama Team Falls Short in Financial System Overhaul

Pay cash, unless you don't mind big brother watching! Have you used your credit card at merchants specializing in secondhand clothing, retread tires, bail bond services, massages, casino gambling or betting? Your credit card issuer may be taking note -- and making decisions about your creditworthiness based on your purchasing behavior

The far-left progressive producer of the horrible and failed movie, Alexander the Great, Oliver Stone [d], now blames Nixon, Reagan for Bush

On 'Bruno,' MSNBC Gets the Message!

Unveilling Next-Gen High-Flying Global Hawk UAV





"Freedom is Knowledge"