"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Marxist NYT Attacks A News Organization That Fights For Our Freedom.

Understanding Marxism: The Enemy of Being is Having




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How Did We Get To Where We Are Today?

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When I was three in 44, my father was driving a Higgins filled with U.S. Marines onto the beaches of Okinawa. I was raised by the men and women who won WWII, growing up around courage, commitment and love of country.

America 80 years later is filled with communists in colleges, media and corporations, enemies of the state. My Swedish grandparents never could have imagined the gangsters who would be voted into office by a transformed population.

They brought three sons to America, two dying before graduating high school, which left my father who had gone missing on Okinawa in 44, at three years old still remember my grandmother crying.

He came home in 45, his ashes now buried at Arlington for his service to his adopted country.


If we want freedom of religion, then We the People must defend it. Otherwise, we resign ourselves to be subjects of those we hired to protect our rights. - Paul Engel




2024: America In Free Fall

Click On graphic below to watch video.

Click Here to watch if video removed by YouTube's "community standards."

"Victor Davis Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Fresno, and a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services.

He is also the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History, Hillsdale College, where he teaches each fall semester courses in military history and classical culture. Victor discusses current political and social events and ideas, and current and past cultural trends." - VictorDavisHanson

Video / Graphic Source: VictorDavisHanson



"The overwhelming majority of Biden’s January 6th political prisoners are peaceful patriots, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters and brothers whose crime was walking into a public building to protest.  The emerging totalitarian uniparty decided to weaponize the Department of Injustice and persecute Donald Trump/America First/anti-oligarchy supporters." - Gateway Pundits

American GULAG is an informational site about the more than six hundred and thirty (630) people Joe Biden continues to imprison and persecute, largely for entering a public building on January 6, 2021. The site is presented by the Gateway Pundit.


Treason, Sedition, And Subversive Activities

What you need to know to protect the nation's unique traditions . . . 1776 is every day. - USCODE



Letter To Officials In England On Their Seditious Attitude In Serving The People

Need a template of a letter for writing to a hostile government official local, state or federal, be it an out-of-control school board member, a bully librarian following a Marxist representative in Washington D.C. or a U.S. House of Representative attacking women's sports?

Check out a letter format from Martin Geddess in his dealing with obnoxious human representatives across the pond in England. With a word changed here and another over there, you'll be ready to help remind those "public servants" who is paying the bills.

With a hang-them-high Democrat party pushing America into a banana republic, you need to understand the party's end goal is to remove the Constitution as the law of the land in the next election. That will send the entire Supreme Court packing, the glue that currently holds the country together.

It's the whole reason for the Democrat Party's existence, wicked leaders filled with ugly faces ready to take away your rights under God and transfer them to a worldly AI running a country that may soon look more like Blade Runner 2049 than the classic Mr. Smith Goes To Washington.

These government socialists are the same ones who attack citizens that hold the same values as those coming home from WWII, welcoming a child in its mother's womb as a future U.S. Citizen with rights from God. That's why they fought and won . . . for freedom back home for future generations. What, classroom educators never told you?

Sadly our new enemy is a younger generation stolen by social engineering. This subtle control, or nudging, using our legacy media as the injector was demanded by the satanic Obama / Biden regime. They ensured that all institutions they controlled were filled with it after taking office in 2009.

For that reason feeling special about living in this land of freedom has disappeared, like watching fresh water evaporate in a desert sun until the last reflection of its life-giving substance is gone.

So check out the template by clicking on the photo below and start writing your masterpiece to a government official that may see We the People as smelly Walmart customers looking for a deal on Beef Jerky in isle 10.

Of course, as always click here if the document has been taken off the Web. - Webmaster

Photo Source: Martin Geddess

How The West Is Evolving To Legally Enslave Its Citizens And Toss Its Documents Of Freedom Onto The Heap Of Lost Civilizations.

Need Proof! New Mexico Democrat Governor "Let's The Cat Out Of The Bag For 2024," Says The Constitution And Her Oath To It Is Not Absolute! - FOXNews




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The Wonderful Politically Incorrect Cartoons Of Michael Ramirez

Click Here for our "Best of the Obama Years."



Like The Early Americans, We Stored Interesting Stuff In Our Cabinet, Too!


Journey Into Color Television Western North Carolina Job Searching Job Search Engines Fascism Comes To America Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Travel JamesPlace Ramirez On The Obama Years In Cartoons. Supreme Court Decisions Saul, Saul Miss Edith Helena Diary Of Edith Russo Remembering John Wheeler III Search Engines. Cool Sites Investor Beware!  This is an actual documented journey. Energy Independence Project Hand Of Hope. Kids & Teens. Art Sites What The Media Didn't Tell You In The 2008 Election. True Or False? In Three Parts:  Who Was Obama? Domain Blackballed By Google In 2005 Over Google Refusing To Run Conservative PAID ads. WWII Movie Stars.  Fought For And Not Against Their Country.




Dear U.S. / Canadian Voters: Sometimes You Get The Leadership You So Richly Deserve!

Click Here to watch video if removed by YouTube's "community standards."

“'We Can Never Forget What They Inflicted On Us!' – SkyNews star host, Rita Panahi, fires off on Kamala, Fauci, and Trudeau." - GatewayPundit

Video Source: SkyNews / GatewayPundit





Understanding The Anatomy Of . . .


1. Understanding The Anatomy Of A Political Cartoon

Below is an example of two sides of the same political cartoon. The original artist had intended to smear American patriots. But another artist shows with two minor changes the truth may be revealed what political party is really after destroying the freedom of lady liberty. - Webmaster

I have been investigating the original source of this powerful political cartoon. Through research I recently discovered it was drawn by Bruce MacKinnon, a cartoonist from Halifax, Canada, posted in September of 2018.

The original, seen on the left of Republicans holding down lady liberty, (not social media or Democrats), could not show the change in America in only three years from the cartoon's creation, global out-of-control social media giants literally in 2021 censoring posts around the world over COVID. If this had been a cartoon posted of Facebook censoring comments on COVID, Facebook would have immediately removed it to the trash bin.

While the Third Reich didn't hide its intentions, these billionaire fascists of social media in 2021 have quickly buried freedom, not with guns and bombs but by using innocent looking words such as "misleading" and "community standards," the intent no different than burning down a church or synagogue or spitting on 1776 as the year of the racists.

It reminds me of the word, "comfortable," used a few years ago by the Democrat (of course) governor of Virginia about putting a live birth to one side until its life or death could be basically voted on by the mother and the doctor, assuming the mother was female.

So what was the subject of this cartoon and who was lady liberty?

The cartoon was over the approval of a candidate for the Supreme Court, lady liberty being Christine Blasey Ford from the hearings in September of 2018. The candidate for the Supreme Court was Brett M. Kavanaugh. MacKinnon's original cartoon is again seen above, the cartoonist showing Republicans silencing lady liberty portrayed as Christine Blasey Ford. The TV testimony by Christine Blasey Ford at the time was so intense it seemed more important to the national progressive media than 9/11.

However after the dust had cleared and sane people could see the world again, an updated article would appear in April of 2020. It challenged Ford's testimony from two years before, more witnesses having come forward that it was alleged Ford knew she was lying. The article was appropriately titled, Then And Now.

“Every single American needs to read Michael Knowles’s Speechless. I don’t mean ‘read it eventually.’ I mean: stop what you’re doing and pick up this book.” - Candance Owens

It refers to the lies of Democrats THEN, "that a woman should be believed," to NOW when a woman was not to be believed who came out against candidate Joe Biden over sexual abuse. Unlike Ford, Biden's accuser was instantly trashed by the same Congressional Democrats who defended Ford. And that 2018 media on Biden's accuser? It suddenly went silent, or as some say in the business . . . DEAD AIR.

In the 1950's the winner's of WWII would have called this as the fix was in. With today's communists, it's called progress, not forgetting America has won nothing since and may never win anything again except pity. The only thing the American left seems capable of fighting over and winning is toilet paper and who can wear the most masks.

Our media is no longer a "real" media but an amplifier of the left and has been since the founding of the former ASNE, where the term "coloring the news" came from. It has become so toxic it can remind us of another similar media under the thumb of the Third Reich, which helped to rid the world of five-million people through murders, gas chambers and literal human ovens.

As an FYI on how the left loves to give out awards to liars in hopes it will justify the lie, Ford after her original testimony would soon receive a courage award from the ACLU. How soon the media wants you to forget that it is the same ACLU started by Roger Nash Baldwin, at the time a happy time follower of Stalin.

While Baldwin was said to later change his mind, who cares? The ACLU seems to be following Baldwin's original path to Communism in 2021. You can read this review of Baldwin over the ACLU posted almost two decades ago in 2002. - Webmaster

Source of this altered political cartoon on the Internet is unknown, The original supported Supreme Court Candidate Kavanaugh's accuser, Christine Blasey Ford. (See original above or below.)

This originally for the above, without the reference to social media and the Democrat Party, comes from a cartoon from Bruce MacKinnon, cartoonist from Halifax, Canada, and can be seen below, reported to be released in September of 2018. The Washington Post reported why MacKinnon created the cartoon, writing . . .

"Blindfolded Lady Justice is shown being pinned by Republican hands, her scales of justice lying on the bed and her mouth covered. The art references how professor Christine Blasey Ford has described being sexually assaulted in 1982.

In her Senate Judiciary Committee testimony on Thursday, Ford repeated her allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh was the attacker who covered her mouth during an assault when both were Maryland prep-school students. Kavanaugh has denied the accusation."



2. Understanding The Anatomy Of Denial While Worshiping In The Temple Of Political Correctness

Click On image to watch video of structures / brimstone sulfur balls that exist today from almost 4,000 years ago.

Video / Graphic Source: Timo Shely

Video from world traveler, Timo Shely, circa 2020, of the ruins of Sodom & Gomorrah, showing human structures that still could be seen within the dry ash that turned into layers as if thin cooked filo pastry dough. While progressives like to waddle away, saying that the ash is only sand dunes, nothing to see here, you can see the swirls of the molecules of the building elements of the materials that at one time had formed the structures, becoming so hot that the temperature was estimated at well over 5,000 degrees F. No sand dune looks like that, those are simply grains of sand.

However, within the ash are golf-ball sized objects that look like stones. They can be grabbed like picking up pebbles out of dried mud of a former river bed. These small stones are actually not stones at all but what the Bible refers to as "brimstone," not an allegory of superstition but real objects you can still hold in your hand . . . holding almost 4,000 years of history i9n 2022.

These "brimstones," while filled with sulfur, are almost white, not yellow, said to be 97% pure. They are reported to be only found in this one place on earth, not related to volcanoes or exploding meteorites, where in volcanoes the sulfur is yellow and in cakes. Only a lab is reported to be able to create sulfur this pure.

Check out video taped steps at around 19.50 minutes in the video. - Webmaster

These brimstones, which fell to earth from the sky thousands of years ago, can be easily re-ignited by simply putting a small flame next to any one of them. They will then literally and immediately dissolve into a hot liquid of around 800 degrees, a blue almost invisible flame at night, that burns out once the brimstone has evaporated away in the heat of its own "heavenly" purity. Get your finger too close and suddenly a blister will form, so hot you didn't feel it.

Or check out a row of descending steps coming down the side of a former structure, shown to the above right in a close-up of one of three 90-degree angles in order and distance from each.

As an FYI, I have referred to this young videographer, Timo Shely, as a modern day John The Baptist. You can watch a much longer video taken earlier of the same area by Timo, his warning you of the danger of denying the reality that is literally before you eyes and can be held in your hand as if falling yesterday.

As an FYI, if you want your own brimstone you can fly to Israel and then rent a car to drive down to the area, which is southeast of the Dead Sea and no longer blocked from visitors as it was years ago.

Or of course for around $100 - $150 dollars, you can instead simply order your own brimstone on eBay that others have picked up and now sell on the Web. I have always wondered what these sellers write when shipped and asked if the contents are flammable. Maybe they write, when in a cargo plane do not load next to lithium batteries. - Webmaster

NOTE: Google Maps as usual refuses to show actual Sodom & Gomorrah area or any photos of collecting brimstones, swirling ash or right angles in the ash. Google does refer to a nearby area of "Sodom Rock," east of the Dead Sea. And it did show a "Sodom & Gomorrah" but located far east of Afghanistan, maybe a thousand miles from Israel near where the city's remains are actually located.

Google knows but will not tell. It was like when I asked the Asheville Citizen Times publisher years ago why the newspaper tried to bury a CDC epidemic story of 50% of teens contacting an STD by age 25. I said why didn't the newspaper work with the medical community, parents and schools? The editor said the article was buried, understanding the kind of resident who live in the city. Gannett years later sold the newspaper but obviously not for that reason. - Webmaster




3. Understanding The Anatomy Of Dangerous Political Lies

In 2020, CEO Suits Of Major Company's Fell All Over Themselves To Be The First To Donate To The Suffocating Inclusive Marxist* Founders Of BLM . . .

. . . dipping their mission statements into the dirty waters of intentional corporate-media lies over cop shooting statistics . . . from CNN to MSNBC with journalists acting as if employed by the DNC. They may even seek promotions on their deceptive spins that help to increase BLM's call to defund the police across the United States. And if more police died from the reporting, well that's politics and the journalists can say those cops knew what they were getting into when they put on the uniform? Tell that to the widows and kids left behind, but they wouldn't.

Number Of Cases Unarmed Black Man Shot By Cop In 2019. - DailyWire

"As a rough average, 7 million of the arrested suspects are white and 3 million are black. Out of that number, last year, 25 unarmed white people were killed by police, compared to 14 unarmed black people, according to the Washington Post database of police shootings." - DailyWire

Number Of People Shot To Death In U.S. By Police From 2017 To 2021, By Race. (see chart.) - Statista

Graph: Statista

* BLM founders have proudly self-identified themselves as Marxists, which all corporate donors were aware of when gave the org millions of free dollars while knowing better to never ask where the money went.



4. Understanding The Anatomy Of Student Indoctrination.

Last year the leftist university administrators for the University Of North Carolina went out of their way to brag that Democrat-lead professors outnumbered Republicans by 16 to 1 on campus.

You should therefore not be surprised that a chancellor from the U of NC Wilmington had referred to the free speech of one of its college professors as “hateful, hurtful, vile, distasteful upsetting." That of course is against the spirit of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The instructor's name was Professor Mike Adams.

The chancellor also attacked Professor Adams for making comments against Governor Cooper of North Carolina. You may need to be reminded that it was Governor Cooper, a former North Carolina AG, who defended the lies of his friend Nifong, a Democrat lawyer, suing the men's Lacrosse Team at Duke University over an alleged race issue.

At the time around 80 Duke professors signed a document against the team, accepting Nifong's lies. Yet after Nifong's claims were finally proven a lie and made-up, those anti-free speech professors at Duke would still not take back their letter that attacked the Lacrosse team as racist.

Later justice would finally be served and in 2007 Nifong lost his license to practice law in North Carolina. This was while Cooper, who had protected the corrupt lawyer, would go on to win the state's governorship. Democrats cheered Cooper on, delighted he had tried to protect a fellow crook. As you can see, nothing much as changed in the Democrat Party over the last 16 years.

It also says a lot about universities such as U of NC at Wilmington when you discover its hatred of free speech, values that have attracted tens-of-millions of immigrants since the early 1900's to come to this country and escape communism.

Karl Marx and his communists murdered millions overseas back then. Yet these universities don't seem to care, opposing conservative views as "misinformation" to either not report them or buried them, which ever comes first.

This was true of Columbia University and its famous communist professors, Cloward & Piven in the 1980's. Their promotion of communism would later be included in the university's Teachers College, one of the first in the nation to promote the lies of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) into graduating students. (DEI.)

DEI was founded by the communist-lead Frankfort Institute, rejected by Germans around 100 years ago, its home country. However later it would find its way to be welcomed at America's Columbia University. It would spread like wild fire after the lies and corruption of the 1990's Clinton regime.

This destructive Marxism against America can be found on many other campuses, too, including Yale, a former Christian establishment. In 2015 it was Yale that welcomed attacks on free speech on its campus, which was not unlike Mao's revolution in China circa 1960 that mocked elderly Chinese teachers. Watch and listen for yourself!

You need to know Professor Mike Adams sued the U of NC Wilmington after it refused to give him tenure. During his first five years of employment, Adams became a Christian, demanding free speech rights of its values. In 2014 Professor Adams won his lawsuit against the university and its anti-Constitutional administration.

Later the university decided it might be too expensive to continue Professor Adams and his free speech on staff. So it was reported they decided to made a deal to release him from his teaching duties and retire him early.

Photo Source: NewYorkPost

In other words Mike Adams was unable to convince the University of North Carolina Wilmington to abide and welcome the American values of free speech onto its campus. It must have deeply wounded him. Because soon after that Mike Adams committed suicide.

Many do not know that the same chancellor who originally attacked Adams wrote the comments found below. It was three years ago at a time Americans were just discovering Democrat supported union teachers were instructing public school children on the Marxist diatribe of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI.)

Many could have not realized this communism was already alive and well at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, again rejected in Germany 100 years ago. Below is the stunning statement reported from the U of NC Wilmington chancellor on Mike Adams and his dismissal in 2020:

"As July progresses, we will share an action plan that outlines specific steps we will take to honor and demonstrate the values of inclusivity, cultural awareness, equality, and transparency.  This planning takes time, deliberation, and most importantly, the input, feedback, and support of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni, especially our Black communities.  It’s critical for UNCW’s future that we get it right. I hope you will join us in making it happen." - Jose V. Sartarelli, Chancellor

For more information on the college campus of today and its politics, please visit Intelligent.com



5. Understanding The Anatomy Of Citizens As An Annoyance

"In just five days we will fundamentally transform the United States of America." - Obama / Biden Marxist Regime, 2008

How too often Democrat leadership and the national alphabet corporate media may view the American people.

To the Pelosi and Schumer leadership, the American people are just a bunch of cattle to be pushed around the Washington D.C. range. - Webmaster

Photo Source: TreeHuggers

Go chew on your stimulus check and shut up! We'll tell you where you can graze, what you can eat and what shots you will take. - Webmaster



6. Understanding The Anatomy Of . . . The Stories Of Us (PragerU)

Thousands of educators and university professors utilize PragerU videos as teaching supplements in their classrooms. - PragerU   "Our schools are teaching that America is not a land of plenty, but a nation of systemic oppression and inequality. Students learn half-truths or lies to make them feel ashamed of being American. PragerU Resources for Educators & Parents (PREP) is a community committed to teaching our youth about America’s blessings and limitless opportunities." - PragerU



7. Understanding Our History

The Indomitable Lady Columbia Defends The United States With Her Snazzy Patriotic Shield, (1890. Library of Congress) - Source: Smithsonian Magazine, Sept / Oct 2023

Written by Cari Shane, History Correspondent

The first and longest-ruling mascot of the United States made her debut before the country was even a country, appearing in 17th-century poems and sermons under the name “Columbina.” Samuel Sewall, a chief justice of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, captured her early ethos in a 1697 essay: She was, Sewall wrote, an emblem of the “New Heaven” of the American colonies.

Photo Source: ArtVee

By the early 18th century, she was known by the less diminutive “Columbia,” and she became ubiquitous in political cartoons, posters and newspapers.

She was portrayed as a goddess, draped in a neoclassical gown and holding a sword, an olive branch and a laurel wreath as metaphors for justice, peace and victory. As Lady Columbia’s image spread across the country, particularly after the Revolution, she came to embody the nation’s highest aspirations—and its colonial ambitions.

Though largely forgotten today, she reigned for two centuries as our collective emblem, and her biography offers a tale in miniature of the development of a young democracy.

As she guided colonial America, Lady Columbia served as a nurturing mother figure, but by the time of the Revolution, she was closer to an avenging angel. In 1775, during the first year of the war, the pioneering African American poet Phillis Wheatley sent General George Washington an ode to Columbia: “Columbia’s arm prevails … Proceed, great chief, with virtue on thy side, / Thy ev’ry action let the goddess guide.”

Throughout the Revolution, Columbia was a source of strength, a rallying cry. By the end of the war, the victorious colonists celebrated their triumph by invoking her: “Hail Columbia, happy land, / Hail, ye heroes, heav’n-born band, / Who fought and bled in Freedom’s cause,” the lawyer and poet Joseph Hopkinson wrote in 1798. Hopkinson’s verses were soon set to music, and “Hail Columbia” became the country’s first, if unofficial, national anthem, sung throughout the 19th century.

When the War of 1812 began, Lady Columbia was sometimes joined on posters by a new figure, Uncle Sam; both offered a fierce embodiment of American independence.

In the decades before the Civil War, both North and South invoked Columbia. In perhaps her most extraordinary appearance, Columbia showed off her strength as a disciplinarian: One 1860 cartoon depicts her spanking Stephen Douglas for having created a schism in the Democratic Party by proposing that laws about slavery should be left to individual states. “You have been a bad boy, Steve … and now I’ll pay you for it,” Columbia says as she swats Douglas.

By the 1870s, Columbia had become a symbol of Manifest Destiny, guiding the country’s westward expansion, says Michael D. Hattem, author of the 2020 book Past and Prologue: Politics and Memory in the American Revolution. This role prompted the most famous image of Lady Columbia, in John Gast’s 1872 painting American Progress.

One of Lady Columbia’s most poignant roles came in the next decade, as the country greeted swells of immigrants arriving from Europe—and Columbia helped hold the door open. “Columbia welcomes the victims of German persecution to ‘the asylum of the oppressed,’” reads the caption of a political cartoon published in 1881. Her image was used to help rally millions of immigrants toward an American identity—and, Hattem says, to reinforce a new patriotic movement called Columbianism.

As Columbianism swept the nation, in 1893 Lady Columbia gave her name and her likeness to posters for the World’s Columbian Exposition—that year’s world’s fair in Chicago. Yet the fair also helped spell Lady Columbia’s doom: At his keynote address, the historian Frederick Jackson Turner declared to the American Historical Association that the western frontier was now closed.

“Once there was no frontier left, [Lady Columbia] had, to an important degree, outlived her usefulness as a symbol” of westward expansion, Hattem says. At the same time, advocates like John Dewey were democratizing education, displacing a focus on Greek and Latin with a more modern—and therefore more American—focus on science and problem solving. Columbia, with her Greco-Roman vibe, no longer represented the nation’s educational philosophy.

Meanwhile, another female avatar for the nation was capturing the imaginations of millions of new immigrants from Italy, Poland and Russia: the Statue of Liberty, dedicated in New York Harbor in 1886.

This new guardian became “a symbol for a land where the down-trodden and despised have found a chance,” as the New York Times wrote in 1903, the same year Emma Lazarus’ poem “The New Colossus” was cast on a bronze plaque in the base of the statue.

With unchained shackles at her feet, the Statue of Liberty represented freedom at a time when “America is now the one shedding enlightenment on the rest of the world,” says Jeanne Gutierrez, a senior research fellow at the New-York Historical Society. And in World War I, the ruddy-faced, gruff-looking Uncle Sam came to supplant the more ethereal Columbia in war propaganda.

By 1931, when the “Star-Spangled Banner” was officially declared our national anthem, replacing “Hail Columbia,” Lady Columbia was all but gone.

Yet her influence is still all around us. Visit Columbia University, and a seated Columbia greets you, arms aloft. At the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, a grand Columbia statue honors mothers of fallen veterans. Her most frequent appearance these days, though, is in movie theaters, where she lives on as the logo for Columbia Pictures—a role in which she has shone for nearly a century, since 1924.

Cari Shane is a D.C.-based freelance journalist who writes on subjects she finds fascinating—especially science, medicine and health. Cari’s work can be found in a wide variety of publications, from Scientific American to Fast Company.



8. Understanding Why America Is So Unique, Welcomes Freedom Of The Individual Spirit With Open Arms.

Mike Tomaro 10th Concert ( Set 2), Soka University Of Aliso Viejo, CA, April 13, 2024






Our Heroes In Western Journalism

"Our investigative reporters spent 18 months to uncover the biggest political scandal in modern history. We connected the dots around Spygate, the Obama administration’s elaborate efforts against Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, and how in the process, they weaponized some of America's most powerful agencies such as the CIA, FBI, DOJ and State Department." - Epoch Times

Click On photo below to watch American Rewritten by the Epoch Times

America is at a tippint point, at its weakest while China eyes world dominance.  Give thanks for this for the leadership and Communist supporters of the New York Times. - Webmaster



"We have brought together two families - The Whiskey Patriots and Law Enforcement Today. We are a community of law enforcement officers, veterans, active members of the military, friends, family, loved ones and supporters. And we all want an America that's even better than the one we've always known." - Let Unity

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Hero's Bridge



And Let's Not Forget About Those FireFighter Heroes From The Land Down Under In Australia

"Firefighting has long been a white male dominated field for various reasons—but in some places that's starting to shift." - Upworthy

Maryland County (AU) Turns Firefighter Stereotype On Its Head

"Meet the newest firefighters of Prince George's County, Maryland, who are flipping the image of a stereotypical firefighter on its head. A viral Instagram photo shared by BecauseOfThem shows eight black female firefighters posing in their gear, looking like fierce firefighting goddesses." - READ MORE / Upworthy

Photo Source: Upworthy

Watching And Learning From Others: The Indigenous Educational Experience - ResearchGate / DLGoodfellow

"Though officially illiterate and innumerate, she could take a bolt of cloth, cut it into thirty precise pieces and produce a fitted dress by the next day."





America Is Falling. But Will It Want To Get Back Up?



Baucham's New Book



"Whether you’re a layperson who feels like you’ve just woken up in a strange new world and wonder how to engage both sensitively and effectively in the conversation on race, or a pastor who’s wondering how to deal with increasingly polarized factions within your congregation, this book will provide the clarity and understanding you need to either hold your ground, or reclaim it."  - Amazon


"Voddie Baucham wears many hats. He is a husband, father, former pastor, author, professor, conference speaker, and church planter. He currently serves as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia.

Voddie makes the Bible clear and demonstrates the relevance of God’s word to everyday life. However, he does so without compromising the centrality of Christ and the gospel. Those who hear him preach find themselves both challenged and encouraged.

Voddie’s area of emphasis is Cultural Apologetics. Whether teaching on classical apologetic issues like the validity and historicity of the Bible, or the resurrection of Christ; or teaching on biblical manhood/womanhood, marriage and family, he helps ordinary people understand the significance of thinking and living biblically in every area of life.

It is impossible to understand Voddie’s approach to the Bible without first understanding the path he has walked. Raised in a non-Christian, single-parent home, Voddie did not hear the gospel until he was in college. His journey to faith was a very unusual and intellectual one. Consequently, he understands what it means to be a skeptic, and knows what it’s like to try to figure out the Christian life without relying on the traditions of men. As a result, he speaks to ‘outsiders’ in ways few Bible teachers can.

Dr. Baucham holds degrees from Houston Baptist University (BA in Christianity/BA in Sociology), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min.), an honorary degree from Southern California Seminary (D.D.), and additional post-graduate study at the University of Oxford, England (Regent’s Park College).

Voddie and his wife, Bridget have been married since 1989. They have nine children: Jasmine, Trey (Voddie, III), Elijah, Asher, Judah, Micah, Safya, Amos, and Simeon. The Bauchams are committed home educators.

Away from the pulpit and the classroom, Voddie is also a voice actor, lending his voice to films like George Washington Carver: An Uncommon Way, and the 2017 national theatrical release, Genesis: Paradice Lost, and an accomplished Martial Artist. He took up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 2012 as an avenue of self-defense training, personal fitness, and outreach. However, he began competing and found both a passion and a talent. He has won numerous tournaments and titles, including winning the 2014 Pan American Championship in his division." - Amazon


Click Here To Watch Voddie's Sermon titled, "Brokenness."



Chris Pratt Honored The Fallen: Those Who ‘B**** And Moan About America,’ ‘Your Right To Free Expression Is Paid For In [Someone Else's] Blood.’ - DailyWire


"1776 Unites Represents A Nonpartisan And Intellectually Diverse Alliance Of Writers, Thinkers, And Activists Focused On Solutions To Our Country’s Greatest Challenges In Education, Culture, And Upward Mobility." - Roberto

"We are building a positive movement in response to the overwhelming narratives of oppression, grievance and ignorance to America’s history — and its promise for the future." - RobertWoodson



Biden Attacks America, Labels Us As A Systematic Racist Society!

Taking the wealth of the Middle Class and crushing it for their own pockets.

The Following Is Taken Directly From President Biden's Speech On January 26, 2021, Posted On WhiteHouse.gov.

"We aren't just less of a - we are not just a nation of morally deprived because of systemic racism, we are also less properous, we're less successful, we're less secure." - President Joe Biden, January 26m 2021, posted on whitehouse.gov. - Webmaster

Democrats voted for a political party where its president says about the nation, "We aren't just less of a - we are not just a nation of morally deprived because of systemic racism, we are also less prosperous, we're less successful, we're less secure." You can read it taken directly from the White House Web site of January 26, 2021. - Webmaster


Report Says Warning Went Out In 2015 About Coronavirus. Where Was Everyone Back Then? - Webmaster

Warnings were out about Covid back in 2015. Where was Dr. Fauci?  Back in 2001 he had enjoyed the limelight standing with Gates Senior (vaccines), Turner (CNN) and Soros at the December 2001 awards from the Carnegie Foundation.  That photo never shown by the mainstream communist media. - Webmaster

Page Source: GatewayPundit



"The liberal elites want you looking at the phony Russia Collusion hoax while hoping you ignore the real 'collusion' of high tech and the left." - Comically Incorrect, A.F. Branco 2019

Graphic Source: Branco



Homeless In America . . .

. . . but you wouldn't know it, making a path for others.

Click on photo to watch video.

Homeless in New Jersey, Matthew Thomas keeps up hope that others around the world will follow his journey.

Matthew Thomas at the Greenhouse Cafe, 12/2019, Brooklyn, New York.

Listen to Matthew Thomas original arrangement: Days, Nights, and Years

Click Here to listen if song taken down.

"I find no reason in their grand design,
when they keep saying everything's going to be just fine,
I wish they could feel for a moment, what it's like, In my mind,
That for me, it's just a Normal Day, Normal Life." - Matthew Thomas


The Dismantling of A Lance Corporal Under The Command Of N.L. Cooling




Other Stuff That Might Help You

"Richard Dreyfuss has spent a lifetime championing the democratic process and the foundation blocks of our Republican Democracy. What began with his involvement of helping to design and rollout, LA Works, one of the most effective volunteer organizations, The Dreyfuss Civics Initiative was incorporated as a 501c3 in 2008.  Richard has made numerous public appearances to raise awareness for our organization and the need for civic education in our school system.  Our programs are meant to promote the advancement of civic education, civic virtue and the role citizens can play in the success of our country.  We look forward to illustrating the need for a return to civics in American education. Visit our News page to see some of the many public appearances Richard made in the past." - The Dreyfuss Civics Initiative

"The Dreyfuss Civics Initiative is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that aims to revive the teaching of civics in American public education to empower future generations with the critical-thinking skills they need to fulfill the vast potential of American citizenship." - Dreyfuss Civics Initiative






COVID FRONTLINE MDs / Dr. Stella Immanuel


"At Crash Course, we believe that high quality educational videos should be available to everyone for free. The Crash Course team has produced more than 15 courses to date, and these videos accompany high school and college level classes ranging from the humanities to the sciences. Crash Course transforms the traditional textbook model by presenting information in a fast-paced format, enhancing the learning experience." - Crash Course






From Here, Step Into Another Dimension


Click on image for Gratitude

- For Laptop and Table Top Computers, Click Here To Visit WG Universe -


New Discovery In First And Last Verses Of The King James Bible.

If I told you that the first and last verses in the King James Bible has the exact same amount of words, the exact same number of vowels (17), the exact same number of consonants (27), and that the number 17 was the number used at the beginning of the telling of the beginning Noah's flood in Genesis and that the number 27 was the first number mentioned after the flood, would you believe it? Check it out at TrustIsChrist, that our creator is very "creative." - Webmaster



His Grace Is Sufficient In Every Day Life.

| Daily Verse Of The Day | Inspiring Verses |

Interested In A Biblical Warning You Can Actually Hold In Your Hand?

"Men and women behind bars, victims of crime, families torn apart by incarceration—all are loved by God and worthy of our attention. There is always hope. Together, we strive to make prisons safer and more rehabilitative, advance criminal justice reforms, and help all those affected by crime to heal and flourish."



A.) The Shroud Of Turin Image No Longer A Reasonable Doubt Of Being Christ

It is instead without any doubt, (after decades of scientific study up to 2021), that it is the actual image of a "risen Christ" no longer under the Shroud but literally having passed through it. They discovered that individually selected fibers in the 2,000-year old weave held an image on cloth unlike any other in the world, the reproduction unable to be duplicated.

Finally, for an amazing look at the use of ancient Hebrew symbols to describe the purpose of the Bible in its first printed words, "In The Beginning," referred to as the Berisheet Passover Prophecy, click here to learn what those symbols meant and how they are centered around the cross. - Webmaster

Click On the image below to watch a video on the final science of the Shroud, as the end of 2023 may be the season of the beginning of the prophesied seven-year tribulation.

"Evidence for the Shroud of Christ! Resurrection; 2021"

Why this matters more than ever . . . and from the best scientific resources. You will see and hear every major important fact, which prove beyond a doubt that the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is now a fact of history. The bottom line is that you can either push aside his message in the Gospels or accept it. But you can no longer say you didn't know! - Webmaster / JesusIsLord

Photo /Video Source: Jesus Is Lord



B.) Images On The Shroud Of Turin Revealed In Stunning Detail

Religious objects seen on Christ's body from the Shroud, after He was taken off the cross, are directly related to Jewish and the traditions of Moses of the time.

Along with these objects, hand movements were actually captured as His body passed through the outer fibers of the linen. It was as if they were made from a strobe-effect shutter, all emissions parallel.

The video show different capture movements of the hands, as their energy passed through the shroud, leaving different levels of brown on the outside of the fibers of the cloth to form the image seen, impossible for human technology to create in 2023.

In this example the body is shown to have been laid face down in the tomb on top of the cloth, the cloth not over the face and verified by gravity shown by the parallel emissions yet to be understood.

The bottom line is not only to be amazed at the physics provided by the cloth mankind can not yet understand, but that Christ was real with stunning powers.

So I hope your life is arranged around accepting Him because Biblical dating research is now coming to light on a Rapture date that can begin at any time until September of 2024.

This is happening with the possible discovery of the "Ten Kings" from Revelation, the symbol not an allegory but real heads of state revealed in the last hours / days before Christ returns for His church and will allow the seven year tribulation to begin.

I pray your house is in order with Christ's warning in John 3:16, which you have seen again and again off of Christian signs at ball games, telling you of a coming event. It says in the Bible that He is not only at your door, "but knocking." - Webmaster

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16, King James

Click On graphic below to watch video of new stunning images from the Shroud Of Turin, impossible for the best scientists in the world to create on cloth in 2023.

Video and Graphic Source: HolyRosary

"The Shroud of Turin is secured in a vault in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, the Shroud is believed by millions to be the burial cloth of Jesus.

It is a fine linen cloth, measuring 14.5 feet by 3.5 feet, and mysteriously displays a finely detailed negative photographic image — front and back, head to toe, of an anatomically correct man who appears to have been tortured, beaten, and crucified.Note that, in their accounts of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross, all four Gospels mention a 'fine linen cloth.'” - HolyRosary

Comment From Viewer Of Video From One Year Ago:

"Detailed high resolution study of the shroud has revealed intimate details and features of the body which was once wrapped by the shroud.

The astonishing details reveal the crown of thorns as a whole plant with leaves, small flowers and thorns. The nails which affixed the body to wooden beams are still in the body, and there are 4 nails, square in cross section, with pyramidal points absent of tapering to the terminus of the nails.

Due to the image of a man projected to the rear and the front of the body onto the shroud, science must conclude that the energy source that produced the images emanated from within the body. These are details that struck me with awe and reverence." - HolyRosary


First Time Ever Revealed From Shroud; Christ's Thorns Had Berries And Leaves On Them.

OMG, and so much more on this video no painting of Christ over the centuries could have shown because technology just caught up to the Should only a few years ago and no one knew!




C.) Interview With Fri. Robert Switzer On The Energy Needed To Place The Image Of Christ (And Everything On Him) Onto The Outer Fibers Of The Shroud

Click Here to watch full interview with Lila Rose on YouTube

Or Click Here for interview only on the shroud.

The Evidence and Science of the Resurrection

"As we enter into the Atrium on this Holy Thursday, we have our sights on Easter, to celebrate the Resurrection. In today’s fascinating episode, I sit down again with Fri. Robert Switzer, S. J., physicist, Catholic priest, and President of the Magi's Center to discuss some of the evidence and science of the Resurrection.

We discuss 3 different ways to prove the resurrection of Jesus, including the Shroud of Turin, of which many believe to be the burial cloth of Jesus. Fri. Switzer debunks many of the misconceptions of the Shroud of Turin including a break down of the 1988 carbon dating mishap.

We discuss how the cloth’s image shows the wounds of Christ in great detail, and how the image on the cloth is a result of a powerful momentary flash of radiation." - Lila Rose / March 2024

British Museum reported to have withheld, for decades, carbon dating data circa from 1980 that was purposely done on new fibers intermingled with the original fibers to repair the shroud after a fire. This one sample was then cut and given to three sources . . . which of course all read the same, that the cloth was not old enough to be from the time of Jesus . . . of course.

Cave Inscription Reveals Archaeological Evidence For A Raised Jesus Among New Christians As Early As 200 AD - Expedition Bible



"Del Tackiest is the host of this film, a professor who has taught over 30 graduate and undergraduate courses. He has two decades of service in the United States Air Force where he trained as a fighter pilot during the Viet Nan conflict. He would later go on to be a master instructor of computer science that led him to be assigned as Vice Commander at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base. From there he would find his way as Director of Technical Planning for the National Security Council for President Bush. He would later in private life become the main architect of the Truth Project.

For the Genesis Project, you will watch Del interview over a dozen scientists about the history of the world according in Genesis. From rock layers to fossils to lions to stars, this fascinating film with professor Tackiest will transform the way you see science and its relationship to the Bible." - Digenesis

Video Source: Digenesis

Is The Society Prophesied In Revelation Coming True? Some Facts To Consider.

Is Genesis History? - Genesis History

Track ways, proof of a major catastrophic event.

Click On photo to watch preview.

Watch video short on why the footprints of a living thing can be as important as itself when studying catastrophic events.

Why are fossil footprints, not just the creatures, curious evidence for a catastrophic world flood?

Photo / Video Source: Digenesis



Creation Vs. Science: Getting It Right, Not Politically Correct.

Click On graphic to watch video.

"Dr. Lisle double-majored in physics and astronomy with a minor in mathematics at Ohio Wesleyan University. He then went on to obtain a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. There, he used the SOHO spacecraft to analyze the surface of the sun, and made a number of interesting discoveries, including the detection of giant cell boundaries. Since then, Lisle has worked in full-time apologetics ministry. He wrote a number of planetarium shows for the Creation Museum, including the popular 'Created Cosmos.'” - Biblical Science Institute

Graphic / Video Source: Biblical


"One of the silliest myths of our culture is the story of particles-to-people evolution – that all life is an unplanned byproduct of mindless chemistry. Even more absurd is that this story is taught as if it were somehow the scientific position, as if it had abundant supporting evidence and as if it were the only rational possibility.

The great irony is that the opposite is true. Evolution is nothing but a scientifically bankrupt conjecture. My conviction is that no one on earth believes in evolution for rational reasons. The Biblical Science Institute stands ready to expose the silliness and irrationality of those who stubbornly refuse to bow the knee to Christ." - Biblical

"Dr. Lisle double-majored in physics and astronomy with a minor in mathematics at Ohio Wesleyan University. He then went on to obtain a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. There, he used the SOHO spacecraft to analyze the surface of the sun, and made a number of interesting discoveries, including the detection of giant cell boundaries. Since then, Lisle has worked in full-time apologetics ministry. He wrote a number of planetarium shows for the Creation Museum, including the popular 'Created Cosmos.'” - Biblical


Discerning Truth: Evolution vs. Science - Biblical






Doing Their Personal Best

Click On Photo To Watch How Compassion International Helped The Poor In Other Countries To Cope Under COVID

"We release children from poverty in Jesus' name. That is our mission.  Through a holistic approach to child development, we carefully blend physical, social, economic and spiritual care together…in Jesus' name.  Since 1952 when Rev. Everett Swanson first flew to South Korea to minister to American troops fighting in the Korean War and felt compelled to help the orphans he saw on the streets, we have worked to help children realize their full potential and develop into all God intends them to be." - Compassion International
Click Here To Donate To Compassion International Or Help A Child.



Then There Is American Hero Jason Brown, Former Highest Paid Center For The NFL, Walked Away To Create "First Fruits Farm."

"Jason Brown describes what differentiates First Fruits Farm from anywhere else. A farm that gives away not just its first fruits—but donates its entire harvest to feed the needy in the community." - HC Category

Video Source: HC Category

The Full Story



Click On the photo below to watch Dr. Baucham's discussion on "Brokenness."


Pastor Dr. Voddie: Brokenness / Voddie Baucham Ministries

Video Source: A&O Productions

Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dean of Theology, the African Christian University of Lusaka, Africa.

God With Us: Dr. Baucham's sermon On the perfect fulfillment of Scripture, May 2021, Founders Ministries.


"By the light of an ancient nighttime prayer, this book tenderly and thoroughly explores the beautiful and precarious reality of our shared human life. And it illuminates for us the ultimate Christian question: what it means to love and be loved by a God who made us as vulnerable as we are, and also made himself as vulnerable as we are." - Andy Crouch


Don Mogen's Full Worship Album Circa 1990







Tours of found Mount Sinai sight in Saudi Arabia. "Holy Land Site is a ministry of Go Missions to Mexico which is a Christ-centered, biblically-based, non-denominational mission organization that has 27 years of experience in missionary service. It exists to incorporate short-term mission teams in the Great Commission of reaching the un-reached and strengthening churches and believers of Christ in Mexico." - Holy Land Site



Click Here to watch quick video of the face changing in the ripples of the water looking up at it . . . plus other works from artist. - Webmaster

Fantastic work of art, askiing viewer to come up for the depths, someone is waiting to greet you. - Webmaster

Tonguing Kim, Hand Of Hope. - Haven Light

Interview with Tonguing Kin In Utah in 2019


| Sergio & Rhoda In Israel | Israel Bible Center | 2020 John The Baptist? |

| Got Questions On The Bible? | World Online Ministry | Online Self-Bible Study |



Rock Springs Church is the perfect place for people who aren't. - Rock Springs Online

Interested In A Solid Biblical View Of What's Referred To As The End Times, Provided In Six Excellent Segments In 2020 Just Before COVID Struck?

Click on each title below to watch presentations by Dr. Tate, who started his church over 30 years ago when living in a small trailer in Georgia. The huge down-home campus is located about an hour south of Atlanta, today with three campuses. Services are available online, as seen below, at Brokering.

Enjoy the excellent Biblical documentation provided on large screens, surrounded by an excellent music program, all lead by a well-respected Biblical church leader at a Christ-centered Methodist church.

You can follow his excellent series on the "end times" taken fully from scripture, from the False Prophet, the Rapture of the church, when Christ Comes, the time of Armageddon, Christ's Millennial Reign to Israel's role in the final days. - Webmaster

If Above Original Removed: | False Prophet | Rapture | When Christ Comes | Armageddon | Millennial Reign | Israel |



Before Numbers, There Were Words, Each With A Value.

Stunning! "The Hidden Code Of Genesis I:1"

If removed, Click Here to watch. The numbers are no accident. - Webmaster

The Living Word



What It Means To Be Saved By Grace.

"Regeneration vs Decision ism, from the Deeper Conference Breakout Session 2008, Living Waters & Way of the Master. In this sermon Paul talks about the misuse of Scripture in the understanding of salvation." - Heart Cry Missionary Society

Video Source: Heart Cry Missionary Society


Faith Defined



"Put God First!" - Denzel Washington

Click On photo to watch.

Video Source: Mohammed Khateeb

Denzel Washington At The University Of Pennsylvania - Vidbi



Still Need More? In Our Time, Meet The Last Apostle.

Professor Mark Fairchild, Huntington University

Note: Once video starts below, please move time marker to zero.

Professors Mark Fairchild of Huntington University, Indiana, "Paul's earliest Anatolian Mission." - IlyaGorlinsky

Video Source: IlyaGorlinsky / Professor Fairchild

The Last Apostle: Movie Trailer



The Count Down May Have Begun

The pastor of Rock Springs Church, Georgia, on the Count Down that may have begun to fulfill end-time scripture and given on March 20, 2022

Click On the photo below to watch the video.

Scripture is being fulfilled in front of our eyes, almost everything has fallen into place Biblically. - Webmaster

Video / Graphic Source: RockSpringsOnline

Truth For Life YouTube Videos - Alistair Begg / The London School of Theology



"If I Were The Devil." - Paul Harvey, 1965.

"In other words, if I were Satan I wouldn't change a thing. - Paul Harvey

Audio / Graphic Source: - TheTruthWins

"On April 3rd, 1965 legendary radio host Paul Harvey issued a warning to America. In this warning, he detailed what he thought the devil should do if the devil wanted to keep destroying the United States. Sadly, the truth is that most of this stuff has come to pass. What Paul Harvey saw for America’s future back in 1965 if the devil had his way was eerily accurate." - TheTruthWins



"The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority." - Revelation 13:2

The United Nations places the exact description in Revelation 13:2, as COVID is pushing for a Mark in the hand to prove vacination.
A guardian for international peace and security sits on the Visitor's Plaza outside UN Headquarters. Are UN officials mocking the Book of Revelation, knowing a similar description appears on its pages as the UN looks forward to its Agenda 2030? This chosen guardian, a fusion of jaguar and eagle, was donated by the Government of Oaxaca, Mexico. It was created by artists Jacobo and Maria Angeles. - UnitedNations



Unexpected Sound Phenomena

Strange shofar-like sounds are coming out of the sky from around the world.

The "Strange Sounds" Web site documents strange shofar-like sounds that were heard for about seven years. They started around 2008 and ended in 2015. They then started up again around 2020. Click On the photo below to listen to them by cities from around the world.

"Did you hear the apocalytic sky trumpets? And those mysterious humming sounds? So what are the strange sounds reported by people around the world? The short answer is no one knows." - Strange Sounds

Photo Source: Strange Sounds





WWII Vets Could Have Never Guessed 80 Years After Their Sacrifices . . .

To all those WWII vets who sacrificed all, what's next America, Old Glory or Glory Hole? City on a hill or s**thole cities? Citizens have to decide while they are still able to live under a Republic, which might not be too much longer with another election looming.

If not, then China may decide for you, forced to attack America's Internet / Web structure to protect it's young Chinese boys from seeing this country's woke and very dangerous inhuman gender-fluid entertainment industry.


We didn't fight for this! - 100-Year-Old WWII Marine (Turn up volume.)


If interested you can click on the images below for more information on the visual topics. They are what they are, no less, no more.


Did You Know The Socialists Of The New York Times Smeared The Epoch Times Newspaper . . .

. . . and its reporting on the attack of the Communist Chinese Party on religious sect, Falun Gong, just before the Presidential Election of 2020?Below is the exact headline from the article run by the Times in October of 2020, openly supporting the Communist Chinese with their reports of organ harvesting, slave labor of Uyghurs and arrests of Falun Gong members. Next time you see Made in China, you should ask "Made by whom" in China? Note that YouTube joined with the New York Times in July of 2021 by discouraging anyone from clicking on a video of the Communist Chinese beating up citizens, as seen by YouTube's own on-screen warnings in a report. It therefore should be no surprise that a majority of the voters of New York City have elected a Communist mayor twice to lead them, the New York Times the Communist newspaper of record that continues to attack American traditions on behalf of the Communist Chinese Party with the New York Times "1619 Project."It explains why the New York City media and late night network hosts protected the Communist Chinese Party in its spread of the COVID in early 2020. The late night hosts went out of their way with MSNBC and CNN to spread the message of the Communists, as Obama had allowed for the Communist Chinese to celebrate in a field right behind the White House in 2009, his having been recently elected president. It was these hosts and cable outlets such as MSNBC and CNN that helped so many thousands of elderly Americans to die by keeping alternative medicines from them when they got early symptoms of COVID. The attack was so vicious by some media outlets and hosts that doctors and pharmacists would not carry the medicines across the country. Note the New York Times in the headline uses the "Communist silencing" phrase, promoted by globalists of the social media to shut down free speech. The phrase? Right-Wing Misinformation. The Communist Chinese Party is written all over the surface of the New York Times building in New York City. You just have to look passed shiny surfaces to see the real evil.

Captured Online Headline Says All You Need To Know From New York Times October 2020 Article.

New York Times open supports the Communist Chinese, as seen in their headline attacking the Epoch Times newspaper. - Webmaster


Were The Six Christians Martyred In Nashville Tied Directly To Demonic Times As America, (Under The Heel Of The Obama / Biden Regime), Walks Away From Its Original Judeo-Christian Heritage?

Watch the video below. You will not be laughing.

For our struggle is not against human opponents, but against rulers, authorities, cosmic powers in the darkness around us, and evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm. - BibleHub

Click Here to watch if video has been removed by YouTube's "community service."

"Could there be a dark and demonic secret that the media will never tell you – but that lies behind the shooter and the shooting at the Christian school in Nashville." - Jonathan Cahn

NOTE: To that end consider reading Jonathan Cahn's warning about America in his new book, "The Return Of The Gods," where he writes that America has lost it Judeo-Christian roots with many of its people returning to the false gods of other civilizations.Because of that, while the Jews were reported to be only 11 days from the promised land after leaving Egypt, they instead were kept in the desert for 40 years until all the adults, (except Joshua and Caleb), had died off, leaving only their off spring to walk into the promised land.

The area where they waited has been found in Saudi Arabia, including the wells, the spit rock, rock fencing for the sacrifices and images written into the rocks. - Webmaster

Video / Graphic Source: Jonathan Cahn

"Hail Satan Shirt Wearer: DeSantis A 'Tropical Hitler,' Parents Not Qualified To Teach Kids About Sex." - Breitbart




Daneric's Elliott Waves

Watching the financial market in what is believed to be end times era.

And Then There's Don.

America's classic praise singer, spreading the Good News into Africa.

Loyiso Bala and Don Moen sing "How Great Thou Art" from the upcoming album KINGDOM COME by South African worship leader Loyiso. MTN Subscribers:(Download this song on your mobile phone: Nigeria: SMS "1763256" to 4100 // South Africa: Direct string - *123*50# // South Africa: SMS "4906233" to 30180 // Uganda: SMS "Tune 5158916" to 170 // Swaziland: SMS "Start 5400980" to 2013 // Zambia: SMS "Start 5400980" to 5701 // Rwanda: SMS "Start 5400980" to 3788.) - DonMoenTV

Subscribe for the latest DonMoenTV videos: http://bit.ly/1In0KIP

Video Source: DonMoenTV


Cold Case Christianity

Deus Vult!



Sometimes visiting Google / YouTube can be like an Unexpected Stop in the middle of nowhere.

| Google Photo Source: Davos, Switzerland, Reuters, Arnd Wiegmann File Photo | Bates Photo Source: Wikipedia |






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